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  Botany, the study of plants, plays a strange role in the history of human knowledge.For many thousands of years it was one field about which humans had little knowledge.It is impossible to know today just what our Stone Age Ancestors knew about plants, but from what we can observe of preindustrial societies that still exists, a detailed learning of plants and their properties(特征)must be very ancient.This is reasonable.Plants are the basis of the food pyramid for all living things, even for other plants.They have always been greatly important to the good of peoples, not only for food, but also for clothing, weapons, tools, medicines, housing, and a great many other purposes.Tribes(部落)living today in the woods of the Amazon recognize hundreds of plants and know many properties of each.To them botany, as such, has no name and is probably not even recognized as a special branch of knowledge at all.

  Unfortunately, the more industrialized we become the farther away we move from direct relation with plants, and the less clear our knowledge of botany grows.Yet everyone comes unconsciously on a surprising amount of botanical knowledge, and few people will fail to recognize a rose or an apple.When our New Stone Age ancestors, living in the Middle East about 10 000 years ago, discovered that certain grasses could be harvested and their seeds planted for richer production the next season, the first great step in a new connection of plants and humans was taken.Grains were discovered and from them flowed the marvel of agriculture:planted crops.From then on, humans would increasingly take their living from the controlled production of a few plants, rather than getting a little here and a little there from many varieties that grew wild and the collected knowledge of tens of thousands of years of experience and close relations with plants in the wild would begin to disappear.


Which of the following assumptions(假设)about early humans is expressed in the passage?

[  ]


They probably had wide knowledge of plants.


They clearly divided knowledge into separate fields


They did not enjoy the study of botany.


They placed great importance on ownership of property.


According to the passage, why has general knowledge of botany decreased?

[  ]


People no longer value plants as a useful resource.


Botany is not recognized as a special branch of science.


Research is unable to keep up with the increasing number of plants.


Direct relation with a variety of plants has decreased.


In paragraph 2, the underlined word “marvel” is closest in meaning to ________.

[  ]










According to the passage, what was the first great step toward the practice of agriculture?

[  ]


The invention of agriculture tools and machines.


The development of a system of names for plants.


The discovery of grasses that could be harvested and replanted.


The changing food of early humans.


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省温州市部分中学2007届高三第一次月考英语 题型:050


  A good teacher is many things to many people.In my own experience, the people I respect the most and think about the most are the teachers who demanded (要求) the most discipline (纪律) from their students.

  I miss one teacher in particular that I had in high school.I think she was a good teacher because she was a very strict person.I remember very vividly (清晰地) a sign over her classroom door.It was a simple sign that said,“Laborato ry-in this room the first five letters of the word was emphasized (强调), not the last seven.”In other words, I guess, labor(劳动) for her was more important than oratory, which means making speeches.

  She prepared her work very care-fully and demanded us to do the same.We got lots of homework from her.Once she had broken her arm, and everybody in the class thought that maybe the home-work load would be reduced, but it con tinued just the same.She checked our work by stamping her name at the bot tom of the papers to show that she had read them.

  I think sometimes teachers who de mand the most are liked the least.But as time goes by, this discipline really seems to benefit (有益于) the students.


Which of the following is considered a good teacher by the writer?

[  ]


A patient teacher.


An honest teacher.


A strict teacher.


A hard-working teacher.


The teacher put up the sign over her classroom door ________.

[  ]


to remind the students that this room was a laboratory


to advise the students to follow the disciplines


to warn the students not to be careless


to tell the students to work hard in the classroom


When the teacher’s arm was broken, she ________.

[  ]


gave her students the usual am ount of homework


gave her students less homework


asked her students to check the homework themselves


gave her students more homework


What’s the writer’s opinion of dis cipline?

[  ]


It makes the students dislike their teachers.


It does good to the students in the long run.


It’s too much for young children.


It does more harm than good to the students.


科目:高中英语 来源:2007-2008学年度北京育才中学高三第一次质量检测、英语 题型:050


  A good teacher is many things to many people.In my own experience, the people I respect the most and think about the most are the teachers who demanded(要求)the most discipline(纪律)from their students.

  I miss one teacher in particular that I had in high school.I think she was a good teacher because she was a very strict person.I remember very vividly(清晰地)a sign over her classroom door.It was a simple sign that said,“Laboratory-in this room the first five letters of the word was emphasized(强调), not the last seven.”In other words, I guess, labor(劳动)for her was more important than oratory, which means making speeches.

  She prepared her work very care fully and demanded us to do the same.We got lots of homework from her.Once she had broken her arm, and everybody in the class thought that maybe the home work load would be reduced, but it con tinued just the same.She checked our work by stamping her name at the bot tom of the papers to show that she had read them.

  I think sometimes teachers who de mand the most are liked the least.But as time goes by, this discipline really seems to benefit(有益于)the students.


Which of the following is considered a good teacher by the writer?

[  ]


A patient teacher.


An honest teacher.


A strict teacher.


A hard-working teacher.


The teacher put up the sign over her classroom door ________.

[  ]


to remind the students that this room was a laboratory


to advise the students to follow the disciplines


to warn the students not to be careless


to tell the students to work hard in the classroom


When the teacher’s arm was broken, she ________.

[  ]


gave her students the usual amount of homework


gave her students less homework


asked her students to check the homework themselves


gave her students more homework


What’s the writer’s opinion of dis cipline?

[  ]


It makes the students dislike their teachers.


It does good to the students in the long run.


It’s too much for young children.


It does more harm than good to the students.


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省天门中学2008-2009学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题(B卷) 题型:050


  It may not have a funny bone.But that hasn't stopped one robot from developing a sense of humor.Scientists have created the first software program that can tell the difference between ordinary conversation and surprising puns(双关语).

  Previous attempts to get machines to understand jokes have largely failed because humor is so subjective and complex, making it difficult to program.But psychologists have argued that intelligent computers and robots acting as human helpers will need to understand complex puns in order to communicate and appear friendlier.

  The“joke bot”, as it has been named, recognizes simple jokes by working out how the words in a sentence are related to one another.If it decides a word does not fit in with its surroundings, the computer searches a pronunciation guide for the same or similar sounding terms.If any of those fit, it decides the passage is a joke.

  In one test, it was shown the following passage:“Mother:‘Mike, you've been working in the garden a lot this summer.’Son:‘I have to because my teacher told me to weed a lot.’”The software realizes that“weed”makes sense in the context of“working in the garden”but has no place in the same sentence as the words“teacher told me”.Since“weed”sounds similar to“read”, it can find this wordplay.

  Julia Taylor, researcher of the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, who designed the program with her colleague Lawrence Mazlack, told New Scientist that the team were now trying to make the machine understand more complex versions of humour, including sarcasm(讽刺)and irony.

  “If you've been in a car accident, you probably won't find a joke about a car accident funny,”she added.


What is the difficulty in making machines understand jokes?

[  ]


Machines don't have a funny bone.


Jokes are too difficult to understand for people.


Humor is the kind of mental product.


Human technology is not advanced at all.


What can the“joke bot”do?

[  ]


It can find a joke in a car accident.


It can judge whether a passage is a joke.


It can tell a joke to humans.


It can design a difficult joke program.


Why did the software decide the dialogue between mother and son as a joke?

[  ]


Because there are the same sounding terms“a lot”.


Because it found the words were related to each other.


Because it recognized a word didn't fit in with its surroundings.


Because it was a dialogue between mother and son.


The subject discussed in the passage is ________.

[  ]


the robot that appears friendly to humans


the robot that helps human communicate


the robot that is intelligent


the robot that can understand pun


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省莆田一中2010-2011学年高一下学期第一学段考试英语试题 题型:050


  Le Trung, 33, has spent £14,000 creating Aiko, who he describes as“in her 20s”with a 32,23,33 figure, shiny hair and delicate features.

  She can speak English and Japanese and is so good at mathematics that she can do Mr.Trung's accounts.

  Mr.Trung, from Brampton in Ontario, Canada, said he has never had time to find a real partner, so he designed and created his ideal woman using the latest technology.

  The former software programmer has taken out credit cards and loans, sold his car and spent his life savings on perfecting his“fem-bot”.

  Now he is desperate to find a corporate sponsor(资助者)to help him complete and perfect Aiko.

  He said,“Aiko is what happens when science meets beauty.”

  “I want to make her look, feel and act as human as possible so she can be the perfect companion.”

  “I talk to her a lot, and hope to improve her knowledge.”

  “So far she can understand and speak 13,000 different sentences in English and Japanese, so she's already fairly intelligent.”

  “Aiko recognize faces and says hello when any of my family come around to visit.She helps me pick what to have for dinner and knows what drinks I like.”

  “She even helps me with directions when we're going somewhere.”

  “When I need to do my accounts, Aiko does all the maths.She is very patient and never complains.”

  “She doesn't need holidays, food or rest and she will work almost 24-hours a day.She is the perfect woman.”

  Mr.Trung has designed Aiko with a touch-sensitive face and body so she reacts in a natural way if she is shown affection or hurt.

  He said,“She has all senses except for smell.”


Why did Le Trung spend much money creating Aiko?

[  ]


Because he prefers Aiko to a real person.


Because he is too busy to find a partner.


Because he thinks Aiko is very beautiful.


Because he thinks Aiko is worth much money.


According to the passage, what is Aiko?

[  ]


Aiko is a female person.


Aiko is Mr.Trung's girl friend.


Aiko is a robot that looks like a beautiful woman.


Aiko is a perfect woman.


Aiko can do the following things EXCEPT ________.

[  ]


that she can understand and speak English and Japanese


that she can do maths questions very well


that she can smell the strange smell


that she can help to receive some familiar guests


What is the main idea of the passage?

[  ]


The reason for Le Trung creating Aiko.


The introduction to a new scientific product-Aiko.


Aiko's ability or functions.


The process of making Aiko.


科目:高中英语 来源:吉林省吉林一中2010-2011学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  Le Trung, 33, has spent £14,000 creating Aiko, who he describes as“in her 20s”with a 32,23,33 figure, shiny hair and delicate features.

  She can speak English and Japanese and is so good at mathematics that she can do Mr.Trung's accounts.

  Mr.Trung, from Brampton in Ontario, Canada, said he has never had time to find a real partner, so he designed and created his ideal woman using the latest technology.

The former software programmer has taken out credit cards and loans, sold his car and spent his life savings on perfecting his “fem-bot”.

  Now he is desperate to find a corporate sponsor(资助者)to help him complete and perfect Aiko.

  He said, “Aiko is what happens when science meets beauty.”

  "I want to make her look, feel and act as human as possible so she can be the perfect companion."

  "I talk to her a lot, and hope to improve her knowledge."

  "So far she can understand and speak 13,000 different sentences in English and Japanese, so she's already fairly intelligent."

  "Aiko recognize faces and says hello when any of my family come around to visit.She helps me pick what to have for dinner and knows what drinks I like."

  "She even helps me with directions when we're going somewhere."

  "When I need to do my accounts, Aiko does all the maths.She is very patient and never complains."

  "She doesn't need holidays, food or rest and she will work almost 24-hours a day.She is the perfect woman."

  Mr.Trung has designed Aiko with a touch-sensitive face and body so she reacts in a natural way if she is shown affection or hurt.

  He said,"She has all senses except for smell."


Why did Le Trung spend much money creating Aiko?

[  ]


Because he prefers Aiko to a real person.


Because he is too busy to find a partner.


Because he thinks Aiko is very beautiful.


Because he thinks Aiko is worth much money.


According to the passage, what is Aiko?

[  ]


Aiko is a female person.


Aiko is Mr.Trung's girl friend.


Aiko is a robot that looks like a beautiful woman.


Aiko is a perfect woman.


Aiko can do the following things EXCEPT _________.

[  ]


that she can understand and speak English and Japanese


that she can do maths questions very well


that she can smell the strange smell


that she can help to receive some familiar guests


What is the main idea of the passage?

[  ]


The reason for Le Trung creating Aiko.


The introduction to a new scientific product-Aiko.


Aiko's ability or functions.


The process of making Aiko.

