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An old Hollywood movie Free Willy has touched so deeply so many large audiences.1The story goes;

Little killer whale Willy is captured and sent to a marine park to be trained.The whale trainers find it so hard to get Willy into their expected process of learning the designed tricks.2.Jessie teaches Willy to perform tricks far more wonderfully that any other whale trained by other whale trainers.

3He decides to help Willy escape from the marine park.The two of them make it through chains of adventures and risks and Willy eventually gets back his free in the open sea.The closing scene of the movie goes to a great length of the director’s effort to level it high up as a film to touch deep into people’s heart,in which Jessie guides Willy in its repeated desperate attempts to jump over the fence into the sea.4

Later,people get to know that the real whale who stars in the movie is still leading a Willy’s life in a Mexican sea park.That annoys the public and people want the entertainment industry to give up some of their gained interests and follow what is finally conducted in the case of Willy.5And the film studio and the Mexican park had to eventually surrender to the public and children and fund for the whale’s free life in the open ocean.

A.Willy balloons up in his self-pride for himself to be a performing whale.

B.And also it has brought in so huge profits for the film studio which produced it.

C.It wins large seas of tears from wildly-beating hearts of young kids and adults as well.

D.Jessie and Willy are planning to fight for a larger share of the gain from all the performances.

E.And there Willy encounters little Jessie and a close friendship soon develops between the two.

F.Kids and adults launch countless campaigns and demonstrations of varied scales all across the US to protest.

G.To his great shock,Jessie overheard by chance that the owner is plotting to kill Willy for the vast amount of insurance profit.








1考查上下文理解和推理判断。根据空格上文An old Hollywood movie Free Willy has touched so deeply so many large audiences.可知,好莱坞电影Free Willy感动了许多观众,B项“同时它也为电影公司带来了巨大的利润”也是对这部电影的评价。故选B。

2考查上下文理解和推理判断。根据下文Jessie teaches Willy to perform tricks far more wonderfully that any other whale trained by other whale trainers.可知,杰西教导威利表演比任何其他鲸鱼都精彩的技能,E项提到的“little Jessie”,因此推断E项“在那里,威利遇到了小杰西,两人之间的亲密友谊很快就发展起来了”符合语境,起承上启下的作用。故选E。

3考查上下文理解和推理判断。根据下文He decides to help Willy escape from the marine park.可知,杰西决定帮助威利逃出海洋馆,因此推断G项“令杰西震惊的是,他无意中听到老板正在密谋杀害威利以获取巨额的保险利润”符合语境。故选G。

4考查上下文理解和推理判断。根据上文…it high up as a film to touch deep into people’s heart…可知,这部电影深入人心,因此推断C项“它让孩子和成人都感动的流泪”符合语境。故选C。

5考查上下文理解和推理判断。根据下文And the film studio and the Mexican park had to eventually surrender to the public and children and fund for the whale’s free life in the open ocean.可知,电影制片厂和墨西哥公园最终不得不向公众和孩子们投降,并为他们在公海上的自由生活提供资金。因此推断F项“在美国各地,儿童和成年人发起了数不清的运动和示威活动,以示抗议”符合语境。故选F。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Option 2:
假设你是红星中学高一学生李华,请你以“My Ideal Library”为题,描述你理想中的图书 馆并投稿参加以“创意无限”为主题的英语写作大赛。内容包括:
1). 基本信息(位置、大小、环境等);
2). 功能分区和内部装饰布置等;
3). 最具创意之处及设计理念。
注意:词数不少于 50。 提示词:功能分区 functional sections


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

"Practice makes perfect" was an old saying.It tells us that it does not any matter if we are slow at doing something.As long as we keep on trying and practice,we'll do a good job at the end.The saying is especial useful in English study.Since a student is poor at speaking,he should catch every chance to open mouth and speak English.His oral English may be excellent one day as a result of his hard works.Not only is the saying useful in English study,but it is helpful in our daily life as well.To some degree,it is no easy way in doing everything since the key to succeed lies in "Practice makes perfect".


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

By the time we reach adulthood, many of us have had the good fortune to have at least one best friend. If we have1around or changed our life situation2,we may be lucky enough to have had several. The best friend relationship is often our earliest3peer relationship, and it can be a source of great warmth and4throughout our lives. The characteristics of best friendship change as we grow up and grow older, but the heart of it remains the 5. Our best friends are a warm shelter in which we feel free to be fully ourselves, to share our deepest secrets, to 6when we are overtaken by tiredness, to have a 7when there is something nice to happen in our life—a place in which we feel completely welcome to give and receive that most 8of all gifts, love.
Most close relationships do face9from time to time, and one of the characteristics of an enduring best friendship is its ability to10the storms and to remain unbroken even as it faces changes. Our best friends are those who manage to love us through all of our11, as we do the same for them. We find ways to hug and 12the differences between us and offer love and13no matter what. We allow each other to be 14as we are at a given moment, even as we allow each other to change over time.15, best friends sometimes feel like family. We know we will stick together 16we take our individual roads.
We may be on the phone with our best friends every day, or we may not have17with each other for a year, yet we know that our bond will be strong and18when we do19each other. This bond ties us together even when are apart and draws us delightfully back into the warm20of each other's company when our paths bring us together again.
(1)A.moved B.looked C.turned D.walked
(2)A.eventually B.repeatedly C.completely D.anxiously
(3)A.strong B.positive C.close D.serious
(4)A.bravery B.confidence C.encouragement D.connection
(5)A.central B.only C.best D.same
(6)A.rest B.talk C.sleep D.travel
(7)A.relationship B.conversation C.celebration D.dream
(8)A.expensive B.precious C.personal D.simple
(9)A.pressures B.competitions C.challenges D.choices
(10)A.survive B.cause C.avoid D.witness
(11)A.worries B.changes C.mistakes D.doubts
(12)A.tell B.settle C.make D.appreciate
(13)A.support B.space C.surprise D.attention
(14)A.naturally B.exactly C.finally D.certainly
(15)A.By no means B.On the other hand C.In this way D.In other words
(16)A.though B.because C.if D.unless
(17)A.worked B.lived C.played D.spoken
(18)A.special B.social C.immediate D.important
(19)A.touch B.introduce C.face D.contact
(20)A.memory B.shelter C.day D.weather


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

She found difficult to settle and calm down in the place, because she was worried about whether they would be discovered.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear John,

Your faithfully,
Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

If you’re secretly worried about your smart phone addiction, then the new NoPhone might be just the thing you need. It looks and feels exactly like a smart phone, but it does nothing. It’s just a piece of plastic that you can carry around in your hand to fool yourself.
Dutch designer Ingmar Larsen came up with the idea as a joke along with his two friends. To their great surprise, the idea received a lot of attention online and people from all over the world started placing requests for NoPhones of their own. So that’s when the three friends decided to turn to collecting enough fund for mass production.
NoPhone is currently a prototype (模型) that will cost only $12 once it hits the market It is 5.5 inches high, 2.6 inches wide and 0.29 inches thick, bringing it quite close to the latest smart phones on the market. It is described as “battery free”, “no upgrades necessary,” “shatter-proof (抗震)”, “waterproof” and “an alternative to constant hand-to-phone contact that allows you to stay connected with the real world.”
“Phone addiction is everywhere,” the designers insist. “It’s ruining your dates. It’s distracting you at concerts. It’s blocking sidewalks. Now, there is a real solution. With a thin, light and completely wireless design, the NoPhone acts as a substitute to any smart mobile device, enabling you to always have a phone to hold without giving up potential engagement with your direct environment.”
If you’re interested in NoPhone, but concerned about not being able to take selfies (自拍) anymore. Don’t feel upset. The makers do have an upgrade at no extra charge---the mirror sticker. That way, they say, you can enjoy “real-time” selfies with your friends when they’re standing right behind you.
(1)What can NoPhone do for people according to the text?
A.It is actually a new kind of real smart phone.
B.It can help us stay away from the real world.
C.It helps get rid of people’s smart phone addiction.
D.It’s just a piece of plastic and can do nothing.
(2)What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The size of NoPhone.
B.The inventors of NoPhone.
C.The material of NoPhone.
D.A brief description of NoPhone.
(3)What can we learn from the passage?
A.NoPhone has received unexpected attention.
B.NoPhone can completely replace smart phones.
C.The designers have made lots of money from NoPhone.
D.NoPhone is able to take selfies as smart phones do.
(4)What type of writing is this passage?
A.A travel guide.
B.A scientific report.
C.A medical record.
D.An official document.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

One day, in New York, the employees of a big company returned from their lunch break and were greeted with a sign on the front door. The sign said, “Yesterday the person who had been hindering (阻碍) your1in this company passed away. We2you to join the funeral in the room that has been3in the gym.”
At first, all the employees were sad to4that one of their colleagues had died,5after a while they started getting6about who this person might be.
The excitement 7 as the employees arrived at the gym to pay their last 8. Everyone wondered, “Who is this person that was hindering my growth? Well,9he's no longer here!”
One by one the10got closer to the coffin and when they looked inside it, they11became speechless. They stood over the coffin,12 into silence, as if someone had 13 the deepest part of their soul.
There was a mirror inside the coffin — everyone who looked inside it could see himself. There was also a 14 next to the mirror,15“There is only one person who is capable to set16 to your growth: it is YOU.”
You are the only person who can revolutionize (变革) your 17. You are the only person who can 18 your happiness, realization and success. You are the only person who can help yourself. Your life does not change when others change. Your life changes when you change, when you go 19 your limiting beliefs and when you realize that you are the only one 20 for your life.
(1)A.performance B.progress C.program D.process
(2)A.demand B.allow C.invite D.advise
(3)A.started B.prepared C.opened D.designed
(4)A.find B.accept C.realize D.learn
(5)A.but B.and C.so D.for
(6)A.serious B.obvious C.curious D.nervous
(7)A.appeared B.grew C.improved D.passed
(8)A.admirations B.attentions C.appreciations D.respects
(9)A.at least B.at last C.at present D.at once
(10)A.friends B.managers C.employees D.citizens
(11)A.quickly B.finally C.obviously D.suddenly
(12)A.shocked B.depressed C.upset D.embarrassed
(13)A.broken B.touched C.bothered D.removed
(14)A.letter B.sign C.mark D.signal
(15)A.told B.warning C.saying D.written
(16)A.directions B.instructions C.targets D.limits
(17)A.career B.luck C.life D.business
(18)A.influence B.satisfy C.exchange D.approach
(19)A.for B.upon C.over D.beyond
(20)A.dependable B.responsible C.suitable D.valuable


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

In only fifty years, English(develop) into the language which is most(wide) spoken and used in the world. English is the working language of most international organizations, international trade and tourism. Businessmen and tourists often come to China without being able to speak. Chinese businessmen, taxi drivers and students talk with them using English. English is also the language of(globe) culture, such as popular music and the Internet. You can listen to English songsthe radiouse English to communicatepeople around the world through the Internet. With so many people(communicate) in English every day, it will become(important) to havegood knowledge of English.

