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  Living in the wild can be hard.Finding food and staying safe aren't easy.Each day, animals struggle to survive in their habitats.Not all animals get by on their own.Some animals form a close partnership with other kinds of animals.These pairings are called symbiotic(共生的)relationships.

  In a symbiotic relationship, the animals depend on each other.One animal helps the other meet its needs.Sounds good, right?Not always.Some animals are not very kind to their partners.In some cases, one animal meets its needs but hurts its partner.Take ticks, for example.These insects suck blood to live.To get blood, they attach themselves to other kinds of animals.Ticks can pass germs that cause disease instead of helping their hosts.

  In other relationships, animals don't treat their partners so poorly.Both animals benefit from living with the other animal.

  Small animals called cleaner shrimps have found a way of helping fish at coral reefs.As their name suggests, the shrimps clean the fish.They hang out at what scientists call a cleaning station.A fish stops by.Then a shrimp climbs onto the fish and even steps into the fish's mouth.The shrimp uses its tiny claws to pick stuff off the fish's body.That can include dead skin, tiny pieces of food, and wee creatures that can hurt the fish.The fish gets a nice cleaning.The shrimp enjoys a tasty meal of fish trash.

  Small birds called plovers are also in the cleaning business.They have big customers-crocodiles.Crocs have long snouts(鼻子)filled with sharp teeth.Cleaning them is tricky.When a croc opens its mouth, the plover hops right in.The croc does not snap its snout shut.Instead, it lets the plover eat small, harmful animals attached to the crocodile's teeth.The plover gets an easy meal while the croc gets clean teeth.


The text is mainly about ________.

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the hard life in the wild


some dangerous animals


animals living together


animals in a symbiotic relationship


According to the text, in a symbiotic relationship, ________.

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animals depend on each other


birds depend on animals for food


both sides can get help


not all animals treat their partners well


Why do the cleaner shrimps clean the fish?

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To get fish trash for food.


To eat wee creatures.


To help fish go out of coral reefs.


To get food for fish.


When plovers hop into crocodiles' mouths, they ________.

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are really to clean crocodiles' teeth


are to make crocodiles happy


aren't afraid of being eaten


aren't happy to clean the crocodiles' teeth


According to the text, it can be inferred that ________.

[  ]


living in the wild can be hard


different animals have different living ways


crocodiles mainly live on plovers


ticks are useful to some animals


科目:高中英语 来源:典中点综合应用创新题 高一英语 题型:050


  Mark Twain and Chauncey M. Depew once went abroad on the same ship. When the ship was a few days out they were both invited to a dinner, and when speech-making time came, Mark Twain had the first chance. He spoke twenty minutes and made a great hit. Then it was Mr. Depew's turn.

  “Mr. Toastmaster and Ladies and Gentlemen,”said the famous speaker as he rose“Before this dinner Mark Twain and myself made an agreement to trade speeches. He had just delivered[di'liv+d],演讲) my speech, and I thank you for the pleasant manner in which you received it. I regret to say that I have lost the notes of his speech and can not remember anything he was to say.”

  Then he sat down, and there was much laughter.

1.What did Mark Twain and Chauncey M. Depew to abroad for?

[  ]

A.They were going to make important speeches

B.They were going to have important dinner

C.They were going to attend an important meeting

D.The writer of the passage didn't tell us about it

2.From the first paragraph, we can see that, on the ship ________.

[  ]

A.Mark Twain made a well - liked speech

B.Mark Twain was not pleased with his own speech

C.The listeners thought that Mark Twain's speech was well worth listening to but it was too long

D.Mark Twain was happy to get the first chance to speak

3.From this passage, we can see that Chauncey M. Depew ________.

[  ]

A.was a famous speaker but had a poor memory

B.lost the notes of the speech but made a wonderful speech

C.was a famous speaker indeed

D.felt unhappy because Mark Twain broke his promise

4.What did the listeners think of the speech made by Chauncey M. Depew?

[  ]

A.His speech was more interesting than Mark Twain's.

B.His speech was less interesting than Mark Twain's.

C.His speech was a wonderful speech made in a funny way.

D.His speech was not a speech but a laughing matter.

5.The best title for the passage is ________.

[  ]

A.Mark Twain and Chauncey M. Depew

B.Funny Speeches

C.An Agreement to Trade Speeches

D.I Cannot Remember Anything He Was to Say


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


  Mark Twain and Chauncey M. Depew once went abroad on the same ship. When the ship was a few days out they were both invited to a dinner, and when speech-making time came, Mark Twain had the first chance. He spoke twenty minutes and made a great hit. Then it was Mr. Depew's turn.

  “Mr. Toastmaster and Ladies and Gentlemen,”said the famous speaker as he rose“Before this dinner Mark Twain and myself made an agreement to trade speeches. He had just delivered[di'liv+d],演讲) my speech, and I thank you for the pleasant manner in which you received it. I regret to say that I have lost the notes of his speech and can not remember anything he was to say.”

  Then he sat down, and there was much laughter.

1.What did Mark Twain and Chauncey M. Depew to abroad for?

[  ]

A.They were going to make important speeches

B.They were going to have important dinner

C.They were going to attend an important meeting

D.The writer of the passage didn't tell us about it

2.From the first paragraph, we can see that, on the ship ________.

[  ]

A.Mark Twain made a well - liked speech

B.Mark Twain was not pleased with his own speech

C.The listeners thought that Mark Twain's speech was well worth listening to but it was too long

D.Mark Twain was happy to get the first chance to speak

3.From this passage, we can see that Chauncey M. Depew ________.

[  ]

A.was a famous speaker but had a poor memory

B.lost the notes of the speech but made a wonderful speech

C.was a famous speaker indeed

D.felt unhappy because Mark Twain broke his promise

4.What did the listeners think of the speech made by Chauncey M. Depew?

[  ]

A.His speech was more interesting than Mark Twain's.

B.His speech was less interesting than Mark Twain's.

C.His speech was a wonderful speech made in a funny way.

D.His speech was not a speech but a laughing matter.

5.The best title for the passage is ________.

[  ]

A.Mark Twain and Chauncey M. Depew

B.Funny Speeches

C.An Agreement to Trade Speeches

D.I Cannot Remember Anything He Was to Say

