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Michael Greenberg is a very popular New Yorker. He is not famous in sports or the arts, But people in the streets him, especially those who are .For those people, he is "Gloves" Greenberg. How did he get that ?

He looks like any other businessman, wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase (公文箱). But he's _. His briefcase always has some gloves.

In winter, Mr.Greenberg does not like other New Yorkers, who look at the sidewalk and the street. He looks around at . He stops when he someone with no gloves. He gives them a pair and then he ,looking for more people with cold .

On winter days, Mr.Greenberg gloves. During the rest of the year, he gloves. People who have heard about him him gloves, and he has many in his apartment.

Mr. Greenberg doing this 21 years ago. Now, many poor New Yorkers know him and his behavior. But people who don't know him are sometimes him. They don't realize that he just wants to make them .

It runs in the .Michael's father always helped the poor as he believed it made everyone happier. Michael Greenberg feels the .A pair of gloves may be a thing, but it can make a big difference in winter.

1.A. know about B. learn from C. cheer for D. look after

2.A. old B. busy C. kind D. poor

3.A. job B. name C. chance D. message

4.A. calm B. different C. crazy D. curious

5.A. act B. sound C. feel D. dress

6.A. cross over B. drive along C. hurry down D. keep off

7.A. cars B. people C. street numbers D. traffic lights

8.A. helps B .chooses C. greets D. sees

9.A. holds up B. hangs out C. moves on D. turns around

10.A. hands B. ears C. faces D. eyes

11.A. searches for B. stores up C. gives away D. puts on

12.A. borrows B. sells C. returns D. buys

13.A. call B. send C. lend D. show

14.A. delayed B. remembered C. began D. enjoyed

15.A. understand B. dislike C. study D. excuse

16.A. sorry for B. satisfied with C. proud of D. surprised by

17.A. smart B. rich C. special D. happy

18.A. city B. family C. neighborhood D. company

19.A. honor B. pain C. same D. cold

20.A. small B. useful C. delightful D. comforting






















试题分析: 本文是一篇介绍人物的记叙文。在冬天,Michael Greenberg的公文箱里总带着许多手套,赠送给那些没戴手套的穷人。很多人都认识他,也理解他的行为;而不认识的人则可能会感到惊奇。他的家庭就有这种传统,他和他父亲都认为:帮助别人可以让所有人更快乐。

1.A 考查动词短语。A. know about了解 B. learn from向……学习 C. cheer for为……欢呼 D. look after照顾;前文说Michael Greenberg在艺术或运动方面不出名(not famous),然后用but转折,“但是人们都知道、了解(know about)他。”故选A

2.D考查形容词。 A. old老的 B. busy忙的 C. kind善良的 D. poor穷的;根据下文所描述的赠送手套的情况,以及30空前出现的“many poor New Yorkers”和33空后面出现的“the poor”,可知选D。

3.B 考查名词。A. job工作 B. name名字 C. chance机会 D. message消息;句意:对于那些人来说,他是“"Gloves" Greenberg”。而这当然是一个名字,故选B



5.A 考查动词。A. act行为,举止 B. sound听,宣告 C. feel感觉 D. dress打扮;下文提到“who look at the sidewalk”,和“He looks around”等,这些都是人的行为表现,故选A

6.C考查动词短语。A. cross over横渡 B. drive along一直往前开 C. hurry down沿着……急忙下去 D. keep off避开;前文说他和别的纽约人不同,他会四处看,见到没有手套的人会停下来,而其他人则是看着人行道,匆忙走过(hurry down)街道。故选C

7.B考查名词。下文出现了“someone;them;more people”,可知他在看人(people),故选B

8.D 考查动词。A. helps帮助 B .chooses选择 C. greets欢迎 D. sees看见;前句说到他“look around”,此处应是看到(sees)某些人。句意:他四处的看人,当他看见谁没有手套的时候他就停下来了。故选D

9.C 考查动词词组。A. holds up保持 B. hangs out闲逛 C. moves on继续前进 D. turns around转身;句意:他四处看人,看到没有手套的,就停下来给他们手套,然后继续前进, 寻找更多需要手套的人。根据句意,故选C


11.C考查动词词组。A. searches for搜寻 B. stores up集聚 C. gives away放弃,分发 D. puts on穿上;上一段说到他送手套给别人,此处再次说他赠送(gives away)手套。故选C

12.D考查动词A. borrows借 B. sells卖 C. returns归还 D. buys买;冬天,他赠送手套;手套哪里来的呢?当然要制作或者购买才会有,故选D

13.B 考查动词。A. call打电话 B. send发送,寄 C. lend提供,借 D. show显示,炫耀;句意:人们听说他的善举,就寄送手套给他,支持他。

14.C 考查动词。A. delayed延迟 B. remembered记得 C. began开始 D. enjoyed享受;句意:Mr. Greenberg 21年前开始做这件事。做了这么长时间,因此现在很多穷人认识他。故选C

15.A 考查动词词组。A. understand理解 B. dislike不喜欢 C. study学习 D. excuse原谅;句意:Mr. Greenberg 21年前开始做这件事。做了这么长时间,因此现在很多穷人认识他和理解他的行为。根据句意,故选A

16.D考查动词词组。A. sorry for为……感到可惜 B. satisfied with对……感到满意 C. proud of 为……感到骄傲 D. surprised by对……感到惊奇;句意:但是不认识他的人有时就会对他感到惊奇根据句意,故选D

17.D考查形容词。A. smart聪明的 B. rich富有的 C. special特别的 D. happy开心的;句意:那些对他感到惊奇的人,只是没有意识到他只是想让他们高兴。根据句意,故选D

18.B考查名词。A. city城市 B. family家庭 C. neighborhood邻居 D. company公司;根据下文:Michael's father,可知是“家庭”,故选B

19.C考查形容词。根据前句:.Michael's father always helped the poor as he believed it made everyone happier.可知他父亲的做法和想法和他一样的,所以感觉也一样,故选C




科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东枣庄第三中学高一上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Lily often watches TV, so ________.

A.does she B doesn’t she C.I do D.do I


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南浏阳一中高一下学期第一次月考试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

In the animal kingdom, weakness can bring about attack from other animals. This sometimes happens to humans, too. But I have found that my weakness brings out the kindness in people. I see it every day when people hold doors for me, pour cream into my coffee, or help me to put on my coat. And I have found that it makes them happy.

From my wheelchair experience, I see the best in people. Often, we try every way to avoid showing our weakness, which includes a lot of pretending. But when we stop pretending we’re strong, people around us will show their kindness.

Last month, when I was driving home on a busy highway, I suddenly felt sick and drove very slowly. People behind me began to speed, horn(鸣喇叭) or even shout at me. At the moment I decided to do something. I put on the car flashlight.

No more angry shouts and no more horns! I knew when I put on my flashlights, I was saying to other drivers, “I have a problem here. I have already done my best.” Several times, I saw drivers who wanted to pass. They could not get around me because of the stream of passing traffic. But instead of getting impatient and angry, they waited, knowing the drivers in front of them was in some way weak.

Sometimes situations call for us to act strong and brave even when we don’t feel that way. But those seldom happen. More often, it would be better if we don’t pretend we feel strong when we actually feel weak.

1.How do people feel when they offer their help?(No more than 3 words)


2.What reactions(反应) did other drivers have when the author drove very slowly?(No more than 5 words)


3.Why did other drivers behave differently when the author put on the car flashlights?(No more than 8 words)


4.What did the author advise us to do at last? (No more than 9 words)



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南浏阳一中高一下学期第一次月考试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

A new subway ________ in Changsha and it will be open to traffic when completed next year.

A. has built B. has been built

C. is building D. is being built


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江哈尔滨第三十二中学高二下第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空

People __1._(live) in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred __2._ in the world. Each contains many thousands of words. A very large dictionary, for example, contains four ___3._five hundred thousand words. But we do not need___4.___ these. To read short stories you need to know only about two thousand words. __5.__you leave school, you will learn only one thousand or more.

The words you know are called your vocabulary. You should try to make your vocabulary __6.__(big). Read as many books as we can. There are a lot of books ___7.___(write) in easy English. You will enjoy them. When you meet __8._ new word, look it __9.___ in your dictionary. Your dictionary is your __10._(much) useful book.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建四地六校高一下第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.We all (钦佩) her for what she had done.

2.You must ask for p _ before taking any photos inside the church.

3.Sometimes, doing exercise violently is _ to our health.

4.The scientist made the great discovery almost by a .

5.Finally, after a long-time wait, it was her t_________ to be examined by the doctor.

6.You’ll easily _______ __________ (增加体重)if you eat too much food rich in fat and sugar.

7.Farmers have ___________ _______(从…中获益)the new medical policy.

8.The poor weather could ____________ _______ (解释 )the small crowd.

9.At that time, a great dust cloud formed in the sky, ____________ ______(挡住)the sunlight.

10.The doctor told me to ______ ________(减少)on smoking and drinking.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建四地六校高一下第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---What’s the matter with John? He has been sitting there for hours.

---A postcard from his father ______ an attack of home-sickness in him.

A. took up B. cheered up

C. brought in D. set off


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建四地六校高二下第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

See all of Manhattan in the comfort of our deluxe motorcoaches in your own language! An interesting and fact-filled narration guides you on your drive through the most famous uptown and downtown neighborhoods: Harlem, Museum Mile, Central Park, Times Square, the Empire State Building, Greenwich Village, Lincoln Center, Grant's Tomb, United Nations, St. Patrick's Cathedral and many more.

Select the 'City Tour in Foreign Languages and All Loops Tour' and get an extra value of the All Loops Tour Pass!

Then travel for 48 hours on our open-top double-decker buses all around Manhattan.

More information below:

Downtown Loop Plus

Greenwich Village

Times Square

Empire State Building

Flatiron building

Union Square



Little Italy

Lower East Side

East Village

Rockefeller Center and more.

Tour Length

2+ hrs


Daily, 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Not offered December 25th or January 1st


8th Avenue between 46th and 47th Streets.

Uptown Loop Plus

Central Park West

Lincoln Center

Dakota Apartments

American Museum of Natural History

Cathedral of St. John the Divine

Grant's Tomb

Apollo Theater

Harlem Market

The Museum Mile

Fifth Avenue and more.

Tour Length

2+ hrs


Daily, 8:30am - 4:45pm, (4pm after October 27th)

Not offered on December 25th and January 1st.


8th Avenue between 46th & 47th Streets

Night Tour

The Empire State Building

Greenwich Village



Rockefeller Center

Manhattan Bridge

Brooklyn and more!

Please Note: Not hop-on, hop-off.

Tour Length

2+ hours



Not offered on November 28th, December 24th, December 25th, December 31st and January 1st.


Frequent Nightly Departures

The Gray Line New York Eat and Play Card

Save 10-50% off the entire bill for up to 4 people at 100+ of NYC's best restaurants, lounges, attractions, retailers, Broadway shows and more


Redeem web vouchers for your card at 7778th ave.

Hours of Operation


Average Visit Time


Terms and Conditions:

On-line tickets are non-refundable and can be redeemed(有效)up to ONE YEAR from

date of purchase. Any passenger requiring special assistance such as an ADA-accessible bus

(艾达可访问总线)is requested to inform us at time of reservation and must notify(通知)

us no later than 48 hours prior to departure.

1. If you (age 10) and your parents choose the tour, how much will you pay for the online tickets?

A. $212 B. $197 C. $187 D. $128

2.You live in the 8th Avenue, and which tour is best for you to Chinatown?

A. Downtown Loop Plus

B. Uptown Loop Plus

C. Night Tour

D. The Gray Line New York Eat and Play Card

3.Which of the statement is Not true according to the Ads?

A. The tour is comfort and luxury.

B. You can enjoy the sightseeing in your own language.

C. The online tickets are available for one year and can get refund if you like.

D. Inform the agency in more than 48 hours before departure if you have any requirements.

4.If you like to enjoy the The Gray Line New York Eat and Play Card, ________.

A. you can save 10-50% off the entire bill

B. you can use the web vouchers at 100+ of NYC's best restaurants, lounges, and more

C. the Average Visit Time is not applicable

D. you can use the web vouchers for your card at anyplace


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建泉州第一中学高二上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

We waited for her for a long time, and it was getting late when she finally _________.

A. turned down B. turned off

C. turned out D. turned up

