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6.Contrary to most people's idea,the air in Coastal cities can be far from fresh and healthful,said a report recently published.
University of California Professor Mark Thiemens led the research team.His team.report blames ships that release dirty smoke by burning low-cost,high-sulfur (硫横)fuel.They directly measured smoke released from a ship.They also tested air at the end of the Scripps Pier (码头).The area is just north of San Diego,which is both a major city and port.The Scripps Pier is also close to waters with heavy shipping traffic and the city of Los Angeles.Los Angeles has the third largest port in the world.
Primary sulfate (硫酸盐)is produced when a ship burns fuel called bunker oil.Bunker oil contains a Large amount of sulfur.Most sulfur released by ships burning bunker oil is a gaseous pollutant-sulfur dioxide.After a time,sulfur dioxide becomes sulfate in the atmosphere.The researchers say this primary sulfate may be  only a small part of what ships produce.
Professor Thiemens said no one had really expected that ships would be responsible for so many,particulates (微粒).He said the extremely small particles (撤 粒)are especially threatening.They measure only one and one half microns in size.,A micron is one millionth of a meter.
The researchers say the particulates can travel long distances because they stay in the atmosphere longer than other pollutants.Professor Thiemens noted that the air of Los Angeles influenced air quality in San Die-go.That distance is almost 180 kilometers.,
Primary sulfur particulates can also threaten human health.When people breathe,the particulates stay in their lungs.Other scientists have said that up to 60,000 people around the world die each year from dirty ship smoke.
Other gaseous pollutants from ships include nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide.Earlier this year,a United Nations'report said gases from ships produce more than one billion tons of carbon dioxide every year.Ships are not governed under the Kyoto Protocol,the agreement that establishes limits for gases linked to climate change.But international rules requiring ship fuels that burn cleanly are to become effective in 2015.
57.What is the main idea of the passage?B
A.Coastal cities are ideal places to live in.
B.The air quality in coastal cities is worrying.
C.Cleaner-burning fuels are welcome in ships.
D.The world's oceans'ecosystem is far from satisfactory.
58.It is generally thought thatA
A.the air in coastal cities'is very fresh and healthful
B.the air in coastal cities is badly polluted
C.ships are responsible for so many particulates
D.extremely small particles are harmless
59.Gaseous pollutants from ships mentioned in the passage includeC
A.sulfate,nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide
B.carbon dioxide and small particles
C.sulfur dioxide,nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide
D.sulfate and micron
60.We can draw the conclusion thatD
A.the Kyoto Protocol is an agreement related to sea fish hunting
B.bunker oil has already been banned in passenger ships
C.urgent action should be taken to reduce the number of ships
D.cleaner-burning fuels should be encouraged to be used in tankers and passenger ships.

分析 文章讲述了沿海城市因为船只排放的烟雾中有污染物而让空气受到了污染.与人们的传统看法不同,沿海城市的空气并不干净,里面含有大量对人体有害的物质,研究发现,船只使用的价格低廉的燃料含有很多的硫磺成分.要解决这个问题,船只一定要使用清洁燃料.

解答 答案:57.B 主旨大意题.文章开头说Contrary to most people's idea,the air in Coastal cities can be far from fresh and healthful与人们的传统看法相反,沿海城市的空气并不干净,而且还对人体有害.故选B.
58.A 细节理解题.文章开头说Contrary to most people's idea,the air in Coastal cities can be far from fresh and healthful人们总认为沿海城市的空气干净健康,已经发现并非如此.故选A.
59.C 细节理解题.文章中提到的污染物有sulfur dioxide,nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide.故选C.
60.D 推理判断题.文章最后一段说But international rules requiring ship fuels that burn cleanly are to become effective in 2015要求船只使用清洁燃料的国际规则会在2015年生效.故选D.

点评 阅读理解是考查语篇理解能力.常考的题型有:推理判断题;主旨大意题;细节理解题;猜测词意题.近几年又出现了两种新的考查方式:写作态度判断题和文章结构题.解题时,在读懂文章的基础上,还有特别注意掌握题型的特征,尤其是细节题和推断题不可混淆:细节题是文章信息的再现;推断题是文章信息的提取.本题是广告类文章,考查主要是以细节题为主,细节题要注意常用的出题陷阱有:夸大,缩小,张冠李戴,偷梁换柱,无中生有等,做题时要看清看准.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.The passengers were ________in the traffic congestion which resulted from the accident ahead.(  )
A.held outB.held backC.held upD.held on


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.It was long past noon when he awoke.His valet(男仆)had entered several times on tiptoe into the room to see if he was waking up,and had wondered what made his young master sleep so late.Finally his bell sounded,and Victor came in softly with a cup of tea and a pile of letters on a small tray of old china,and drew back the curtains.
'Monsieur has well slept this morning,"he said,smiling.
‘What o'clock is it,Victor?"asked Dorian Gray sleepily.
"One hour and a quarter,Monsieur."
How late it was!He sat up,and having sipped some tea,turned over his letters.One of them was from Lord Henry,and had been brought that morning.He hesitated for a moment,and then put it aside.The others he opened at a random.They contained the usual collection of cards,invitations to dinner,tickets for private views,programmers of charity concerts,and the like that are showered on fashionable young men every morning during the season.There was a rather heavy bill for a silver Louis-XVI toilet-set that he had not yet had the courage to send on to his guardians(监护人),who were extremely old-fashioned people and did not realize that we live in an age when unnecessary things are our only necessities; and there were several very politely worded communications from Jermyn Street money-lenders offering to advance any sum of money at a moment's notice and at the most reasonable rates of interest
After about ten minutes he got up,and passed into the bathroom.The cool water refreshed him after his long sleep.He seemed to have forgotten all that he had gone through.A dim sense of having taken part in some strange tragedy came to him once or twice,but there was the unreality of a dream about it
As soon as he was dressed,he sat down to a light French breakfast It was a nice day.The warm air seemed laden with sweet flavor.A bee flew in,buzzed round and stood before him.He felt perfectly happy.
24.How did Victor feel when he entered Gray's room several times?D
25.What kind of life did Gray live probably?B
A.A simple life.
B.A wasteful life.
C.A healthy life.
D.A hard life.
26.What might Dorian Gray have gone through the day before?D
A Happy dinners.
B.Charity concerts.
C.Money lending.
D.A strange tragedy.
27.What does the underlined word"laden"in the last paragraph mean?A


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.I ordered a new consumer product on New Year's Day.The order was so exciting that I felt it was going to enable me to stay organized and stylish.Then I went to the store and made the purchase.They made it pretty difficult because of a new process that had just been put in place.I went to the store with my cash in hand hoping to just give it to someone to get my new product,but I had to work pretty hard to get someone to let me buy it.
Two weeks later,a new accessory (附件)became available for my product.I decided to go and procure this new accessory on my birthday.However,they didn't have any and nobody could answer my questions,and they only had a number system before you could talk to anyone.So I spent an hour of my birthday sitting around waiting to be told that I couldn't be helped.I'm a customer that just wanted to buy the product,and then when I wanted to keep giving them money for my shiny new product,they stilll weren't interested
The only way I was told to get what I needed was to call someone and they could help.
I knew it would be an experience that would require much patience,so I waited a week and a half to make that call.Today was the day.I was also reminded today that sometimes things would just be comically bad from beginning to end.
After two specialists and one hour and twelve minutes,I got the information I needed.
This terrible experience isn't quite over yet,but it's definitely reached the comical stage.So I'm laughing and thinking about what lesson I should learn from this situation.

56.Why did the purchase become hard for the writer?(Within 8words)Because the company conducted a new process/Because a new process was put in place
/Because there was a new purchase process.
57.What does the underlined word"procure"mean?(1word)Buy/Purchase/Get/Obtain/Attain/Acquire
58.What did the writer have to do to get the accessory?(Within 10words)He had to call someone to get the accessory
59.How did the writer find his experience?(1word)Funny/Comical/Bad/Ridiculous/Uncomfortable/Disappointing
60.What would you do if you were in the writer's situation?(Within 20words)I would complain to the company about its/their bad service and wouldn't go shopping there any more.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.WHY do we sometimes struggle with moral dilemmas?Why is it a crime to take certain drugs but it's acceptable to take others?Why is it wrong to create human embryos (胚胎) to cure diseases suffered by millions?Often,we follow rules that bring little benefit and can even be positively harmful.But the rules are not set in stone,so there is nothing to stop us getting rid of those that don't work and putting better ones in their place.Now an experiment suggests that morality isn't entirely about benefits to individuals.We also tend to make and obey arbitrary moral rules,probably as a way of promoting social consolidation (巩固).
A classic psychology experiment called"trolley (电车) experiment"suggests that our minds have two moral systems,and they don't always agree.In the trolley experiment,participants are told that an out-of-control trolley could kill five people on the tracks.They must decide whether to turn it onto a second track with only one person on it.Almost everyone does it,sacrificing one to save five.But if instead you have to push one person off a bridge onto the track to stop the trolley,most people say no.That suggests most of us have a strict rule against killing people directly,even for the greater good.
How are such rules formed?Although people with morality appear to rule out the act of killing in the bridge experiment,most moral behavior in animals appears focused on outcomes-the death of an individual,say-rather than the death of the majority.When an animal experiences harm to help a relative,biologists view this as increasing the chances that the animal's genes will survive.Many psychologists think that human moral rules are an extension of this"kin (亲族) selection".
Kurzban of the University of Pennsylvania did the experiment further.Kurzban's team gave volunteers changes of the bridge situation.Volunteers were asked what they would do and whether their actions were morally right.85% of them said it would be morally wrong to push one person off to save five,whether these people are brothers or strangers,confirming the idea that there is a rule against killing.However,despite thinking it wrong,28% said they would still push a stranger off to save five,while 47% said they would push a brother off to save five brothers."They're more likely to do this'less moral1 thing if it's to save a relative,"Kurzban says,suggesting kin selection is at work as well as the basic"moral rule"against killing.The experiment shows we have at least two parallel systems for deciding right and wrong:one that says some actions,like killing,are bad,and another that tells us to protect kin.So how is this helpful?
Science has made great steps in explaining morality.No longer is it seen as something handed down from on high.Sacrificing yourself so as to protect your kin,for example,can benefit your family genes.Social consolidation demands we have rules,regardless of what they are,to help settle disputes quickly and peacefully.

55.Our moral dilemmas lie in the fact that moral rulesC.
A.can hardly be changed once set                    
B.are against individual benefits
C.can be harmful as well as beneficial            
D.are promoting social consolidation
56.Paragraph Two tells us thatD
A.we should have only one moral system        
B.killing one to save five is a good choice
C.we have to push one person off a bridge      
D.killing people directly can't be accepted
57.The underlined word rule out has the closest meaning toA
A.reject         B.admit        C.control         D.doubt
58.Which action agrees with"kin selection"?B
A.A father choosing his daughter as a.government official.
B.A deer staying behind its group when hunted by tigers.
C.Two baby monkeys fighting for their mother's feeding.
D.A dog killing a wolf to save its master's sleeping baby.
59.Kurzban's experiment suggests thatD
A.most volunteers are against the idea of killing brothers   
B.most people would push a stranger off to save five
C.less moral'thing is right and should be accepted
D.two moral systems that we have seem in conflict
60.According to the passage,the rules of morality are,under some circumstances,D
A.scientific         B.reasonable       C.harmful       D.flexible.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

11.Unchangeable Love
One day I visited an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting.I was expecting a quiet(36)Bof the splendid artwork.
A young(37)C viewing the paintings ahead of me  (38)A nonstop between themselves.I watched them a moment and decided the lady was doing all the talking.I admired the man's (39)Dfor putting up with her(40)Bstream of words.(41)Dby their noise,I moved on.
I met them several times as I moved(42)A the various rooms of art.Each time I heard her continuous flow of words,I moved away (43)C.
I was standing at the counter of the museum gift shop making a (44)C when the couple approached the(45)B.Before they left,the man (46)Cinto his pocket and pulled out a white object.He(47)Bit into a long stick and then tapped his way into the(48)Dto get his wife's jacket.
"He's a (49)Aman."the clerk at the counter said."Most of us would give up if we were blinded at such a young age.During his recovery,he made a promise his life wouldn't change.
So,as before,he and his wife come in(50)D there is a new art show."
"But what does he get out of the art?"I asked."He can't see."
"Can't see!You're (51)A.He sees a lot.More than you and I do,"the clerk said."His wife  (52)Aeach painting so he can see it in his head."
I learned something about patience,(53)Dand love that day.I saw the patience of a young wife describing paintings to a person without (54)B and the courage of a husband who would not (55)Cblindness to change his life.And I saw the love shared by two people as I watched this couple walk away,hand in hand.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

18.There is a small shop about 200meters from where I live that sells groceries,meat and other basic necessities.About 10yearsa ago,there was a beggar who would go into the shop every day and ask the owner for a (21)C.The owner,(22)A he would love to help,simply didn't have any jobs availabe,so he kept (23)D the man's office.
This situation continued (24)D for a few months,until the owner (25)B to give the homeless man a job which (26)B sweeping outside the shop.Every single day form 5a.m,the homeless man was there doing the very (27)Ahe could for the (28)B,making it the community's favourite,even though it did earn him pennies.(29)D,the owner saw how good a job the man was doing and gave him a job working (30)C a cashier(收银员).He was watched closely to make sure that he didn't (31)B any of the money received from the sales.He was still homeless,after all.The homeless man did a/an (32)A job as a cashier for over 2years,and did such a good job that he was promoted to (33)D the finances for the whole shop.
To my (34)A,this was the arrangements up until 2years ago,when the owner (35)C.In his will,he only had one (36)C,to give the whole shop to the now stable,"homeless"man.Now,I could walk into that shop and see him working as hard as (37)A,with his own business that is still (38)D and active 10years after getting his job as a sweeper.
From this story,we can probably get the inspiration:work hard and give everything your best effort,even if it isn't your (39)Asituation,it very well may turn out to (40)B some day in the future.

35.A.got tiredB.became oldC.passed awayD.gave up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.Advertisements based on these facts            in newspapers and magazines but they didn't help much.(  )
A.had printedB.had been printed
C.have been printedD.was printed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.She is ______ hardworking a girl _____ she has made great progress in all subjects this term.(  )
A.such; thatB.so; thatC.such; asD.so; as

