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2.Efficiency and productivity are the key factors in the workplace.Being noticed is essential for the employee to progress.What if you are shy?People often make assumptions that being shy means you can't complete a job as well as others and this can seriously hold you back.
A shy person is likely to be the one who works hard and struggles for a quiet life rather than being put in an awkward (令人不舒服的)) situation.Unfortunately it means that you may be the one who misses a promotion.Being shy means your boss is less likely to remember you despite your ability.You end up with the"reliable"one who will riot compete with others.
Communication is essential and while you may be a good listener it is important to make your voice heard.Shy people may have a lot of thoughts,but keeping their ideas to themselves is only to punish themselves when someone else receives praise for the same idea.Bosses may assume that you haven't the ability to think of ideas despite the fact that you have plenty but feel afraid to say them.If deals have to be made,your boss may think you won't be able to win over customers.
If you are unsure of carrying out a task and afraid of being laughed at,you will feel depressed.This could cause you not to complete the task effectively enough,Asking for help will ease the pressure.
Being shy can lead to missing a promotion and pay increase because you are afraid to ask.It could be the opportunity for the company to provide extra training for you.If you don't ask you will miss out on greater expertise (专业知识).
Find strategies to overcome your fears.The challenges may be something such as being the first one to speak to a colleague.The sense of achievement will be inspiring.Later on it could be suggesting at least one idea the next time there is a meeting.If you feel you have serious problems with shyness then try confidence training to help you.Making that decision to try could change your life.
53.According to the passage,a shy personB.
    A.often has low efficiency at work
    B.will not be regarded as abler than others
    C.will feel embarrassed in the workplace
    D.will be regarded as the most reliable employee
54.What can we infer from the passage?B
    A.People often look down upon a shy person.
    B.Shyness will prevent our career advancement.
    C.Bosses will never give important tasks to a shy person.
    D.A shy person will not ask for help when meeting difficulties.
55.To overcome our shyness at work,we canA.
    ①greet our colleagues actively
    ②declare what we're capable of to everyone
    ③get trained to increase our self-confidence
    ④put forward at least one idea during a meeting
56.What's the best title for passage?D
    A.How to overcome shyness?B.The character of a shy person
    C.The effects of being shy on people     D.Disadvantages of being shy at work.

分析 本文是一篇说明文.主要阐述了在工作中害羞带来的不利方面以及该如何来克服这种害羞.在工作场所,追求的是效率和生产率,能够被关注是自身进步发展所必须的.但如果一个人害羞就意味着不能与人共同完成工作,老板们也不太可能关注到,虽然有时自己有好主意或有着与他人一样的想法,但由于自己不善表达、未表露展示,因此会失去晋升机会,阻止自身进步发展.面对这样的境地,需要对自己有信心,勇于表达,克服这种害羞,努力改变自己.

解答 53.B   细节理解题.根据第三段中的"Shy people may have a lot of thoughts,but keeping their ideas to themselves is only to punish themselves when someone else receives praise for the same idea.Bosses may assume that you haven't the ability to think of ideas despite the fact that you have plenty but feel afraid to say them.If deals have to be made,your boss may think you won't be able to win over customers"可知,虽然害羞的人可能有许多好的想法、点子,但由于他们不善去表露出来,可能会被别人抢占先机,因而老板会认为这类员工没有能力,也不会争取更多的顾客,从而错失很多的晋升和发展机会,故选B.
54.B  推理判断题.根据第二段中的"Unfortunately it means that you may be the one who misses a promotion"及第三段中的"Bosses may assume that you haven't the ability to think of ideas despite the fact that you have plenty but feel afraid to say them.If deals have to be made,your boss may think you won't be able to win over customers"可知,害羞不善言辞的人在工作中会错失许多晋升发展的机会,故选B.
55.A   细节理解题.根据第三段中的"Communication is essential and while you may be a good listener it is important to make your voice heard"可知,①正确的;根据第六段中的"Later on it could be suggesting at least one idea the next time there is a meeting.If you feel you have serious problems with shyness then try confidence training to help you."可知,③④正确;故选A.
56.D   主旨大意题.纵观全文,主要阐述了在工作中害羞带来的不利方面.故选D.

点评 解答细节理解题时,一个常用的方法就是运用定位法,即根据题干和选项中的关键词从原文中找到相关的句子,与选项进行比较从而确定答案;推理判断题既要求学生透过文章表面文字信息推测文章隐含意思,又要求学生对作者的态度、意图及文章细节的发展作正确的推理判断,力求从作者的角度去考虑,不要固守自己的看法或观点.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.-Have you ever been to Beijing?
-No,but I wish I_________.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

13.I like to be near water-sea,lake or river.That is probably because I was born in a village (41)C the sea,and have lived (42)D life close to water of some (43)D.When I am in some place (44)A is far from lake,river and sea,I am restless and always (45)B that there is something (46)A,though it is sometimes hard to (47)B what it is.
Of course,the sports I like are (48)C that need water-sailing,rowing and swimming.It is (49)D to swim in a small swimming-pool,(50)C rowing and sailing are impossible without a lot of water.Rowing is best on a river,and sailing on the sea or a big lake,but one can (51)B some sailing on a river,and one can certainly row on a lake or the sea when the (52)A is good.
Of the three sports-swimming,rowing and sailing,I like rowing (53)D,because it is the (54)C to continue during the winter,when the water is too cold for swimming and the sea is too rough for sailing.(55)D on the coldest day one can row;(56)A ice on the water,or thick fog stops one.Sometimes it is so cold when I go (57)A that drops of water (58)B.In such weather,it is not very (59)C to swim;one can't stay in the water long;however,when one is rowing,one gets (60)B the longer one goes on.

41.A.onB.inC.byD.far from
42.A.my mostB.most myC.my most ofD.most of my
46.A.missingB.missedC.which is missedD.which missing
54.A.most interestingB.coldestC.easiestD.hardest
56.A.onlyB.notC.hardlyD.not only
57.A.out rowingB.on rowingC.to rowingD.on to row
58.A.fallB.freezeC.turn warmD.get cool


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

10.How to Make Friends
Friendship is a very important human relationship and everyone needs good friends.There are times in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town,or changed our jobs or schools.Such changes often leave us without a friend.(16)D.But for many of us the process is difficult and requires courage.Below are some helpful suggestions on how to make and keep friends.
(1)Start a conversation.
Starting a conversation is a very important step in making new friends.(17)EYou can always start the conversation.Being able to make small talks is a very useful skill in relating with other people.
Choosing friends with common interests is important in building friendship as these interests would always bring you and your friends together.
(3)Let friendship grow.
It is a good thing to stay in touch.However,you'd better not constantly make phone calls or keep writing emails to share every bit of things and expect them to react in time.(19)B.The best friendships are the ones that grow naturally.
(4)Enjoy your friendship.
The best way to enjoy your friendship is to allow your friends to be themselves.(20)FTry not to change them into what you want them to be.Try to become the friend that you expect your friends to be to you.

A.Share similar hobbies.
B.So allow your friends enough time to respond to you.
C.Keep cheerful all the time.
D.For some people making new friends seems easy and natural.
E.Do not wait for others to speak to you first.
F.Try not to be particular(挑剔的) about your friends.
G.Try to keep in touch all the time to develop friendship.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

17.Etymology,the study of words and word roots,may sound like the kind of thing done by boring librarians in small,dusty rooms. Yet etymologists actually have a uniquely interesting job. They are in many ways just like archaeologists (考古学家) digging up the physical history of people and events. The special aspect of etymology is that it digs up history,so to speak,through the words and phrases that are left behind.
The English language,in particular,is a great field to explore history through words As a language,English has an extraordinary number of words. This is partly due to its ability to  adapt foreign words so readily. For example,"English"words such as kindergarten (from German),croissant (from French),and cheetah (from Hindi) have become part of the language with little or no change from their original sounds and spellings. So English-language etymologists have a vast world of words to explore.
Another enjoyable thing about etymology for most word experts is solving word mysteries(谜). No,etymologists do not go around solving murders,like the great detective Sherlock Holmes. What these word experts solve are mysterious origins of some of our most common words
One of the biggest questions English language experts have pursued is how English came to have the phrase OK. Though it is one of the most commonly used expressions,its exact beginning is a puzzle even to this day. Even its spelling is not entirely consistent-unless you spell it Okay,it is hard even to call it a word.
Etymologists have been able to narrow OK's origin down to a likely,although not certain,source(来源). It became widely used around the time of Martin Van Buren's run for president in 1840. His nickname was Old Kinderhook. What troubles word experts about this explanation is that the phrase appeared in some newspapers before Van Buren became well known. It is likely that Van Buren could be called its primary source Etymologists will doubtlessly keep searching for the initial source. However,it is clear that OK's popularity and reputation have topped those of the American president to whom it has been most clearly linked.

63. The author mentions the words like"croissant"in Paragraph 2to indicateC.
A. words have changed a lot in the two languages
B. what English-language etymologists are exploring now
C. English has absorbed many words from other foreign languages
D. the English vocabulary is difficult to the non-English-speaking people
64.The underlined word"pursued"in Paragraph 4meansB.
A. looked upon     B. dug up  C. put in  D. set down
65. We can learn from the passage that etymologistsA.
A. discover the possible origin of words
B. help detectives to solve mysterious murders
C. write interesting stories for some newspapers
D. explore the English language as well as the recent events
66. What is the main purpose of the passage?C
A. To present the history of English words
B. To explain the procedure of an etymologist's job
C. To introduce the pleasure of the study of words and word roots.
D. To teach readers how to distinguish English and non-English words.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.The Japanese government's so-called purchase of Diaoyu Islands will inevitably have a(n) _____ impact on China-Japan economic and trade ties.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.-Lily always thinks that we speak ill of her in her absence.
-It's just her to be so _____.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.-Do you like the latest movie Lost in Thailand?(  )
A.Of courseB.Not reallyC.I dependsD.That's right


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.I've heard from a __________ source that many of the workers may lose their jobs because our company is running very badly.(  )

