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【题目】 You are walking over the tan-colored(棕褐色的)sand of the empty desert when a rattlesnake appears out of the sand in front of you. Luckily it had warned you of its presence. Imagine if that same snake were moved to a green leafy rainforest. The colors that helped the snake blend into(融合)the desert would make it stand out against the green environment.

This just goes to show you that camouflage(保护色)doesn't work everywhere. Let's take a look at one animal species that is famous for changing over time to stay camouflaged: the peppered moth. Moth collectors in England noted that most peppered moths collected in the early 1800s were light gray peppered with bits of black. Many years later most of the moths collected were almost completely black. What could have caused the more common light colored moth to become rare?

During the 1800s, Europe and America experienced the Industrial Revolution. One of the new fuel sources that were heavily used during this time period was coal. As the trees darkened with soot(煤烟), the light-colored moths were easier to see. They were eaten by birds more and more, while the rare dark colored moths blended in better on the darker trees. This made them have a higher survival rate and thus they were more likely to pass their dark colored genes onto their children. Over time, the dark colored moths became the more common of the two color forms. Natural selection favored the dark moths, so they were more successful after the trees changed.

Sound a little hard to believe? Well, more changes have come about since these conditions started to reverse(转变), starting in the 1950s. Then, a Clean Air Act was introduced. Since that time, technology and cleaner burning fuels have started to decrease pollution in the areas where the peppered moth lives. The black soot no longer settles on the trees. As expected, the light peppered moth has recently been more common in the population. This is because it is better camouflaged.

1What do we know about the rattlesnake in a desert?

A.It almost has no enemies.

B.It attacks travelers often.

C.It stands out against the environment.

D.It is good at making its presence unknown.

2The underlined word "This" in Paragraph 3 refers " "

A.the soot-darkened tree

B.the Industrial Revolution

C.dark-colored moths staying camouflaged

D.light-colored moths facing more enemies

3What did the Clean Air Act bring about?

A.Damage to local ecology.B.More observations of moths.

C.An increase in the variety of moth species.D.A decrease in the number of dark-colored moths.

4What is the text mainly about?

A.Camouflage in the animal world.B.The battle between two moth species.

C.The influence of the Industrial Revolution.D.An excellent example of environmental adaptation.









细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句:The colors that helped the snake blend into the desert(颜色帮助这种蛇融入了沙漠。)可知,沙漠中的响尾蛇善于让自己的存在不为人所知。故选D


词义猜测题。由划线词前一句中的while the rare dark colored moths blended in better on the darker trees而稀有的深色蛾则更好地融合在深色的树上。可知,This此处指代“深色胡椒蛾能更好地与周围环境相融合”的情况。选项C“深色胡椒蛾进行伪装”符合题意。故选C


推理判断题。根据最后一段中的Then, a Clean Air Act the light peppered moth has recently been more common in the population. 然后,《清洁空气法案》被提出。 从那时起,科技和清洁燃料已经开始减少胡椒蛾生活的地区的污染。 黑色的烟尘不再落在树上。 正如所料,浅色胡椒蛾最近在种群中更为常见。可知,《清洁空气法案》的落地意味着深色胡椒蛾不再能利用保护色伪装自己,其数量锐减。选项D符合题意。故选D


主旨大意题。第二段Let's take a look at one animal species that is famous for changing over time to stay camouflaged: the peppered moth.(让我们来看看一种动物,它以随着时间的变化而保持伪装而闻名:胡椒蛾。)是全文的主题句,结合全文内容,可知这篇文章介绍了胡椒蛾为适应环境变化所做出的改变——其身体的颜色随着所栖息的树木的颜色的变化而变化。D项“一个很好的适应环境的例子”最能概括本文主旨。故选D


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】In his daily life, the student ________ ignore work, study, and other activities to check his phone for messages.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Who are the speakers?

A.Instructor and student.B.Family members.C.Salesman and customer.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


A few years ago, after a long morning of sightseeing in New York, my children and I took 1 breath on a park bench in Central Park.

“Look.” my son said, 2 (point) to a nearby dustbin. That’s when we saw our first raccoon (浣熊). Quite at home in the big city, he paid us no attention, concentrating only on looking for a tasty lunch. He sorted through a few options before finding a wrapped (包着的) sandwich.

3 (satisfy), he jumped down with it held carefully between his paws and 4 (casual) went to a spot on the path, not a meter from 5 we sat. The children were strongly attracted by the raccoon that provided 6 (good) entertainment for them, of course, including me, than any museum.

He glanced at us perhaps 7 (make) sure that we weren’t about to take away his lunch. With his delicate 8 (finger), he tore up the plastic wrap until the half-eaten sandwich was uncovered. Then, he surprised us all. Instead of starting his food, he turned to a nearly small pool of rainwater and 9 (dip) his hands in. With an elegant air, he washed his hands underwater 10 a moment, and then cleaned his whiskers (胡须). After that, he turned back and started enjoying his meal like a gentleman.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It’s in Your Hands

Feeding bread to the ducks is a fond pastime for many of us, reminding us of happy childhood trips to the local park. 1 Eating it can cause our feathered friends to develop a condition called Angel Wing, which is when too much bread makes birds’ feathers grow too quickly. This additional weight puts a strain on their muscles, causing their wings to twist and drop open.

“Angel Wing can be cured if we reach birds before it has developed too severely,” says Caroline Simpson, a trustee of UK charity Swan Lifeline, “2” Over the last 20 years UK charity Swan Lifeline has rescued and treated more than 30,000 birds. Adult swans can develop heart disease by eating much bread, so it’s important that we do our best to prevent this by feeding them the right kind of food.

3 Rotten bread at the bottom of rivers and lakes allows bacteria to breed, spreading disease and attracting rats and other pests to our waterways, which can result in the presence of a mould (霉菌) called Aspergillus. It has the potential to kill waterfowl and other wildlife if it gets into their lungs.

4 Definitely not. Wild Things Swan & Duck Food has launched the “Better than Bread” Campaign to highlight the risk of a calorific diet to water birds. The campaign advises that there are much healthier alternatives to bread, such as specially developed feeds. They can float on the water surface, so birds can enjoy every last bit. 5

A.So we must stop feeding the ducks.

B.But did you know that bread actually puts birds in danger?

C.Does this mean we have to stop fun trips to feed the ducks?

D.Bread can also cause harmful changes to the natural ecosystem.

E.What a scene it is to watch ducks eating bread floating on the river!

F.Otherwise the consequences can be serious — such as the loss of the wing.

G.Next time take a healthier alternative and do your bit to protect our precious wildlife.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Google has reported progress in its plan called “Project Loon” to provide Internet service to rural (农村的) areas without Internet connectivity around the world. The company has no plans to use traditional wiring, which can be costly. Instead the idea is to float (漂浮) huge balloons (气球) about 20 kilometers above the surface of the Earth.

The balloons would act like telecommunications satellites, providing Internet service to the rural areas. The huge objects would ride air currents (气流) to either stay in place or move to another position high in the skies. At first, the idea was to have a large number of balloons circling the planet. One balloon would move away from an area while another arrived to ensure service in the affected areas. But the company said it has found a way to make balloons float over one area for a long period. In a report published online, the company said its software “can now send small teams of balloons over a specific area where people need Internet access.”

The company said some of the balloons stayed in the same area for as long as three months. The company also said the discovery should speed up the project and reduce costs: “We’ll reduce the number of balloons we need and get greater value out of each one, they said. But Project Loon workers must still find ways to increase the life of the balloons. A British Broadeasting Corporation report said the longest service for a single balloon was 190 days.

Google has also explored the idea of providing Internet service to rural areas using solar—powered drone aircraft (太阳能无人机). However, it gave up that project because of technological difficulties and high costs.

1What’s the aim of the “Project Loon”?

A.To float huge balloons above the rural areas.

B.To help rural areas have access to the Internet.

C.To increase Google’s income in the rural areas.

D.To advertise Google’s new product in the rural areas.

2Why wouldn’t Google use traditional wiring?

A.It could be too expensive.

B.It could put off the project.

C.It couldn’t provide greater value.

D.It couldn’t work for a long period

3What do we know about the balloons?

A.They must be used in a large number.

B.They could provide service as long as 3 months.

C.They’ll be sent up by solar-powered drone aircrafts.

D.They would work like telecommunications satellites.

4What is the passage mainly about?

A.An unexpected discovery.

B.Some unknown facts about balloons.

C.Google’s using balloons to provide Internet service.

D.The differences between the new and traditional wiring.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】请阅读下面文字,并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章。

Dear editor,

I was shocked by the news that neighbors of a German university protested to the government that some students often gathered and shouted at night, disturbing local residents. They demanded if the students were not dismissed, they would move out of the area.

I want to ask those young people: When you were letting off screams, were you aware that you were damaging other people’s normal life?

This doesn’t happen by chance. I often witness similar things in our country, too. For example, throwing waste water onto the streets and spitting in public places can frequently be seen. Some tourists litter casually or even carve their names on ancient scenic spots! Many young people are fond of jumping queues and never offer their seats to the elderly.

All over the world, people are beginning to worry that civilized behavior is a thing of the past. In fact, civilized behavior can help bring trust from others and success in the fierce world market competition. Therefore, increasing the quality of citizens is becoming urgent.



1. 用约 30 个单词概述上述信息的主要内容;

2. 以约120词就文明礼仪这一话题谈谈你的认识,内容包括:

(1) 从和谐社会建设和个人成长发展的角度论述文明礼仪的重要性;

(2) 联系实际,谈谈你打算如何做一个文明守礼的中学生。


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 After nearly a decade of being in love with yoga, I made a courageous decision. I decided that I wanted to become a yoga teacher. Meanwhile, I made a list for those who will chase or are chasing a dream.

Remember that it’s meant to challenge you.

1The only way that growth can occur within you is that you can find something that challenges you, and work through it. You may feel overwhelmed by challenge at some point, but the reward of achieving your dream is a way more fulfilling than never going after what you want to achieve at all.

Be careful who you ask for advice.

While chasing your dream, you will get to a point where you want to give up. You’ll question the cause of your dream and question whether you should continue.2Find wisdom from those who are encouraging of your dream, and who understand what it means to you.

Believe in yourself.

The only way you’ll be able to follow through with your commitment to your dream is by believing that you can do it.3However, their opinion only goes so far if you believe that you are capable. In addition, if you believe in yourself, when others doubt you, it isn’t worth being concerned about because you have found faith in yourself, and that’s all that matters.


It takes a lot of courage to give everything that you have to achieve a goal when it might be criticized, judged or rejected. Many see failure as an ending, when it could be a beginning of another journey that leads to your dream.

Starting trying today.

In a year, you’ll wish you’d started today what you hope to achieve. If you don’t try today, how will you feel in a year? Time passes quicker than we can sometimes grasp, and today will eventually lead to the following year.5

A.Be open to failure and rejection.

B.Yes, your dream needs to be big.

C.Others can tell you that you’re capable.

D.Everything begins in the heart and mind.

E.Don’t just sit around and think about what you want.

F.During this time, be cautious with where you seek advice.

G.Growth doesn’t happen by living in stability, comfort or at ease.

