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16. — I told you that he would come to see you.

— Actually I had little doubt _____ it was true.

A. whether     B. that     C. since     D. if



选B。 little doubt 表示“不怀疑”,要用that来引导宾语从句。而whether, if为同类项,表示“是否”,经常用于肯定句中。


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江西省井冈山中学高二第四次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

How many times have you got upset because someone wasn't doing his job,because your child isn't behaving?How many times have you been irritated (恼怒的) when you've planned something carefully and things didn't go as you'd hoped?
This kind of anger and irritation happens to all of us—it’s part of the human experiences.
One thing that irritates me is when people talk during a movie,or cut me off in traffic. Actually, I have a lot of these little annoyances—don't we all?And it isn’t always easy to find peace when you’ve become upset or irritated.
Let me tell you a little secret to finding peace of mind: see the glass as already broken .
See, the cause of our stress, anger and irritation is that things don't go the way we like, the way we expect them to. Think of how many times this has been true for you. And so the solution is simple:expect things to go wrong, expect things to be different than we hoped or planned,expect the unexpected to happen. And accept it.
One quick example: on our recent trip to Japan, I told my kids to expect things to go wrong—they always do on a trip. I told them, “See it as part of the adventure.”
And this worked like a charm. When we inevitably(不可避免地) took the wrong train on a foreign­language subway system, or when it rained on the day we went to Disney Sea, or when we took three trains and walked 10 blocks only to find the National Children's Castle closed on Mondays...they said, “It's part of the adventure!” And it was all OK—we didn't get too bothered.
So when the nice glass you bought inevitably falls and breaks some day, you might get upset. But things will be different, if you see the glass as already broken, from the day you get it. You know it'll break some day, so from the beginning, see it as already broken. Be a time­traveler, or someone with time­traveling vision, and see the future of this glass, from this moment until it inevitably breaks. And when it breaks, you won't be upset or sad—because it was already broken, from the day you got it. And you’ll realize that every moment you have with it is precious.
【小题1】The author would probably agree that________.

A.we should control our anger and irritation
B.we must get well prepared for the future
C.optimism can help us overcome our anger and irritation
D.anger and irritation is a natural part of our life
【小题2】The purpose of the author is to________.
A.tell us his own experience in life
B.advise us how to find peace of mind
C.tell us a happy trip he took with his children
D.ask us to see things from both sides
【小题3】By the underlined part (in Para.3), the author tells us to________.
A.get ready for the worst result of things
B.enjoy the process of things
C.expect little from life
D.find the relationship between cause and effect
【小题4】The author’s children could enjoy their trip to Japan because________.
A.everything went smoothly
B.they had a lot of adventures
C.they had expected things to go wrong
D.they could soon get used to the customs there
【小题5】We can learn from the passage that the author________.
A.often gets angry in his life
B.can adjust his state of mind accordingly
C.always expects others to act in his way
D.always suffers from his anger and irritation


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年高考二轮复习三月精品练习单项选择53英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I told them not everybody could run as fast as you did, _____?

A. could heB. didn’t IC. didnt youD. could they



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年陕西省高三一模英语卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

My 9-year-old daughter and I were flying from our home in Carolina to spend a week with my husband in Florida.We were__? _ about the trip because we hadn't seen him for five months, and __? her Dad terribly.

As usual on the Charlotte-to-Miami flight, the plane was totally__? . Because we did not get our boarding passes until we__? at the gate, Kallie and I could not get seats together and were __? by the aisle(过道). I asked two passengers in my row if they would switch places with Kallie and me, __? we could be together. They __? , saying they thought they should stay in their assigned seats.

Meanwhile, a mother and her three children were in a _? several rows ahead of us. There had been a mistake in their boarding passes, and _? the whole family had been split up. The passengers in her row_? refused to move elsewhere. She was very__? about the younger boy sitting with strangers. She was in tears, yet nobody__? to help her.

????????????? There were a troop of Boy Scouts(童子军) on __? . Suddenly the Scout leader stood up and said, "Ma’am, I think we can help you." He then __? five minutes rearranging his group so that adequate space was __? for the family. The boys followed his directions cheerfully and without _? , and the mother's relief was obvious.

Kallie, however, was beginning to panic at the _??? of not being next to me. I told her that there wasn’t anything I could do. __? , the man sitting next to the Scoutmaster, __? to me and asked, "Would you and your daughter like our seats?" __? to himself and the Scoutmaster. We traded seats and continued our trip, very much relieved to be together and watch the scenery from Kallie’s window seat.

1.A.worried?? ???? B.excited??????? C. anxious??????? D. eager

2.A.loved????????? B. considered ?? C. imagined ????? D. missed

3.A. full ????????? B. crowded ???? C. empty???????? D. overweight

4.A. reached ?????? B. arrived ?????? C. landed ?????? D. knocked

5.A. divided ?????? B. blocked ????? C. separated ????? D. connected

6.A. in case ??????? B. even if ?????? C. as if ????????? D. so that

7.A. prevented ???? B. refused ?????? C. agreed???????? D. promised

8.A. panic ???????? B. hurry????????? C. rush ???????? D. seat

9.A. however ????? B. otherwise ????? C. therefore ????? D. instead

10.A. too ????????? B. even ????????? C. ever ???????? D. also

11.A. concerned ???? B. curious ?????? C. particular ???? D. content

12.A. suggested????? B. offered ?????? C. provided ???? D. supplied

13.A. duty????????? B. watch ??????? C.board ?????? D. spot

14.A. took ????????? B. cost ???????? C.paid ???????? D. spent

15.A. convenient ???? B. available ???? C. probable ???? D. comfortable

16.A. permission ???? B. excuse?????? C.apology ????? D. complaint

17.A. thought ??????? B. end ???????? C. feeling ????? D. sense

18.A. Immediately ??? B. Puzzlingly ??? C.Clearly ????? D. Amazingly

19.A. turned up ???? B. turned around ? C. turned out ?? D. turned away

20.A. sticking ?????? B. keeping ????? C.waving ????? D.referring



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届江苏东台时堰中学高三9月摸底月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

I remember one Thanksgiving when our family had no money and no food, and someone came knocking on our door. A man was ___36____ there with a huge box of food, a giant turkey and even some ___37____ to cook it in. I couldn’t ___38___ it. My dad demanded, “Who are you? Where are you from?”

The stranger announced, “I’m here because a friend of yours knows you’re in need and that you wouldn’t accept __39__ help, so I’ve brought this for you. Have a great Thanksgiving.”

My father said, “No, no, we ___40___ accept this.” The stranger replied “You don’t have __41____.”, closed the door and left.

Obviously that experience had a profound impact (深刻影响) on my life. I ___42___ myself that someday I would do well enough financially _43__ I could do the same thing for other people. By the time I was eighteen I had created my Thanksgiving ritual (习惯). I would go out ____44___ and buy enough food for one or two ___45____. Then I would dress like a delivery boy, go to the __46____ neighbourhood and just knock on a ___47____. I always __48____ a note that explained my Thanksgiving experience __49____ a kid. The note said, “All that I ask ___50___ is that you take good enough care of ___51____ so that someday you can do the same thing for someone else.” I have received more from this annual ritual than I have from any amount of __52____ I’ve ever earned.

Years ago I was in New York City with my new wife during Thanksgiving. She was sad because we were not with our family. ___53____ she would be home decorating the house for Christmas, but we were __54_____ in a hotel room. When I told her what I always do on Thanksgiving, she got excited.

We packed enough food for seven families for thirty days and went to buildings where half a dozen people lived in one room with no electricity and no heat in winter surrounded by rats, cockroaches(蟑螂) and the smell of urine(尿). It was both an ___55____ realization that people lived this way and a truly fulfilling experience to make even a small difference.

1.A.speaking  B.standing      C.looking        D.shouting

2.A.meat         B.vegetables  C.pans    D.firewood

3.A.believe    B.accept         C.help    D.refuse

4.A.direct       B.some  C.our      D.any

5.A.may not   B.needn’t       C.can’t   D.daren’t

6.A.any money       B.a choice      C.food    D.a turkey

7.A.permitted         B.promised    C.asked  D.said

8.A.when        B.so that         C.even if         D.as if

9.A.driving     B.playing         C.offering       D.shopping

10.A.people   B.children      C.families        D.days

11.A.nearest  B.farthest       C.largest         D.poorest

12.A.house    B.door   C.window       D.gate

13.A.concluded      B.included      C.wrote D.took

14.A.like         B.with    C.as        D.to

15.A.in return         B.later    C.in future      D.for

16.A.others    B.yourself       C.your family D.the presents

17.A.warmth  B.thanks          C.money         D.encouragement

18.A.Unfortunately         B.Obviously    C.Normally     D.Gradually

19.A.stuck      B.excited        C.free    D.delighted

20.A.exciting B.astonishing C.encouraging        D.outstanding



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届辽宁省沈阳市四协作体高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I came to study in the United States a year ago .Yet I did not know the real American society until I was injured in a car accident because after the accident I had to see a doctor and go to court.

After the accident .my roommate called a doctor for me. I was very grateful and determined to repay him one day. But the next day, he asked me to pay him $200 for what he had done. I was astonished. He had good reason to charge me, he said. And if I wanted to collect money from the person who was responsible for my injury, I’d have to have a good lawyer. And only a good doctor can help me get a good lawyer .Now that he had helped me find a good doctor, it was only fair that I should pay him.

But every day I went to see the doctor, I had to wait about 50 minutes. He would see two or three patients at the same time, and often stop treating one so as to see another. Yet he charged me $115 each time .The final examination report was made up of ten lines, and it cost me $215.

My lawyer was all smiles the first time we met. But after that he avoided seeing me at all. He knew very well the other party was responsible for the accident, yet he hardly did anything. He simply waited to collect his money. He was so irresponsible that I decided to dismiss(解雇) him. And he made me pay him $770.

Now I had to act as my own lawyer. Due to my inexperience, I told the insurance company(保险公司) the date I was leaving America. Knowing that, they played for time…and I left without getting a cent.

1.A good doctor is necessary and important for the author to __________.

A.be properly treated

B.talk with the person responsible for the accident

C.recover before he leaves America

D.eventually get the responsible party to pay for his injury

2.The word “charge” in the third paragraph means_________ .

A.be responsible     B.accuse            C.ask as a price       D.claim

3.Both the doctor and the lawyer in this passage are very__________.

A.friendly           B.selfish            C.professional       D.busy

4.What conclusion can you draw from the story?

A.Going to court is something very common in America.

B.One must be very careful while driving a car.

C.There are more bad sides in America than good sides.

D.Money is more important than other things in the US.


