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How to Calm Your Teen's Nerves before an Exam

Stress is a feeling of physical. mental of emotional strain of tension which disturbs or interferes with normal physiological balance. Stress can be overwhelming for anyone, but it can be especially difficult for a teen that has not yet developed effective coping skills. A major source of teen stress is school exams, and test anxiety is not uncommon. So, how can parents help their teen stay calm before an exam?

    Recognize when your teen is under stress.

    Teens can feel an immense pressure to do well on exams. For some teens, just the idea of taking the test can bring them into a panic(恐慌).  1  Emotional symptoms include: excessive of uncontrollable drying, aggression or mood swings, and panic attacks.

    What should parents do?

    --Be involved

Parents need to be involved in their teen's work. What they look for is your presence--to talk, to dry, or simply to sit with them quietly. Communicate openly with your teen.  2_

    --Help them get organized

    Help your teen think about what she has to study and plan accordingly.  3 

    --Give them a nutritious diet

It's important for your teen to eat a healthy, balanced diet during exam times to focus and do her best.  if this happens, encourage your teen to eat light meals or sandwiches. A healthy diet. rather than junk food, is best for reducing stress.

    --Show a positive attitude

      5  If you panic, blame, or apply to much pressure, your teen will have an undue increase in their stress levels. Make your teen feel accepted and valued for her efforts. Most important, reassure your teens that things will be all right, no matter what the results are.

A. Together ,you and your teen can work out a time-table in which she can study for what she knows will be on the test.

B. A parent's attitude will dictate their teen's emotions.

C. Physical symptoms of stress and anxiety include: lack of sleep, difficulty breathing, loss of appetite of irregular eating

D. Encourage your teen to relax

E. Encourage your teen to express his worries and fears, but don't let them focus on those fears.

F. Your teen may also make negative comments about themselves

G. Exam stress can make some teens lose their appetite












科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The human body is a living machine ,and, like all machines, it needs fuel to supply it with energy. This is provided by the food we eat. But how much do we need to stay healthy?

The energy value of food is usually measured in calories. A calorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1℃.The number of calories people need per day is different, as the chart below shows. Also, the number of calories you use at any moment normally depends on the activity you are in. For example, you need more calories for standing than for sitting, more for running than for walking, and so on.

The energy in food is mainly in the form of three kinds of chemical materials—carbohydrate(糖类),protein and fat. Carbohydrate provides 3.8 Cal/gm(calories per gram) of energy, protein 4.0 Cal/gm and fat 8.8 Cal/gm. Each food contains different amounts of these materials, as the second chart shows.

Chart Ⅰ





2 700


2 100


2 700


2 100


3 000


3 600


2 600

Chart Ⅱ

















1.____ calories are required to raise the temperature of 5 kg of water from 35 ℃ to 90 ℃?

A.55         B.175       C.325       D.275

2.If you lack for calories to support your running activities you’d better take more ____.

A. milk       B. peanuts C. rice       D. milk and rice

3.We may learn from the charts that ____.

A. a child aged eight requires more than 3 times the amount of calories that a baby does

B. a boy aged sixteen requires nearly twice the amount of calories that a boy aged eight does

C. a mother with a baby to feed uses up more calories than a hard-working farmer each day

D. an old man needs less calories than an 8-year-old boy on account of his less movement

4.Which of the following statements agrees with the passage and the charts above?

A. You need more calories for swimming that for mountain climbing.

B. If you take an equal amount of Vitamin containing the calories you need, you don’t need to eat any food at all.

C. Different people need different amounts of energy depending on their age, sex and the activities they are in.

D.3 grams of milk provides 16.6 calories because carbohydrate provides 3.8 Cal/gm, protein 4.0 Cal/gm, and fat 8.8 Cal/gm.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年湖北省黄冈市高三年级3月测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Many people believe that teaching children music makes them smarter, better able to learn new things. But the organizers of a new study say there's no scientific evidence that early musical training affects the intelligence of young people.

An estimated 80 percent of American adults think music lessons improve children's abilily to learn or their performance in school. They say that the satisfaction for learning to play a new song helps a child express creativity.

Researchers at Harvard University, however, have found that there's one thing musi­cal training does not do. They say it does not make children more intelligent. Samuel Mehr is a graduate student at Harvard's School of Education. He said it is wrong to think that learning to play a musical instrument improves a child's intellectual development. He says the evidence comes from studies that measured the mental ability of two groups of 4-year-olds and their parents. One group attended music class, the other went to a class that places importance on the visual arts—arts that can be seen.

"The evidence there is 'no'. We found no evidence for any advantage on any of these tests for the kids participating in these music clases," said Mehr.Samuel Mehr says researchers have carried out many studies in an effort to learn whether musical training can make children smarter. He says the results have been mixed. He says only one study seems to show a small percentage increase in IQ, intellectual scores among students after one year of music lessons. He does not believe that IQ is a good measure of child's intelligence. He says researchers in his study compared how well children in the musical training group did on mental processing tasks or projects, then the results were compared to those of children who did not take lessons. There was no evidence that the musical training group did much better on the mental tasks than the other group.

The researchers comfirmed the results with a larger group of children and their par­ents.Mr Mehr says music lessons may not offer children a fast easy way to gain entry to the best schools later of their life. But he says the training is still important for cultural reasons. In his words, "We teach music because music is important for us."

1.According to the new study, musical training______.

A. makes children smarter????????????????????????

B. helps a child express creativity

C. does not make children more intelligent??????????

D. improve children's ability to learn in school

2.Samuel Mehr may agree that______.

A. the children who attended music class are smarter than those who attended arts class

B. IQ is a good measure of a child's intelligence

C. we needn't to teach children music

D. music training is still important for cultural reasons

3.In order to confirm his view, Samuel Mehr______.

A. conducted more than one research

B. interviewed many American adults

C. taught two groups of 4-yetr-olds music and arts

D. offered children a fast way to be admitted to the best schools

4.The artical may be taken from a report about _____.

A. health????????????? B. education????????????? C. ????????????? culture????????????? D.economy



科目:高中英语 来源:河南省方城二高2009-2010学年高二下学期期末模拟试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解




The human body is a living machine , and , like all machines , it needs “fuel” (燃料) to supply it with energy . This is provided by the food we eat . But how much do we need to stay healthy ?

The energy value of food is usually measured in calories . A calorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1℃. The number of calories people need per day is different , as the pictures show . Also , the number of calories you use at any one moment normally depends on the activity you are in . For example , you need more calories for standing than for sitting , more for running than for walking , and so on .

The energy in food is in the form of three kinds of chemical materials-carbohydrate (碳水化合物), protein(蛋白质)and fat . Carbohydrate provides 3.8 Cal/gm , protein4.0 Cal/gm , and fat 8.8 Cal/gm . Each food contains different amount of these materials , as the round pictures show .










1.The amount of calories supplied by equal amounts of milk , rice , and peanuts is the largest in the case of          .

         A.milk B.rice   C.peanuts    D.rice or peanuts

2.Choose one statement from among A-D that agrees with the passage and the pictures above .

         A.You need more calories for swimming than for mountain climbing .

         B.Food contains energy in the form of carbohydres , proteins and fuel .

         C.Different people need different amounts of energy depending on their age , sex and the activities they are in .

            D.3 grams of milk provides 16.6 calories because carbohydrate provides 3.8 Cal/gm , protein 4.0 Cal/gm and fat 8.8 Cal/gm .

3.This article mainly tells us ________________.

         A.all the energy is in food

         B.the human body needs energy

         C.the number of calories depends on your activity

         D.we must only eat peanuts to get calories



科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省期中题 题型:阅读理解

     Barcelona is regarded as Spain's second city, behind capital Madrid. The city is rich in history. Barcelona
was founded by Carthaginians and according to tradition, it got its name from the great Barker family of
ancient Carpage. After numerous different conquers, including the Romans and the Moores that seriously
damaged the city, the Argons made Catalonia, of which Barcelona was the capital. Strong and prosperous,
since the 1970s, the city has formed its Catalon background. But it wasn't until the summer Olympics in 1992
that Barcelona became the modern, lively city that it still is today. And with this prosperity have come
wonderful hotels. The Raewon Callas the 1st was opened in 1992, by the King and Queen of Spain.
     With buildings like the Casa Cal Bain and the Casa Minga, Antony Gaudy is believed to have made great
impact on the image of Barcelona. He also built the fantastic Park Quell. Antony Gaudy died in 1926, leaving
an unfinished cathedral as his epitaph (墓志铭).
     There are the attractions of coming to Barcelona?
     There are many, many different attractions: culture, leisure, monuments, our architecture, and the
gastronomy (美食). Barcelona has commercial areas and shopping areas of five kilometers that goes around
to the sea to the north. You can also see our architecture, our monuments, our museums, and our restaurants.
So there is a mix between shopping and services.
     One label that's hot among fashion consciousness is MIRO, and these trendy designs of clothing and shoes
originate in Barcelona. The region itself now produces for other international labels, like for the Gallic giant
     No visit to the city would be complete without a tour of the Nou Camp, the home of one of Spain's finest
teams, Barcelona Football Club. FC Barcelona was founded in 1899 along with the other Spanish team, Real
Madrid. It's one of the greatest football teams in Europe. With players like Maradona and Ronaldo having
played for Barca, it's easy to explain their success! FC Barcelona is known to have won more cups than any
other team in European football history. The stadium, the Nou Camp, can hold one hundred and twelve
thousand people, making it one of the greatest places to watch and play "the beautiful game".
1. This passage is most probably taken from _____.
[     ]
A. a history book
B. a government document
C. a geography book
D. a travel book
2. The first paragraph is mainly about the _____ of Barcelona.
[     ]
A. history
B. famous buildings
C. big events
D. present
3. Who is believed to have greatly affected the image of Barcelona?
[     ]
A. Antony Caudy
B. The great Barker family of ancient Carpage
C. The King and Queen of Spain
D. The Romans
4. Which of the following is NOT among the attractions of Barcelona?
[     ]
A. Culture
B. Sports
C. Architectures
D. Theatres
5. In the last paragraph, the author intends to _____.
[     ]
A. highly praise Barcelona Football Club
B. tell us the development of FC Barcelona
C. tell us how to end our tour in Barcelona
D. tell us the great success of Spanish football


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Names have gained increasing importance in the competitive world of higher education. As colleges struggle for market share, they are looking for names that project the image they want or reflect the changes they hope to make. Trenton State College, for example, became the College of New Jersey nine years ago when it began raising admission standards and appealing to students from throughout the state.

“All I hear in higher education is, ‘Brand, brand, brand,’” said Tim Westerbeck, who specializes in branding and is managing director of Lippmann Hearne, a marketing firm based in Chicago that works with universities and other nonprofit organizations. “There has been a sea change over the last 10 years. Marketing used to be almost a dirty word in higher education.”

    Not all efforts at name changes are successful, of course. In 1997, the New School for Social Research became New School University to reflect its growth into a collection of eight colleges, offering a list of majors that includes psychology, music, urban studies and management. But New Yorkers continued to call it the New School.

Now, after spending an undisclosed sum on an online survey and a marketing consultant’s creation of “naming structures”, “brand architecture” and “identity systems”, the university has come up with a new name: the New School. Beginning Monday, it will adopt new logos, banners, business cards and even new names for the individual colleges, all to include the words “the New School”.

    Changes in names generally show significant changes in how a college wants to be accepted. In changing its name from Cal State, Hayward, to Cal State, East Bay, the university hoped to project its expanding role in two mostly suburban counties east of San Francisco.

    Beaver College turned itself into Arcadia University in 2001 for several reasons: to break the connection with its past as a women’s college, to promote its growth into a full-fledged university and, officials acknowledged, to put an end to jokes about the college’s old name on late-night television and “morning zoo” radio shows.

Many college officials said changing a name and image could produce vital results. At Arcadia, in addition to the rise in applications, the average student’s test score has increased by 60 points, Juli Roebeck, an Arcadia spokeswoman, said.


51. Which of the following is NOT the reason for colleges to change their names?

A. They prefer higher education competition.        B. They try to gain advantage in market share.

C. They want to project their image.                    D. They hope to make some changes.

52. It is implied that one of the most significant changes in higher education in the past decade is _________.

A. the brand                                                      B. the college name

C. the concept of marketing                                D. list of majors

53. The phrase “come up with” (Line 3, Para. 4) probably means ___________.

A. catch up with             B. deal with           C. put forward                     D. come to the realization

54. The case of name changing from Cal State, Hayward, to Cal State,East Bay indicates that the university ___________.

A. is observed by the society                                      B. hopes to expand its influence

C. prefers to inform its teaching programs                   D. expects to enlarge its campus

55. According to the officials, the name change of Beaver College ___________.

A. turned out very successful                                     B. failed to attain its goal

C. got rid of some jokes                                             D. transformed its status

