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Pop music is the name for different forms of popular, commercial(商业)music.It had its beginning in the USA and became popular all over the world during the 1950s and 1960s.It is widely liked by the young people.The best known early form of pop music was “rock’ n’ roll”; another was “blues”.A more recent development is “folk-rock”.Pop music has taken the place of native music in many parts of the world; it has made the number of people for jazz become much smaller than it was in the 1950s and earlier, and it has now begun to rule musical stage productions.It’s a big industry.Much pop music is without artistic value, but the work of some pop singers, e.g.the Beatles, Bob Dylan, the groups like Floyd and Crosby, Stills and Nash, is on a higher musical level.And there is still a great interest in it today.Pop music concerts and festivals are held all over the world.


All of the following forms belong to pop music EXCEPT _________.

[  ]




rock’ n ’roll






According to the article, the number of people for jazz in the 1950s was _________ it is today.

[  ]


much greater than


much smaller than


as great as


as small as


Which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]


No pop music is on a high musical level.


Much pop music is very artistic.


Pop music is highly artistic.


Not all pop music is without artistic value.


“It is a big industry” means that _________.

[  ]


it makes a lot of musical instruments


it is a big musical and commercial business


the pop singers are very hard-working


pop music is on a very high musical level


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省福州三中2012届高三校模拟英语试题 题型:050



  LOS ANGELES,Feb 12-Whitney Houston, whose amazing voice lifted her to the top of the pop music world but whose personal decline was fueled by years of drug use, died on Saturday afternoon in a Beverly Hills hotel room.She was 48.

  The pop superstar died on the eve of the Grammy Awards in Los Angeles at the same hotel where her lifelong friend, record master Clive Davis, was holding an annual pre-event party featuring scores of music industry celebrities.

  A dramatic scene unfolded at the Beverly Hilton hotel as guests arriving for the party expressed shock at her death, while reporters poured into the hotel, fans gathered outside to light candles in her memory and helicopters hovered overhead.

  Beverly Hills police said they were called to the Beverly Hilton at around 3∶43 p.m.PST, and fire department personnel who were already at the location responded immediately.Houston was in her fourth-floor room but was unresponsive to CPR, and she was pronounced dead at 3∶55 p.m.

  "She has been positively identified by friends and family (who) were with her at the hotel, and next of kin(最近的血亲) have already been informed," Lieutenant Mark Rosen told reporters.Police said there were no obvious signs of criminal intention.

  Los Angeles County coroners(验尸官) removed Houston's body from the hotel after midnight through a backdoor to avoid the crush of media set up to cover her shocking death.

  Typically, coroners conduct an examination within a day or two, at which point they might release some information about the death.If drugs or alcohol are involved, however, an official cause of death would not be released until after toxicology(毒理学) tests, which could take six to eight weeks.

  Tributes(赞词) poured in from around the world for a singer whose remarkable vocal power and range produced some of the most memorable music of her generation, including her signature hit, "I Will Always Love You."

  "I don't have to mask my emotion in front of a room full of so many dear friends," Davis told a grief-stricken crowd at his gala dinner and party just hours after Houston's death."I am personally beaten down by the loss of someone who has meant so much to me for so many years."

  Neil Portnow, president of the Recording Academy, which runs the Grammys, told the audience at Davis's party that Jennifer Hudson would sing a tribute to Houston at Sunday night's Grammy Awards.“We will do something appropriate tomorrow, and nothing could be more appropriate than having Jennifer Hudson sing on stage for Whitney," Portnow said.” In our community, we celebrate things…let's celebrate Whitney Houston."


We can learn from the first paragraph that ________

[  ]


Whitney Houston died suddenly because of drug use.


Whitney Houston had little potential in the pop music world.


Whitney Houston's profession was affected by drug use


Whitney Houston's fame grew as she won the Grammy Awards


According to the passage, at the most, how long will people be waiting to find out the cause of Houston's death?

[  ]


For two days.


For a week.


For six weeks.


For two months.


Which of the following describes how people responded to Houston's death?

[  ]


Reporters crowded to a backdoor of the hotel to cover Houston's death.


Fans insisted the police find out the cause of Houston's death immediately.


Policemen tried to prevent the news of Houston's death from being spread.


Firemen rushed to the very hotel where Houston died without any delay.


What Neil Portnow said at Davis's party implies that ________

[  ]


Houston was a singer of great influence in the pop world


Jennifer Hudson is likely to replace Houston in singing one day


The Grammys are of little significance without Houston


Singing Houston's songs is a good way to keep her memory alive


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Stefanie Sun( Sun Yanzi) had thousands of fans screaming repeatedly
last Saturday not only for her lovely appearance and beautiful songs,
but for her unbelievable ability to change costumes (服装 ) on stage
in a matter of seconds.
     "I practiced quite a lot on this," said Sun with a childish grin
(露齿而笑), "There need to be some surprises for my fans, because
they've waited for so long. " After a year's delay because of
the SARS outbreak, the Singaporean pop queen was finally able to
begin her first tour of China on June 5 in Guangzhou. Her next stop
will be Beijing,on June 12.
     "I'm so happy to show my best here and now and to share my
happiness with my fans," she said. Music has been an inseparable
(不可分的)part of Sun's life since childhood. She began to study
piano at her father's suggestion at the age of five. She soon found
that she could express her happiness and sadness through the pian    
But the piano-playing girl never thought of a singing career. "I
did love singing very much, but going to a good university seemed to
be my only dream through my school years. "After graduating from
high school, Sun studied sales and marketing at Nanyang Technology
University in Singapore. But she was happy to be able to study
singing with Li Weisong and Li Sisong, two well-known Singaporean
song-writers, in her spare time.
     But,when head of Warner Music,Taiwan heard her voice during
Li Sisong's visit to Taiwan, he could hardly believe that the powerful
voice came from that slender body. He immediately decided to
sign her. Sun didn't disappoint him. Her debut (首发的,初次的 )
album" Sun Yanzi" was released in May, 2000 and became an in-
stant hit. It remained at No. 3 0n Taiwan's top charts for 11 weeks.
Half a year later, her second album" My Desired Happiness" won
her three nominations(提名 )at the Golden Melody Awards in Taiwan,
including the Best New Artist.
     "It took me quite some time to get used to being watched and
surrounded by people on the street," Sun said, recalling the overnight
success, " I'm financially stronger, but I still don't want to
spend money on expensive things. "
1. What seemed to surprise the fans most at Sun Yanzi's concert was that_______.   
A. she sang so well
B. she looked so pretty
C. she wore some beautiful clothes
D. she could change beautiful clothes in a short time
2. At high school, Sun Yanzi __.  
A. only liked playing the piano
B. wanted to be a singer
C. dreamed of becoming an actress
D. wanted to study sales at university
3. Who first found her singing talent?  
A. Li Weisong.
B. Li Sisong.
C. A famous Taiwan singer.
D. Head of Warner Music,Taiwan.
4. Sun Yanzi's first album____.   
A. was a failure
B. was an immediate success
C. sold well for a shorttime
D.won her several prizes


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Tilly Smith, the 11-year-old British girl, who was called as "Angle of the Beach", saved 100 tourists from
a Thai beach hit by a tsunami in 2004 and had been named Child of the Year (2005) by readers of a French
children's newspaper.
     She came ahead of a South African Aids orphan, a six-year-old girl who survived a kidnapping by pedophiles
(有恋童癖的人) and a young Parisian pop singer to win the Mon Quotidien award.
     Tilly had studied tsunami with her geography teacher, Andrew Kearney, shortly before flying to Thailand
for a holiday with her parents and younger sister last year.
     As she watched the waves suddenly begin to fall back, and the sea was bubbling, she wamed her mother,
Penny, that the beach was about to be struck by a tsunami. Mrs Smith and her husband, Colin, alerted other
holidaymakers and hotel staff and scores of people were cleared from Maikhao beach at Phuket.
     Tilly, now 11, and back in Thailand for anniversary commemorations of the disaster, said:"It's re- ally good,
just to know about tsunami or any natural hazard in case you are in one. I'm very glad that I was able to say on
the beach that a tsunami was coming. And I'm glad that they listened to me."
     She had earlier said that the state of the sea, which was "sizzling (发出咝咝声) and bubbling", was "exactly
the same as in my geography lesson."
     Tilly read a Thai poem entitled Tsunami at a candle-light vigil to commemorate (纪念)victims of the disaster. 
     She is unaware of her remarkable (非凡的) popularity among French children. Her picture appears on the
front page of Mon Quotidien, which is read by 10 to 14-year-olds.
     "Our readers chose Tilly because they could identify with her," said Francois Dufour, the editor-in-chief.
"To be a pop star at 11 seems impossible, and the idea of having Aids or being kidnapped is remote from their
1. Tilly Smith was named Child of the Year by _____.
[     ]
A. people from Thailand
B. children from Britain
C. people from France
D. government in France
2. According to the passage, how many candidates for Child of the Year are there all in all?
[     ]
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Without limit
3. What signs can people find when a tsunami take place?
[     ]
A. Bubbling and huge waves.
B. Water rising suddenly with huge sounds.
C. Waves receding suddenly and bubbling.
D. Waves rising and fishes turnig over.


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     Parents divorced, little Buddy was in the care of his mother's large Alabama family. Over the
years, Buddy seldom saw either of his parents. But he was happy where he was and he had many
kindly relatives, among whom Miss Sook was by far his best friend. Before Christmas, Buddy's
father had managed to get legal custody(法定监护) of him for this Christmas. So, he had a new
suit, with a card pinned with his name and address and made the trip alone, by bus, to New
     Several things occurred that kept me awake the whole night. First, the footfalls, the noise of my father
running up and down the stairs, breathing heavily, I had to see what he was up to. So I hid and watched.
There was a Christmas tree and the fireplace downstairs. Moreover, I could see my father. He was
crawling around under the tree arranging a pyramid of packages. I felt dizzy, for what I saw forced me to
reconsider everything. If these were presents intended for me, then obviously they had not been ordered
by the Lord and delivered by Santa Claus; no, they were gifts bought and wrapped by my father. Which
meant that my rotten little cousin Billy Bob and other rotten kids like him weren't lying when they laughed
at me and told me there was no Santa Claus. The worst thought was: Had Sook known the truth, and lied
to me? No, Sook would never lie to me. She believed. It was just that-well, though she was
sixty-something, in some ways she was at least as much of a child as I was.
     I waited until I was sure he was in bed and sound asleep. Then I crept downstairs and examined the
tags attached to each of the packages. They all said: "For Buddy." I decided to open the packages: It
was Christmas morning. I was awake, so why not? I won't bother to describe what was inside them: just
shirts and sweaters and dull stuff like that. The only thing I appreciated was a toy gun. Somehow I got the
idea it would be fun to waken my father by firing it. So I did. Bang. Bang. Bang. He raced out of his room, wild-eyed, Bang. Bang. Bang. "Buddy-what the hell do you think you're doing? Bang. Bang. Bang. "Stop
that!" I laughed. " Look, Daddy. Look at all wonderful things Santa Claus brought me."
     Calm now, he walked into the room and hugged me. "You like what Santa Claus brought you?"
     I smiled at him. He smiled at me. There was a tender lingering (逗留不去的) moment, damaged
when I said: "Yes. But what are you going to give me, Daddy?" His smile evaporated. His eyes narrowed
suspiciously-you could see that he thought I was pulling some kind of trick. But then he blushed, as
though he was ashamed to be thinking what he was thinking. He patted my head, and coughed and said: "Well, I thought I'd wait and let you pick out something you wanted. Is there anything particular you
     I reminded him of the airplane we had seen in the toy store on Canal Street. His face sagged. Oh,
yes, he remembered the airplane and how expensive it was. Nevertheless, the next day I was sitting in
that airplane dreaming I was zooming toward heaven while my father wrote out a check for a happy
salesman, who promised to help ship the plane on the bus. 
     But I wasn't free of New Orleans yet. The problem was a large bottle of wine; maybe it was because
of my departure, but anyway my father had been drinking it all day, and on the way to the bus station, he
scared me by grabbing my wrist and harshly whispering: "I'm not going to let you go. I can't let you go
back to that crazy family in that crazy old house. Just look at what they've done to you. A boy six, almost
seven, talking about Santa Claus! It's all their fault, all those sour old spinsters with their Bibles and their
knitting needles, those drunken uncles. Listen to me, Buddy. There is no God! There is no Santa Claus."
He was squeezing my wrist so hard that it ached. "Kiss me. Please. Please. Kiss me. Tell your daddy
that you love him." But I couldn't speak. I was terrified I was going to miss my bus. And I was worried
about my plane, which was strapped to the top of the taxi. "Say it: 'I love you.' Say it. Please. Buddy. Say
     It was lucky for me that our taxi-driver was a good-hearted man. Because if it hadn't been for his help, and the help of some efficient porters and a friendly policeman, I don't know what would have happened
when we reached the station. My father was so drunk he could hardly walk, but the policeman talked to
him, quieted him down, helped him to stand straight, and the taxi-man promised to take him safely home.
But my father would not leave until he had seen the porters put me on the bus.
     Once I was on the bus, I crouched in a seat and shut my eyes. I felt the strangest pain. A crushing pain
that hurt everywhere. I thought if I took off my heavy city shoes, those crucifying monsters, the agony
would ease. I took them off, but the mysterious pain did not leave me. In a way it never has; never will.
     Twelve hours later I was home in bed. The room was dark. Sook was sitting beside me, rocking in a
rocking chair, a sound as soothing (令人舒畅的) as ocean waves. I had tried to tell her everything that
had happened, and only stopped when I was hoarse (嘶哑的) as a howling dog. She stroked her fingers
through my hair, and said: "Of course there is a Santa Clause. It's just that no single somebody could do
all he has to do. So the Lord has spread the task among us all. That's why everybody is Santa Claus. I
am. You are. Even you cousin Billy Bob. Now go to sleep. Count stars. Think of the quietest thing. Like
snow. I'm sorry you didn't get to see any. But now snow is falling through the stars-" Stars sparkled,
snow whirled inside my head; the last thing I remembered was the peaceful voice of the Lord telling me
something I must do. And the next day I did it. I went with Sook to the post office and bought a penny
postcard. That same postcard exists today. It was found in my father's safety deposit box when he died
last year. Here is what I had written him: Hello pop hope you are well I am and I am turning to
pedal my plane so fast I will soon be in the sky so keep your eyes open and yes I love you Buddy.
1.When Buddy asked his Daddy for Christmas presents, his father's reaction suggested that  _______.
A. He felt sorry he forgot to prepare presents for his son.
B. He thought his son should have known all the presents were sent by him, not Santa Claus.
C. It was difficult for him to accept that his son is so greedy.
D. He was ashamed of not knowing what his son liked.
2. Once Buddy was on the bus, he felt the strangest pain . The reason probably is _____________.
A. His father squeezed him so hard that it ached.
B. His father was very drunk and had difficulty returning home.
C. He didn't say "I love you" to his father.
D. He had an argument with his father at home.
3. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Buddy didn't tell his Daddy "I love you" until his death.
B. Buddy's father and Miss Sook were people of different personalities.
C. Buddy still held the belief that there was Santa Claus.
D. Buddy finally mailed a postcard to his father.
4. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?
A. Cousin Billy Bob had a good relationship with Buddy.
B. Miss had no idea of Santa Clause, and lied to Buddy.
C. Father loved Buddy very much and prepared a lot of gifts for him.
D. Buddy was afraid of his father for they had been separated long time.
5. The following words can describe Miss Sook except _______.
A. old            
B. clever          
C. naughty          
D. trusted
6. Which of the following can be the best title of passage?
A. Is There a Santa Clause in the World?
B. A Christmas Memory
C. How to Celebrate Christmas in a Meaningful Way?
D. A Christmas of a Divorced Family


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省月考题 题型:阅读理解

     Our particular parenting style reflects our own way o f"looking". Here's a great piece of writing reflecting
parent's particular ways on the parenting style that have become known humorously as helicopter parenting
and submarine (潜水艇) parenting. Helicopter parents hover over their children, managing every aspect of their
child's life. On the contrary, submarine parents remain"hidden" coming to the surface when guidance is needed.
     While helicopter parents may have the best intentions, in reality, they are raising children with few problem
solving skills. Children with hovering parents never get the chance to face disappointment and build up their
ability to recover from misfortune.
     Think about your typical submarine. Submarines usually remain underwater. In case of a need for
emergency surfacing, submarines can rise so quickly they are driven partially out of the water. Submarine
parents also remain out of sight, yet able to pop up in the case of an emergency.
      I admit I'm a submarine mom. My job as a parent is to have fun with my daughters while letting them
explore and learn natural consequences.
     My older daughter found herself acting in commercials and making more than minimum wage as a teen.
To give her a sense of the real world, I insisted she spend three weeks every summer, picking strawberries
and earning $3.50 on a good day.
     When my youngest daughter Sondra was six, she wanted a very expensive American Girl Doll. I cut the
full color 18" picture out of the American Girl catalogue and had it laminated (压膜)."Here's your American
Girl Doll." I said"When you turn nine, I'll buy you the 3D doll on your birthday." Sondra played with her flat
doll for months, making clothes and furniture for her. She learned creativity. I saved $88.00.
1. What is the text mainly about?
A. Various means of transportation.
B. Funny experiences of a mom.
C. Humorous stories about parents.
D. Different styles of parenting.
2. The underlined phrase "hover over" in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to"______".
A. leave behind
B. fly around
C. watch over
D. set aside
3. Which of the following is true of helicopter parents?
A. They give their children proper guidance.
B. They try to do everything for their children.
C. They teach their children how to face failures.
D. They help their children explore by themselves.
4. It can be inferred from the last two paragraphs that Mom _______.
A. has good parenting skills
B. is always making promises
C. is strict with her daughter
D. tries her best to save money
5. The author supports her point of view mainly by________.
A. stating facts and offering advice
B. using figures and giving evidence
C. analyzing data and drawing conclusions
D. making comparisons and giving examples

