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  Back in the old days, when I was a child, we sat around the family round table at dinner time and exchanged our daily experiences. It wasn't organized, but everyone was recognized and all the news that had to be told was told by each family member.

  We listened to each other and the interest was not put on; it was real. Our family was a unit and we supported each other, cared for each other, and liked each other, and-we were even willing to admit-we loved each other.

  Today, the family round table has moved to the local fast-food franchise(特权) and talk is not easy, much less encouraged.

  The working parent is far too beaten down each day to spend evening relaxation time listening to the sandbox experience of an eager four-year-old child.

  So family conversation is no longer in existence and parental questions such as “What have you been doing, Bobby?” have been replaced by “I'm busy; go watch television.

  And watch TV they do.

  But it's usually not children's television that children watch. Saturday morning, the children's hour, amounts to only about 8 percent of their weekly viewing.

  But wait! Where are they to be found? Watching adult television, of course, from the Match Game in the morning, to the afternoon at General Hospital, from the muggings(哑剧) and battles on the evening news right through the family hour and past into Starsky and Hutch. That's where you find our kids, over five million of them, at 10 p.m., not fewer than a million until after midnight! All of this is done with parental permission.

  Television, used well, can provide enriching experiences for our young people, but we must use it with some judgment. When the carpet is clean, we turn off the vacuum(真空) cleaner. When the dishes are clean, the dishwasher turns itself off.

  It is not the same with the television, which is on from the sun in the morning to the moon at night and beyond!

  Parents must exercise some control and interest themselves in the cultural influence on the child when a program not intended for that child is viewed. Parents need to intervene(干预). Nonintervention(不干预) may be a popular policy in international affairs, but the results of parental nonintervention will not be welcome at the United Nations or anywhere else.

1.From the first two paragraphs one may infer that the writer's attitude towards “the old days” is ________.

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C.being tired of

2.The working parent is not willing to listen to her(his) four-year-old child talking about his sandbox games because she (he) is ________.

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B.very tired

3.If we use television with some ________, television can provide our young people with much knowledge.

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B.judgment of our own

4.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

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A.Parental nonintervention will have a bad effect on international affairs.

B.Nonintervention may be a good policy in international affairs.

C.Parents must exercise some control and interest themselves in the cultural influence on the children.

D.Parents have rights to intervene.


  1.A  这是一道细节理解题。从第一段的…,but everyone was recognized…;以及第一段可以看出作者对于过去的岁月是怀念和赞赏的。

  2.B  从文中的The working parent is far too beaten down each day to spend evening relaxation time listening to the sandbox experience of an eager four-year-old child. So family conversation is no longer in existence and parental questions such as “What have you been doing, Bobby?” have been replaced by “I'm busy; go watch television.”可知父母不愿与子女说话的原因主要是工作太辛苦。

  3.B  这也是一道细节理解题。从Television, used well, can provide enriching experiences for our young people, but we must use it with some judgment.可知B项为最佳答案。

  4.C  最后一段的第一句是这一段的主题句,所以答案应选C。


科目:高中英语 来源:同步单元练习英语第一册下高中1年级第二学期用 题型:050


  When you feel tired, how do you relax? Drink coffee, take a bath, do some exercise, or play some music and dance?

  For dance music fans and nightclub lovers, the world famous English DJ (disco jockey) Sasha will bring them the world's finest dance music. He is coming to Guangzhou, Beijing and Shanghai on November 18-20 as part of his world tour in support of his new CD.

  One of the main roles of music has always been to go with dancing. But, today's dance music is very different from the past. The history of dance music goes back to the 16th century. In the Renaissance(文艺复兴) and Baroque(巴洛克) periods in Europe, rich people were expected to be able to dance at social events. Each type of dance gave rise to its own form of music.

  During the 18th and 19th centuries the most popular dances were the Waltz and the Polka(波尔卡舞).In this period, dances were often written for the concert hall. For example, symphonies would have a waltz movement, and piano pieces were sometimes in waltz or polka.

  In the 1970s, dance music moved into new places called discos. The music was faster, had more bass and started to become more electric. Disco music began to develop in the US and around Europe. By the 1980s the music became much faster and even more electronic.

  In the 1990s clubs took over discos. DJs mixed other people's music. Club dance rhythms(韵律) became a major part of popular music. Club dance music has different forms, including drum and bass(低音乐器), hip-hop, R&B. It makes use of technology and DJs play a bigger part in spreading the music.

1.Which of the following does not show the difference between today's dance music and that of the past?

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A.More technology is made use of.

B.Today's music is more professional.

C.Greater variety of forms.

D.The music is faster.

2.Which of the following is correct according to the order of each type becoming popular?

a.Waltz.  b.Disco music.  c.R&B.

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3.From the third paragraph, we can see that ________.

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A.dancing cannot be separated from music

B.in the 16th century, people still did not have much social life

C.people's social needs resulted in the birth of different types of dance music

D.the time of its birth can tell the difference between today's dance music and that of the past

4.Which of the following is not true about dance music?

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A.Dance music has gone through different stages.

B.Types of dances determine the changes in dance music.

C.Dance music dates back to the 16th century.

D.In different periods, dance music is written for different places.

5.According to the story, a DJ's job is mainly to ________.

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A.create music for the club

B.put different music forms together

C.develop disco music

D.choose and play music using technology

