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It is required that those who will be chosen to take part in that important military training _____ the experience of serving in the army.

A.have had B.will have

C.had D.have


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西丰城中学高一下期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

FOR thousands of years, Stonehenge has confused visitors with a seemingly unanswerable question: Why would anyone carry so many huge stones across Britain and put them in a ring? It seems even stranger when you think of the fact that it was done by prehistoric people working without modern technology, not even a wheel.

Stonehenge has started endless debates over the centuries. Experts have said at different times that it was a temple, a calendar (日历) or a graveyard (墓地).

Yet “all the ideas to date could be mistaken,” said Julian Spalding, a famous art critic (评论家) and former director of some of the UK’s leading museums. “We’ve been looking at Stonehenge the wrong way: from the earth, which is very much a 20th century viewpoint,” he told The Guardian.

Spalding has put forward a new theory about Stonehenge in his latest book, Realisation: From Seeing to Understanding. “The current theories about Stonehenge are based on looking across the ground, which is a modern idea,” he writes in his new book. He told The Guardian that in ancient times, spiritual ceremonies didn’t happen on the ground. Prehistoric people believed that in this way they could get closer to the heavens. So Spalding says that “rituals (仪式) at Stonehenge were performed in the same way – not among the stones, but on top of them,” reported The Washington Post.

He re-imagines a scene in his book, explaining how the mysterious site was used: Stonehenge held up a large, circular platform (平台). It was a raised altar (圣坛) reached by stairs, and thousands of people might have worshipped (祈祷) there.

To support his theory, Spalding lists examples from ancient civilizations worldwide. In China, Peru and Turkey, such sacred (神圣的) monuments (遗迹) were built high up, whether on man-made or natural sites. In an interview with The Washington Post, Spalding said the wood that would have been used for the platform had long since rotted away (腐烂), leaving only the stone pillars (柱子) that supported it behind.

So far scholars have had “a fair degree of skepticism (怀疑)” about these ideas, according to The Huffington Post. Sir Barry Cunliffe, prehistorian and Oxford University archaeology (考古学) professor, said: “He could be right, but I know of no evidence to support it ... There are a large number of stone circles around the country which clearly didn’t have a platform on top. So why should Stonehenge?”

1.What is the article mainly about?

A. The history of Stonehenge.

B. A new theory about Stonehenge.

C. Why Stonehenge has started endless debates over the centuries.

D. How Stonehenge is different from other ancient civilizations.

2.According to Spalding’s theory, Stonehenge ______.

A. was a prehistoric calendar

B. should be looked at from the earth

C. was a raised altar for worship

D. was simply a natural site

3.How does Spalding support his theory about Stonehenge?

A. By raising questions.

B. By providing related figures.

C. By quoting other experts’ research.

D. By giving examples from other civilizations.

4.We can infer from the article that Cunliffe is ______ Spalding’s theory.

A. supportive of B. amazed at

C. worried about D. doubtful about


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届天津市河东区高三一模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

We should do what we can ______ people’s hard work pays off.

A.be sure B.being sure

C.making sure D.to make sure


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山东淄博高三下期第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


The Dos and Don’ts of Learning a New Language People decide to learn another language for many different reasons.Some learn another language because they would like to live in another country.1.Some people have to study a language at school and others might decide to learn a language just for fun!

I’ve been learning French for just over two years.I decided to learn it because I wanted to learn something new and I love French culture.Learning French has been a fun and exciting journey but it’s also been challenging.I’ve learnt a lot about the challenges while learning a new language and have put together some‘dos’and‘don’ts’to help other language learners.


Learning a new language can be a hard process that requires a lot of motivation.Try different activities to make your language learning more enjoyable.Why not try watching your favourite TV series in that language or listening to music in that language?

•Do write down your mistakes

3.I like to write the mistakes that I make in a small pocket book.

•Don’t set unrealistic expectations。

If you have recently started learning another language,it may be unrealistic to expect to be fluent within a couple of months.Be aware that it could take a while.4.It’s very difficult to have a native accent.The most important thing is that you’re clear and people can understand you.

•Don’t be scared

5.I worried about my accent,pronunciation,grammar and didn’t make the most of speaking opportunities.Looking back,it seems silly and now I’m more than happy to speak French.Don’t be afraid or overthink it,just be confident and speak.

A.Be confident

B.Do enjoy it

C.The same thing goes for accents.

D.Others decide to learn a language because of their job.

E.I wasn't confident when I first started speaking French.

F.Take your time and celebrate the progress that you’ve made so far.

G.A person correcting you is a good thing and it will help you improve.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高三课前测试英语试卷(一)(解析版) 题型:单项填空

In your life,sometimes you might end up back ______ you started.

A.who B.when

C.where D.which


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高三测试考试英语试卷(一)(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The government ought to_________ the protection of the water resources.

A.put stress on B.speak highly of

C.look up to D.attach importance to


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高三测试考试英语试卷(一)(解析版) 题型:单项填空

She often says that she prefers to see a movie with a (n) ______.

A.message B.thought

C.idea D.comment


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年浙江平湖当湖中学高一3月阶段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


My father was 44 and knew he wasn’t going to make it to 45.He wrote me a letter and hoped that something in it would help me for the rest of my life.

Since the day I was 12 and first read his letter , some of his words have lived in my heart.One part always stands out.“Right now ,you are pretending to be a time killer(消磨时间者).But I know that one day, you will do something great that will set you among the very best.” Knowing that my dad believed in me gave me permission to believe in myself.“You will do something great.” He didn’t know what would be, and neither did I ,but at times in my life when I’ve felt proud of myself , I remember his words and wish he were here so I could ask , “Is this what you were talking about , Dad ? Should I keep going ?”

A long way from 12 now , I realize he would have been proud when I made any progress.Lately, though, I’ve come to believe he would want me to move on to what comes next : to be proud of , and believe in , somebody else.It’s time to start writing my own letters to my children.Our children look to us with the same unanswered question we had.Our kids don’t hold back because they’re afraid to fail.They’re only afraid of failing us.They’re only afraid of failing us.They don’t worry about being disappointed.Their fear as mine was until my father’s letter is of being a disappointment.

Give your children permission to succeed.They’re waiting for you to believe in them.I always knew my parents loved me.But trust me :That belief will be more complete , that love will be more real , and their belief in themselves will be greater if you write the words on their hearts :“Don’t worry ; you’ll do something great.”Not having that blessing from their parents may be the only thing holding them back.

1.We learn from the text that the author ______

A.lost his father when he was young

B.worked hard before he read his father’s letter

C.asked his father’s permission to believe in himself

D.knew exactly what great thing his father wanted him to do

2.What does the author tell us in the 3rd paragraph ?

A.Children need their parents’ letters.

B.Children are afraid to be disappointed.

C.His children’s fear of failure held them back.

D.His father’s letter removed his fear of failing his parents.

3.Which of the following is true of the author ?

A.He got no access to success

B.He wrote back to his father at 12.

C.He was sure his parents loved him.

D.He once asked his father about the letter.

4.The main purpose of the text is to

A.describe children’s thinking

B.answer some questions children have

C.stress the importance of communication

D.advise parents to encourage their children


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北辛集中学高一下期第一次阶段性考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

There are ___ products to be sold in the factory store.Which is not correct in the following?

A.a large number of B.quantities of

C.a large amount of D.a great many

