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3. This is a (窄的) path leading to the moun- tainous area.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. The airport is designed to 80 million passen- gers a year.

   A. consist   B. accommodate

   C. involve   D. include


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

10. The Great Wall of China is the longest man-made structure ever .

   A. builds   B. building

   C. built   D. to build


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    When I began teaching in a university,I was invited to a workshop for new professors. I had 1 a long time learning what to teach,but not learning how to 2 it. Somehow,my university seemed to hope a weekend spent with experienced professors would 3 for that. My colleagues presented well-crafted lectures about the tools they used. I enjoyed their 4 , but do not remember a thing they said.

   At a coffee break during the lectures,finding myself 5 , I turned to a mathematics professor standing near-by. I asked him what his favourite teaching 6 was. “A cup of coffee,” he said. “I talk too much and too fast in the classroom. Students sometimes have trouble  7 me. So when I've said 8 that I want my students to think about,I would 9 and take a sip of coffee. It lets what I've just said sink in. ”

When we were called to the next talk,he put down his cup and I 10 there was not a trace of coffee in it.

    My doctor 11 me to stop drinking coffeehe explained. “So I have always used a (n) 12 cup. MI decided to try his 13 in my class.

    I took a cup of coffee with me to my next class. It helped. My pauses,as I 14 the coffee,not only gave my students 15 to think about what I had said,but gave me time to think about what I was going to say next. I began to use my 16 to look around the room to see how my students were reacting to what I had just said. When I saw their 17 wander,! tried to bring them back. When I saw them puzzled over some concept that I thought I had 18 ,I gave another example. My 19 became less organised and less brilliant,but my students seemed to 20 me better.

1. A. wasted   B. cost

   C. killed   D. spent

2. A. manage   B. copy

   C. teach   D. consider

3. A. put up   B. build up

   C. take up   D. make up

4. A. experiences   B. plans

   C. presentations   D. designs

5. A. alone   B. absent

   C. lonely   D. awkward

6. A. method   B. material

   C. tool   D. skill

7. A. following   B. grasping

   C. seizing   D. imitating

8. A. everything   B. something

   C. nothing   D. anything

9. A. pretend   B. stop

   C. prevent   D. delay

10. A. observed   B. noticed

   C. glared   D. proved

11. A. suggested   B. protected

   C. allowed   D. advised

12. A. empty   B. clear

   C. large   D. false

13. A. discovery   B. invention

   C. magic   D. idea

14. A. dropped   B. made

   C. drank   D. changed

15. A. space   B. time

   C. room   D. schedule

16. A. chances   B. pauses

   C. situations   D. conditions

17. A. attention   B. focus

   C. energy   D. devotion

18. A. translated   B. expected

   C. explained   D. solved

19. A. speeches   B. memories

   C. documents   D. lectures

20. A. realise   B. understand

   C. admit   D. admire


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. He is a very kind-hearted man, is always ready to help others.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


(  )1. Who dreamed of harnessing the power of the Yangtze River?

   A. Sun Yat-sen. B. Mao Zedong.

   C. Deng Xiaoping. D. A great designer.

(  )2. How many tons of coal was used for heating and generating electricity in 1993?

   A. 1. 2 billion. B. 20 billion.

   C. 40 billion. D. About 800 billion.

(  )3. What problem does burning coal cause?

   A. Air pollution.

   B. Increasing global warming.

   C. Destroying the balance of nature.

   D. Both A and   B.

(  )4. Which of the following famous historical sites is NOT mentioned in the last paragraph?

   A. The Qu Yuan Temple.

   B. The Han Watchtower.

   C. The Grand Canal.

   D. The Moya Cliff carvings,


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8. The fields had been (淹没) by flood water.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. The old man knows a lot of (history) events.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

9. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase,the price was very reasonable.

