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Fathers often feel __________ their duty to earn more money for their family.

       A. that                  B. it                             C. one                   D. what


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届湖北省部分重点中学高三上学期期中联考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

“In wilderness(荒野) is the preservation of the world.” This is a famous saying from a writer regarded as one of the fathers of environmentalism. The frequency with which it is borrowed mirrors a heated debate on environmental protection: whether to place wilderness at the heart of what is to be preserved.  
As John Sauven of Greenpeace UK points out, there is a strong appeal in images of the wild, the untouched; more than anything else, they speak of the nature that many people value most dearly. The urge to leave the subject of such images untouched is strong, and the danger exploitation(开发) brings to such landscapes(景观) is real. Some of these wildernesses also perform functions that humans need—the rainforests, for example, store carbon in vast quantities. To Mr. Sauven, these “ecosystem services” far outweigh the gains from exploitation.
Lee Lane, a visiting fellow at the Hudson Institute, takes the opposing view. He acknowledges that wildernesses do provide useful services, such as water conservation. But that is not, he argues, a reason to avoid all human presence, or indeed commercial and industrial exploitation. There are ever more people on the Earth, and they reasonably and rightfully want to have better lives, rather than merely struggle for survival. While the ways of using resources have improved, there is still a growing need for raw materials, and some wildernesses contain them in abundance. If they can be tapped without reducing the services those wildernesses provide, the argument goes, there is no further reason not to do so. Being untouched is not, in itself, a characteristic worth valuing above all others.
I look forward to seeing these views taken further, and to their being challenged by the other participants. One challenge that suggests itself to me is that both cases need to take on the question of spiritual value a little more directly. And there is a practical question as to whether wildernesses can be exploited without harm.
This is a topic that calls for not only free expression of feelings, but also the guidance of reason. What position wilderness should enjoy in the preservation of the world obviously deserves much more serious thinking.
【小题1】John Sauven holds that________________.

A.many people value nature too much
B.exploitation of wildernesses is harmful
C.wildernesses provide humans with necessities
D.the urge to develop the ecosystem services is strong
【小题2】What is the main idea of Para. 3?
A.The exploitation is necessary for the poor people.
B.Wildernesses cannot guarantee better use of raw materials.
C.Useful services of wildernesses are not the reason for no exploitation.
D.All the characteristics concerning the exploitation should be treated equally.
【小题3】What is the author’s attitude towards this debate?
【小题4】Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?
CP: Central Point   P: Point       Sp: Sub-point(次要点)    C: Conclusion


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省武汉市2010届高中毕业生四月调研测试英语 B卷 题型:阅读理解

Sure, human dads can play catch and help with homework, but can they give birth? Daddy sea horses can! This Father’s Day, while you’re showing respect to your dad, remember some of the best dads in the world can also be found in the animal kingdom.
Sea Horses: The "Mr. Moms" of the marine world, male sea horses, carry up to 2,000 fertilized eggs in pouches in their stomachs until they hatch. Even after the babies are born, they stay inside the pouch until they are ready to venture out on their own.
Microhylid Frogs: Buy these dads a "Baby on Board" sign to put on their backs! These froggy fathers from New Guinea play piggyback once their babies hatch from their eggs. One by one, the dad lets as many as 24 froglets climb onto his back for a family road trip. He hops about 50 feet each night, and one by one, his kids jump off along the way to begin new lives of their own.
Darwin's Rheas: Thought your dad was overprotective? Darwin's rhea, also known as South American ostriches(鸵鸟), are so protective of their children that they routinely rush cowboys on horseback and have even been known to attack small airplanes on the ground if they get too close to their brood!
Marmosets: These little monkeys do everything but Lamaze class(心理助产课)! Dedicated dads assist during labor by biting off the umbilical cord(脐带)and cleaning up the afterbirth. They also let Mom get some R&R(rest & recreation)by taking care of the kids when they're not nursing.
Sand Grouse: Talk about sponging off Dad! These pigeon-like birds live in areas where water is sparse, so fathers fly as many as 50 miles to get water for their kids. After they soak up the water in their breast feathers, they fly home and let their chicks suckle the moisture from their bodies.
Fathers of the animal kingdom are not that different from our own beloved dads. This Father's Day, when you are honoring your dad, honor animal dads, too, by practicing kindness and compassion toward all animals.
59.The passage is mainly written to________.
A.introduce to us some unusual animals
B.distinguish between human and animal dads
C.raise our awareness of animal protection
D.praise animal dada for their sacrifices
60.Among these animal dads, which have the ability to fly?
A.Microhylid Frogs.   B.Sea Horses.      C.Darwin’s Rheas.      D.Sand Grouses.
61.What these animals have in common is that      .
A.they carry their young to wherever they please
B.they’re all devoted to their children
C.they’re overprotective of their children
D.they help their wives clean up the afterbirth
62.When Microhylid Frogs play piggyback, they___________.
A.let their kids ride on their back         B.attack cowboys with their back
C.carry their babies inside a pouch     D.help their wife during the labor


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011山东莱州一中高三5月适应性模拟练习二英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

You'd be forgiven for thinking that running after children each day would leave parents in the best shape of their lives.But a study has found that the mothers and fathers of young children are more unhealthy than their childless peers(同龄人).
Mothers with young children are heavier and eat more calories and fatty foods,and consume more sugary dinks than chidless women,scientists said.And both sexes are less active than those in their age group without children.
Parents often choose quick,easily preparesd foods that are high in fat and calories,and by choosing these foods they may in turn serve them to their children,forming a cycle of unhealthy diet.
Dr.Berge,one of the study authors,said:“This isn't a study about blame,this is about spotting a very high-risk time period for parents that doctors should be aware of ,so they can offer solutions(解决办法).”
According to the study ,mothers ate more fatty foods and drank about seven sugary drinks weekly,equal to about four chidless women.They also had an average of 2,360 calories daily,368 calories more than women without children,With that many calorise,women that age would need to be active to avoid to avoid gaining weight.
Fathers ate about the same amount of daily calories childless men and both had an average boby-mass index(指数),but fathersgot less physical activity—about five hours weekly ,compared to almost seven hours among chidless men.
The study has several limitations-there's no data on how many women reccently had babies.Ther's also no information on the number of single parents,who likely face diet and exercise challenges.Sarah Kriger,an American dietician who works with new mothers said some of the mothers may have had postpartum(产后)depression,which might affect their eating and exercise habits.
【小题1】What does the author mainly aim to tell us in the passage?

A.Childless couples live a much happier life than those with children.
B.Mothers will be unhealthy because of the postpartum deprdession
C.Couples of young children eat more fatty foods and lead unhealthier lives.
D.Fathers tend to eat high calorie foods because they should run after thrie children.
【小题2】The underlined part“in the best shape”in the first paragraph means that a person  .
A.is busy and tiresB.has a most harmonious family
C.enjoys the most happinessD.is in the most healthy condition
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT mentioned about mothers with children?
A.They are less active
B.They eat unhealthy foods
C.They may feel unhappy aftre having babies
D.They may lose their jobs aftre having babies
【小题4】What Dr.Berge says in Paragraph 4 suggests that    .
A.Parents should pay more attention to their chidren
B.doctors should do something with parents'high-risk time period
C.the study has drawn attention of doctors and young parents
D.parents should not be blamde for having an unhealthy lifestyle
【小题5】We can learn from the last paragraph that      .
A.the result of the study result in aan unscientific way
B.the study was carried out in an unscientific way
C.single mothers are surely facing quyite different situation
D.postpartum depression will help mothers to lead a healthier lirf


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年河南省高三期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In the United States and several other countries, 2.5 million children play baseball in an organization called Little League. They play on teams in their hometowns. Their parents and other adults in the community coach or instruct them and serve as umpires to make sure that everyone follows the rules. Local businesses give money for the ball fields and the uniforms. Local teams compete against each other and the winners get to play teams that are more distant. Eventually, the top teams go to the Little League World Series.

One hundred years after Abner Doubleday invented baseball in Cooperstown, New York, in 1839, Little League got started in Pennsylvania. Three men started the game for neighborhood boys with a smaller playing field and fewer innings than adult baseball. Little League became popular after World War II when the game spread across the United States. By 1955 it was played throughout North America and within five years it had spread to Europe. Children’s baseball really caught on in Japan and Taiwan of China and teams from those areas won the World Series seven out of eight years. After this, the organization tried banning foreign teams from the World Series, but the ban came to an end after one year.

At first, Little League was only for boys aged nine to twelve. However, in 1974, the parents of girl baseball players brought a law suit. The courts ruled that Little League had to include both boys and girls. Later Little League added on softball and other games for teenagers up to age eighteen. Occasionally a Little Leaguer becomes a professional player. For example, Gary Carter went from Little League to play nineteen seasons in the Major Leagues, ten of them as an All-Star player. But, by and large, youngsters play baseball for fun and because their parents are proud of them.

1.The mothers and fathers of Little League players ______.

A. help run the games          B. travel in coaches

C. give the teams money        D. play in the World Series

2.In what year was Little League established?

A. 1839      B. 1939      C. 1955    D. 1960 

3.Why do most players take part in Little League?

A. To play in the Major League.

B. To have fun and please their parents.

C. They expect a profit from All-Star games

D. They want to learn how to serve as umpires.

4.What is true about players today?

A. Little League is only for neighbourhood boys.

B. Girl players have to buy their suits.

C. Girls and boys can participate to age eighteen.

D. Children can only play until age twelve.



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011山东莱州一中高三5月适应性模拟练习二英语试题 题型:阅读理解

You'd be forgiven for thinking that running after children each day would leave parents in the best shape of their lives.But a study has found that the mothers and fathers of young children are more unhealthy than their childless peers(同龄人).

Mothers with young children are heavier and eat more calories and fatty foods,and consume more sugary dinks than chidless women,scientists said.And both sexes are less active than those in their age group without children.

Parents often choose quick,easily preparesd foods that are high in fat and calories,and by choosing these foods they may in turn serve them to their children,forming a cycle of unhealthy diet.

Dr.Berge,one of the study authors,said:“This isn't a study about blame,this is about spotting a very high-risk time period for parents that doctors should be aware of ,so they can offer solutions(解决办法).”

According to the study ,mothers ate more fatty foods and drank about seven sugary drinks weekly,equal to about four chidless women.They also had an average of 2,360 calories daily,368 calories more than women without children,With that many calorise,women that age would need to be active to avoid to avoid gaining weight.

Fathers ate about the same amount of daily calories childless men and both had an average boby-mass index(指数),but fathersgot less physical activity—about five hours weekly ,compared to almost seven hours among chidless men.

The study has several limitations-there's no data on how many women reccently had babies.Ther's also no information on the number of single parents,who likely face diet and exercise challenges.Sarah Kriger,an American dietician who works with new mothers said some of the mothers may have had postpartum(产后)depression,which might affect their eating and exercise habits.

1.What does the author mainly aim to tell us in the passage?

A.Childless couples live a much happier life than those with children.

B.Mothers will be unhealthy because of the postpartum deprdession

C.Couples of young children eat more fatty foods and lead unhealthier lives.

D.Fathers tend to eat high calorie foods because they should run after thrie children.

2.The underlined part“in the best shape”in the first paragraph means that a person  .

A.is busy and tires

B.has a most harmonious family

C.enjoys the most happiness

D.is in the most healthy condition

3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about mothers with children?

A.They are less active

B.They eat unhealthy foods

C.They may feel unhappy aftre having babies

D.They may lose their jobs aftre having babies

4.What Dr.Berge says in Paragraph 4 suggests that    .

A.Parents should pay more attention to their chidren

B.doctors should do something with parents'high-risk time period

C.the study has drawn attention of doctors and young parents

D.parents should not be blamde for having an unhealthy lifestyle

5.We can learn from the last paragraph that      .

A.the result of the study result in aan unscientific way

B.the study was carried out in an unscientific way

C.single mothers are surely facing quyite different situation

D.postpartum depression will help mothers to lead a healthier lirf


