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13.We couldn't find the hotel and it was getting dark,_____ we got out a map and studied it carefully.(  )

分析 我们找不到旅馆,天渐渐暗了,因此我们拿出地图仔细地研究.

解答 答案是A.本题考查并列连词.so因此,表示结果;and和,并且,表示并列关系;but但是,表示转折或用于表示歉意;or或者,表示选择;否则,表示警告;根据句意,因为找不到旅馆,"所以"拿出地图研究,故选A.

点评 首先要理解连词的功能:并列连词连接并列的词、短语或句子;从属连词连接主从句;其次理解各连词含义;最后结合语境做出判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.I came to live here where I am now between Wounded Knee Greek and Grass Greek.Others came too,and we made these little grey houses of logs that you see,and they are square,It is a bad way to live,for there can be no power in a square.
You have noticed that everything an Indian does is in a circle,and that is because the Power of the World always works in circles,and everything tries to be round.In the old days when we were strong and happy people,all our power came to us from the respectful circle of the nation,and so long as the circle was unbroken,the people were getting rich.The flowering tree was the living center of the circle,and the circle of the four quarters nursed it.The east gave peace and light,the south gave warmth,the west gave rain,and the north with its cold and strong wind gave strength and continuous power.
This knowledge came to us from the outer world with our brief.Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle.The sky is round,and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball,and so are all the stars.Birds make their nests in circle,for theirs are the same as ours.The sun comes forth and goes down again in a circle.The moon does the same,and both are round.Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing,and always come back again to where they were.The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood,and so it is in everything where power moves.
Our places were like the nests of birds,and these were always set in a circle,the nation's circle,a nest of many nests,where the Great Spirit meant for us to nurse our children.
But the"white people"have put us in these square boxes.Our power is gone and we are dying,for the power is not in us any more.You can look at our boys and see how it is with us.Where we were living by the power of the circle in the way we should,boys were men at twelve or thirteen years of age.But now it takes them very much longer to grow up.

67.According to the passage,the IndiansC.
A.don't have modern instruments in their homes
B.refused to move from round places
C.lived in round places,but were forced to live in square houses
D.lived in round places,but then decided to move into square houses
68.Two things being compared in the passage areA.
A.the Indians'past and present living conditions
B.the Indians'past and modern beliefs
C.the Indians'old and new power
D.people and nature
69.In the second paragraph"the four quarters"refers toD.
A.the four rooms of the Indian's house
B.the four kinds of natural power
C.the four seasons
D.the four directions
70.According to the author,once the Indians moved into square houses,B.
A.they had to move to other houses
B.boys took more time to grow into men
C.they forgot the old way of life
D.everyone was not happy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.Last night he saw two dark _____ enter the building,and then there was the explosion.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.China is becoming stronger and stronger and _________ an important role on the international stage in recent years.(  )
A.playsB.was playing
C.playeD.has been playing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.My friends,after they heard what had happened to the officials who travelled to India on the instruction of the Emperor Mingdi,______ said it sounded like an adventure.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Last year I bought a gamefor my c hildren and I played it with them together.It troubled me that everyone won the game in the end.This seems like a perfect ending,but where's the incentive (刺激) to keep playing?We played the game twice in all,and it has been covered with dust there ever since.
Without a possible winner,a game or contest loses its excitement.If there's nothing for one to compete for,the drive to do one's best is replaced by a"what's the meaning?"attitude.Competition is closely related to motivation.It's part of human nature to be competitive.A competitive spirit is the key to our success among our adults,so why not teach it in our children?
I'm not suggesting we make our children compete against each other in heated competitions in all aspects of life.What I'm here to say is that we should pay attention to coaches(教练) who lose the spirit of good sportsmanship in the heated moment of the game.But in the right situations,a healthy competition can teach our kids a lot about life.While games and contests show the importance of drive and determination,they also teach our children how to deal with failure.And then come other good lessons-about learning from mistakes,searching for ways to improve and finding the will to try again.
56.The author found that.C
A.the game interested them lot              
B.they had great fun playing the game
C.the game turned out to be less challenging   
D.the game gathered dust very easily
57.What can we know from Paragraph 2?A
A.Humans are competitive by nature.
B.Only adults have a competitive spirit.
C.Only children have a competitive spirit.
D.There is one possible winner in games.
58.What does the underlined word"drive"in Para.2mean?A
59.In a healthy competition,children can learn the lessons except.B
A.learning from mistakes                  
B.giving up games and contests
C.having a try again                      
D.finding ways to get improved
60.What can we infer from the passage?A
A.Children should develop a competitive spirit in a game or contest.
B.We should encourage children to compete in all aspects of life.
C.Children should compete for nothing but prizes.
D.Children must obey their coaches strictly in a game.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.Something has to be done to stop the rivers from being further polluted,_____?(  )
A.doesn't itB.hasn't itC.does itD.has it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.AVATAR director James Cameron is now taking his camera deep into the ocean.
On March 25,he did alone submarine(潜水艇)dive nearly 11 kilometers down to the deepest place in the ocean,the Mariana Trench(马里亚纳海沟)in the westem Pacific.
Compared with the colorful forest of Avatar,the Mariana Trench is dark and icy cold  Cameron became the first person to explore the deepest valley in the ocean since two men made a 20-minute trip there in 1960.
"I felt like I literally(真正地)had gone to  another planet and come back"Cameron told the Associated Press after returning from his dive."It's really the sense of isolation(与世隔绝),realizing how tiny you are down in this big,black and unexplored place."
The filmmaker has spend the past few years working with his team of engineers to design and build the submarine called  Deepsea  Challenger.Unlike ordinary submarines,it is wrapped(包围)in cameras and lights so that Cameron can film the ocean from the inside.
The minute-long video that Cameron took while under the sea has been released by the National Geographic.There are no words in the video,but there is something fascinating  about this extremely quiet and  distantplace.Cameron said be was thankful that he had had the chance to go there.
"There had be a moment where I just stopped,and took it in,and said,‘This is where I am  at the bottom of the ocean,the deepest place on Earth  What does that mean?'"Cameron told reporters.
    The Mariana Trench was once thought to be of little interest to scientists.It was assumed that nothing could live under so much pressure and with so little light,But in recent years scientists have found creatures there like fish and shrimps (虾)that can resist the heavy pressure.They are also trying to figure out what role deep-sea trenches play in earthquakes.
    Cameron told the BBC that he does not want this dive to be one-time thing.He wants to use it as a platform for further ocean exploration
41.What is the point of the articleC
A.To draw public attention to the Mariana  Trench.
B.To report on the successful launch of the"Deepsea Challenger".
C.To inform readers of Cameron's adventure to the Mariana Trench.
D.To introduce Cameron's Latest video filmed in the Mariana  Trench.
42.It can be inferred from the article that when Cameron reached the Mariana Trench,C.
A.he felt lonely and isolated
B.he was anxious about his safety.
C.he was astonished by what he experienced
D.he was excited that he had conquered the ocean
43.How does the"Deepsea  Challenger"differ from ordinary submarines?A
A.It is specially designed  for filming under the sea.
B.It is much heavier than an ordinary  submarine.
C.It is more comfortable than an ordinary submarine.
D.It enables passengers to see the outside.
44.Which of the following statements about the Mariana Trench TRUE E according to the article?B
A.Cameron is the first person to have explored the Mariana Trench so far.
B.The role that deep-sea trenches play in earthquakes is still unknown.
C.Scientists don't think that the Mariana Trench is of much scientific value.
D.There are no creatures living in the Mariana Trench due to its peculiar conditions.
45.What can we know about James Cameron according to the passage?B
A.curious.        B.Challenging.
C.Imaginable.   D.Enjoyable.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.I worked as a manager in a company for a number of years.I liked my job,and was doing well there,but our company was bought by a large company and most of the managers at our place lost their jobs.That was when I decided to do something I'd always wanted to do---become a freelance(自由撰稿的) writer.Changing professions has meant that my lifestyle has changed in a number of ways.
The main difference for me now is that I have a much more flexible( 灵活的) schedule.I work about as much as I did before---between 45and 50hours a week---but my schedule is much less rigid (刻板的) than it used to be.Before,I worked from 8a.m.to 5p.m.every day,with a few extra hours on weekends.Now,however,I work when I feel like it.For instance,sometimes I work until midnight or 2a.m.,then sleep until noon.I really prefer this kind of schedule.It seems more natural to me.
I alse decided that it was about time I began to pay more attention to my health.While I was working as a manager,I never exercised.I already felt tired after work,so I just came home in the evening and watched TV.However,last year I joined a health club and began to do regular exercise.As a result I have lost over 10pounds and I feel much better.I've also started to eat more healthfully.I used to eat a lot of fast food,but now I do my own shopping.I buy lots of fruits and vegetables and cook them at home.
Of course,not all the changes have been that east.For example,I don't feel as safe financially as I used to.When I was working as a manager,I never worried much about money.I could always count on getting my paycheck every two weeks.Working freelance,I don't have a regular paycheck.So now I have to make sure that there's enough money until the next check arrives.
All in all,I really like my current lifestyle.Of course,that doesn't mean I'll never want to have a"regular"job.But for me,at least,it suits me.

71.The author decided to become a freelance writer becauseA.
A.he had always liked writing
B.he hadn't liked to work in the company
C.the boss didn't like him
D.the boss had another person to do the job
72.What is the main difference the job change brought to the author?C
A.That he doesn't need to work hard.
B.That he can earn much more money.
C.That he can change his schedule as he likes.
D.That he can watch TV as long as he likes.
73.What is his chief problem now?D
A.He has no job to do.
B.He must work harder than before.
C.His health has changed worse than before.
D.He has to worry about money.
74.At the end of the passage,the author indicates thatB.
A.he wants to have a regular job
B.he is not going to change his lifestyle in the near future
C.he wants to change his lifestyle in the near future
D.he must change his job to earn more money.
75.Which of the following is True according to the passage?B
A.The author likes to work in the company very much.
B.The author's lifestyle has changed in a number of ways.
C.The author doesn't like to do exercise.
D.The author does want to change his job to earn more money.

