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“What’s that?” my ten-year-old daughter, Genie, asked. She’d caught me laughing at a piece of mail I’d just opened. “Wake-up service, $2.50 per call.” At the bottom was a phone number and a drawing of a rotary phone, like the one my great- aunt Sara had owned 40 years ago.

“Is that mail funny?” Genie asked.

“Not really,” I admitted. “It’s just outdated.”

“What’s a wake-up call?” She asked. I explained how, before smart-phones, people sometimes paid someone to wake them with a call.

“Who sent this flyer(传单)?” she pressed.

“Probably someone older,” I said.

Her eyes lit up. “Can we order a wake-up?” she asked.

“We don’t need it.” I picked it up and headed for the recycling bin.

“Wait!” she screamed. “I feel sorry for the wake-up man, if he needs some money,” she said, tearing up. “Can’t we order?”

I looked at the flyer with its drawing of a rotary phone. I remembered, again, my great-aunt Sara and her rotary phone. As a kid, I’d visited her over Labor Day, when Jerry Lewis would host his charity event for the disabled kids. Aunt Sara would squeeze my hand, then reach for the rotary phone, dialing the number on the screen. Holding the receiver between us, we’d announce to the operator, “We’d like to help those kids.”

Now here was my own child, showing the same big heart I’d once been encouraged to have, and how could I ignore her? I googled the flyer’s return address. The address belonged to a man called Raymond. He was in his mid-60s. We called him and, holding the receiver between us, the way Aunt Sara and I used to, told him we needed his services. “Great!” Raymond said in a shaky but friendly voice, clearly amazed at receiving an order from a child.

Genie was happy all week.

Technology has made some things outdated. But there are still other things the world will always require. In the rush of my daily life, I’d temporarily forgotten that, I guess I just needed a wake-up call.

1.Why did Genie beg to order the service?

A. She was afraid of being late.

B. She wanted to help the old man.

C. She was curious about the service.

D. She was interested in the rotary phone.

2.What made the author finally decide to order a wake-up call?

A. Her own childhood experience.

B. The less fortunate wake-up man.

C. Genie’s curiosity about the service.

D. The information she found on Google.

3.How did Raymond feel when receiving our order?

A. Excited. B. Disappointed.

C. Doubtful. D. Regretful.

4.What could be the best title for the passage?

A. A Wake-up Man B. A Kindhearted Girl

C. The Wake-up Call D. The Rotary Phone


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省六校协作体2016-2017学年高一下学期期初英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Are you looking for some new and exciting places to take your kids to? Try some of these places:

Head to a natural history museum. This is where kids can discover the past from Dinosaur (恐龙) models to rock collections and pictures of stars in the sky. Also, ask what kind of workshops and educational programs are prepared for kids and any special events that are coming up.

Go to a Youtheater. Look for one in your area offering plays for child and family visitors. Pre-show play shops are conducted by area artists and educators where kids can discover the secret about performing arts. Puppet (木偶) making and stage make-up are just a couple of the special offerings you might find.

Visit art museums. They offer all kinds of activities to excite your kids' interest. Many offer workshops for making hand-made pieces, traveling exhibits, book signings( 签名) by children's favorite writers, and even musical performances and other arts.

Try hands-on science. Visit one of the many hands-on science museums around the country. These science play-lands are great fun for kids and grown-ups alike. They'll keep your child mentally and physically active the whole day through while pushing buttons, experimenting, and building. When everyone is tired, enjoy a fun family science show, commonly found in these museums.

1.If a child is interested in the universe, he probably will visit _________ .

A. a Youtheater B. a natural history museum

C. an art museum D. a hands-on science museum

2.What can kids do at a Youtheater?

A. Look at rock collections. B. See dinosaur models.

C. Give performances. D. Watch puppet making.

3.What does "hands-on science" mean in the last paragraph?

A. Learning science by doing things. B. Science games designed by kids.

C. A show of kids' science work. D. Reading science books.

4.Where does this text probably come from?

A. A science textbook. B. A tourist map.

C. A museum guide. D. A news report.


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省2017届高三下学期质量检测英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Not every parent looks forward to the day when their child goes off to school.In fact some parents are not sending their children to school at all.Instead they are choosing to teach their children at home.This is called homeschooling.Parents,caregivers,or private tutors educate children individually at home instead of sending them off to be formally educated in public or private schools.In the U.S. only about three percent of children are homeschooled.

There are many reasons why some parents choose to homeschool.One reason is that some parents do not feel their children are safe in school because of bullying(恃强凌弱).It is said that bullying is very common in the school. Other parents want their children's education to be based on their religion or moral beliefs.Yet other parents think the education in school is not good enough.Homeschooling is also seen as a choice for families that live in rural areas, and families that move frequently.

There are many different ways to homeschool,and homeschooling allows parents to design lessons based on their children's needs.Families can purchase textbooks to use or create their own materials.Some parents follow a philosophy called unschooling,which allows a child to determine when and how they want to learn based on their natural ability.Some worry that homeschooling means students won't have opportunities to communicate with others.

To solve this problem,some families have created activities,where a group of homeschooled students will learn and play together and participate in activities that would normally happen in school like field trips.

Besides,being homeschooled doesn't mean a student cannot go to college.Most colleges accept homeschooled students.And the homeschooled students can get the same degrees,too.

1.How many American students go to public or private schools?

A. About 3%. B. About 97%.

C. About 50%. D. About 70%.

2.Which is the reason that some parents choose homeschooling?

A. School bullying exists in some schools.

B. Some parents cannot afford the education fees in school.

C. Some children want their education to be based on their religion.

D. Some parents think the school is too far away.

3.What will the parents do to help their children communicate?

A. The parents can buy some textbooks.

B. The parents will allow children to choose what to learn.

C. The parents will organize the children to play together.

D. The parents will teach the children by themselves.

4.What can we conclude from the last paragraph?

A. Homeschooled students cannot get enough chances to go to college.

B. American colleges are fond of the homeschooled students.

C. Homeschooled students find it easy to go to some American colleges.

D. Homeschooled students have the same rights as students who are formally educated in schools.


科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省衡阳市2016-2017学年高一下学期第四次月考英语试卷 题型:信息匹配

1.When a person does a certain thing again, he is impelled(迫使) by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly; thus a habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to get rid of. 2.Children often form bad habits, some of which remain with them as long as they live. Older persons also form bad habits as long as they live. Older persons also form bad habits, and sometimes become ruined by them.3.Many successful men say that much of their success has something to do with certain habits in early life, such as early rising, honesty and thoroughness(工作缜密). Among the habits which children should not form are laziness, lying, stealing and so on.4. Unfortunately older persons often form habits which ought to have been avoided5.

A.There are other habits which, when formed in early life, are of great help.

B. Whether good or not habits are, they are easy to get rid of.

C. We ought to keep away from all these bad habits, and try to form such habits as will prove good for ourselves and others.

D. Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed.

E. It is very important for us to know why we should get used to good habits.

F. These are all easily formed habits.

G. It is therefore very important that we should pay great attention to the formation of habits.


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省遂宁市2015-2016学年高二下学期教学水平监测(期末)英语试卷 题型:短文填空

“USA? Britain? Which country is1.(good) to study in?” We often hear such discussion. As China opens its door, it is a dream for many Chinese students to study abroad. They want to learn about the outside world.

It’s true that studying abroad can help students develop2. (they). Their foreign language skills will3. (improve) and it may be easier to find jobs.

But there are problems4. should be considered. Language is the first. Students must spend a lot of time5. (learn) another language.

Students must also learn6. (live) without parents’ care and deal with all kinds of things they didn’t have to do before, like looking after themselves. There are 7. (report) about Chinese students abroad running into an ocean of difficulties 8. giving up in the end. When they have to take care 9. themselves, it is hard for students to study well.

Finally, studying abroad brings a heavy burden to the family. For most Chinese parents, the cost of studying abroad10. (be) very high. But is it worth it?


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省巢湖市2016-2017学年高一下学期第三次月考英语试卷 题型:完形填空

My six?year?old granddaughter,who is called Caitlyn,stopped with me at a cake shop to buy some treats. As we were going out of the door,a young teenage boy was______in.

This young man had______hair on the sides of his head and a patch(块)of blue hair on top of it. He had a nose ring,which was______to a ring he was wearing in his ear by a ______.He held a skateboard under one______and a basketball under the other.

Caitlyn,who was walking ahead of me,______when she saw the teen. I thought he'd ______her,and she'd frozen on the spot. I was______.My angel went back to the door and opened it as wide as it would go. Now I was ______ with the young man. I stepped ______and let him pass. His______was a polite one,“Thank you very much.”

On our way back home,I praised Caitlyn for her ______in holding open the door for the young man. She didn't seem to be troubled by his______,but I wanted to______.Once we had spoken I realized it was me who needed to ______the way I had responded.

The ______thing Caitlyn noticed about the teen was the fact that his arms were ______.He would have had a hard time ______the door.

I saw the partly shaved head,the strange ______,the rings and the chain. She saw a person carrying something under each arm and heading towards a closed door. In future,I hope I am as ______as her and not so judgmental about others.

1.A. looking B. rushing C. breaking D. coming

2.A. much B. no C. less D. more

3.A. joined B. added C. attached D. belonged

4.A. chain B. rope C. jewel D. thread

5.A. hand B. arm C. foot D. leg

6.A. cried B. ran C. shouted D. stopped

7.A. known B. recognized C. frightened D. attracted

8.A. angry B. wrong C. worried D. curious

9.A. hand in hand B. neck and neck C. side by side D. face to face

10.A. back B. aside C. over D. up

11.A. response B. action C. performance D. expression

12.A. way B. custom C. manners D. interest

13.A. appearance B. character C. hair D. rings

14.A. cheer up B. make sure C. calm down D. hold on

15.A. give up B. work out C. answer for D. think about

16.A. first B. last C. only D. simple

17.A. broken B. strange C. short D. full

18.A. closing B. opening C. knocking D. finding

19.A. hairstyle B. expression C. clothing D. skateboard

20.A. careful B. positive C. thoughtful D. patient


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省2016-2017学年高一6月月考英语试卷 题型:短文填空

The play “The Million Pound Bank Note” is based on a short story 1.(write) by Mark Twain, who was brought up in Hannibal, Missouri, and is best known 2. his novels, such as The Adventure of Tom Sawyer and The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn. The story happened in 3. summer of 1903, and Henry Adams, an 4. (America) businessman had some bad luck to be carried out to sea by a strong wind. However, he was 5. (spot) and rescued at sea luckily by a Britain ship and landed in London, where he found himself without money, friends 6. a job. But he had to earn his living, which could account for (解释...的原因) his 7. (appear). One day when he was wandering on the pavement and didn’t know 8. to do, he heard somebody 9. (call) him. Then he was led to two brothers 10. made a bet and gave him an envelope with a large sum of money in it .


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省2016-2017学年高一6月月考英语试卷 题型:单项填空

By working slowly but surely towards your goal, you’ll ______ succeed.

A. eventually B. traditionally

C. socially D. formally


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省外国语实验学校2016-2017学年高一下学期第二学段英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Many people think that romance(浪漫)will disappear little by little as couples grow older, but a heartbreaking video of an elderly man singing to his dying wife shows that for some, love lasts a life time.

The video was uploaded(上传) to Facebook by the pair's granddaughter Erin Solari. In the video 92-year-old Howard is singing to his dying wife, 93-year-old Laura, with the 1940s love song "You'll Never Know".

"I love you.., always love," Laura, who is seriously ill, tells her husband in the video--before asking him to "take good care of yourself" when she's gone.

Howard then continues to sing to his wife: "You' 11 never know just how much I miss you. You'll never know just how much I care. You'll never know just how much I love you." "Isn't your grandfather lovely?" Laura says to her granddaughter, who is filming the moving moment on her phone in the hospital room.

Erin originally posted the video to her Facebook page on September 12, 2015, and it has since earned more than 3.6 million views. On her Facebook, Erin wrote down details of her grandparents' inspiring relationship. She said Howard chose to sing "You' 11 Never Know" to his wife because "the song comforted her when he went away to fight in World War II." "Their love story has moved hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world," said Erin.

1.Where did Erin Solari record the video?

A. In Laura' s house. B. At her home.

C. At the hospital D. On the way to the hospital.

2.Why did Howard sing "You' 11 Never Know" when Laura was dying?

A. To ask for her forgiveness. B. To let her feel less painful.

C. To remind her of the past. D. To give her some comfort.

3.What result does the video make?

A. It moves a lot of people. B. Solari receives many letters.

C. It helps Solari earn some money. D. It will be filmed into a movie.

