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【题目】With Christmas just around the corner, it is time for us to plan our holidays. 【1】

Organize a Charity Show

Christmas is about spreading joy and love. It’s about giving. We give our family presents on this day to show them with happiness and love, don’t we? But have you ever wondered how the poor celebrate their Christmas? Does Santa leave gifts for them too? 【2Use all the activities to buy gifts or necessities for those less rich.

Visit Orphanages and Old Age Homes

Christmas is an occasion for the entire family to come together and celebrate. More than the celebrations, we look forward to being near our close ones. 【3】Form a group and spend an entire day with children or senior at orphanages and old age homes.

Start a Donation Drive

When we do something alone, the impact of that action isn’t as great as it would be if done by a group. 【4A lot of people will want to donate clothes and other necessary items. Along with gifts, if you donate these to people as well, it will really make a difference.

【5Plan these activities in time and have fun with your family and friends. Merry Christmas!May God bless you!

A. Shopping is an entirely different experience during Christmas.

B. Here are some fun Christmas activities that you are absolutely going to love.

C. If you have the time, organize a donation drive in your locality.

D. Now that you know these activities, you can select a few of them to keep yourself busy.

E. As charity, you can arrange for a show in your circle of friends or in your neighborhood.

F. Gifting something to your family members, friends and colleagues is important.

G. The same joy can be shared with people who don’t have the company of their family on this happy occasion.














科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Dogs can be trained to identify the smell of lung cancer long before symptoms develop.

A new study is the first to show that sniffer dogs can be relied upon to find the unique smell of the disease of in 7 out of 10 sniffers. Researchers from a hospital in Germany believe dogs could become even better at picking out cancer cases with more training, but the final goal is to identify the cancer-specific chemical compounds the dogs can smell, and develop a device that could be used to help diagnose lung-cancer victims at an earlier stage.

Lung cancer is Britains deadliest cancer, with over 39.000 cases diagnosed annually, of which only 25 percent will survive for a year, since the disease is mostly found at an advanced stage, when it is very difficult to treat. Early detection is often by chance, although scientists have been working on using samples of exhaled(呼出的) breath from patients for future screening. They attempt to use the samples to locate volatile organic compounds(VOCs) in the breath that are linked to the presence of cancer, but no reliable methods have been found so far that are lung-specific.

The researchers combined this approach with recent findings about the abilities of some dogs to alert their owners to undiagnosed cancer, probably through smell. This latest study used family dogs, which were given special training over an 11-week period to identify a VOC in the breath of patient.

The researches worked with 220 volunteers, including patients with lung cancer at early and advanced stage, patients with chronic pulmonary disease(慢性肺炎), and healthy volunteers. The dogs took part in a number of tests to see if they could reliably distinguish compounds in the breath of lung-cancer patients-even if they smoked. The dogs were asked to sniff glass tubes containing cotton impregnated(浸染) with samples of breath from those taking part and had to lie down if they detected a VOC from a lung cancer patient.

The dogs successfully identified 71 samples with lung cancer out of a possible 100. They also correctly detected 372 samples that did not have lung cancer out of a posible 400.

【1】What can we conclude from the research according to the passage?

A. The volunteers included patients with various cancer successfully

B. It used police dogs specially trained over a period.

C. It aimed to see if dogs could sniff cancer-specific compounds.

D. The dogs identified 372 samples with lung cancer successfully.

【2】We can infer from the passage that a VOC is probably a kind of _____.

A. liquid B. drug C. equipment D. chemical

【3】Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?

A. The research involved about a hundred dogs in all.

B. Dogs can usually detect the lung cancer patients well.

C. There are about 39,000 lung-cancer patients in Britain every year.

D. Lung cancer is Britains biggest cancer killer.

【4】What can be the best title of the passage?

A. A New Way to Treat Cancer

B. A New Way to Detect Disease

C. Dogs Can Sniff out Cancer

D. Dogs Can Protect People from Cancer


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


【1】However.the southern part of Ireland was ________(不愿意的)and broke away to form its own government.

【2】I have to remind myself ________(不断地) that I’m really in AD3008.

【3】John Snow wanted to face the c_______(挑战)and solve this problem.

【4】The Christian Church r_______ his theory ,saying it was against God’s idea.

【5】It looked_______(辉煌的)when first built.

【6】He slowed down the bleeding by a________ pressure to the wounds.

【7】Last of all ,the chief editor read it and a________(批准) it.

【8】You have three layers of skin which act as a barrier against disease, p_________ and the sun’s harmful rays.

【9】At first, my new surroundings were difficult to t________(忍受).

【10】Have you ever had a case where someone a_________your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:









Mr. Zhou who has been retired is over sixty years old. He is one of my respected teachers. He teaches us chemistry when we were in senior Grade One. He was old, and he taught us well. He tried his best to make his class live. Mr. Zhou usually made good preparations for the lesson and was strict to us, too. Whenever we made mistakes in our homework, he would ask us to correct it. At that time, I was used to be poor in chemistry. Mr. Zhou often helped me with my studies very patiently, as a result of that, I have made rapid progresses and caught up with the class.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Tom went off to the EXPO Garden with his friends, __________ an exciting day of discovering the unique culture of each nation.

A. expected B. expecting

C. to expect D. expects


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】When we were at school, we made a _________ to work together in the future, but he broke his promise later

A. commitment B. contribution

C. presentation D. consequence


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








I read a lot of history, a little philosophy, and a good deal of science. My curiosity was too great to allow me to give much time to reflect what I read; I could hard wait to finish one book, too eager was I to begin another. This was always an adventure, and I would start upon a famous work as exciting as a reasonable young man would go in to bat for his side or a nice girl goes to a dance. Now and then journalists in search of copy ask me when the most thrilling moment of my life is. If I am not ashamed to say, I might answer that it is the moment that I began to read Goethe'sFaust.

I have never been quite lost this feeling, and even now the first pages of a book sometimes send the blood racing through my veins. To me reading is a rest as to other people conversation and a game of cards. It is more than that; it is a necessity, and if I am deprived of it in a little while I find myself as irritable as the addict deprived of his drug. I would sooner read a timetable or a catalogue than nothing at all.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


In June, an isolated tribe known to semi-permanently reside in Peru emerged from the forest on the neighboring Envira River in Brazil to make contact with the outside world. Such contact happens surprisingly often, but it is usually brief. “This is unique in that they’ve chosen to stay,” says Chris Fagan, director of the nongovernmental group Upper Amazon Conservancy.

Reportedly under threat from illegal loggers, a few dozen tribespeople remain near the village where they first emerged. They are under the supervision of FUNAI, Brazil’s agency for Indian affairs. During many past contact events, members of the isolated groups died after encountering modern diseases for the first time. But experts hope the group that emerged in June will fare (进展) better because members have stayed long enough to receive medical care. There’s still concern that other members of the group’s tribe may have remained in the forest, vulnerable to disease and unreachable by medical personnel.

“The worst-case scenario (方案) is that some people get sick and go back to the original tribe,” says University of Missouri anthropologist Robert Walker, who studies Amazonian populations. “That’s the huge worry.”

Walker, who studies satellite imagery (卫星图) of the rainforest for evidence of isolated villages, says four or five such nomadic hunter-gatherer groups live in the Envira River watershed, though he estimates between 50 and 100 isolated indigenous (土生土长的) groups live in Greater Amazonia. These groups often make fleeting (短暂的) contact to steal tools from frontier towns, but most, he says, remain isolated out of fear. “Some of these folks’ ancestors have been massacred,” he says. “They were contacted, violently, in the past.”

Now, with illegal loggers and drug smugglers invading land reserves established to protect the tribespeople’s way of life, these isolated groups are feeling pressured out of their homes. And although activist groups and government anthropologists train locals to temporarily leave the area when isolated tribes arrive as a way to prevent the spread of disease, lack of official protocols (协议), consistent enforcement and regular compensation for villagers often make it an ineffective solution.

These tribespeople “have a right to continue their lifestyle as long as they want to,” Fagan says. “There are land reserves set up to allow them to do that, and those reserves are failing.”

【1】Where do the tribespeople who make contact with the outside world live?

A. In the US. B. In Brazil.

C. In Peru. D. In Cuba.

【2】Mr Walker is __________.

A. director of the nongovernmental group Upper Amazon Conservancy

B. an official from the Brazilian government

C. an official from FUNAI, Brazil’s agency for Indian affairs

D. an anthropologist from America

【3】What does the underlined word “massacred” mean?

A. killed in a large number.

B. given enough medical treatment.

C. helped with tender care.

D. treated in a friendly way.

【4】From what Fagan says in the last paragraph, we can know _______.

A. It is unique that the tribespeople should ask to stay

B. The government did a lot to set up land rserves but ended up in vain.

C. These tribespeople dont have a right to continue their lifestyle as long as they want to.

D. The worst-case scenario is that some people get sick and go back to the original tribe.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Since anti-corruption(反腐) campaign started in 2012, the first female major general, Gao Xiaoyan is under investigation by China’s military authorities for being suspected of ______ her position.

A. appointing B. accounting

C. acquiring D. abusing

