精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情


内容要点:1. 上午11点钟到达机场,然后带着5件行李乘一辆黄色出租车到假日酒店(Holiday Inn);2. 到达酒店后,发现由于粗心将手提箱遗失在出租车上。不幸的是,未注意到出租车的车牌号;3. 手提箱是黑色的,由塑料制成,尺寸大约为60cm×40cm×16cm;4. 箱内有一台摄像机、两条长裤、三件衬衫、几本儿童读物以及一个钱包。钱包内有一张2,000美元的支票;5. 你的联系电话是:0435-3940526。

注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 文章的开头已为你写好。

My name is Wang Fang. I arrived at the airport at 11 am...

My name is Wang Fang. I arrived at the airport at 11 am. Then I took a yellow taxi to the Holiday Inn with five pieces of luggage. When I arrived at the Holiday Inn, I found my suitcase had been left in the taxi because of my carelessness. Unfortunately, I didn't notice the number of the taxi.

The suitcase is black and made of plastic. It is about 60 centimetres by 40 centimetres by 16 centimetres. In it there is a camera, two pairs of trousers, three shirts, several books for children and a purse. In the purse, there is a check for 2,000 dollars.

Could the finder get in touch with me? My telephone number is 0435-3940526.

Thank you.

Wang Fang

