精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
     Back in 2007,I rented a room in Johor Bahru,Malaysia while studying for my Masters programme in
Singapore.I travelled daily by  1   across the JohorSingapore Causeway for my   2  ,which were usually
in the evening.It was quite_3 by the time I got back to the bus station in Johor Bahru,and I would still
need to take another bus home.
     One night, I   4   the last bus and didn't have enough money to take a taxi.With no other choice, I
decided to   5   the twokilometre journey home,which would have been fine  6    I were not so tired that
day.It also didn't  7   that the route was pretty rough  (凹凸不平的)  and dark.But I walked forward
with   8  ,with the promise of a night's rest   9   me on.After walking for a few minutes,a car  10   in front
of me.The driver,who looked  11  , asked where I was headed."Not many people walk  through here,"
he said,and  12   me a ride.He really  13    me up as he  went out of his way to get me to my apartment.
     What was more  14  , however,was the story behind it.During the ride,the driver told me that when
he saw me  walking,it made him think of his   15  who used to walk to work by the  16   road and though he often saw his uncle on the way,he had  17   offered a ride as he was headed in a different direction.
  18   his uncle passed away because of an illness,and until today he still feels   19   for not being kinder
to his uncle.So when he   20   me walking that night,he just had to stop and help.
(     )1. A.bus          
(     )2. A.job          
(     )3. A.early        
(     )4. A.caught        
(     )5. A.drive        
(     )6. A.if            
(     )7. A.suggest      
(     )8. A.pleasure      
(     )9. A.pushing      
(     )10. A.pulled      
(     )11. A.concerned    
(     )12. A.had          
(     )13. A.cheered      
(     )14. A.worse        
(     )15. A.grandfather  
(     )16. A.busy        
(     )17. A.sometimes    
(     )18. A.Sadly        
(     )19. A.puzzled      
(     )20. A.knew        
B. bike            
B. classes        
B. late            
B. took            
B. enjoy          
B. though          
B. help            
B. hunger          
B. turning        
B. stopped        
B. disappointed    
B. asked          
B. brought        
B. interesting    
B. uncle          
B. new            
B. always          
B. Exactly        
B. lucky          
B. saw            
C. car        
C. tasks      
C. cold      
C. missed    
C. run        
C. because    
C. say        
C. fear      
C. holding    
C. broke      
C. excited    
C. offered    
C. gave      
C. upset      
C. father    
C. main      
C. often      
C. Gradually  
C. guilty    
C. recognized
D. train        
D. home        
D. hot          
D. left        
D. walk        
D. unless      
D. mean        
D. difficulty  
D. putting      
D. went        
D. worried      
D. got          
D. picked      
D. meaningful  
D. mother      
D. same        
D. never        
D. Actually    
D. grateful    
D. followed    
1-5: ABBCD  6-10: ABDAB  11-15: ACADB  16-2-0: DDACB

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



I’m a TV show host.One Sunday,I   36   my 7-year-old daughter by the sea for lunch.On arriving at the beach,I saw JoJo,a   37   man in the hotel business.We sat down to chat in an open air cafe   38   I watched my daughter enjoy herself on the swings in front of us.

Suddenly our conversation was    39   by a stranger,who politely asked    40   to speak to me.Often people want to tell me   41   about my controversial TV show,when

I’m out on the   42  .

He asked to speak to me   43   ,so we stood a bit away from my table.He said,

“I’m James,father of a 7-year-old girl,who’s very sick.The doctors said that if she was treated in the UK,she would probably   44   .But I’m poor,so can you please help me?”

Speechless,I stared in the man’s eyes full of   45   and asked how l could help.After we talked for a while,I went to sit back.JoJo asked me,“What’s wrong with you?Your

  46   changed.”I told him and he was very sorry for this sick child.

All weekend I   47   James,his daughter and his family.I even considered doing a special TV show to   48   money for this sick child.

On Monday morning I was at the office after I finished   49   my show,when JoJo walked  into my office.Actually JoJo is so   50   and I never imagined he had time to come and see me.

“Please,call the man   51   the sick child and tell him that I’ll   52   all expenses for his sick daughter’s treatment.”JoJo said,with a   53   in his hand.“I’ve been married for 35 years,I wasn’t lucky enough to   54   a child.l want to help this child now.”I   55   the phone to call James.

A.held             B.took              C.shipped           D.sent

A.serious          B.smart             C.wealthy           D.diligent

A.while            B.before        C.after                 D.thongh

A.spread           B.interrupted  C.heard             D.announced

A.question         B.advice        C.support           D.permission

A.everything       B.anything          C.nothing           D.something

A.streets          B.trips             C.spots                 D.beaches

A.privately        B.loudly        C.quietly           D.secretly

A.escape           B.control       C.survive           D.deserve

A.doubts           B.scare             C.excitement            D.tears

A.temper           B.face          C.voice                 D.style

A.looked after     B.cared for         C.thought about       D.asked about

.A.raise           B.make          C.earn              D.save

A.discussing       B.presenting        C.writing           D.practising

A.proud            B.rich          C.busy             D.careful

A.on               B.for           C.up                D.with

A.pay              B.spend         C.share                 D.gain

.A.paper           B.check             C.pen                   D.letter

.A.help            B.adopt             C.attend                D.have

.A.held on         B.got through       C.picked up             D.turned on


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer’s showroom, and knowing his father could well  41  it, he told him that was all he wanted.

As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs  42  his father had bought the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private   43  . His father told him how   44   he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He   45   his son a beautiful wrapped gift box. Curious, but   46   disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man’s   47   embossed (压印浮凸)in gold.

Angrily, he   48   his voice to his father and said, "With all your money you give me a Bible(圣经)?" He then stormed out of the house,   49  the Bible.

Many years  50   and the young man was very   51  in business. He had a beautiful home and a wonderful family, but realizing his father was very   52  , he thought perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduation day.   53  he could make the arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had   54  , and willed all of his possessions to his  55  . He needed to come home immediately and take care of things.

When he arrived at his father’s house, sudden sadness and   56   filled his heart. He began to search through his father’s important papers and saw the   57   new Bible, just as he had left it years ago.

With   58  , he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. As he was reading, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer’s name, the   59  dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the word “PAID IN FULL”.

How many times do we miss blessings   60   they are not packaged as we expected? What may appear as bad fortune may in fact be the door that is just waiting to be opened.

41. A. buy                    B. afford                      C. make                       D. pay

42. A. that                    B. which                     C. what                       D. where

43. A. house                 B. office                     C. study                     D. car

44. A. proud                 B. hopeful                  C. eager                     D. anxious

45. A. showed            B. handed                 C. brought                    D. provided

46. A. anyway               B. somewhat                 C. somehow               D. somewhere

47. A. number               B. hand                     C. hair                        D. name

48. A. risen                   B. rose                       C. arose                    D. raised

49. A. leaving               B. left                          C. leave                        D. to leave

50. A. past                 B. passed                   C. went                     D. flied

51. A. satisfied                     B. busy                     C. successful                D. lucky

52. A. old                            B. selfish                      C. mean                       D. lonely

53. A. After               B. When                    C. Before                         D. Since

54. A. passed by            B. passed away           C. passed down             D. passed out

55. A. daughter       B. son                          C. grandson                  D. wife

56. A. regret                 B. anger                    C. disappointment         D. annoyance

57. A. even                   B. also                         C. still                      D. yet

58. A. smiles                 B. tears                      C. hearts                    D. glasses

59. A. same                  B. different                   C. familiar                    D. similar

60. A. before              B. if                             C. though                          D. because


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省绵阳市0910学年高一下学期期末质量测试(英语) 题型:完形填空



Once a group of tourists who were staying at a hotel in Birmingham were having dinner in the restaurant. Fish was brought in and while they were   16  it, some of them told interesting stories about  17  pearls and other   18   things inside fish.

An old gentleman, who up to now had   19   quietly to their conversation, at last said,

“ I’ve heard all your stories, now I’ll tell you   20  . When I was a young man I was working in a large importing factory in New York, and   21   is usual with young persons, I fell in   22   with a pretty young girl. Very __23__ we were engaged(订婚). About two months __24___ our marriage was to take place, I was suddenly   25  to Birmingham on a very important business. I left my sweetheart,   26   to write to her. ”

“ I had to stay in Birmingham longer than I had   27  . At last my work was done and I could leave Birmingham. But just before I  28  New York, I bought a beautiful and very expensive diamond   29  , planning to give it to my sweetheart. ”

“ On my way to New York, I was__30___ the morning newspaper, which had been brought on board by the sailor. Suddenly I   31   an announcement of my sweetheart’s   32   with another. This made me so angry that I threw the ring overboard. A few days  33  , when I was eating fish, I bit(咬) on something   34  . What do you think it was ? ”

“ The diamond ring, ” cried his companions. “ No ” , said the old gentleman  35  , “ it was a fish-bone.”

16. A. eating         B. cooking           C. peeling         D. weighing

17. A. exchanging      B. tasting                  C. finding          D. searching

18. A. valuable                     B. terrible                  C. common                D. cheap

19. A. sat                     B. listened                 C. stood                      D. thought

20. A. one                        B. all                      C. some                 D. another

21. A. it                   B. which                          C. that                        D. as

22. A. trouble              B. debt                                C. quarrel                            D. love

23. A. quickly               B. fast                        C. soon                  D. lucky

24. A. when                     B. before                         C. after                  D. since

25. A. reported                    B. sent             C. caught            D. taken

26. A. promising                  B. agreeing               C. refusing                 D. wishing

27. A. regretted             B. wondered                  C. expected       D. finished

28. A. left for               B. left to                          C. returned back   D. returned from

29. A. watch                B. ring                        C. earring                            D. necklace

30. A. looking at        B. looking up                  C. looking through   D. looking for

31. A. looked               B. saw                        C. heard                     D. recognized

32. A. marriage                   B. fight                            C. talk                         D. agreement

33. A. before               B. later                           C. earlier               D. ago

34. A. hard                            B. sweet                         C. soft                         D. crisp

35. A. happily              B. loudly                     C. angrily              D. sadly 



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届山西省高二第二次月考英语试题 题型:完型填空



It was the afternoon before Christmas. As the newest doctor in our office, I had to work. The only thing that___16___ my day was the Christmas tree in our waiting room and beautiful___17___ sent to me by my lover.

When I was cleaning my office, our nurse came, saying___18___was anxious to speak with me. As I stepped out of the room,I___19__a tired-looking woman with a___20___ in her arms. ___21___, she explained that her husband--a prisoner was my next___22__. She told me she wasn’t ___23__to visit him in prison and that he had never seen his son. Her___24___ for me was to let them sit in the waiting room longer.___25__my schedule wasn’t full, I agreed. Hardly had her husband ___26___ when the woman’s tired face lit up. I kept watching them laugh, cry, and share their child outside. After almost an hour, I called__27____in. He seemed like a gentle and modest man. While working, I ___28___what he possibly could have done to be put into prison. I tried to make him as ___29___ as possible.

  At the end of the appointment, I ___30___ him a Merry Christmas—a difficult thing to say to a man headed back to ___31___. He smiled and thanked me. He also said he felt ___32___ that he hadn’t been able to give his wife anything for Christmas. On hearing this, I was inspired with a wonderful ___33___.

I’ll never forget the look on both their faces as the prisoner gave his wife the beautiful roses. I’m not sure who experienced the most ___34___—the husband in giving, the wife in receiving, or myself in having the ___35___to share in this special moment.

1. A. displeased B. passed               C. brightened       D. celebrated

2. A. cards         B. gifts            C. roses            D. clothes

3.A. man            B. waiter           C. patient          D. lady

4.A. recognized     B. noticed          C. realized         D. knew

5.A. Happily        B. Excitedly        C. Angrily          D. Nervously

6.A. prisonerB.patient                  C.customer         D.fellow

7.A. book           B. gift             C. bag              D. baby

8.A. informedB. reminded                 C. allowed          D. invited

9.A. request        B. suggestion       B. demand           D. order

10.A. Since         B. Though           C. Unless           D. While

11.A. looked upB. brought up             C. turned up        D. took up

12.A.guard         B.lady             C.prisoner         D.visitor

13. A. wonderedB. believed               C. understood       D. found

14. A. painfulB. kind                    C. careful          D. comfortable

15.A. chatted       B. gave             C. wished           D. hoped

16.A. prison        B. home             C. hospital         D. work

17.A. worried       B. astonished       C. sad              D. pleased

18. A. opinion B. message                C. promise          D. idea

19. A. joy          B. sadness          C. astonishment     D. worry

20.A.right  B. opportunity  C. feeling  D. time


