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【题目】假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅沙及-个单词的增加 删除或修改。






Hello! Welcome to my hometown. Firstly, we would go to the Guandi Temple. It has more than one thousand years old. It is a gathering place for young man on Friday and Saturday nights. Two streets lead to the temple, which have wide sidewalks and are lining with trees. Front Street contain all the food stores. Back Street 1S a place all the government offices are housed. Finally, we come to the Green Hill. And there is primary school on the hill. In spite of only one hundred pupils, it was well known. After visiting to my hometown, I'm surely you' ll love it better.

【答案】1. would → will

2. has → is

3. man → men

4. lining → lined

5. contain → contains

6. place后加where

7. the → a

8. was → is

9. 删除visiting后面的to

10. surely → sure





3.考查名词的数。结合上下文可知,此处用man的复数形式men符合语境,young men“(很多)年轻人”,故将man改为men

4.考查非谓语动词。此处考查固定短语be lined with“与……并列”。故将lining改为lined

5.考查主谓一致。此处讲述一般事实应用一般现在时,主语Front Street“前街”是第三人称单数,谓语动词应用三单现形式,故将contain改为contains

6.考查定语从句。分析句子可知,all the government offices are housed是修饰a place的定语从句,先行词place在从句中充当地点状语,应用关系副词,故在place后加where






科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】In the________of further evidence,the police were unable to solve the murder in a short term.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】What do we learn from this conversation?

A. The man wants to go to Los Angeles

B. The man wants to go to San Francisco.

C. There are no flights to Los Angeles for the rest of the day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Cars have become a popular means of transport, bringing great convenient to our life.

2At no time I feel they were being unreasonable.

3Unlike you, I am not accustomed to tell lies.

4Three months before, I bought an e-book reader, which is light and handy.

5As a rule, doctors in the hospital are paid by hour.

6Our diet was largely consisted of vegetables.

7Fortunate, I was selected as one of the student representatives to pay a visit to your school.

8He had a deep voice, which set himself apart from others.

9Her room was furnished with some old furnitures.

10In the past few days, he has recited several articles, two poems including.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.



3尽管最后期限延长了一个月,研究团队仍需调整策略,以便如期完成项目。(so that)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 If our bodies actually suffer from eating too much sugar, then why do we like it? And why don 't we have such a strong eager for food like, say, broccoli (西兰花)which is a great source of Vitamin C,Vitamin K iron, all things our body actually needs? If it's so bad for us, then why does sugar taste so good? There are hundreds of journal articles trying to answer that very question. Let' s take a look at what they' ve come up with.

Studies have shown that the love children have for sugar may be born with. In other words, kids may have a built-in love of all things sweet. The preference for sweet foods is found to be already evident in newborns, who prefer sweeter formulas (配方). It also seems to be shared by children globally across cultures and climates. There’s further evidence that kids’ taste buds (味蕾) are more sensitive to bitter-tasting foods, further pushing them to reach for the sweets. One study showed that adults tend to maximize their sugar preference at about the level of sugar in a can of soda, but older children still liked drinks that were twice as sweet. The scientists couldn't find a limit to the concentration of sugar younger children preferred. It turms out that the kids still liked the sugary drink even past the point where there was too much sugar to be dissolved (溶解) in water anymore.

Sugar gets a bad fame, but it isn't all bad. Sugar provides our bodies with calories, which we can then change into energy. Children, in particular, need this energy to fuel their rapid growth. Sugar also helps us store fat, which can be drawn on later if needed. Our body knows to pursue the things it needs as two way of signaling our brain to start eating what we’re missing.

As a vegetarian (素食主义者)I know that when I start thinking about stealing the peanut butter sandwich that's been floating around in my kid' s backpack, it' s probably not because the sandwich is so delicious. It' s more likely that I haven't gotten enough protein for the day.

1What makes so many people study sugar?

A.High sugar intake.

B.Curiosity about Sugar.

C.The love for sugar.

D.The magic effect of sugar.

2What do the studies show about eating the sweets?

A.Loving sugar is human's nature.

B.A vegetarian doesn't like sugar so much.

C.The older one is, the more sugar one needs.

D.The love for sugar depends on living habits.

3How does sugar impress us according to the text?

A.Deadly but irresistible.

B.Beneficial but harmful.

C.Necessary but not welcome.

D.Useful but not nutritious.

4Why does the author steal his kid's food?

A.To store more protein,

B.To treat his illness.

C.To avoid his kid eating more.

D.To meet body' s needs.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Schoolmates.B.Brother and sister.C.Teacher and student.

2What just happened to Chad’s shirt?

A.He got a tea stain on it.

B.He got blue paint on it.

C.He rolled in the grass with it.

3What will Chad do after school?

A.Tell his mother what happened.

B.Ask Betty to explain for him.

C.Buy a new shirt.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What kind of party will be held?

A. A birthday party. B. A surprise party. C. A house-warming party.

2How long will the party last?

A. Four hours. B. Five hours. C. Six hours.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Battling coronavirus is an experience that will forever stay in my mind. I had what's considered a mild case, but even in its weakest form, this virus is 1 (violence) and cruel.

My husband, Louis, and I have been trying to figure out where we first came into contact2 the virus, and we think it was the Friday night when we went out 3 (celebrate) his sister's birthday in early March. We went to a Mexican restaurant, 4 we shared lots of laughs and food. We didn't think anything of it at the time. 5 (look) back now, we think that must have been the start of it all. Sharing food and drinks 6(be) one of the everyday habits that should change forever after coronavirus.

Louis began showing symptoms on Monday, but we assumed it was 7 typical cold. It didn't seem a cause for concern. Then it took 8(I) down. The doctor was certain I would test positive for coronavirus, but gave me the option to test 9 I wanted to know for sure. I opted to be tested.

Now that I 10 (recover) , I'm sharing my story because I want people to take this situation seriously. We have to fight this battle together and we have to win.

