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—Did ________ get through the driving test?

—No, ________ A few failed.

Aeverybody; not all

Beverybody; none

Canybody; not all

Danybody; no one



每个人(everybody)都通过驾驶考试了吗?不是全都通过了(部分否定not all),一些人没过。



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年湖南省长沙县实验中学高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Are morning people born or made? In my case it was definitely made. In my early 20s, I hardly went to bed before midnight, and I would always get up late the next morning.
But after a while I couldn’t ignore the high relationship between success and rising early. On those rare occasions where I did get up early, I noticed that my productivity (效率) was always higher. So I set out to become a habitual early riser. But whenever my alarm went off, my first thought was always to stop that noise and go back to sleep. Eventually some sleep research showed that my strategy was wrong.
The most common wrong strategy is this: supposing you’re going to get up earlier, you’d better go to bed earlier. It sounds very reasonable, but will usually fail.
There are two main schools (流派) of thought on sleep patterns. One is that you should go to bed and get up at the same time every day. The second school says you should go to bed when you’re tired and get up when you naturally wake up. However, I have found both are wrong if you care about productivity. If you sleep at fixed hours, you’ll sometimes go to bed when you aren’t sleepy enough. You’re wasting time lying in bed awake.
My solution is to combine both methods. I go to bed when I’m sleepy and get up with an alarm clock at a fixed time. So I always get up at the same time (in my case 5 a.m.), but I go to bed at different times every night.
However, going to bed only when I’m sleepy, and getting up at a fixed time every morning are my ways. If you want to become an early riser, you can try your own.
【小题1】According to the passage, the underlined phrase refers to ________.

A.people who stay up until the next morning
B.people who get up early in the morning
C.people who feel sleepy in the morning
D.people whose productivity is the lowest in the morning
【小题2】Why did the author want to become a habitual early riser?
A.Because he / she wanted to have more sleep time.
B.Because he / she wanted to do morning exercise.
C.Because he / she wanted to test which school is better.
D.Because he / she found that the productivity was higher.
【小题3】The author experienced all the following EXCEPT ________.
A.going to bed after midnight
B.asking scholars for advice on sleeping habits
C.getting up early occasionally
D.pressing off the alarm to go on sleeping
【小题4】What’s the author’s sleep pattern?
A.Going to bed early and getting up early.
B.Going to bed late and getting up late.
C.Going to bed when sleepy and getting up at a fixed early time.
D.Going to bed early and getting up late.
【小题5】The passage is mainly about ________.
A.main schools of thought on sleep patternsB.how to have a good sleep
C.wrong strategies for getting up earlyD.how to become an early riser


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年湖南省师大附中高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

In 2003, Bethany Hamilton,13, lost her left arm to a shark attack while surfing off Kauai, Hawaii. A new film ,Soul Surfer, is based on the story of how she overcame that to achieve her dream of becoming a professional athlete.
Growing up on the “garden isle” of Kauai, Hamilton spent every minute she could riding the waves. She was on the verge of (即将) becoming a top competitor in professional surfing. But while she was practicing at an isolated cove (小湾),a four-meter-long tiger shark ripped off her left arm. Though her life was saved, nobody could imagine she would ever get back on a surfboard again.
In a true test of her faith and by tremendous will power, Bethany did get back up on a surfboard only a month after the attack. Six months later, she was competing again. Bethany Hamilton won her first amateur surfing championship just two years after she lost her arm. She also established the “Friends of Bethany,” a non---profit foundation dedicated to supporting sharks attack victims.
It’s a story told in her autobiography, which is the basis for the film that stars teenager Anna Sophia Robb. “I knew Bethany’s story, of course, but I thought ‘What an incredible role’ ,”explains Robb. “I was so fascinated by all of the challenges. What would it be like to have your arm taken and what would go through your head and how would your faith be challenged?”
The filmmakers used special effects to digitally remove Robb’ s arm .However ,no tricks were necessary for the surfing scenes because Hamilton herself did the breathtaking wave riding.
Now 21, Hamilton says she hopes audiences find inspiration in the description of the sport she loves.
“Not a lot of people know that much about surfing, so I hope they’re educated about it,” Hamilton says. “And most of all if people are going through a hard time, they could be encouraged and find inspiration to push through those hard times and see that, in my case ,so much good has come out of it.”
【小题1】According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?.

A.Hamilton was severely injured when surfing.
B.Nobody thought Hamilton could overcome the troubles.
C.Rob did the breathtaking wave riding in the film Soul Surfer.
D.Hamilton established the “Friends of Bethany” to help shark attack victims.
【小题2】Which of the following can best take the place of the underlined word “tremendous” in the third paragraph?
【小题3】What can we learn from Anna Sophia Robb’s words?
A.She was absorbed in the story.
B.she wasn’t sure she could play the role well.
C.She wants to challenge her faith.
D.She doesn’t believe Bethany’s story.
【小题4】How does Hamilton hope people will be affected by her story?
A.she hopes more people will take up surfing.
B.she hopes people will be inspired and encouraged
C.She hopes more people will keep off the sharks.
D.She hopes people will donate something to her charity.
【小题5】What can we learn from the passage?
A.A lot of people are fond of surfing.
B.Good things will happen to the disabled in the end.
C.Faith and will power will help people go through hard times.
D.People can always overcome every difficulty in life.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年甘肃省白银市恒学校高三第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Facebook means never having to say goodbye. The social media website has earned a reputation for reconnecting old friends. Last week,a guy whom I hadn't seen since my bachelor party five years ago sent me a friend request. I accepted and waited for “Easy E” to send me a greeting of some kind. He had sought me out,after all.

I learned from his profile that he was in a relationship and had a son. However,I'm pretty sure we won't ever write wall-to-wall,let alone e­mail each other. But he'll remain a friend of online until one of us makes a point of removing the other from his official list.

My pool of friends consists of family members,college buddies,co­workers from past and  present,and friends of friends. There are 35 in all. If I spent some time uploading old e­mail addresses,I'm confident that I could increase my friend count actually.

A person could make a mission out of reconnecting with childhood friends,former  classmates,distant cousins, and those one would like to get to know better. And some people can even handle hundreds of on­screen relationships,keeping up with the daily happenings of  their small army of companions. After all,there are worse fates than having too many friends.

Thanks to e­mail,the inability to schedule face-to-face meetings no longer means a  friendship must come to a close. But even with e­mail,people will lose touch if one or both  parties stop writing back. That’s normal. People move from school to school,job to job,city to city. You never have to feel guilty for breaking away.

Every day,the masterminds of Web 2.0 find new ways of making human communication  easier. However,convenience can be a crutch(拐杖).Some things shouldn't be simplified. When it comes to friendship,there can be no shortcuts.

1.According to Paragraph 1,the website is famous because ________.

A.it has an interesting name of “Facebook”

B.it helps people get in touch with old friends

C.it can send people a greeting of some kind

D.it reminds people of events in the past

2.From the second paragraph we can learn that the writer ________.

A.would write to the friend quite often

B.asked the friend to e­mail him

C.did get some information about the friend

D.would keep in touch with the friend forever

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.There are 35 people in the author's list of friends right now.

B.The author communicates with all the 35 friends by e­mails.

C.The list of 35 friends doesn't include the old e­mail addresses.

D.It is not difficult for the author to increase his friend count.

4.What does the author think of the convenience of communicating online?

A.The technology could not keep true friendship forever.

B.The social website of Facebook means nothing at all.

C.There will be no ways of making real friends online.

D.People will not lose friends with the help of the Facebook.



科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省2009-2010学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解


Schedules, as the 21st century people know, simply did not exist in the 17th and 18th centuries. We are upset if a plane arrives an hour late. Our ancestors weren’t upset if an April ship didn’t show up until June. They began to worry in July and were often happy when it showed up in August. When a long-distance ship finally did get to the port, the whole city became busy and excited. Businessmen hurried down to check the goods they had ordered. The ship would probably stay in port for at least three days, often a week, to take on businessmen, give the sailors a rest, find out about the latest news, weather conditions, and so on.

Travel time could only be approximate. One never knew when the winds would be good. So even though “average sailing time” was given, time could change considerably, shortening the voyage by up to 25% or putting it off by up to 500% or more! The average run from England to Boston was about a month and a half, but there were also voyages of three months. One voyage in 1640 lasted six months!

Travel time is not the same in both directions, due to the winds and currents. This is especially true in the Caribbean, where winds are from the southeast the entire year. Ships sailing west across the Atlantic spend longer than ships sailing east, and the contrary winds can prevent a ship from actually making it to the harbor even if it gets close. One ship was held off the North Carolina coast for 17 days before being able to land!

1. What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A. No sailor was allowed to have fun when the ship reached land.

B. People in ancient times didn’t care about other people’s safety.

C. The ship would leave for a voyage when all of the preparations were made.

D. A long-distance ship would create a lot of excitement in the place where it landed.

2. According to the passage, travel time can’t be fixed due to ___________ .

A. the people at the port                                B. average sailing time

C. the changeable climate                          D. the businessmen and the sailors

3. The underlined word “currents” in the third paragraph means __________ .

A. the movement of water                         B. the movement of winds

C. direction of the traveling ship         D. travel time of ships



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年江苏省高一下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:完型填空


There are a few memories from our childhood that will stay with us forever. A few that seemed so    36    at the time may cause us to smile years later.

     One such memory is a phone call I    37    when I was about three or four years old. My mother had entered a contest on a local    38    show. Entrants(参加者)were to tell an interesting story about their    39   . Winners would receive a phone call from Mrs. Santa Claus(女圣诞老人)! Mrs. Claus would award(奖励) the lucky child free    40    of a local store.

     Well, the call came. My mother talked to Mrs. Claus and then    41    the phone to me. I didn’t    42    the fact that many people were listening to our conversation. However, the fact that this lady had a    43    connection to Santa, that was important.

     I didn’t know it yet, but my mother had    44    the attention of the contest judges by telling about the time I had    45    a wall with crayons(蜡笔). Even I knew that this was not the kind of    46    that Santa would approve.

     Suddenly, in a very pleasant tone(语气)of    47   , Mrs. Santa Claus asked me about my art work. I    48    that this lady was the real Mrs. Claus, not a radio station actress standing in for her.

     I    49    down the phone and ran crying from the room. My crime(罪行)had not    50    unpunished. Santa would    51    know that I’d been bad!

     It turned out that I did get a    52    present from the radio station and its sponsor(赞助商). And I guess Santa didn’t find out about the wall. Maybe he did and was in a    53    mood. In any case, my Christmas presents did not    54    a piece of coal(煤).

     I wonder what Santa has in    55    for this year. Hopefully my wife hasn’t written Mrs. Claus any letters.

1.A. nice                     B. important                       C. impossible                      D. terrible

2.A. received             B. made                               C. gave                                 D. showed

3.A. TV                        B. literature                        C. radio                                D. gift

4.A. parents              B. child                                C. husbands                        D. teacher

5.A. gifts                    B. money                             C. books                               D. pens

6.A. offered               B. brought                           C. showed                           D. handed

7.A. doubt                  B. guess                               C. know                                D. believe

8.A. false                    B. direct                               C. weak                                D. wrong

9.A. put                      B. paid                                  C. caught                             D. taken

10.A. decorated       B. made                               C. draw                                D. painted

11.A. idea                  B. action                              C. behaviour                       D. plan

12.A. sound               B. noise                                C. laugh                               D. voice

13.A. wondered       B. believed                          C. reported                         D. supposed

14.A. put                    B. took                                 C. knocked                          D. threw

15.A. met                            B. gone                                C. changed                          D. got

16.A. surely               B. possibly                           C. impossibly                      D. happily

17.A. nice                   B. bad                                   C. terrible                            D. cheap

18.A. satisfying        B. surprising                       C. forgiving                         D. frightening

19.A. invent               B. leave                                C. include                            D. exist

20.A. thought           B. mind                                C. fact                                  D. public


