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注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
I took our foreign teacher Mr. Brown, he came to China for the first time, to the Great Wall in last weekend. Having told about the history of the Great Wall, he was amazing at this world wonder. He was struck by the beautiful of the Great Wall. So I took photo of him, which would be a good memory for him. At the top, Mr. Brown was very interested in the activity of protecting the environment that he was eager to join in and then sign his name. Both the Great Wall or the Chinese people deep impressed him. He decided to visit more places of interest when free.



(1)he→who 如果he came to China for the first time是个独立的句子,因为与前一句用逗号隔开,必须要有连词连接,但这里没有,可见是从句。Mr. Brown作先行词,后面是非限制性定语从句,故把he改为who。

(2)去掉in last weekend在周末,前面不需要加介词,故去掉in。

(3)Having后加been 此处是现在分词的完成式的被动式作时间状语,故在having后加been。

(4)amazing→amazed 句意:他对世界的奇迹感到惊讶。表示“感到惊讶”,修饰人,故把amazing改为amazed。

(5)beautiful→beauty 此处指长城的美。前面有冠词修饰,故可知用名词形式,故把beautiful改为beauty。

(6)photo→photos 句意:因此我给他拍照。take photos拍照。故把photo改为photos。

(7)very→so 固定结构:so...that...如此……以致于……。故把very改为so。

(8)sign→signed 句意:他渴望加入,然后签了他的名字。动作发生在过去,故用一般过去时态,故把sign改为signed。

(9)or→and 固定搭配:both...and两个都……。故把or改为and。

(10)deep→deeply 副词修饰动词,故把deep改为deeply。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

After a confirmed rabies(狂犬病) case in Parke County, Indiana, experts are urging caution if you find a bat(蝙蝠) in your home or office.
“If you try to kill a bat, you are more likely to get bitten,” said Joy O'Keefe, assistant professor of biology and director of Indiana State University's Centre for Bat Research, Outreach and Conservation. “Most bats people find in their houses are healthy and are not going to bite them and give them rabies.” But they could be a federally endangered species, such as the Indiana Bat, which is found in this area.
So if you spot a bat in your home or office, don't kill it or touch it with bare hands, O'Keefe said. Instead, put on a pair of heavy gloves and gently move it into a box or bucket. Once contained, the bat can be removed outside.
“If it's a healthy bat, it'll fly away eventually,” O'Keefe said. “If it doesn't move or seem to be healthy, you can take it to the health department to be tested.”
This is the time of year when bats move from their summer resting sites to their winter resting sites, O'Keefe said.
“We get calls every year during the first month of school year from people finding bats in the university's buildings,” said O'Keefe.
Bats are a great help to people, as every night they can eat up to their entire body weight of insects. Bats, however, are facing great threats from epidemics(流行性疾病), habitat destruction and other things.
“The best way the average person can help bats is by understanding them and by telling other people how awesome bats are and what bats do for us,” O' Keefe said. “Hopefully, it will make people think that if there's a bat in their house, they should try to get it out but not kill it. That would be really positive for bats—to not have people be one of their major threats.”
(1)According to the text, experts are giving the public a warning about _______.
A.the biting by bats
B.the danger of keeping bats
C.the spreading of an infectious disease
D.the extinction of an endangered species
(2)In O'Keefe's opinion, when you find a bat in your house, you should _______.
A.put it on a tree
B.send it to get tested
C.remove it with gloves
D.report to the health department
(3)We can infer that the text is probably written in _______.
(4)The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph probably means _______.
A.what bats like to eat
B.people's awareness of bats
C.the best way to protect bats
D.the greatest threat bats are facing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

When I was eight or nine years old, I wrote my first poem.
My mother read the little poem and began to cry. “Buddy, you didn't really write this beautiful, beautiful poem!” Shyly, I said that I had. My mother poured out her welcome praise. Why, this poem was nothing short of genius!
What time will Father be home?” I asked. I could hardly wait to show him what I had accomplished. My mother said she hoped he would be home around 7. I spent the best part of that afternoon preparing for his arrival. First, I wrote the poem out in my finest handwriting. Then I used colored pens to draw a border around it. Then I confidently placed it right on my father's plate on the dining table. But my father did not return at 7, Seven-fifteen, Seven-thirty. My father had begun his motion-picture career as a writer. He would be able to appreciate my poem even more than my mother.
It was almost 8 o'clock when my father burst in. He was an hour late, but he could not sit down. I can see him now, a big Havana cigar in one hand, the rapidly disappearing drink in the other, calling down bitter words on his employees.
Suddenly, he paused and glared at his plate. There was a silence. He was reaching for my poem. I lowered my head and stared down into my plate.
“What is this?” I heard him say.
“Ben, a wonderful thing has happened,” my mother said. “Buddy has written his first poem. And it's beautiful, absolutely amazing”.
“If you don't mind, I'd like to decide that for myself,” Father said.
I kept my face lowered to my plate. It was only 10 lines long. But it seemed to take hours. I remember wondering why it was taking so long. I could hear him dropping the poem back on the table again. Now was the moment of decision.
“I think it's bad,” my father said.
I couldn't look up. My eyes were getting wet.
“Ben, sometimes I don't understand you,” my mother was saying. “This is just a little boy. You're not in your studio now. These are the first lines of poetry he's ever written. He need encouragement.”
“I don't know why,” my father held his ground. “Isn't there enough bad poetry in the world already? No law says Buddy has to become a poet.”
I couldn't stand it another second. I ran from the dining room, threw myself on the bed and cried.
That may have been the end of the anecdote(轶事) — but not of its significance for me.
A few years later I took a second look at that first poem, and unwillingly I had to agree with my father's tough judgment. It was a pretty bad poem. After a while, I worked up the courage to show him something new, a short story. My father thought it was overwritten but not hopeless. I was learning to rewrite. And my mother was learning that she could disapprove of me without ruining me. You might say we were all learning. I was going on 12.
As I worked my way into other books and plays and films, it became clearer and clearer to me how fortunate I had been to have had a mother who said, “Buddy, it's wonderful!” and a father who shook his head no and drove me to tears with his, “I think it's bad.” In fact all of us in life need that mother force, the loving force from which all creation flows; and yet the mother force alone is incomplete, even misleading, finally damaging, without the father force to caution, “Watch. Listen. Review. Improve.” Between the two poles of affirmation (肯定) and doubt, both in the name of love, I try to follow my true course.
(1)What did the mother think of the Buddy's poem?
A.She was so moved that she cried.
B.She believed Buddy needed advice from his father.
C.She considered Buddy had no talent for poetry.
D.She thought the poem was well written.
(2)Which underlined word in the following sentences best reflects Buddy's eagerness to show his father the poem?
A.Then I confidently placed it right on my father's place on the dining table.
B.He would be able to appreciate my poem even more than my mother.
C.I wrote the poem out in my finest handwriting.
D.I could hardly wait to show him what I had accomplished.
(3)The underlined sentence “My father held his ground” could best be replaced by ________.
A.My father began to explain his reasons
B.My father thought his comment is unreasonable
C.My father refused to change his opinion
D.My father got so angry that he rose to his feet
(4)From the passage, we can infer that the father can be best described as ________.
A.cruel and stubborn
B.loving and matter-of-fact
C.bad-tempered and rude
D.cautious and strict
(5)Which of the following statements do you think the author might agree with?
A.The incident helped the writer work his work further as a writer.
B.The author only realized the significance of the incident after becoming a writer.
C.After the incident, the author stopped writing but tried his luck in plays and films.
D.The incident completely changed the author's course of life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Each year, thousands of people come to Shaanxi, China, to visit the Terracotta Army, which shows the life of Qin Shi Huang,1country' s first emperor.

As one of the most famous tourist sights in the world, the Terracotta Army is a form of funerary (葬礼的) art2(bury) with the First Emperor in 210 to 209 BC. It was designed3(protect) the emperor in his afterlife.

Since their 4 (discover), experts have questioned whether the life-size models of soldiers5(base) on real warriors (勇士) or whether they came off a production line.

In October a BBC documentary ( 纪录片) the Greatest Tomb on Earth: Secrets of Ancient China, suggested the inspiration for the Terracotta Warriors may have come6Ancient Greece, about7Archaeologist Li Xiuzhen said, "We now have evidence that close contact did exist between the First Emperor's China and the West."

On the 41st International Museum Day, it was8(official) announced that new technology has just made9possible for visitors to be guided. Thanks to an interactive(交互式) 360-degree video, visitors can choose either to view the10(figure) close-up or from a distance.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







There is an English saying “It never rains but it pours”. I now believe it was probably true. Last Saturday, I had a terrible time. It was rather cold, or quite sunny, so after lunch I went downtown, plan to buy a sweater. I was looking at the window of clothes shop when someone stole my wallet. While I was going to home, it started to rain and I arrived home coldly and miserable. I decided to have a hot bath. I was getting ready to have my bath while the doorbell rang. It was a salesman and it took me several minute to get rid of him. Unfortunate, all the time he was talking to us, the water was running. You can imagine the state of the bathroom!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







After shopping,Mother and I went to a restaurant for lunch.I notice Mother looking at a nearby table occupy by an elderly woman and young couple.They ate silently,and it was clearly that things were not going well.As we left, Mother stopped on their table.“Excuse me,”she said,put her arm around the unhappy old woman.“You remind me so many of my mother.May I hug(拥抱)you?”The woman smiled happily as she accepted to it.After we left,I said, “That was very nice of you,Mother.So I didn’t think she looked like Grandma.”“Neither did me,”said Mother cheerfully.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假如你叫李华,你的美国笔友Tom来信询问你 “十一”假期将要怎么过。请根据以下信息给他回信,谈谈你在“十一”假期中的活动的安排。







3.词汇 国庆假期:National Day Holiday

Dear Tom,

I’m very glad to receive your letter. And it’s a pleasure to tell you something about ____________________________________________________________________________________________






Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】书面表达。关于学生做家务,有人支持有人反对。现在请以Is it good for students to do some housework?为题,谈一谈你对学生做家务的看法。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

“Can I have a glass of hot water?” This is a very common question for Chinese customers in a restaurant. But you go abroad, you may find that meals in the West tend to come with tall glasses of ice water.
For most Chinese people, (drink) hot water is part of everyday life. It is believed that water of a warm temperature (25-30 C) is good for people's health, (especial) for the stomach.
But for many Western people, they drink cold water even in winter. One possible reason is in Western countries people can drink water directly from the tap, rather than having to boil . And it's also normal to jump into a cold shower after exercise, (bring) the heart rate down.
However, there is one common thing (encourage) in both the East and the West: One cool down by drinking a hot drink in summer. Because sweating is a good way to cool off in summer, hot drinks make you hotter and you begin to sweat.
Of course, it doesn't matter if you drink hot cold water. The more comfortable your body feels, the (good) it is.

