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 I agree to his suggestion  ______the  condition  that  he  drops  all charges.

A.by      B.in   C. on  D. to 





解析:考查介词用法。介词on 和the condition that一起相当一个连词,引导条件状语从句,意思是“条件是,以……为条件”。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

This is the reason ___ I agree to it.

        A. that       B.why      C.what        D.A and B


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

. I agree to his suggestion__________the condition that he drops all charges.

A. by        B. in          C. on        D. to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I agree to his suggestion __________ condition that he drops all charges.

A. by        B. in        C. on          D. to


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省0910学年高一下学期期中考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

A man living absolutely alone in a desert or forest is free from other people; but he is not absolutely free. His freedom is limited in several ways. Firstly, by the things around him, such as wild animals or cliffs. Secondly, by his own needs: he must have sleep, water, food and shelter from extreme heat or cold. Lastly, by his own nature as a man: disease may attack him, and death will certainly come to him sooner or later.

On the other hand, when men become organized into very large groups and civilization develops, it is possible to get freedom from hunger, thirst, cold, heat, and many diseases, so that each person can live a happier life than he could if he were living alone; but such a society can not work successfully unless the freedom of each human being is to some extent limited so that he is kept from hurting others. I am not free to kill others, nor to steal someone else’s property , nor to act in a way that does wrong against the moral sense of the society in which we live. I have to limit my own freedom myself so that others will not limit it too much: I agree to respect the rights of others, and in return they agree to respect mine.

The advantages of such an agreement are great: one can become a doctor knowing that others will grow food, make clothes and build a house for him, in return for the work he does to keep them healthy. If each man had to grow his own food, make his own clothes, build his own house and learn to be his own doctor, he would find it impossible to do any one of these jobs really well. By working together, we make it possible for society to provide us all with food , clothes, shelter and medical care, while leaving each of us with as much freedom as it can.

64. A man living alone in a desert or forest       .

A. is absolutely free              B. feels happy

C . has limited freedom               D. enjoys no freedom

65. According to the writer, he limits his freedom because       .

A. hunger, thirst and disease limit him             B. others won’t limit theirs

C . the moral sense of the society limits him       D. others will respect his

66. The author suggests that when men live together         .

A. they have a safer and easier life             B. they are not free at all

C . they must build shelters for others          D. they can get more protection

67.This text is written mainly to show that        .

A. one can have all his freedom by living on his own

B. one has limited freedom just because of his own nature

C . one must fight for his freedom if he’s free from other people

D. one will have much freedom by working together with others


