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 In the city of Fujisawa, Japan, lives a woman named Atsuko Saeki When she was a teenager, she  36 of going to the United States. Most of what she knew about American  37 was from the textbooks she had read. "I had a  38 in mind: Daddy watching TV in the living room, Mummy  39 cakes and their teenage daughter off to the cinema with her boyfriend."

  Atsuko  40 to attend college in California. When she arrived, however, she found it was not her  41 world. "People were struggling with problems and often seemed  42 ," she said. "I felt very alone."

  One of her hardest  43 was physical education. "We played volleyball." she said.

  "The other students were  44 it, but I wasn't."

 One afternoon, the instructor asked Atsuko to  45 the ball to her teammates so they could knock it  46 the net—No problem for most people, but it terrified Atsuko. She was afraid of losing face  47 she failed.

  A young man on her team  48 what she was going through. "He walked up to me and  49 , 'Come on. You can do that'"

  "You will never understand how those words of  50 made me feel.. Four words: You can do that I felt like crying with happiness."

  She made it through the class. Perhaps she thanked the young man; she is not  51 .

  Six years have passed. Atsuko is back in Japan, working as a salesclerk. "I have  52 forgotten the words." she said. "When things are not going so well, I think of them."

She is sure the young man had no idea how much his kindness  53 to her. "He probably doesn't even remember it," she said. That may be the lesson. Whenever you say something to a person cruel or kind—you have no idea how long the words will  54 . She's all the way over in Japan, but still she hears those four  55  words: You can do that.

36. A. learned       B. spoke           C. dreamed         D. heard

37. A. way          B. life             C. education        D. spirit

38. A. photo        B. painting         C. picture          D. drawing

39. A. baking        B. frying        C. steaming        D. boiling

40. A. hoped        B. arranged        C. liked            D. attempted

41. A. described     B. imagined         C. created          D. discovered

42. A. tense            B. cheerful         C. relaxed          D. deserted

43. A. times         B. question         C. classes          D. projects.

44. A. curious about  B. good at          C. slow at          D. nervous about

45. A. kick          B. pass            C. carry            D. hit

46. A. through       B. into             C. over            D. past

47. A. after         B. if           C. because         D. until

48. A. believed      B. considered       C. wondered        D. sensed

49. A. warned       B. sighed          C. ordered         D. whispered

50. A. excitement B. encouragement   C. persuasion       D. suggestion

51. A. interested     B. doubtful         C. puzzled          D. sure

52. A. never        B. already          C. seldom          D. almost

53. A. happened     B. applied          C. seemed         D. meant

54. A. continue      B. stay            C. exist            D. live

55. A. merciful       B. bitter            C. simple           D. easy



科目:高中英语 来源:高中英语复习题 题型:050

  Do you know how fast winds travel? The speed at which they usually or generally travel is called average speed. In order to find out how fast winds travel, you have to select a station or a fixed place. There are 9 different kinds of winds, from the weakest to the strongest;each is given a designation or an official name in the second table.        

1.Through 1987 what was the ratio(比例)of the highest to the average wind speed for BM?

A.5 : 1 B. 6 : 1 C. 7 : 1 D. 8 : 1

2.For the three places whose average wind speeds through 1996 were the three highest, about what was the average of those wind speeds in miles per hour?

A.157 B. 151 C. 60  D. 20

3.For how many of the places shown did the highest wind speed change from 1987 to 1996?

A.One B. Two C. Three D. Six

4.For which of the places shown was the value of the difference between the average wind speed through 1987 and the average wind speed through 1996 the greatest?

A. BM B. CI   C. MN  D. OI

5.The information infers that, between December 31, 1987 and December 31, 1996, which of the following was true?

I.There was a hurricane wind recorded in OI.

II.The average wind speed in MA was 6.8 miles per hour.

III.The wind speed in CI was never as high as 60 miles per hour.

A.I only  B. II only  C. I and III only  D. II and III only


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省实验中学2009届高三上学期第四次月考英语试题 题型:050


  China has a wealth of classical literature dating from as far back as the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and including the Classics, whose compilation(收集,选编)is attributed to Confucius.Among these, the most important classics in Chinese literature include the Yijing, the Shijing, the Shujing, the Liji, the Chunqiu and the Lunyu.

  The earliest and most influential poetic collection was the Chuci, made up mainly of poems by Qu Yuan and his follower Song Yu.The songs in this collection are more lyrical and romantic and represent a different tradition from the earlier written Shijing.During the Han Dynasty, this form developed into the fu, a poem usually composed in rhymed verse except for the introductory and concluding passages, which are often in the form of questions and answers.

  Classical poetry in China reached its peak during the Tang Dynasty.The early Tang period was best known for a number of poetic styles including the lushi, an eight-line poem with five or seven words in each line; and the jueju, a four-line poem with five or seven words in each line.The two best-known poets of this period were Li Bai and Du Fu.Li Bai was known for the romanticism in his poetry, while Du Fu was seen as a Confucian moralist with a strict sense of duty toward society.

  Later Tang poets developed greater realism and social criticism within their work and improved the art of narration.One of the best known of the later Tang poets was Bai Juyi, whose poems were an inspired yet critical comment of the society of his time.

  As the classical style of poetry became redundant(多余的), a more flexible poetic medium, the ci, arrived on the scene.The ci, a poetic form of Central Asian origin based on the tunes of popular songs, was developed to its fullest by the poets of the Song Dynasty.


According to the passage, in contrast to the Shijing, the Chuciwas ________.

[  ]


different in terms of style and tradition


created earlier and considered more influential


made up of poems by a larger range of poets


more different from the fu during the Han Dynasty


Among the poets mentioned in the passage, whose poems were considered to be romantic?

[  ]


Li Bai and Du Fu.


Bai Juyi and Li Bai.


Qu Yuan and Li Bai.


Du Fu and Qu Yuan.


Compared with poets of early Tang, Bai Juyi’s poems were more ________.

[  ]


flexible and lyrical


practical and romantic


pessimistic and realistic


realistic and critical


Unlike the classical poetic forms, the ci of the Song Dynasty was ________.

[  ]


often in the form of questions and answers


based on the popular poems at that time


a little more flexible poetic form


similar to the earliest style of poetry

