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______ your plans look good, you still need to do some revision work on it.

A. If                            B. Once                        C. Although           D. Since


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It is Saturday afternoon. You and your friends are planning to go to the movies and then spend the night together. Just as you start to get ready, your dad reminds you that it is your aunt's birthday and the whole family is going out to dinner to celebrate. How can this possibly end without a huge argument?

  One of the greatest sources of tension (紧张情绪) between teenagers and their families is the struggle to balance personal desires with family expectations. As you are getting older, you are becoming more independent and more interested in being with your friends.

  However,at the same time,your family is trying to figure out how to deal with these changes. While you once spent most of your free time with your family, you are now often absent from home. Parents may get their feelings hurt. Or they might feel that they are losing control of their family during this period. You might feel angry that so many family demands are placed on you.

  There are a few things you can try to make it a little easier to ease (缓解) the tension.

  * Make your plans in advance. Ask your parents if there is anything else planned at that time.

  * When something with your friends interferes (冲突) with a family event,try to figure out if there is any way you can do both.

  * Suggest something you would really like to do with your family. Sometimes parents feel better just knowing their teenager wants to spend time with them.

  Some of the time you won’t be happy with the outcome (结果). You might either have to disappoint your parents or have to miss out being with your friends. However, if you show consideration for the feelings of both your family and your friends,you can solve the problem in a tender way.

The purpose of the first paragraph is to _________.

  A. show a disagreement of views       B. serve as a description of teenager trouble

  C. serve as an introduction to the discussion

  D. show the popularity of teenager problem

The tension between teenagers and their families is caused by the fact that____________.

  A. teenagers don’t like to take family demands

  B. parents want to keep their family under control

  C. parents feel unhappy that their children make so many friends

  D. both parents and teenagers don’t pay attention to each other’s feeling much

What’s the purpose of the passage?

  A. To inform us of parent and teenager tension.

B. To advise teenagers how to deal with their tension with their families.

  C. To persuade parents to show consideration for teenagers.

D. To tell us about a common teenager problem.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011安徽合肥一中高二下学期期中英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

I used to be the messiest person alive. Over the years, through watching others and by trial and error, I have finally found ways to come up with plans, organize them and follow through with them.
Make an outline of everything you need to have and do to make your plan happen. Make a list of all of the steps that need to be accomplished and think about what needs to be done.
Detail everything thoroughly and read over it so you can start coming up with some mental solutions of how to carry out your plans.
You should ensure that if for some reason way one doesn’t work, you have way two and way three to lean back on. Therefore, different ways are needed at hand. It’s just a matter of being organized. Chances are that there is always more than one way of doing things, and chances are that if one of the other ones will.
Committing yourself to finishing at least at least part if not all of your plan at once is also necessary. It will show that you not only have initiative to get things rolling, but that you are interested in the results obtained with making the move to get everything done.
If you make a commitment to finish before a specific time, make sure that you carry that out, and be sure to do everything in the way you said you would, within the time-frame you set for your self.
Don’t try to tackle more things all at a time. All that does is to delay your progress, distract you and make you lose your interest, motivation and energy.
Carrying out an effective plan requires being as organized as possible. You will only achieve this by sticking to the order of the plan and not turn away from it or trying to do more at a time.
Last but not least, you should never abandon things mid-project. It will only annoy everyone around you including yourself. Unfinished plans are a waste of time, energy and, in some cases, even money.
So, don’t be afraid of organization. The older we get, the more necessary it becomes to have the skills necessary to follow through with confidence and to be able to carry through plans in an organized and manageable way. It pays to be organized, after all.

.Title: Tips on how to be (1) __________ in your life
(2) _________
(3) _______ down your plan.
◆List everything you need.
◆List (4) _______ you will follow.
To make your plan happen.
Prepare three (5) _______ ways to carry out your plan.
To (6) _______ that you can have some other choices when one way doesn’t work.
(7) _______ to finish at least part of your plan if not all.
Do everything (8) _______ your own time-frame.
To show yourself you are determined to get things started and caring about the results.
Do one thing at once.
Stick to the order of your plan.
To save your interest, motivation and energy.
Finish what you have started.
To get your plan (9) ________ out thoroughly.
(10) ___________
You shouldn’t be afraid of organization because it’s really worthwhile.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届黑龙江省大庆铁人中学高三第二次阶段考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

I’m 30 years old, and there are several things that life has taught me that I want to share with you.Here are the 4 lessons that life has taught me in the past 30 years.
1.Take Care of Your Body
Life is “unfairly” biased(偏向的) towards people who “look good,” like it or not.So it’s important that you do all that is in your power to look your best.   71    You will live longer, and you will live happier, if you take care of your body; you may even get promoted faster on your job.Remember that your health is really your greatest wealth.
2.   72     
No one taught me to save when I was growing up; no one told me the importance of saving.Fortunately I was able to learn the value of saving through reading great books like “The Millionaire Next Door”.What I want to teach others is to save at least twenty percent of your income.If you are to be wealthy, you must not just earn a lot, you must save a lot.
3.Think long-term.
In high school I was thinking about college, in college I was thinking about life after college.I’m designing my life and I’m making decisions today that will enable me to live the life I desire when I’m in my 40’s, 50’s and 60’s.You have to think long-term; you have to see the “big picture.”     73   
4.Realize the Power of Focus
Focus, focus, focus…     74    If you fail in this lifetime, you will fail because of broken focus.If you focus on the goals that are most important to you, you will achieve them.The problem is that there are so many distractions.  75   Winners decide to major on majors, and they even let important things slip, because they just focus on achieving what is critical to their goals.

A.The importance of saving.
B.If you plan your future properly, you will live into your plans.
C.Save Your Money.
D.Nothing is more critical than focus.
E.What separates the winners from the losers is that the winners learn to focus on their goal.
F.I mean dressing nicely, working out and eating right.
G.It’s critical that you pursue relationships with individuals who are good first.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省无锡市等三校高三12月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


I used to be the messiest person alive. Over the years, through watching others and by trial and error, I have finally found ways to come up with plans, organize them and follow through with them.

Make an outline of everything you need to have and do to make your plan happen. Make a list of all of the steps that need to be accomplished and think about what needs to be done.

Detail everything thoroughly and read over it so you can start coming up with some mental solutions of how to carry out your plans.

You should make sure that if for some reason Way One doesn’t work, you have Way Two and Way Three to lean back on. Therefore, different ways are needed at hand. It’s just a matter of being organized. Chances are that there is always more than one way of doing things, and chances are that if one of those ways doesn’t work, one of the other ones will.

Committing yourself to finishing at least part if not all of your plan at once is also necessary. It will show that you not only have initiative to get things rolling, but that you are interested in the results obtained with making the move to get everything done.

If you make a commitment to finish before a specific time, make sure that you carry that out, and be sure to do everything in the way you said you would, within the time-frame you set for yourself.

Don’t try to tackle more things all at a time. All that does is delay your progress, distract you and make you lose your interest, motivation and energy.

Carrying out an effective plan requires being as organized as possible. You will only achieve this by sticking to the order of the plan and not deviating or trying to do more at a time.

Last but not least, you should never abandon things mid-project. It will only annoy everyone around you including yourself. Unfinished plans are a waste of time, energy and, in some cases, even money.

So, don’t be afraid of organization. The older we get, the more necessary it becomes to have the skills to follow through with confidence and to be able to carry through plans in an organized and manageable way. It pays to be organized, after all.

Title: Tips on how to be    1.     in your life




   3.    down your plan.

◆List everything you need.

◆List the    4.    you will follow.

To make your plan happen.

 Prepare three

   5.    ways to carry out your plan.


To    6.    that you can have some other choices when one way doesn’t work.

   7.    to finish at least part of your plan if not all.

Do everything    8.    your own time-frame.

To show yourself you are determined to get things started and caring about the results.

Do one thing at once.

Stick to the order of your plan.

To save your interest, motivation and energy.

Finish what you have started.


To get your plan    9.   out thoroughly.

     10.     :  You shouldn’t be afraid of organization because it’s really worthwhile.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届黑龙江省高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题 题型:单项填空


---- He is so unhappy.What let him down?

   ---- It’s his plans.You can’t imagine what it’s like to feel that all your plans for the future have_____.

     A.set down          B.turn down             C.put down              D.broken down


