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17.If you live in Tokyo or Toronto,you need a warm coat in the winter.(71)B The aim of advertising is to change our ideas about things we want and need.
Some ads for designer products use people's vanity(虚荣心) to sell the product.The ads try to create a personality for each brand.For example,one brand of watches is for people who like adventure,with ads featuring an auto racer or a pilot wearing them.Another brand of watches is for elegant and fashionable people,and the ads show wealthy travelers on a cruise ship.The watches look almost the same-only their images are different.When you buy that brand of watch,you are buying the image.(72)E
Many ads use people's emotions to persuade us that we need the product.Think of a TV commercial that shows a woman out driving in a car on a rainy day,with her two small children.Suddenly,another car turns in front of her.The mother quickly hit the brakes,and her car comes to a stop.The children are still smiling and laughing.The message is:This car will keep you safe.(73)A Other examples are slogans that tell you to"take vitamins to prevent heart disease,"or"buy insurance-protect your family."
Commercials for soft drinks often show people having a party,playing sports,or enjoying a day at the beach:Everyone in the ad is having a good time.The message is:If you buy this drink,you will have a good time too.Many ads like this are based on people's desire for fun and enjoyment.
(74)F Psychologists have found that people have positive feelings about things they see more often,so the same ad is used for a long time before it is replaced with a new ad.Other studies found that people react better to an ad when it is fresh in their memory,so TV ads are repeated very often.
Knowing about psychology in advertising lets us make better decisions about the things we buy.(75)G

A.Advertisements like this one use fear to sell products.
B.But you want one that is short,or black,or has a designer brand.
C.You have to be careful not to be fooled by the ads on the Internet.
D.But the children may not realize that what they are viewing is unreal.
E.This is the reason that people spend much more money for a product.
F.After an ad is prepared,advertisers use psychology to make it more effective.
G.It helps us know the difference between what we want and what we really need.

分析 本文主要介绍了广告宣传带来的巨大效应以及它的几个鲜明的特点.广告创意充分利用人们的情感因素、心理因素来诱导人们购买许多实际并不需要的产品.并通过举例来说明相关的观点.

71.B.考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力.根据前后两句的内容可知,此处强调的是冬天在东京或者多伦多需要的暖和衣服的特征,是要有广告设计的服装,即B.But you want one that is short,or black,or has a designer brand.故选B.
72.E.考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力.由前面的描述以及When you buy that brand of watch,you are buying the image可知,这些都是叙述的人们热衷于广告宣传产品的原因,即This is the reason that people spend much more money for a product.故选E.
73.A.考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力.本段开头一句Many ads use people's emotions to persuade us that we need the product.说出了广告宣传的途径是利用人们的情感;然后举例意在诱导人们购买他们宣传的产品,即A.Advertisements like this one use fear to sell products.故选A.
74.F.考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力.一开始指出了心理学家的发现,(Psychologists have found )最后提到so TV ads are repeated very often可知,这是讲解的广告宣传利用的心理学战术;故选F.
75.G.考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力.结合Knowing about psychology in advertising lets us make better decisions about the things we buy一句可知,了解这一策略有助于我们区分广告宣传的和我们真正需要的差异;故选G.

点评 本文属于七选五阅读理解,做此类题要在理解文章整体的基础上,补全所缺的部分.针对这个特点,解答时要注意语境和上下文的联系,同时还要注意文章的写作方法和结构.尤其要留心选项中的信息词(空格前后句子中与选项中相同或相近的词),站在作者的写作立场,选出最符合作者原意的句子.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.Among all these flowers _____ a kind of red rose,which was given by my friend.(  )
A.is includedB.includeC.were includedD.included


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.Chinese Vice-Premier called on Thursday for _____ all-out effort to ensure _____ food and drug safety.(  )
A.an; aB.an;\C.the; theD.\;the


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.official(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.Following one million middle-aged women in Britain for 10 years,a study finds that the widely held view that happiness enhances health and longevity is unfounded.
The results come from the so-called Million Women Study,which took on women aged 50 to 69 from 1996 to 2001,and tracked them with questionnaires and official records of death and hospital admissions.The questionnaires asked how often the women felt happy,in control,relaxed and stressed,and also instructed them to rate their health and list ailments like high blood pressure,diabetes,depression or anxiety.
When the answers were analyzed statistically,unhappiness and stress were not associated with an increased risk of death.It is not clear whether the findings apply to men.
Professor Peto said particularly important data came from 500,000 women who reported that they were in good health,with no history of heart disease,cancer,or stroke.A minority of these healthy women said they were stressed or unhappy,he said,but over the next decade they were no more likely to die than were the women who were generally happy.
"This finding refutes(驳斥)the large effects of unhappiness and stress on deathrate that others have claimed,"Dr.Peto said.Unhappiness itself may not affect health directly,but it can do harm in other ways,by driving people to suicide,alcoholism or other dangerous behaviors,he warned.
This type of study,in which people involved depends on their self-assessments,is not considered as reliable as a designed experiment where people involved are picked at random and assigned to a treatment or control group.But the huge number of people in this study gives it power.Still,some observers noted that measuring emotions is more nuanced(细微的)and complex than simply declaring happiness or unhappiness.
"I would have liked to see more discussion of how people translate these complicated feelings into a self-report of happiness,"said Baruch Fischhoff,a psychologist at Carnegie Mellon University.
The results of earlier studies have been mixed,with some finding that unhappiness causes illness and others showing no link,Dr.Fischhoff said."It looks to me like people have collected a lot of data without finding a clear signal,"he said.However,an editorial accompanying the study in The Lancet noted that it had the largest population so far in happiness studies and praised its statistical methods.
Professor Peto said he doubted whether the new study would change many minds because beliefs about the risks of unhappiness are so rooted."People are still going to believe that stress causes heart attacks,"he said.
TopicHappiness Doesn't (71)NecessarilyBring Good Health
(72)Subjects/Participantsof the researchOne million women aged 50 to 69
(73)Procedure/Steps of the research
l  Track the women with questionnaires.
l  Keep official records of deaths and hospital admission.
l  Make statistical (74)analysesof the answers.
Results of the research
l  It lacks basis that unhappy people (75)tendto suffer mortality more easily.
l  Unhappiness may (76)account/makefor some dangerous behavior.
l  Whether the conclusion applies to men hasn't been
(78)Drawbacks/Shortcomings/Disadvantages/Weaknessesof the research
l  It just depends on how people involved (79)assess/evaluatethemselves.
l  Measuring emotion is more nuanced and complex.
l  The results of earlier studies have been mixed.
Significance of the researchl  The largest population were involved.
l  Statistical methods were used.
Professor Peto's concernThe study can (80)hardlychange people's minds as the beliefs about the disadvantages of unhappiness are so anchored.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.Two weeks before Christmas,two little girls were walking down the street.(61)when they saw old Harry,who was on his knees pulling weeds from around a tree.
He wore a pair of worm gloves.His fingers sticking out(62)ofthe ends,blue from the cold.They stopped to talk to him.
Harry told them he (63)was getting/would get(get) the yard in shape as a Christmas gift for his mother,who had died several years before."My mother was all I had.She loved her
yard and trees,so I do this for her every Christmas."
His words touched the girls and soon they (64)joined (join) him,pulling weeds.When they finished,Harry pressed a coin into each of their hands.
"I wish I could pay you more,but that's all I've got night now,"he said.
The girls had often passed his house,and they remembered that it had always been(65)inpoor condition.No decorations to add cheeriness  were anywhere in sight.
As they walked on,the coin in one little girl's hand seemed to burn a hole of(66)guilt(guilty ).The next day she called her friends(67)butthey agreed
to put their coins in a jar marked"Harry's Christmas Gift".They began to seek out small jobs to earn more.Every coin they earned went into the jar.
Finally,they had enough(68)to buy(buy) new gloves.Christmas Eve found there on Harry'doorstep singing carols.They presented him with the gloves.
With(69)trembling(tremble) hands,he held the gloves to his face and wept.
No doubt he once again felt(70)thelove of others as the girls reached out to him.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Like many other young people,Lin Chi-ying (Vicky) and Chiang Chiu-ping (Pinky) dreamed of traveling the world.What makes them special is that they actually did it; what's more,they did it on bicycles.
At 18,Vicky read the famous Cycling Diary of Hu Rong-hua and was(41)H to take a bike tour of southern China by herself.In 1991,while riding along the island's east coast,she met a Japanese (42)F,who invited her to join him on a world cycling tour.
In July 1998,they began their trip in Alaska.Vicky soon realized,however,that their travel philosophies were quite different.Her partner seemed intent on testing his endurance,while she preferred (43)C the fantastic scenery and meeting the locals.They parted after a month.Vicky cycled alone through the Rocky Mountains down to the western United States.By this time,her (44)E efforts to persuade her college friend,Pinky,to join her had succeeded.
Once,in California,Vicky and Pinky were unable to find any cheap (45)B,so they camped in a park.They were woken up by (46)D police officers,who told them camping there was illegal.In cities,they would (47)J through colleges and libraries,"in need of air-conditioning,"Pinky joked.
Vicky and Pinky praise friends back in China who supported them (48)G,as well as people who assisted them along the way.They have fond (49)I of the wonderful friendliness of the people in a Turkish village,where Vicky and Pinky farmed,cooked,and danced with the locals.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.______little such material left,they decided to hold a meeting to discuss what______.(  )
A.There was,was doneB.Being,to be done
C.Having,to doD.With,was done


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.-How long do you suppose it is ________he arrived here?
-No more than half a week.(  )

