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【题目】There are two rooms on the first floor, is used as a reception room.

A. a smaller of which B. a smaller of them

C. of which the smaller D. the smaller of them


【解考查定语从句。逗号后是一个非限定性定语从句;表示“两者中较小的一个”时,要在比较级前加定冠词the。of which the smaller=the smaller of which。句意:一楼有两个房间,其中较小的那个用作接待室。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Thousand were killed in the early stage of the novel virus spread because of lagging countermeasures, after which three related officials ____________ from their positions.

2The proposal was instantly voted through with two to one in favour, ____________ by enthusiastic applause.

3Since the lockdown of the city on Jan.23rd, the students and teachers in our school ____________ online learning and teaching at home.

4While a moderate amount of stress can be ____________, too much stress can exhaust you.

5Larger and longer trials are needed ____________ the clinical effect and safety of this new drug.

6Heroic sacrifice in disaster or war is not ____________ to self-preservation. It is people’s choice based on their value of life.

7Responsibility and reliability are the essential ____________ to be a trustworthy citizen in any society.

8Do not let a lack of materials to hold you back from ____________ your dream. Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.

9New public opinion polls show the President’s ____________ rating at its lowest point since he took office.

10The Chinese people have shown great sympathy for the victims in the Covid-19 epidemic in the United States, ____________ those political conflicts.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Schedule a Tour
University of South Carolina (USC) is famous for its warm southern hospitality(好客). Schedule a visit and feel it in person. Our walking tours are led by current students, called University Ambassadors, who are looking forward to telling you what it's like to live and study in USC. Our walking tours run Monday through Friday and most are around 2 hours. The university will be closed on Tuesday, July 4, 2017 in observance of the holiday. We welcome your visit year round and will be ready for you, rain or shine. Please refer to the list
below to determine which tour is best for you and remember to book at least two weeks in advance.

(1)Why is USC closed to visitors on July 4?
A.To prepare a tour.
B.To update its website.
C.To celebrate the holiday.
D.To encourage a self-guided walk.
(2)Who does Admitted Student Day target?
A.AU visitors to US
B.Those applying for fall 2017.
C.Independent consultants.
D.Those admitted for fall 2017.
(3)How can you cancel a scheduled visit?
A.By turning to University Ambassadors.
B.By visiting USC Visitor Center.
C.By emailing cvisits@mailbox,sc.edu.
D.By registering once again.
(4)If a 15-people group requests a summer visit, they need to ________.
A.submit Group Visit interest Form
B.email visior@mailbox.sc.edu
C.call 800-922-9755
D.check out Virtual Tour


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】--Can I have your name, sir?

--Err… Albert Johnson, if you _______ know.

A. must B. can C. may D. need


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Grandma Pugh sized up the baby like a pig at the farmers’ market. There was a pause and then she pronounced. “He’s got nice long legs.” She clapped her hands once in approval. But then she frowned and leaned forward. Everyone waited anxiously. The baby had opened his eyes and was staring up. “But those cross eyes won’t do,” she declared firmly, shaking her head in disappointment.

That had been Freddie Pilcher’s first meeting with Grandma Pugh. Since then, ten years had passed. Much to his grandmother’s satisfaction, she’d been proven right about the boy’s legs. He was a regular beanpole. Grandma Pugh had also been correct about his eyes. Freddie had been wearing glasses to correct his vision since he was two years old. His current pair was thick, and cheap-looking, but at least he could see.

Freddie not only had poor eyesight, but he was also clumsy. He wasn’t good at schoolwork either. But there was one thing that the boy was good at and it was all on account of the length of his legs. He could jump.

Freddie was the best jumper in school. Not only could he leap the furthest but also the highest. At break times, he entertained the little ones by leaping over the school wall into Mrs. Hobson’s garden and then rapidly jumping back. She had been up to see the head teacher several times because somebody had been crushing her vegetables.

It was badgers (), Freddie suggested, when questioned by Miss Harpy—definitely badgers; no doubt about it. His dad had terrible problems with badgers. Only last week he had lost two rows of carrots. Freddie had woken one night and heard them tearing through the garden, a whole herd of them. They rooted up the lawn and dug up the vegetables. Terrible things, badgers. All the other children nodded their heads wisely. There was a moment’s pause in Class Three as everyone thought about the dreadful damage that badgers could do.

1What do we know about Grandma Pugh?

A.She was present at the birth of baby Freddie.

B.She was unwilling to listen to the ideas of others.

C.She valued physical appearance over all other things.

D.She was a figure of great importance in the family.

2Which of the following best describes Freddie’s physical appearance?



3Why does Freddie talk about badgers in the final paragraph?

A.To explain the cause of the damage.

B.To warn the class about their danger.

C.To make up an excuse for the cause of the damage.

D.To describe what happened to his father’s garden.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I don't think she is a nice woman; I am __________ her empty talk.

A. grateful for B. tired of

C. crazy about D. concerned about


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 A good advertisement will draw customer’s attention towards your product. That is what every business really wants, in addition to your actually buying their product. In this article we will round up several great ads that cover many different styles but all have one thing in common, that is they connect to their audience.

King Oscar: Open

This ad puts forward an idea that King Oscar's fish products are as fresh as they can possibly get. This idea is then realized by combining a fish and one of their canned products showing the customer they will be buying a fish straight from the ocean. This simplistic image gives off just enough to tell the consumer what the deal is with their product.

Panasonic 3D TV: Dino

Here is another ad that has a lot going on but still is able to get its message across fairly easily. We will first notice the dinosaur in the mess living room but then see the girl pointing at the TV, which will give us the impression that Panasonic's 3D televisions are extremely realistic. The great art direction leads to the customer understanding what product is on display almost immediately.

Pepsi: Straws

This clever Pepsi ad conveys a lot to the customer; at first glance it gives the impression that Pepsi is the preferred choice of even the straws(吸管). And then after that it makes fun of Coca Cola by using their red and white colors for the other can as well as their classic design. This is a very clever ad on many levels.

Canal+: iPhone Titanic

This ad may take a bit more time to understand but the design itself can keep a customer interested. The large finger and the iPhone in the corner can quickly help the viewer connect the dots with the sinking Titanic ship and show that we can have all our favorite movies right on our iPhones.

1What is the common feature of great advertisements?

A.They involve many different styles.

B.They will draw every business’attention.

C.They can attract customers and touch them.

D.They make comparison between products.

2What is special about King Oscar?

A.Its fish products are very fresh.

B.It conveys a lot to the customers.

C.People can buy fish directly from ocean.

D.It gives us extremely realistic impression.

3Which advertisement mentioned its competitor?

A.King Oscar: Open.B.Panasonic 3D TV: Dino

C.Pepsi: Straws.D.Canal+: iPhone Titanic.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假设你是王森,十一月二十一日是你在美国的笔友汤姆的生日。你给他寄了一盒中国的绿茶(green tea)作为生日礼物。现在,请你用英语写一封110字左右的信给他,祝贺他生日快乐,并根据下面的六幅图和提示词语详细描绘一下怎么沏茶。

提示词:壶 kettle茶匙 teaspoon茶壶 teapot

茶叶 tea-leaves 茶杯 teacup 茶壶盖 lid



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I was feeling left out in the new school ________Alice, an easygoing girl from Canada, came to stay with me.

A. if B. once C. when D. unless

