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The a________(平均的)age of the boys in this class is 12.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


The ____________ (夫妇) are newly married.

He has a large __________(搜集) of books which are written in English.

This movie is ___________ (打算) for adults, not for children.

Some people think clowns are only funny for children.________(实际上) they can help people forget their problems , at least for a short moment.

Chinese people and Westerners have a different sense of _________ (幽默).

The beer tastes a little __________ (苦).

We greatly __________ (感激) your timely help.

Has he had any experience of __________ (管理) large projects ?

During that period of time they made three important __________ (发现).

He tapped his foot ___________ (轻轻地) on the floor.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


The Song Dynasty c______________ three great inventions to world civilization, which have improved people’s life a lot.

A kind of friendly ____________ (气氛) can be felt throughout the conversation.

You have been ______________ (推荐) as a typist in our company.

He lit a c_________________, got up and went off.

Doing sports r___________ will help you keep healthy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


The sights of the city never fail to make a strong  i????????????????????_______________ on foreign tourists.

She graduated from college just last year, so she was an  i_________________ teacher.

It is a great  h_______________ for a journalist to be sent to Beijing to cover the Olympic Games.

The scientist made great ___________________ (贡献) to the film industry.

Although I am quite busy this month, I don't want to miss my cousin’s wedding __________(典礼).

According to the spokesman, he is not ________________ (牵涉) in the event.

I want to be one of the _______________(志愿者)to work for the 2012 London Olympic Games.

In our school, all teachers and students have free  a_____________ to the library.

_______________(不幸),we didn't succeed in preventing the river from being polluted by these factories.

His progress is far away from his parents’  s__________________, so he will go on working hard.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


11. A red sky at night __________ (表明) fine weather the following day.

12. _____(see) I was angry, she stopped talking and left.

13. I  __________ (真诚地) hope your father will be well again soon.

14. The official websites need _______ (更新) over time.

15. He asked his wife’s       (观点,意见)on every important decision.

16. Are you well __________(准备) for the entrance examination?

17. They carried out a s_________ of experiments to test the new drug.

18. Buses run f _________(频繁地) from the city to the airport.

19. An Act was passed giving the army e______ power in time of war.

20. Although we had many teachers, they each taught only one____________(科目).

