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Gary graduated from Harvard, found a job and settled in New York, all _______ a month.

A. until                  B. for                     C. within                 D. since


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




3、参考词汇:调查 survey  图表 chart

减压 relieve pressure/ stress 放松 get relaxed



Hi everyone,I have recently made a survey among 100 students in our school about how

they relieve pressure in their daily school life.





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

   Many people will remember the flight of the space shuttle (航天飞机) Challenger, in June, 1983.The achievement of Sally Ride, America’s first woman astronaut to fly into space, made this flight especially memorable. Students from two Camden, New Jersey, high schools, however, are probably to remember Norma rather than Sally whenever they think about the flight.

       Norma didn’t travel alone. She brought about 100 companions along with her. Norma was an ant, a queen ant who, with her subject, made up the first ant colony (群体) to travel into space. The ants were part of a science experiment designed by students to test the effects of weightlessness on insects.

       The equipment designed by the students for their colony functioned perfectly throughout the long space trip. The young scientists and their teachers were very sad to find that their insect astronauts had all died at some point before the container was returned to the school and opened. The problem didn’t occur in space, but on the ground after challenger had landed. The container remained in the desert for nearly a week before the ant colony was moved. The hot, dry desert air dried out the colony’s container and the ants died from lack of moisture (水分).

       The project was termed success because it did provide useful information. Students will continue their efforts to pinpoint (精确找到) what went wrong. They will try to prevent the same difficulties from reoccurring on future missions. They don’t want to be discouraged either by the demise of the ants or by the $10,000 shuttle fare they will have to pay to send the next colony of ants into space.


73.What does the passage mainly tell us?

  A.Sally Ride, America’s first woman astronaut.

  B.How to keep ants alive in space.

  C.How to make equipment for insects in space.

  D.An experiment with ants in space.

74.According to the passage, we know that the underlined word “demise” is another word for “__________”.

    A.death           B.colony             C.insect              D.moisture

75.We don’t think the project was a failure. This is because _________.

  A.everything went as smoothly as expected

  B.the students had pinpointed exactly the reason

  C.something important had been learned

  D.the students had succeeded in the experiment

76.We can conclude that ants __________ on the next space trip.

    A.will have to be kept alive in a container full of water               

    B.will have to be sent into space with the first woman astronaut

    C.should be put into a container where there is enough food

  D.should be put into a container which is not too dry


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The subway timetables are well planned in Norway. Seldom ________ wait very long.

A. one does have to       B. does one have to          C. one has to              D. has one to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 --- Jerry and Lucy must both like movies. I often meet them at the cinema.

--- _______ is Lucy, not Jerry, who likes movies.

A. So                  B. That                 C. It                         D. Such


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

It’s usually easy to find a room for renting in places _______ universities are located.

A. what                       B. when             C. which                D. where 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Has anyone been prepared for the possibility that unexpected poor visibility (能见度) will stop the pilot from landing? If your pilot is forced to turn back only for his lack of passing a certain test, you will be certainly shocked. This very thing happened to the passengers on Flight BE1431 on Thursday. Just minutes before landing on Charles de Gaulle Airport (戴高乐机场), Paris, the pilot, a very experienced one, told his passengers, “Unfortunately I’m not qualified to land in Paris for the poor visibility. To do so a level II qualification(资格)is required, which I have not gained. We’ll have to fly back.” Then, you may guess how the passengers felt about their flight back to the starting airport.

    A spokeswoman said the pilot was really experienced with more than 30 years flying a number of different passenger aircraft types. “But he has recently transferred from flying a BQ300 to a BQ400, so he has to regain his qualification for landing in such conditions as the thick fog he experienced this time,” she said. “The pilot, therefore, quite correctly turned the aircraft back, a decision 100 percent accepted by the aviation (航空) officials in the company.”

One passenger said she had missed an appointment for an interview in Paris. “I might have had a nice chance to work in Paris,” she told the local newspaper. “The whole thing sounds hard to believe. If I had not been on the plane, I would take it as a funny story!”

The British Civil Aviation Authority described the incident as one that was “quite unusual but probably not unheard of,” because there are different classifications (等级) of aircraft with different qualifications for landing in different climatic conditions and when an aircraft is updated, the pilots have to get retrained, even though they have enough skills to do the job successfully.

Poor pilot, it’s not really his fault...    


49. According to the passage, it was _______ that mainly caused the aircraft to fly back.

     A. the unusual thick fog                               B. the pilot’s qualification

C. the air traffic controller                           D. the airline company

50. The spokeswoman thought _______.

   A. the pilot did a funny thing                        B. the pilot lacked the ability

   C. the pilot should not fly the new plane        D. the pilot did what he should

51. Without her own experience, the passenger would consider the incident to be quite _______.

   A. unsafe               B. normal              C. unbelievable      D. acceptable

52. Which of the following is true?

   A. It was the airline’s fault to require pilots to update qualification.、

   B. The announcement made by the pilot seemed quite interesting.

   C. Actually, the pilot had the ability of landing the plane safe.

   D. The weather above the Airport was within the pilot’s expectation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

There are three bedrooms in the house, _________ is Mary’s.

A. the smallest of which   B. the smaller of which  C. the smallest of them   D. the smallest one


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    Having crossed mountains and plains, rivers and lakes, some of France’s greatest works of art are now on display at China’s National Museum of fine Arts. Fifty-one Impressionist paintings are forming part of an exhibition in Beijing to kick off the Year of France.

   The show is being held in the capital between October 10 and November 27. Then it will move on to Shanghai and Hong Kong.

   “It is such a good  opportunity to see the masters’ works up close,” said Feng Jiajia, a Senior student form the High School Affiliated to the Academy of Art and Design. Although Feng is very busy with his studies at the moment he says he will definitely make time to see the exhibition. “I hope it will inspire me and help me with my own work,” he said.

   Worth a total of US $600 million, the paintings ate by French Impressionist masters, including Monet, Cezanne, Renoir and Degas.

   As an art style, Impressionism was developed in France during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Their work was a fresh and original way of painting. It seems that the artists painted a scene after just a quick look at it.

   Often painting outside, rather than in a studio, the artists observed nature more directly and tried to capture individual moments in time especially the changing light of the sun. They avoided black and earth colors and as a result their work is often very bright and can also look like that it is shining.

   When they first appeared, the artists were criticized for not finishing their paintings and for being lazy. Critics said the Impressionists were satisfied with just a few inexact brushstrokes (笔画)instead of completing a real painting. It was an art critic who first used the term “Impressionist” in a review of Monet’s work “Impression, Sunrise”(1873) to satirize(讽刺) his loose, inexact manner of painting.

   “Everyone discusses my art and pretends to understand, as if it were necessary to understand, when it is simply necessary to love,” said Monet.

   Monet is the leading figure in the creation of Impressionism. He painted sunlit rivers and gardens with forceful brushstrokes and bright colors, in which objects lose their shape in the light. Monet’s painting reached its height in his later life with his paintings of water lilies.


44. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Monet is the leading figure in the creation of Impressionism.

B. The show of fifty-one Impressionists’ paintings will move on to Shanghai and Hong Kong.

C. Impressionism was developed in France during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

D. Fifty-one Impressionists’ paintings are now on display in Beijing as part of the Year of France.

45. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. We can see other French art works at China’s National Museum of Fine Arts besides the Impressionists’ paintings.

B. People can buy French Impressionist masters’ paintings at China’s National Museum of Fine Arts.

C. Beijing is the first place where the Impressionists’ paintings are on display.

D. Monet’s most expensive works are the paintings of water lilies.

46. Which of the following is likely to be an Impressionist’s painting?

A. Portrait of God.                         B. A girl with a vase.

C. Thunder and lightening.              D. Beautiful lake in the sunshine.

47. What can be concluded from the passage?

A. Most of the paintings by the Impressionists were finished in a hurry or unfinished.

B. People didn’t like the Impressionists’ paintings when they came into being.

C. The Impressionists painted a scene after just a quick look at it.

D. Impressionists finished their paintings according to their imagination.

