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17.We have eight managers in our company,and five of ______ are in their twenties.(  )

分析 我们公司有八名经理,其有五位二十几岁.

解答 答案:A     句中有并列连词and,连接两个并列句,而非从句.故排除B,C,D.选A.

点评 注意区别并列连词和关系词以及并列句与主从句的区分.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.Tom admitted that he had broken the dish ________because he wanted to show his anger and attract his mother's attention.(  )
A.as usualB.on purposeC.at presentD.by accident


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.Two things I did may have caused people(31)to think (think) that something is wrong with me.The first was when my wife asked me to have the sitting-room clock (32)repaired (repair).I drove into the market place of our little town and,clock under arm,entered a shop.Only it was the meat shop.(33)Withmy thoughts far away,I stood staring into the shop-keeper's eyes.I (34)had been(be) his customers for a long time and the good man smiled at me.
This went on for several very long seconds before I realized where I was.There is no doubt that I should have calmly bought a pound of meat,(35)butI merely nodded briefly and left.
The other man in my town who probably thinks I am mad is Mr.Smith.Some years ago he was manager of Mead's Shop,and he and I knew each other quite well.One day,he(36)was standing(stand) in the doorway of his shop when I passed.My brain was on some distant problem and my eyes stared into space.
"Hello,Mr.Herriot,"I heard his voice.I turned a blank gaze on him-I just had no idea(37)whohe was though his face was familiar.Then I saw(38)theword"MEAD"in foot-high letters above the shop window.
"Good morning,Mead,"I cried heartily and continued my way.I had gone only a few steps before I realized that my greeting had been(39)impolite(polite).I turned back and said to him again,"Good morning,Mister Mead."
It was only when I had turned the corner of the street that I realized,too late,(40)thathis name was Tony and the time was late afternoon.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.The 21stWinter Olympic Games were successfully held in_____city of Vancouver,_____  big city in Canada.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.--I'm sorry,Sir.I got stuck in the heavy snow on the way to work this morning.
--    you were so late.It is none of your business.(  )
A.Go aheadB.Forget itC.No wonderD.No way


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

9.This Saturday night at 8:30,all the lights will be shut off at the Tokyo in Japan.The Brandenburg Gate in Berlin and the Eiffel Tower in Paris are also expected to(16)go dark.So is the Empire State Building in New York and buildings in other cities around the world.
The lights will stay off for one hour for an event called Earth Hour.The observance(17)is organized by a conservation group,the World Wide Fund for Nature,also known as the World Wild Fund.For the fourth year,people are being urged to (18)turn off their lights for one hour to call attention to the issue of climate change.The group says climate change is one of the (19)greatest threatsfacing wildlife and nature.
The first Earth Hour was held in 2007in Sydney,Australia.Organizers said more than 2,000businesses and two million people took part.(20)Since then,Earth Hour has grown into an international event.People in more than 4,000cities in 88countries took part last year.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.A rapidly advancing contemporary science that is highly dependent on new tools is Earth system science.Earth system science involves observation and measurements on the Earth at all scales from the largest to the smallest.The huge amounts of data that are gathered come from many different locations and require special techniques for handling data.Important new tools that facilitate Earth system science include satellite remote sensing,small deep-sea submarines,and geographic information systems.
More than any other way of gathering evidence,satellite observations continually remind us that each part of the Earth interacts with and is dependent on all other parts.
Earth system science was born from the realization of that interdependence.Satellite remote sensing makes possible observations at large scales,and in many cases,measurements of factors that could not otherwise be measured.For example,the ozone hole over Antarctica--the decrease in the concentration of ozone high in the atmosphere--is measured by remote sensing,as are changes in deserts,forests,and farmlands around the world.Such measurements can be used in many areas of specialization besides Earth system science.Archaeology,for example,has benefited from satellite observations that reveal the traces of ancient trade routes across the Arabian Desert.
New tools for exploring previously inaccessible areas of the Earth have also added greatly to our knowledge of the Earth system.Small deep-sea submarines allow scientists to travel to the depths of the ocean.There they have discovered new species and ecosystems thriving near deep-sea vents that emit heat,sasses,and mineral-rich water.
Just as important as new methods of measurement and exploration are new ways to store and analyze data about the Earth system.Computer-based software programs known as geographic information systems,or GIS,allow a large number of data points to be stored along with their locations.These can be used to produce maps and to compare different sets of information gathered at different times.For example,satellite remote sensing images of a forest can be converted to represent stages in the forest's growth.Two such images,made at different times can be overlaid and compared,and the changes that have taken place can be represented in a new image.

74.The word"facilitate"in Paragraph I is closest in meaning toA.
75.The author of the passage mentions that satellite observations are especially effective inD.
A.conducting scientific studies of life on the ocean floor
B.predicting future climate changes    
C.providing data to determine Earth's age
D.demonstrating interactions among all of Earth's parts
76.According to the passage,satellite observations of the Arabian Desert allow archaeologists to knowA.
A.indications of ancient routes       
B.evidence of former lakes
C.traces of early farms
D.remains of ancient forests
77.What is the main idea of the passageB?
A.special techniques are needed to classify the huge amounts of data about Earth.
B.New tools provide information about Earth that was once impossible to obtain.
C.Advances in Earth system science have resolved many environmental problems.
D.Satellite remote sensing can show changes between two images taken years apart.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Getting kids to share their toys is a never-ending battle,and forcing them to do so never seems to help.New research suggests that allowing children to make a choice to sacrifice their own toys in order to share with someone else makes them share more in the future.The new findings are published in Psychological Science.
These experiments were conducted by psychological scientists,Nadia Chernyak and Tamar Kushnir of Cornell University.They found that sharing things with others when they are given a difficult choice leads children to think of themselves as people who like to share.It also makes them more likely to act in a pro-social (亲社会的)manner in the future.
Previous research has explained why rewarding children for sharing can backfire.Children come to think of themselves as people who don't like to share since they had to be rewarded for doing so.Because they don't view themselves as"sharers"they are less likely to share in the future.
Chernyak and Kushnir were interested in finding out whether freely chosen sacrifice might have the opposite effect on kids'willingness to share.To test this,the researchers introduced five-year-old children to Doggie,a sad puppet.Some of the children were given a difficult choice:Share a precious sticker with Doggie,or keep it for themselves.Other children were given an easy choice between sharing and putting the sticker away,while children in a third group were required by the researcher to share.
Later on,all the children were introduced to Ellie,another sad puppet.They were given the option of how many stickers to share (up to three).The kids who earlier made the difficult choice to help Doggie shared more stickers with Ellie.The children who were initially faced with an easy choice or who were required to give their sticker to Doggie,on the other hand,shared fewer stickers with Ellie.Therefore,children did not benefit from simply giving something up,but rather from willingly choosing to give something up of value.
"You might imagine that making difficult,costly choices is taxing for young children or even that once children share,they don't feel the need to do so again,"Chernyak says."But this wasn't the case:once children made a difficult decision to give up something for someone else,they were more generous,not less,later on."Chernyak concludes.
74.Dhelps children to share more in the future.
A.Rewarding children for sharing stickers
B.Requiring children to share their favorite toys
C.Allowing children to share what they don't need
D.Encouraging children to share precious things willingly
75.The underlined word"backfire"meansD.
A.serve as a push                  B.have an opposite effect
C.cause anger                      D.avoid taking things back
76.Those who were required to share give fewer stickers to Ellie becauseA.
A.it's not their own choice           B.they regret what they did
C.Ellie is not as sad as Doggie        D.they like to share with a real person
77.We can conclude from the passage thatC
A.parents will never find a way to get children to share toys
B.a gift should be given to make up for children's sacrifice
C.making difficult choices may influence sharing behavior
D.children pretend to be generous when they are being observed.

