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Years ago, I was on a long flight, during which a voice from the speaker said, “ We won't 1 drinks or the meal because we are facing a storm ahead. Please make your safe belts fastened.” Many passengers became 2 , talking about it with each other. At once it became 3 in the plane.
Soon, lighting 4 the darkening skies, and within moments the 5 was like a boat on waves in the storm. One moment it was 6 up by the storm; the next, it was thrown as if it were to 7 onto the ground. All the passengers were 8 . Some cried. Some prayed (祈祷). The 9 seemed hopeless. I wondered if we could 10 it through the storm.
Then I noticed the little girl next to me. Surprisingly, the storm seemed to mean 11 to her. She was 12 , looking through a picture book. Sometimes she closed her eyes, then she would 13 again, but she never showed a (n)14 of worry or fear. The little girl wasn't afraid at all 15 all the adults were scared to death. Finding me watching her, the girl smiled at me and said, “ Don't worry. My father is the pilot. He is taking me home. Take it easy. He will take us home safely.”
When the plane was out of 16 , I smiled at the girl and she gave me a big smile in 17 . “I said my father would take us home safely.”
Many kinds of storms may 18 us: diseases, difficulties… They can easily darken our skies and 19 our planes into hard times. Let us 20 : Love is the pilot. It will help us out of trouble. So take it easy.
(1)A.serve B.take C.get D.sell
(2)A.excited B.comfortable C.happy D.nervous
(3)A.noisy B.quiet C.warm D.cold
(4)A.broke out B.came about C.lit up D.gave off
(5)A.ship B.plane C.train D.seat
(6)A.lifted B.cut C.turned D.shut
(7)A.jump B.fly C.land D.drop
(8)A.surprised B.scared C.glad D.interested
(9)A.weather B.question C.future D.action
(10)A.make B.reach C.win D.finish
(11)A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing
(12)A.funny B.frustrated C.sad D.calm
(13)A.talk B.read C.play D.sleep
(14)A.book B.story C.expression D.impression
(15)A.and B.when C.so D.since
(16)A.order B.date C.fashion D.danger
(17)A.turn B.time C.return D.front
(18)A.trouble B.help C.encourage D.stop
(19)A.introduce B.invite C.throw D.change
(20)A.ask B.remember C.explain D.wonder



(1)A 考查生活常识。动词serve提供;take拿走;get得到;sell出售;在飞机中当遇见气流的时候,飞机服务人员不会提供饮料和食物,这是飞行中的常识。故A正确。

(2)D 考查上下文串联。当乘客听到播音中说有风暴的时候,通常都很紧张,生怕出现安全问题。所以都很紧张。和下文55空all the adults were scared to death形成一致。故D正确。

(3)A 考查上下文串联。根据前句“talking about it with each other”可知当乘客听说有风暴到来的时候,非常害怕相互交流了起来,机舱里变得非常吵杂。故A正确。

(4)C 考查动词短语辨析。短语break out爆发;come about发生,产生;light up照亮,点燃;give off发出;很快闪电就照亮了天空,很快飞机就像是风暴中的小船一样。故C项正确。

(5)B 考查上下文串联。根据第一句“Years ago, I was on a long flight”可知当我正坐在飞机上。故选B。

(6)A 考查动词辨析。动词lift举起;cut切割;turn转身;shut关闭;一会飞机被风暴举起,一会又被扔到了下面。本句叙述飞机在风暴中的具体情况。故A正确。

(7)D 考查上下文串联。本句中drop onto the ground与前半句中的lift up构成对应关系,指飞机一会向上,一会向下,非常颠簸。也在说明飞机很动荡,当时的情况很危险。故D正确。

(8)B 考查上下文串联。形容词surprised惊讶的;scared害怕的;glad高兴的;interested感兴趣的;根据下文55空all the adults were scared to death可知很多乘客非常害怕,担心出意外。故B正确。

(9)C 考查名词辨析。名词weather天气;question问题;future未来;action行动;有些人在祈祷,有些人在哭,似乎未来没有希望了。好像飞机要坠毁了,人们也会没有性命了。故C项正确。

(10)A 考查固定结构。短语make it做到了,成功;句意:我想我没是否能够从这次的风暴中逃生。故A正确。

(11)D 考查上下文串联。根据下文叙述可知小女孩非常淡定,因为她相信她的爸爸会把她安全送回去。所以这场风暴对她来说什么也不是。故mean nothing符合上下文串联。故D正确。

(12)D 考查上下文串联。根据53空后but she never showed a (n) 54 of worry or fear.可知小女孩一点也不害怕,非常镇定。因为她相信爸爸会把他安全带回家。故D正确。

(13)B 考查上下文串联。根据52空后looking through a picture book可知她作者读一本图画书,故动词read正确。

(14)C 考查名词辨析。名词book书本;story故事;expression表情;impression印象;小女孩表现得很淡定,脸上一点担忧紧张的表情都没有。故C正确。

(15)B 考查连词辨析。连词and和;when当...时;so于是;since自从,既然;当所有的成年人都怕地要死的时候,她一点也不害怕。因为她对父亲的爱有信心。when在本句中引导时间状语从句。故B正确。

(16)D 考查上下文串联。名词order命令;date日期;fashion时尚;流行;danger危险;本句表示风暴一句过去了,飞机已经没有危险了。故D正确。

(17)C 考查介词短语。短语in turn依次;轮流;in time及时;in return回报;回复;当危险过去的时候,我对着小女孩危险,她也以微笑回报我。根据句意可知C项正确。

(18)A 考查上下文串联。生活中的风暴、疾病和困难也许会困扰着我们,他们很容易就遮蔽了天空,让我们的飞机进入危险的时刻,但是爱能够打破这一切。故A正确。

(19)C 考查动词辨析。动词短语throw...into....使...进入;风暴很容易就遮蔽了天空,让我们的飞机遭遇危险。但是我们要记住:爱可以帮助我们战胜困难。故C项正确。

(20)B 考查动词辨析。动词ask请求;remember记得;explain解释;wonder想知道;虽然我们会遇见很多危险,但是请记住:爱是我们的飞行员,它能够带着我们走出困境。B想表示强调。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass Series

A pass is your ticket to more than 2,000 federal recreation sites. Each pass covers entrance fees at national parks and national wildlife refuges as well as standard amenity(便利设施)fees and day use fees for a driver and all passengers in a personal vehicle at per vehicle fee areas at national forests and grasslands, and at lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation and U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. Children aged 15 or under are admitted free. The following passes make up the series:

Annual Pass

● $ 80

● Available to everyone.

● Can be obtained in person at a federal recreation site, right here online, or contact us.

● Non-transferable(不可转让的).

Senior Pass

● $ 10, lifetime pass

● For U. S. citizens or permanent residents aged 62 or over.

● May be obtained online, in person at a federal recreation site or through the mail using this application form. Applicants must provide documentation of age and residency or citizenship.

Access Pass

● Free

● For U. S. citizens or permanent residents with permanent disabilities.

● May be obtained in person at a federal recreation site or through the mail using this application form. Applicants must provide documentation of permanent disability and residency or citizenship.

Volunteer Pass

● Free

● For volunteers who acquire 250 service hours with the federal agencies that participate in the Interagency Pass Program.

● Contact your local federal recreation site for more information about volunteer opportunities or visit Volunteer, gov.

1Which pass is suitable for a healthy U. S. citizen in his seventies?

A. Annual Pass. B. Senior Pass.

C. Access Pass. D. Volunteer Pass.

2What do we know about the pass series?

A. Only U. S. citizens can access the series.

B. Ownership of Annual Pass can be handed over.

C. Access Pass can be got through two ways.

D. Volunteering guarantees Volunteer Pass.

3Where is the passage probably taken from?

A. A report. B. A poster.

C. A newspaper. D. A webpage.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







I as well as my family are going to New York City this weekend. I had been looking forward to go there for a long time. It is one of the modernist city in the world. There have also a lot of museums where you can learn something you can’t learn it in school. I’d also like to see the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building. Unfortunately, the twin towers destroyed on September 11th, 2001 and I would have the chance to see them by myself. Now I am getting ready for the excited trip. I bet it will be a unforgettable experience.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假如你是学生叶子,你的网友Peter听说美国第一夫人米歇尔(Michelle Obama)访问了你的学校,他想了解当时的情况。请按照以下要点给Peter回一封邮件。
1 具体情况:1)发表演讲并与学生互动;
2 发表自己的感想。
注意:1)词数100左右; 2.)可以适当增减细节,以使行文连贯;
3)开头语已为你写好; 4)参考词汇:太极------ Tai Chi
Dear Peter,
In the last letter, you'd like to know something about Mrs. Obama's visit in our school. ……

Yours sincerely,
Ye Zi


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

After suffering through many months of unemployment (失业). my wife and I moved this week from Colorado to Ohio. where she was starting a new job. Not knowing anybody there. we were pretty concerned about how we'd get our entire home unloaded (卸下) without killing ourselves.
We made a phone call to hire (临时雇用) a couple of college students to help with all the heavy lifting once we got there. But one neighbor after another stopped by to help us. What ? Have we moved to some other country ? Maybe we've died and gone to heaven!
Unloading actually became fun and joy because there were so many wonderful new friends to help when we worked. The more people helped. the easier the work became. We were afraid the job might take days for the two of us alone. but it was finished in a few hours. Many total strangers would either walk by the sidewalk or drive by to ask us if we were moving in. Many were happy that this old house that had sat empty for so long was coming to life again. We were invited to an outdoor meal yesterday by neighbors on the same street.
All the time. my brain was resting on this new sense of hope that people can be so friendly to strangers. Among all the conversation were lots of offers to help each other in all kinds of ways. It's wonderful to live in such a kind little town. I feel so grateful to be here. and wish the rest of the world could see how an entire community can model (做榜样) what it's like to help each other.
(1)The author and his wife moved to Ohio because________.
A.they liked moving from one place to another
B.they were both out of work in Colorado
C.the students of his wife were living there
D.his wife had found a new job there
(2)From the underlined part , we can learn when offered help , the author felt________.
(3)We can learn from the passage that the author's neighbors________.
A.thought it hard work to move in
B.were curious about the newcomers
C.were glad that the old house would have its new owner
D.hired two college students to help him
(4)According to the passage , which of the following is TRUE?
A.The author has many old friends in Ohio.
B.It took the author and his wife days to get home unloaded.
C.The author and his wife invited the neighbors to a dinner.
D.The author is very satisfied with his new home and new neighbors.
(5)It can be inferred from the passage that________.
A.we don't know what is good until we have lost it
B.kindness is the sunshine of social life
C.where there is a will. there is a way
D.there is no place like home


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Most people say that they do not usually feel confident. But exciting things can happen when we actually believe in ourselves. Here is a man who believed in his own ability even as a boy, and that confidence helped shape his adult life.

At the turn of the last century, a young boy quit school to help with the family expenses. When he was fifteen, he became interested in automobiles(汽车) and worked in a garage. He subscribed to a correspondence course on automobiles and, after a long day in the garage, studied at the kitchen table in the lamplight.

When he felt ready, he walked into the Frayer-Miller Automobile Company of Columbus, Ohio. When Mr. Frayer noticed him, he asked, “Well, what do you want?”

“I just thought I’d tell you I’m coming to work here tomorrow morning,” the boy replied.

“Oh! Who hired you?”

“Nobody yet, but I’ll be on the job in the morning. If I’m not worth anything, you can fire me.”

Early the next morning the boy returned to the plant. Noticing the floor was thick with metal shavings and accumulated dirt, the boy got a broom and set out to clean the place.

Because of his self-confidence and work ethic, the boy’s future was predictable. He went on to stand out in many fields, including automobile racing, piloting World War I planes and founding one of America’s largest airline companies ---- Eastern Airlines.

People who become more confident habitually encourage themselves. Without confidence, we are not likely to move far in the direction of our dreams. It is important that we always believe in ourselves. In order to reach victory, we must believe in ourselves even when we make mistakes

1How did the boy learn knowledge concerning automobiles?

A. He attended school in the daytime.

B. He studied hard at home.

C. He read books in the garage where he worked.

D. He turned to some instructors for help.

2We can learn from the boy’s words that _____.

A. he wanted to show off his competence

B. he looked down upon others

C. he was very generous

D. he believed in himself

3Due to his efforts and confidence, the boy _____.

A. made World War I planes

B. learned much knowledge in a garage

C. achieved everything in his life

D. set up Eastern Airlines

4What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To inspire us with self-confidence.

B. To tell us an interesting story.

C. To inspire us to work hard.

D. To stress the importance of realizing our dreams.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假设你是周亮,即将从华光中学毕业。你得知某英文报社正在征文,题为“If I am a teacher, I will…”。请你给该报社投稿,内容包括:














科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
Nowadays millions of people of all age take pleasure in a hobby which is both interested and fun. Every year more and more people started a stamp collection of your own. In addition, they discover an interest which can even last a lifetime. Stamps are everywhere, as result, starting a collection of stamps are easy. Holiday and birthday postcards from relatives but letters from friends can all provide people for stamps from all over the world. But once a person has started collecting serious, he will probably want to join in the Stamp Collectors' Club which exists to add more stamps to his collection.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】A 2 billion year old Martian (火星的)rock appeals to have at our time been full of water from the surface of the Red Planet.

“Here we have a piece of Mars that I can hold in my hands. That’s really exciting,” Carl Agee, director of the Institute of Meteoritics at the University of New Mexico, told the Associated Press.

Agee led a team of scientists who published their report on the newly discovered meteorite (陨石),nicknamed Black Beauty. The rock is estimated to have contained 6,000 parts per million water and scientists believe it likely interacted with water at a time when most of the planet’s surface was believed to have been arid.

The baseball-size rock was discovered in the Sahara, and scientists say it contains more evidence of water than any of the other known Martian rock samples.

“It’s fairly fresh. It hasn’t been subjected to a whole lot of weathering (风化作用),” University of Alberta meteorite expert Chris Herd told the AP.

Billions of years ago an eruption on the surface of Mars, likely caused by a volcano or planet collision, sent the rock into space, where it eventually made the journey to Earth, Agee and his team said the sample is “strikingly similar to the volcanic rocks examined by the NASA rovers Spirit and Opportunity on the Martian surface.”

Over the years, scientists have collected more than 60 Martian rock samples, with most being discovered in the Sahara and Antarctica. The new sample is much older than most of the other specimens, which are about 600 million years old or younger. The oldest known sample is an estimated 4.5 billion years old.

1The underlined word “it”in Paragraph 3 refers to “________”.

A. Mara B. the Red Planet

C. Black Beauty D. the report

2Where was the meteorite found?

A. In the Sahara. B. In Antarctica.

C. In Mars. D. In America.

3Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Black Beauty has the size of a baseball.

B. Blank Beauty contains the most evidence of water among the known Martian rock samples.

C. An eruption on the surface of Mars sent the rock into Earth directly.

D. Black Beauty is not the oldest known sample.

4Where can we most probably read this text?

A. In a personal diary. B. In a science report.

C. In a travel magazine. D. In a geography textbook.

