精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

() 67. — Why do you always ask us to read English aloud,Mr. Li? 

—Because I think it’s better to read aloud than to read .

   A. in silence   B. in surprise

   C. in trouble    D. in control


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



A: Hello,this is Tony.(1)

B: Hi,Tony!This is Alice.

A: Hi,Alice!It is warm and sunny here in Guangzhou.(2) .

B: It is sunny,but there was a heavy rain half an hour ago.

A: Really? (3)

B: I was waiting for the bus at the bus stop.

A: What was the weather like before it started raining? 

B: Black clouds made the sky very dark and it felt like midnight.

A: Were you afraid?

B: Sure,I was. (4)

A: Did the rain last(持续) long?


A: IS there still a lot of water on the streets?

B: Yes,there is.

   A. Soon the rain began to fall.

   B. Could I speak to Alice,please?

   C. When did the wind begin,to die down?

   D. How is the weather in Alabama?

   E. Luckily,it didn’t last long.

   F. What were you doing when the rain came?

   G. How long did the heavy rain last?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


A: Hi,Ken,you don't look very good. What's wrong? 

B: I have a cold,Linda.

A: (46)

B: No,I have a terrible headache now.

A: (47)

B: Because I have too much work to do. But I really don’t feel well.

A: Talk to our (老板) Mary. (48)

B: OK,I will.

(in Mary office)

B: Hi,Mary!I feel uncomfortable. (49)

C: Yes. You look terrible.

B: Thanks,Mary,I’m sorry I just can't work today.

C:(50) Go home and get better!

   A. Why don’t you go home?

   B. She will understand.

   C. Put a bandage on it.

   D. Don’t worry about work.

   E. When did you have the flu?

   F. Are you OK?

   G. Can I go home a little earlier?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 38. Our school Jim’s and the basketball game.

   A. won; beat   B. beat; beat

C. won; won   D. beat; won


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

( 55. It's cold outside and you wear a coat.

   A. shouldn’t   B. can't

   C. should   D. can


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 62. —Why did the old man collect so many old bikes?

—Because he wanted to and give them away to poor children.

   A. put them up   B. find them out  C. fix them up   D. cut them out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 72. —Do you know where Bill is?

一He the dishes in the kitchen.

   A. does   B. was doing

   C. is doing   D. did 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 79. —You shouldn’t fight with your classmate.

 —I won’t do it again.

   A. Really?   B. You’ re right,

   C. Why?    D. Sounds great.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 28. to English songs is one of my cousin's ways to leam English.

   A. Listen   B. Listening

C. Talk   D. Talking 

