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The speech by the mayor for Shanghai before the final voting for Expo 2010 is strongly impressed ________ my memory.

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be impressed on为固定搭配,意为“……给人深刻印象”。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054

完形填空 :通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后在1—25各题所给的四个选项中, 选出   一个最佳答案。  

     When you read a story in English, do you read it for the story or   for the English? This is a 1 that is not so foolish 2 it may seem. For   I 3 that many students of English 4 far more attention to the story   than to the English. They read and 5 and for a long time 6 remember   the story, but do not care to study the 7 of words and 8 in it. For   instance, they care for the memory of 9 the mystery (神秘) in the   story is solved, but do not remember a 10 sentence in the story and   cannot 11 what preposition is used before or after a certain 12 in   the speech of a 13 character.


   Of course, it is all right to read and enjoy and 14 a story, and   so 15 as one wants to 16 the story only, one need not bother (费心)   about the language. But the case is quite different with a 17 of   English. I mean a student of English is different from a student of   stories or 18 is called the general reader.


   As you may also have 19 from the above, you ought to read very 20.   Not only very carefully but also aloud, and that again and again 21   you know the passage by heart and can 22 it as if it were your own.   Positively (正面) this will teach you many 23 words and phrases;   negatively (负面) it will help you to avoid many errors and faults in   expression. Incidentally I have found from 24 that intelligent   copying is a help to 25 by heart.     


(1) A.      question


B. fact


C. thing


D. story


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(2) A. since


B. as


C. when


D. while


[      ]


(3) A.      discover


B. see


C. find


D. feel


[      ]


(4) A. give


B. take


C. keep


D. pay


[      ]


(5) A. like


B. admire


C. think


D. enjoy


[      ]


(6) A.      afterwards


B. forwards


C. before


D. ago


[      ]


(7) A. meaning


B. use


C. difference


D. structure


[      ]


(8) A. title


B. paragraphs


C. phrases


D. sentences


[      ]


(9) A. when


B. where


C. why


D. how


[      ]


(10) A. simple


B. long


C. single


D. compound


[      ]


(11) A. tell


B. understand


C. realize


D. notice


[      ]


(12) A.      sentence


B. word


C. noun


D. adjective


[      ]


(13) A.      strange


B. curious


C. great


D. certain


[      ]


(14) A.    remember


B. forget


C. study


D. make


[      ]


(15) A. short


B. long


C. hard


D. little


[      ]


(16) A. read


B. tell


C. know


D. recite


[      ]


(17) A.      student


B. teacher


C. master


D. boy


[      ]


(18) A. that


B. what


C. which


D. how


[      ]


(19)A.      collected


B. got


C. reached


D. gathered


[      ]


(20) A.      silently


B. carefully


C. slowly


D. fast


[      ]


(21) A. till


B. as


C. since


D. when


[      ]


(22) A. keep


B. read


C. recite


D. learn


[      ]


(23) A. useful


B. important


C. lively


D. necessary


[      ]


(24) A.    experiment


B. others


C. past


D. experience


[      ]


(25) A.      remembering


B. learning


C. knowing


D. using


[      ]



科目:高中英语 来源:必修二导练英语外研 外研版 题型:022


If you don’t come here earlier, you’ll miss the speech.(改为同义句)

Come here earlier, ________ ________ ________ the speech.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Henry can’t attend the party _______ at Tom’s house at present because he is preparing the speech at the party _______ at Marie’s house tomorrow.?

  A. held; being held   B. to be held; to be held

  C. to be held; held?  D. being held; to be held


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年河南省许昌市六校高一下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:其他题


76. In my o____________, it was foolish of him to commit suicide.

77. Did the medicine have any e________ on his disease?

78. It is our ______________ (传统的) custom to celebrate the Spring Festival.

79. After the ceremony , the guests can ________(出席)a wedding reception , which is usually a huge party and can last through the night .

80. The students ____________ (抱怨) that they didn’t have enough sleep.

81. He fell off the bike , _____.(幸运地)he was not hurt seriously.

82. Tom g __________ from a college in 1980 and got a job in a local government.

83. As a student, it is good for us to c________ learning with fun.

84. Before she stepped onto the stage to make a speech, she gave me a _____ (自信的) smile.

85. When our English teacher wants somebody to answer his question, he will raise his hand and ask, “ Any v ________ ?”


