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Located in the northwest of Hunan Province, about 300 kilometers away from Changsha, capital of Hunan, Zhangjiajie, 1 covers a total area of 9,563 square kilometers, is a tourist city for its unique natural scenery and abundant tourism resources. Zhangjiajie 2(award) the title of “World Geological Park” in 2004. 3 (actual), Zhangjiajie, honored as “the most fantastic mountain under heaven” and “a walking Chinese landscape painting”, is also widely praised as “4 enlarged potted landscaping” “a mini fairyland” and “a maze (迷宫) of nature”, attracting a growing number of tourists 5 home and abroad.

Since it was discovered in the 1980s, tourism industry 6 (become) the leading industry in Zhangjiajie, which has stimulated the development of other industries 7 (relate) to tourism. At the same time, eco-tourism has been developed rapidly in Zhangjiajie. When you come to Zhangjiajie, you can fully appreciate 8 (it) magnificent natural scenery and experience appealing folk custom as well as other thrilling tourist 9 (activity), and you will be deeply impressed by 10 is performed by the minorities there.

It must be an exciting, joyful and unforgettable tour to Zhangjiajie.


1 which

2 was awarded

3 Actually

4 an

5 from/at

6 has become

7 related

8 its

9 activities

10 what




2考查谓语动词的时态和语态的运用。句意:张家界被授予世界地质公园称号事件发生在2004年且张家界作主语,故用一般过去时的被动语态,确定答案为was awarded。



5考查介词的搭配。句意:吸引了来自国内外许多游客。此题考查短语from home and abroad来自国内外,at home and abroad在国内外。故答案为from/at。

6考查谓语动词时态。句意:旅游业现已成为张家界的领头产业。根据前面的since可知,此句用现在完成时,故答案为has become。

7考查非谓语动词。前面已经有谓语动词has stimulated,故此处用非谓语动词,industriesrelate是被动关系,故此题用过去分词,构成过去分词短语作后置定语。故答案为related。


9考查名词复数形式的变化。这里意为“旅游活动”,不只一项活动,other修饰名词复数,故答案为 activities。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 活动时间及地点;

2. 活动目的及内容。

注意: 1.词数100左右;


参考词汇:三苏文化节 Three Sus Culture Festival 书法 calligraphy



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Where did the man see the ad?

A.In a newspaper.B.On TV.C.On the radio.

2What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.School teacher and student.

B.House seller and buyer.

C.Newspaper reporter and reader.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】DirectionsRead the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Job Discrimination against Women in China

Nowadays, more and more women have walked out of kitchen and become career women instead of housewives. With the increase in the employment ratio of women in society, some subtle forms of job discrimination do exist.

To begin with, quite a lot of companies intentionally control the number of female employees when they advertise for staff in the newspaper. Therefore, it is rather difficult for women, even with a master degree, to get well-paid jobs. Some enterprises definitely refuse female applicants, either to avoid their maternity leaves stipulated(规定)by our government when they give birth to a child, or because of the employers’ prejudice against women. Some bosses think women are inferior to men in professional skill and spirit of enterprise.

Some companies do employ women staff, but inequality is always there like an increasable spot. Even when men and women are in the same position doing the same job, it is no easy task for a woman to be promoted or get equal pay. The employers take the biased attitude toward female employees, and usually think that a man is more capable than a woman. Sometimes they fire a woman without any good reason.

In china, there is a saying“Women hold half of the sky”. But women are not given enough respect they deserve in their career. Since men and women are together playing the same important role in our whole society, our government, as well as the society, should take efficient measures to provide the same job opportunities to women. And the women themselves should enhance their work ethic and awareness of self-reliance and self-protection. In this way, more and more women can be motivated to work well at their favourite job and promoted to their desirable positions. Only in this way, can our society be called an equal, open and just one for everyone.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1On February 11, 2020, another medical team______________(由……组成)16 doctors and nurses from Yancheng went to Huangshi county in Wuhan.

2In this peaceful land, people live_____________(与……和谐相处)nature, far away from the noise and worry of the outside.

3Study step by step, and never______________(上当受骗)the idea that you’ll succeed overnight.

4Yang Liwei’s name will________________(载入史册)with those of Yuri Gagarin and Alan Shepard.

5Don’t give up the things___________________(属于)you and keep those lost things in memory.

6Blaming China will not end this pandemic._________________(相反), the mind-set risks hurting our efforts to fight the disease.

7Taxi drivers in this area will refuse to transport passengers who ignore the sign and______________(坚持)smoking inside the taxi.

8Old people say they are old now and have to_____________(让路)the young generation.

9Knowing__________________(如何吸引)to customers is the secret to successful selling.

10____________(失落的文明)means ancient buildings, cultures and countries that no longer exist.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假如你是学生会主席李华,为了让外国人了解中国传统文化,学生会将进行“唐诗吟诵大赛”(Tang Poetry Recitation Contest),特邀请学校国际部学生参加,请你根据提示写一则通知。



2.主办方:校学生会。时间:201 61230日。地点:校报告厅(assembly hall);

3.范围:唐诗三百首(Three Hundred Tang Poems)。




Do you want to have a further knowledge of Chinese culture?



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a car. B. At home. C. In a shop.

2What does the woman suggest doing right now?

A. Parking the car in a proper place.

B. Going shopping after the rain stops.

C. Putting on a raincoat before going out.

3How does the woman feel about the weather?

A. Excited. B. Unconcerned. C. Worried


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Are you a fan of social media(媒体)? Well, you must know this news: There are some hot social media dogs who probably have way more followers than you. Here are some of them.


Boo has been called the “World’s Cutest Dog” and has over 17 million fans on the social networking website Facebook alone. The Pomeranian has appeared on the TV program “Good Morning America "lots of times. There are Boo toys, Boo notebooks and other things for sale in stores. You can also find Boo on social networking websites Twitter and Instagram.


Monty is a dog with a lot to say, usually through several messages on Twitter per day. Monty, a shepherd dog, discusses how his owner treats him badly with things like baths, and notes interesting things he sees on walks in the country (like dead sheep). At just under 4,000 Twitter followers, he isn't the dog with the largest following, but Monty is one very active social media dog.

Sutter and Colusa "Lucy" Brown

These dogs aren’t just social media dogs---they are actually" government officials". The dogs belong to California governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. and his wife. Sutter, a Pembroke Welsh corgi, is the “first dog ”and Lucy, a “ borgie” is the “deputy(代理) first dog” of California. Lucy and Sutter Brown have over 16,000 Facebook fans.


Tuna is a “chiweenie”---a mix between a Chihuahua and a Dachshund---who was rescued (解救)after he was left on the side of the road. His new mom not only fell in love with him and decided to keep him forever, she also turned the little dog into a popular dog on Instagram. Tuna has 1.6 million Instagram followers.

1Which dog can you see on a notebook?



2In what way are Sutter and Lucy special?

A.They are lovely.B.They are active.

C.They are treated very badly.D.They are connected to the government.

3What do we know about Tuna’s early life?

A.It was happy.B.It was sad

C.It was boring.D.It was interesting.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


I was in Shenzhen, China, and a family stopped me and my wife and asked us if they could have their children take a photo with us. They were 1(tour) from the inland of the country, and had never seen an American before.

2 similar thing happened in Shanghai. This time I was alone wandering across the Waibaidu Bridge, and a group of teenage girls asked me3I could pose with them for a photo. I was happy, and I returned them all my smiles as the photo4(take)

Another surprise: I was in Pudong and I couldn't find the entrance to the subway. I approached a man 5 (walk) near me, showing him the ride ticket, and he nodded6(smart). Then he indicated I should follow. We went about 4 blocks. He pointed to the entrance, smiled, turned and walked away. I had no time7 (offer) him a trip, which was a good thing because it might have been taken 8 an insult (侮辱). I couldn't believe that he had taken so much trouble for a stranger.

Again, similar experiences repeated 9 (them) across China. The friendliness of the people, their kindness, and their eagerness to help was10 (condition). I don't know if that should be classified as "cultural shock", but it made me think about the Us, and how I rarely experience such kindness in my own country.

