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14.High-Tech Santa:4 Devices to Give the Old Man a Boost
Every year,Santa guides his sleigh from the North Pole and gets presents delivered to all the good girls and boys of the world.Can technology give the kind old man a hand in finishing his rounds?After all,Santa isn't getting any younger,and Christmas Eve isn't getting any longer.Here are a few suggestions.
Note:we are not being paid to promote these products. (36)G
1.A 3D printer
Manufacturing is a tough business,so Santa must be very busy in making millions of gifts.Perhaps Santa could feel easier if he caught up with the 3D-printing craze.Desktop 3D printers for home use are just coming on the market.(37)F
2.A high-tech list
Notebook and paper are s0 20th century.Santa needs something new-perhaps a tablet?We suggest Samsung's Galaxy Note 10.1.It comes with a pen and note-taking apps,so Santa won't have to take off his gloves to swipe at the screen.(38)B
Santa needs to take advantage of the global positioning system (GPS).GPS has been around since 1995and is now taken for granted in phones and cars.(39)AGPS trackers can even help Mrs.Claus keep an eye on her husband.
4.Protective cases
One disadvantage to entering the digital age is that most tech gadgets aren't built for the cold.Most digital devices only do between 0℃and 35℃.(40)D A company has a possible answer.It uses new materials that protect spacecraft from the cold of space and the heat of  a launch.The company must be willing to offer Christmasy red protective cases.

A.Such devices can show where someone is and where they've been.
B.Who wants to take off their gloves to use a touch screen in snow and ice?
C.Many people want to track Santa with high-tech devices.
D.What should Santa do if he wants to use his ipad in the North Pole?
E.Santa's white gloves provide a nice contrast to his bright-red suit.
F.They're capable of turning digital instructions into real things.
G.We're simply concerned for Santa's well-being.

分析 每年,圣诞老人从北极驾驶着雪橇给世界各地的孩子送礼物,有没有现代的科技让老人轻松一下,毕竟圣诞老人已经很老了,下面读读这篇文章,了解一下到底怎么来帮助一下他吧.

解答 G F B A D
36.答案 G  又we are not being paid to promote these products我们推广这些产品并没有报酬可知,下面应该是"我们只是关心圣诞老人的健康"更符合上下文,故答案为G.
37.答案 F 由A 3D printer可以归纳本段讲的是3D打印机,它们可以将数字指令转换为实物,故答案为F.
38.答案 B 由so Santa won't have to take off his gloves to swipe at the screen.可以得知,这一款平板电脑不需要圣诞老人摘掉手套就可以操作,谁愿意在冰天雪地里摘掉手套去使用触屏呢?故答案为B
39.答案 A 这一段主要讲的是GPS,GPS定位系统可以显示出人们的位置和曾经去过的地方,故答案为A
40.答案 D 根据Most digital devices only do between 0℃and 35℃可知,大部分的数字设备只能在0到35度之间使用,如果圣诞老人想要在北极使用ipad怎么办呢?故答案为D.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.---Don't put the waste on the ground.
---Oh,I'm very sorry.I ________ the dustbin(垃圾箱) there.(  )
A.don't seeB.isn't seeingC.didn't seeD.haven't seen


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.-Mr Smith __________ for Germany on Sunday.
-Really?Do you know when his flight _________?(  )
A.leaves; is taking offB.is leaving; would take off
C.leaves; takes offD.is leaving; takes off


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.High school is not just about the classes you take.Look around and discover other ways to make high school meaningful.
Follow your interests.
Do you like taking pictures?Try the photojournalism club,or work for your school's newspaper.Are you interested in sports but not very athletic?Think about being a team manager or keeping statistic(统计).Do you enjoy playing an instrument?Join your middle school band.If your school doesn't have a club that fits what you're interested in,find a teacher who'll sponsor a group or start one for yourself!Good memories of middle school include activities as well as academics.
Contribute to your community by volunteering.
Your assistance will help others and make you feel good,too.Organizations which are in need of volunteers constantly include:area food banks,children's shelters,hospitals,nursing and retirement homes,museums,and your community library etc.
Extracurricular(课外的) activities are important to your future.
How you use your free time is important to high schools,universities,and even employers.Choose activities you enjoy and select the ones that match your interests.Your goal is to show that your interests extend beyond sitting on the couch and watching television,or playing video games when the school day ends-lazy bones doesn't look good on a resume(简历).So get up and get moving.Discover what your school and your neighborhood have to offer.
Keep track of all your activities throughout middle school and high school.
Organize them and put them all down on paper to create your extracurricular activities resume.You can submit your resume when you apply to college or for scholarships.In today's world,participation and community involvement are valuable because they say a lot about who you are.Make them part of your regular schedule.

56.If there is no club that interests you,you shouldA.
A.set up a new club for yourself
B.stay at home and watch TV
C.join some other clubs
D.take pictures in your free time
57.You can do voluntary job in the following places EXCEPTB.
A.children's shelters
B.your home
C.nursing and retirement homes
58.According to Paragraph 4,you had betterD after class.
A.always watch TV
B.play video games
C.find part-time jobs
D.take active part in meaningful activities
59.Your community involvement willC.
A.win you scholarships
B.make you become a college student
C.reflect what kind of person you are
D.help you make a lot of friends
60.In order to make your middle school meaningful,the author suggests you.A
A.take part in more activities or work as a volunteer
B.develop an interest in your academics
C.get work experience in your spare time
D.prepare a good resume for applying for a job.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Matthew Henson-Arctic Explorer
In 1880,fourteen-year-old Matthew Henson loved to hear sailors tell tales of their exciting lives at sea.The travel,the adventure,the danger,and the steady pay were all attracting young Henson.One day,he found a job as a cabin boy on a beautiful ship called the Katie Hinds.For the next five years,Henson sailed around the world.With the help of the ship's captain and other members of the crew,Henson learned mathematics,navigation,history,geography,and many other subjects.By the time he left the Katie Hinds in 1885,Henson was well educated and had become an excellent seaman.
Unable to find work anywhere else,Henson took a job in a hat shop in Washington,D.C.One day in 1887,a man came in to buy a hat.The man,Robert Peary,asked the owner if he knew anyone with experience at sea.Peary would soon travel to South America for the U.S.government.He needed experienced men to accompany him.The shop owner knew about his young employee's skills and experience on ocean journeys,so he introduced Peary to Henson.
Using his map-reading and sailing skills,Henson proved himself to be a worthy and smart seaman.Peary soon made Henson his assistant,and they became close friends.One day Peary told Henson about his real dream:to be the first man to stand on"the top of the world"at the North Pole.He asked Henson to help him make his dream come true.Over the next five years,the two explorers made two trips together to the Arctic.However,they were not able to reach the pole either time.The cold,wind,and ice were worse than either of them had ever imagined.
In 1908,Peary and Henson were ready to make their final attempt at reaching the North Pole.Both men were over forty years old.The years of hardship in the arctic cold had made them suffer a lot.This would be their last chance.With four Inuit guides,they made a mad rush straight across the ice toward the pole.Peary's feet were injured and he had to be pulled on a dogsled.In April 1909,Henson's instruments showed they were standing at the North Pole.Together Henson and Peary planted the American flag in the snow.
In later years,Robert Peary and Henson were greatly honored for their achievements.Today,the two friends and fellow explorers lie in heroes'graves not far apart in the Arlington National Cemetery.
60.In paragraph1,the author shows how Henson becameA.
A.a skilled seaman 
B.a highly educated captain
C.employed in a restaurant 
D.interested in helping others
61.Paragraph 2mainly tells usA.
A.how Matthew Henson met Robert Peary
B.why Matthew Henson went to the hat shop
C.why Matthew Henson stopped working on the Katie Hinds
D.how Robert Peary knew that Matthew Henson had sea experience
62.On their trip to the North Pole,Henson and Peary could best be compared toD.
A.treasure hunters seeking big fortunes
B.generals seeking power over another country
C.soldiers going to war to fight for their freedom
D.fighters performing a task in an unknown land
63.The information presented in this passage is mainly organizedC.
A.by cause and effect
B.by comparing and contrasting
C.in the order that the events happened
D.with main ideas and supporting examples.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.It does not matter who wins.We are told that from day one.Usually,that statement is followed by some remark about being a loser.If we do not care who wins,then why do we compete?Fun,experience,the chance to meet new people---these are the reasons we try to outdo each other.
       People will compete over anything.Every Christmas,my neighbors and I have a little Christmas light competition.It is heaven for the electric company,but I think we give Will Rogers Airport a scare.It is bright enough to land a plane in our front yards.I admit that last year my neighbors won,but only because they bought every strand of lights Wal-Mart had before I could get there.
Personal competitions are great,but we get a little carried away.I cannot stand to see coaches shout at kids playing sports.Who cares if someone messes up and the other team advances?
       I'm tired of people competing just to win.It happens not only in sports,but in music competitions,too.People auditioning(试音)for chair placement in certain bands can get really unfriendly.This year I did not audition for a certain band,but I went to auditions anyway.This was the first time I actually had the opportunity to comprehend the whole picture.
       Other times I've been the person who was nervous and anxious.This time,I sat back and observed everyone else.I came to the realization that the people who aren't so good are terrified of the good people,and the good people are scared stiff that the bad people have taken lessons and can now show them up.Unless a person is on the outside looking in,I don't think anyone realizes this.
       Maybe competing is human nature,but we shouldn't let it influence our judgment.Being disrespectful to opponents(对手),letting competition become our life,and becoming so involved that we close ourselves off from friends and family is not the meaning of competition.
       A little competition is healthy,so it shouldn't hurt anyone.If it does,someone somewhere needs to back off,find the good thing hidden inside,and try it again.Winning isn't everything,and losing isn't the end of the world.
63.The author mentions his competition with his neighbors toD.
A.make excuses for his failure                        
B.express his concern about the airport
C.imply his neighbor cheated in the competition
D.show people really care about the result of competition
64.The underlined word"this"in Paragraph 5 refers toD.
A.the rules of competition                    
B.competitors'effort to win   
C.the influence of competition on life
D.the negative attitude to competition        
65.From the passage,we can learn thatB.
A.the author failed the audition
B.competitors may be unfriendly to each other
C.it is coaches who always mess up the match
D.those who observe opponents calmly always win
66.Which of the following opinions does the author probably accept?C
A.Competition for the job is fierce.
B.Winning or losing is none of people's concern.
C.Competition is healthy,but it can get out of hand.
D.The disadvantages of competition outweigh the benefits.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.Old batteries can't be discarded _____ even when they are no longer useful,because they'll pollute the environment.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.If we _______ the old man's advice,we might have reached the top of the mountain.(  )
A.takeB.had takenC.tookD.had taken


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.His little daughter was so __________that he could easily pick her out in the crowd.(  )

