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One moment it was quiet and calm in the forest, the next, the air was charged with tension. The elephant had heard the distant alarm calls of animals and her mood suddenly changed. I urged the elephant deeper into the forest. We sounded like a forest fire --- cracking, snapping, trailblazing. But through all the noise came a sharp warning cry. The elephant stopped and we heard it again --- the tell-tale call of a spotted deer.
I looked quickly around the shadows of the forest. Rays of sunlight shone through tree branches, beneath which the patchwork(交错)of green plants and shadows-within-shadows would make tiger stripes(条纹)look more attractive. Apart from an occasional noise from the elephant's stomach, the forest was silent.
Gradually, the tension slipped from our bodies. The elephant seized a nearby branch and put it into its mouth. I reached forward and gently moved my hand over the elephant's neck; there was a soft part, free of wrinkles and hairs, behind her ear.
This was my fourth time to sense the aura of the forest in Corbett, although I saw no tigers in the end. Located at the foot of the Himalayan mountains, Corbett is home to about 135 Bengal tigers, but the forest seemed to be guarding their whereabouts(出没处), a silent reminder of their secrecy and rarity. Still, I was happy enough touching the elephant behind the ear. If I had so desperately wanted to see a tiger, I could have gone to a zoo. After all, spotting tigers merely confirms their beauty; tracking them can make you aware of something more.
(1)Which of the following was a clear signal of alarm?
A.The elephant stopped.
B.A spotted deer called.
C.The elephant seized a branch.
D.The forest was silent for a while.
(2)The author begins his account of the tour in the forest mainly by _______.
A.describing various sounds
B.comparing different animals
C.listing different activities
D.introducing various plants
(3)What does the underlined part “to sense the aura” most probably mean?
A.To see the diversity.
B.To enjoy the scenery.
C.To feel the atmosphere.
D.To experience the freedom.
(4)How does the author feel after several visits to Corbett?
A.Seeing a Bengal tiger is quite thrilling.
B.It is very time-consuming to travel in Corbett.
C.It is really worthwhile to study the animals in Corbett.
D.The process of finding Bengal tigers is most appealing.

(1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“But through all the noise came a sharp warning cry. The elephant stopped and we heard it again... the tell-tale call of a spotted deer.”可知,梅花鹿的鸣叫是“报警”的声音。A、D两项均是听到“报警”之后的结果。选择B。
(2)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“distant alarm calls, all the noise, a sharp warning cry”等词语可知,作者开头描述了森林里的各种声音。选择A。
(4)考查主旨大意。根据最后一段中的“After all, spotting tigers merely confirms their beauty; tracking them can make you aware of something more.”,在作者看来,真正看见老虎只是证实它们的美,并且直接去动物园就可以实现这个目的;但是追踪老虎却能带来更多感受,作者真正感兴趣的是这个过程。故选择D项。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】London has a huge choice of world class conference centers. All are fitted with state of the art technology including the latest audio and visual equipment.

The Brewery

While the City of London is not short of modern, flexible event spaces, not many can be located(位于) in Grade Ⅱ listed buildings. Founded by Whitbread in the 18th century, the Brewery provides a historical setting for a wide variety of events and conferences. The largest conference room can seat 1,000 guests, making it most suitable for major conferences, award dinners and fashion shows.

Central Hall Westminster

Built in 1912 and located just across the road from the Houses of Parliament, the splendid Central Hall Westminster has 22 function rooms and can seat up to 2,160 people in its auditorium (会堂). Visitors can explore the inside of the Edwardian structure for free, with guided tours operating daily from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm.

Emmanuel Center

Located in the heart of Westminster, the Emmanuel Center is a special Grade Ⅱ listed building designed by famous architect, Sir Herbert Baker. Originally built in 1928, the place combines traditional charm with modern equipment. It houses a main auditorium, suitable for events of up to 1,000 people, and two halls that can hold 300 people, making it the perfect place for conferences and seminars.

Kings Place

Opened in 2008, Kings Place offers conference organizers two auditoriums, two art galleries and a wide selection of event spaces with great views over Regent's Canal. Bathed in natural light, the Battlebridge Room can be split into two using a movable wall, creating a room for presentations and the other for refreshments and registration (登记). Google, Audi and the BBC are among the companies which have used Kings Place as a conference center.

1Which of the conference centers has the longest history?

A. The Brewery. B. Central Hall Westminster.

C. Emmanuel Center. D. Kings Place.

2What do The Brewery and Emmanuel Center have in common?

A. They each have two auditoriums.

B. The buildings are Grade Ⅱ listed buildings.

C. They are designed by the same architect.

D. They offer guided tours inside the buildings.

3What are representatives impressed with in Kings Place?

A. Event spaces with wonderful views over a canal.

B. Historical setting for kinds of events and conferences.

C. Exploring the inside of the Edwardian structure free of charge.

D. The place combining traditional charm with modern equipment.

4What is the text mainly talking about?

A. Tourist attractions.

B. Examples of architectures.

C. Places to hold important meetings.

D. The application of modern technology.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Encouraging pupils to keep noise to a minimum should be a valuable part of all children’s education, according to a new research.

Dr. Helen Lees, from Stirling University’s school of education, says that “enforced (强制的) silence” is seen as a punishment and often acts to suppress children’s natural ability. But she says that teaching children about the benefits of “enforced silence” — deliberate stillness that gives them the opportunity to focus and reflect in a stress-free environment — can have a significant effect on pupils’ concentration and behaviour.

It is the latest in a string of researches to establish a link between the classroom environment and pupils’ academic ability.

A study almost a decade ago in London found that children’s exam results were cut by as much as a third if they taught in noisy classrooms. Teaching unions have also called for a limit of 26℃ to be put on classroom temperatures because teachers and pupils struggle to work in hot conditions and some educationalists claim that too much clutter(杂乱的东西) on classroom walls can prevent children from concentrating.

Dr. Lees said: “When we take some research on school settings and put it all together, what we see is that education without silence does not make much sense. In areas of better learning outcomes, better self-confidence and well-being measures, enforced silence in a person’s life and an individual’s education is shown throughout the relevant research to be a benefit.”

Dozens of schools across Britain already introduce periods of “reflective silence” into the timetable.

Kevin Hogston, head of Sheringdale Primary, south London, has just introduced a minute’s silence at the start of twice-weekly meetings in which children are taught breathing techniques and encouraged to reflect. The school plans to introduce it into classrooms every day.

1According to Dr. Helen Lees, “enforced silence” _____________.

A. is an effective way of punishment

B. does not make much sense in class

C. can improve pupils’ confidence

D. can make pupils more creative

2The underlined word, “suppress”, in the second paragraph probably means “_________”.

A. prevent something from developing

B. make something better than before

C. get something back

D. unite with something.

3What can be inferred from the research on school settings?

A. Students are more creative if taught in noisy classrooms.

B. Silence makes a great difference to pupils.

C. Clutter on the walls can help students concentrate.

D. Most schools are not satisfactory in terms of classroom temperatures.

4What is the passage mainly about?

A. How to arrange classroom settings.

B. How to achieve silence in class.

C. Encouraging pupils in class is beneficial.

D. Keeping quiet in class can improve academic ability.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Is it true that Mike refused an offer from Yale University yesterday?
— Yeah, but I have no idea _______ he did it; that's one of his favorite universities.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1How did the man learn about the festival most probably?

A. Through going to a park.

B. Through reading a newspaper.

C. Through hearing of it from his brother.

2What’s the woman’s attitude toward the art exhibitions?

A. Interested. B. Disappointed. C. Worried.

3When will the international painters show their works?

A. On Saturday. B. On Sunday. C. The whole weekend.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】For several years, Americans have enjoyed teleshopping—watching TV and buying things by phone. Now teleshopping is starting in Europe. In a number of European countries, people can turn on their TVs and shop for clothes, jewelry, food, toys, and many other things.

Teleshopping is becoming popular in Sweden, for example. The biggest Swedish company sells different kinds of things on TV in 15 European countries, and in one year it made $100 million. In France there are two teleshopping channels, and the French spend about $20 million a year buying things through those channels.

In Germany, until last year teleshopping was only possible on one channel for one hour every day. Then the government allowed more teleshopping. Other channels can open for telebusiness, including the largest American teleshopping company and a 24-hour teleshopping company. German businessmen are hoping this new teleshopping will help them sell more things.

Some people like teleshopping because it allows them to do their shopping without leaving their homes. With all the problems of traffic in cities, this is an important reason. But at the same time, other Europeans do not like this new way of buying things. They call teleshopping ‘‘junk on the air”. Many Europeans usually worry about the quality of the things for sale on TV. Good quality is important to them, and they don’t believe they can be sure about the quality of the things on TV.

The need for high quality means that European teleshopping companies will have to be different from the American companies. They will have to be more careful about the quality of the things they sell. They will also have to work harder to sell things that the buyers cannot touch or see in person.

1Teleshopping is ________ in Europe.

A. popular B. growing C. cheap D. not possible

2People like teleshopping because it is ________.

A. easier B. cheaper C. more popular D. more interesting

3Some Europeans don’t like teleshopping because they ________.

A. don’t like to buy things

B. believe the things sold on TV are expensive

C. think the things sold on TV are of bad quality

D. don’t like watching TV

4What would be the best title of this passage?

A. American Teleshopping B. Teleshopping Companies

C. Teleshopping in Europe D. teleshopping—Junk on the Air


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I left home to support my sister in her efforts to present a music festival. She lives on the other side of the world, and I went to visit her, not wanting to leave and feeling like I was leaving home against my will. However, I wanted to show her my support because she is my only sister.

So I boarded the plane in mid-August, and hated the long flight. I arrived, tired and hungry. I had left my husband of 2 years, alone, in our old New Orleans house.

I was all set and ready to perform for my sister for the music festival on Sunday morning when I received a call from Chicago. The hurricane was predicted to hit our city, and many people had already evacuated, but my husband chose to stay behind. He could not get a call to me on the other side of the world, but he could call his cousin in Chicago. He gave his cousin a message for me, that he would be just fine, and not to worry.

As the day wore on, I finally took the stage in front of hundreds of Europeans, and I realized, thanks to CNN, that New Orleans was under water.

I performed, hoping that my husband would survive. And I performed perfectly. The audience stood and applauded. I left the stage and went straight to the TV. I saw the street sign near my home, of Humanity Street, but nothing below it, except water.

In the days that followed, I found out that my house, my car, my clothes, my furniture, everything that I’d left behind was gone…but not my husband. He survived by riding on the rear bumper(后保险杠)of a VW bus, holding on to the overhead luggage rack, in the pouring rain, down the highway from New Orleans, half-way to Baton Rouge. The rest of the journey was a long walk, but he survived.

By the first week of September, I flew back to the Baton Rouge airport, and hugged my husband. Since then, our relationship has grown deeper; we have completely rebuilt our house, bought a new car, bought new furniture and new clothes and joined an inspirational, spirit-filled community.

1Why did the author leave home?

A. To look after her sister. B. To attend a music festival.

C. To watch a performance. D. To visit her husband’s cousin.

2How did the author feel when she left home?

A. Disappointed. B. Worried.

C. Tired. D. Unwilling.

3What does the underlined word “evacuated” mean?

A. Gathered. B. Struggled.

C. Escaped. D. Hid.

4What might be the title for the passage?

A. Lost it All, Gained Even More. B. Once Gone, Never Returned.

C. Caught in the Hurricane. D. Trapped in a Dilemma.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

With around 100 students scheduled to be in that 9:00 am Monday morning lecture, it is no surprise that almost 20 people actually make it to the class and only 10 of them are still awake after the first 15 minutes; it is not even a surprise that most of them are still in their pajama’s(睡衣). Obviously, students are terrible at adjusting their sleep cycles to their daily schedule.
All human beings possess a body clock. Along with other alerting systems, this governs the sleep/wake cycle and is therefore one of the main processes which govern sleep behaviour. Typically, the preferred sleep/wake cycle is delayed in adolescents, which leads to many students not feeling sleepy until much later in the evenings. This typical sleep pattern is usually referred to as the “night owl” schedule of sleep.
This is opposed to the “early bird” schedule, and is a kind of disorder where the individual tends to stay up much past midnight. Such a person has great difficulty in waking up in the mornings. Research suggests that night owls feel most alert and function best in the evenings and at night. Research findings have shown that about 20 percent of people can be classified as “night owls” and only 10 percent can be classified as “early birds” ------ the other 70 percent are in the middle. Although this is clearly not true for all students, for the ones who are true night owls, this gives them an excellent excuse for missing their lectures which unfortunately fall before midday.
(1)What does the author stress in Paragraph 1?
A.Many students are absent from class.
B.Students are very tired on Monday mornings.
C.Students do not adjust their sleep patterns well.
D.Students are not well prepared for class on Mondays.
(2)Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 2?
A.Most students prefer to get up late in the morning.
B.Students don’t sleep well because of alerting systems.
C.One’s body clock governs the sleep/wake cycle independently.
D.Adolescents’ delayed sleep/wake cycle isn’t the preferred pattern.
(3)Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “classified”?
(4)What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Functions of the body clock.
B.The “night owl” phenomenon.
C.Human beings’ sleep behaviour.
D.The school schedule of “early birds”.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 写信目的;

2. 活动安排;

3. 期待回复。



