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【题目】高三学生学习任务繁重。体育课已成为难得的放松时间, 可目前你们体育课内容单一,有时甚至被其他学科占用。请你用英语写一篇短文,给校报投稿, 词数120左右。内容应包括:

1. 目前体育课的现状

2. 你对此现象的看法

3. 提出一些合理的建议

Dear editor,

As the college entrance examination is drawing near,




Yours Sincerely,


Dear editor,

As the college entrance examination is drawing near. We senior high school students are occupied with busy work. To a certain extent, PE class is our only chance to relax and enjoy ourselves at school. However, it is a pity that our present PE class is quite dull and sometimes even replaced by other subjects.

Not only can PE class build our body but it also can shape our personality. It serves to develop our awareness of cooperation and spirit of competition. Therefore, personally I hold the view that it would be a great loss to us students if it were replaced by other lessons. Meanwhile, I think the teacher can design and organize some fun sports besides dull field and track practice or ball games, where everyone can be involved and have fun as well. After all, not everybody thinks running, jumping or ball games appealing.

I hope PE class can not only enrich our school life but also enable everyone to find his or her own pleasure in it.


试题分析:这是半开放性作文,给出了一个话题,关于体育课内容单一, 有时甚至被占用的问题,并有部分的文字提示。要求谈谈你对此现象的看法,并提出一些合理的建议。给考生自由发挥的余地较大。对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。在完成开放性作文时,首先要选择自己熟悉的短语或者句型,在你的能力范围之内,选择句式时要赋予变化,因为这样你才可以更好的驾驭。同时也要选择合适的连接词,把各个要点组织成一个完整的整体,如besides, further, last but not least等。在发表个人观点的时候,可以使用谚语来提升整个文章的档次和文采,也能增加得高分的可能性。

【亮点说明】所给范文的一大亮点是句式多变: To a certain extent, PE class is our only chance to relax and enjoy ourselves at school. 这句话用了不定式做目的状语,However, it is a pity that our present PE class is quite dull and sometimes even replaced by other subjects.这句话用了it做形式主语, Not only can PE class build our body but also can shape our personality. 这句话用了倒装句, Therefore, personally I hold the view that it would be a great loss to us students if it were replaced by other lessons. 这句话用了同位语从句,Meanwhile, I think the teacher can design and organize some fun sports besides dull field and track practice or ball games, where everyone can be involved and have fun as well. 这句话用了非限制性定语从句。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Making friends is a skill. Like most skills, it improves with practice. 【1】 you want to meet people and make friends, you must take action. It is much 2 (easy) to communicate with people sharing your hobbies and interests. So join a club or a group, 3 you are likely to make new friends.

Many people are fearful when talking to new people. After all, meeting strangers means 4 (face) the unknown. Actually, most of our fears about dealing with new people come 5 doubts about ourselves. We imagine that other people 6 (judge) us, finding us too tall of too short, too this or too that. But dont forget that they must be feeling the same way. Try to accept what you are, 7 youll feel more comfortable.

Try to act with 8 (confident) even if you dont feel that way. When you enter a room full of strangers, such as a new classroom, walk tall and straight, look9 (direct) at other people and smile. If you see someone youd like to speak to, dont wait for him/her to start a conversation.

Just meeting someone new doesnt mean that youll make friends with that person. 【10 takes time and effort to develop a friendship.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Growing strawberries in pots

·The best way to start growing strawberries is to buy pot-grown strawberry plants m spring:5 plants are plenty for a hanging basket and 10 for the average 13 inch-sized pot.

·Plant them immediately in soil-based compost(混合肥料) and they will produce a modest crop in their first year.The second year should see a bumper(特大的)crop,followed by a slightly lower yield(产量)the third summer .Then start again with fresh stock

·Careful watering and feeding are essential If you are to harvest a good crop,you must never let the compost dry out, particularly when the fruit is forming and ripening;if you do.most of your crop will drop off血e bush almost immediately.

·Water well then leave the pots for up to 3 weeks,until they reach the point of drying out be careful not to overwater them during the winter months.

Pruning apple trees

·A one-year-old tree is known as a “maiden”.It has a single stem when purchased.Immediately after planting, cut it back by about half to leave 4 good buds at the base of the stem..This will force growth from the base or the plant during the summer.

·In the second year ,prune in winter by cutting all side branches back by about one-third, Make sure each cut is made cleanly just above an outward-facing bud.In the third and fourth years, new side branches will have emerged from the previous year’s growth.Cut back all these new side branches by a third, pruning to an outward-facing bud.

·By the fifth year the tree should have a well-balanced shape.From then on ,cut back all new branches by one-third in winter.Remove any diseased wood and broken branches, and ensure the centre is open to air circulation

1The two pieces of advice probably appear in_________

A.a scientific repot B.a gardening guide

C.a book review D.a fashion column

【2】A good crop of strawberries mainly depends on_________

A.the size of a pot

B.the season of harvesting

C.the number of plants in a pot

D.careful watering and feeding

【3】Cutting back all side branches by a third is to__________

A.remove the diseased and broken branches

B.keep the whole tree open to air circulation

C.force the apple tree to grow from the base in winter

D.help the apple tree to form a well-balanced shape

【4】The two pieces of advice suggest that planting is closely related to_______

A.season B.water C.compost D.cutting


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—It isn’t very nice if someone is yelling in public.

—________. It’s annoying.

A. Sorry, I’m not with you B. I couldn’t agree more

C. I’m afraid not D. I have no idea


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


假如你是李夏。你看到美国留学生Sharon 在网上发贴,.希望有人能帮助她提高普通话(Mandarin)水平,她可以教英语作为回报。请根据以下提示用英语给她写一封电子邮件。

1. 表达给她提供帮助的意愿;

2. 说明你能胜任辅导的理由;

3. 给出讲好普通话的两点建议;

4. 提出你学习英语的具体需求。


1. 词数120左右,开头语已为你写好;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 文中不得透漏个人姓名和学校名称;

Hi Sharon,

This is Li Xia. I learned from your post that you want to improve your Mandarm



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Amy Pankratz spent a few nights in the hospital with her daughter, Isabella, who caught a bad flu. “Lying in bed beside Isabella, I could hear the cries of children in pain, ”says Amy. “It completely broke my heart.

When Isabella was getting well and could leave her room, she wore her prized possession—a “superhero cape(短斗篷)”Amy had sewn to encourage her—and walked into the hallway. The pink cape was an instant hit with the other young patients, who were doing exercise around the nursing station. Then, all the kids were taking turns wearing the cape, giggling, ”Amy says. “These were some of the same children I had heard crying the night before, and here they were playing and having fun—kids just being kids!

From that moment on, Amy began making Comfort Capes for little ones battling with serious illnesses. “I felt God presenting an opportunity, ”she says. “I hoped Comfort Capes can help these kids feel brave, to lift some of the fear away.

Since then, Amy has made and donated more than 5, 000 capes in the United States. Amy usually pays for materials herself, although she accepts donations.

The capes she makes for kids in treatment are different from those her own children have. Before Amy starts to sew she learns what image or character the little boy or girl connects with. I choose the pattern, color and theme specially for each child,” explains Amy.

When she is not sewing, Amy is raising awareness of childhood cancers and looking into ways to get Comfort Capes to more kids who need them, If a cape can help a child, even only for a moment, forget his illness, its worth the time spent sewing, she says.

【1】What made Amy feel sad when she was staying with her daughter in the hospital?

A. Her daughters serious illness.

B. The cries of children in pain.

C. The tiredness from sewing the cape.

D. The illness of children in her daughters room.

【2】What purpose did Amy have when she began making Comfort Capes for sick children?

A. To make them feel warm.

B. To find friends for her daughter.

C. To make them happy and fearless.

D. To raise the awareness of childrens illness.

【3】According to the passage, we can get that the authors attitude toward Amys behaviour is ________.

A. indifferent B. neutral

C. negative D. supportive

【4】Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Turning Sick Kids into Superheroes

B. How to Treat the Sick Children

C. A Strong Mom Who Helps Others

D. Amy: a Considerate Woman


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



注意:(1)短文应该包括以上所提供的主要信息,可适当发挥;(2)词数:100左右;(3)倡议书格式以提供,不计入总词数;(4)参考词汇:征召(新人) recruit [v]

10 May, 2014

Dear brothers and sisters,




Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

University Students' Union


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I lost my sight when I was four years old when falling off a train to Atlantic City. But I was . My parents and my teachers saw something in me -a potential to live, you might call it -which I didn't see, and they encouraged me to blindness.

The hardest lesson I had to was to believe in myself. If I hadn't been able to do that, I would have walked with a stick for the rest of my life. When I say belief in myself I am not _ talking about the kind of self-confidence that helps me down an staircase alone. That is part of it. But I mean something bigger than that. Although imperfect in some aspect, I am a real, positive person. There is a special place where I can make myself fit.

It took me years to discover and this self-confidence. It had to start with the most basic things. Once a man gave me an indoor baseball. I thought he was making fun of me and I was .

"I can't use this," I responded.

"Take it with you," he urged me, "and roll it around. "

The words stuck in my head. "Roll it around! " By rolling the ball I could where it went. This gave me an how to achieve a goal I had thought impossible: playing baseball. At Philadelphia's Overbrook School for the Blind I invented a new kind of baseball. We called it ground ball.

All my life have set ahead of me a series of goals and then tried to them one by one. I also knew my limitations. It was no good trying something that I knew at the start was wildly out of reach because that only the bitterness of failure. I would fail sometimes anyway but on the average I made .

【1】A. unfortunate B. disappointed C. lucky D. ashamed

2A. share with B. play with C. toy with D. fight with

3A. meet B. learn C. avoid D. prepare

4A. simply B. slightly C. frequently D. directly

5A. unusual B. unfair C.unfamiliar D. uncomfortable

6A. lengthen B. strengthen C. deepen D. widen

7A. hurt B. amused C. greeted D. praised

8A. find B. see C. smell D. hear

9A. event B. offer C. idea D. excuse

【10A. receive B. achieve C. classify D. follow

【11A. refused B. removed C. caused D. replaced

【12A. sense B. mistakes C. friends D. progress


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Hi Li Hua,

As an ordinary middle school student, I plan to study abroad some day, but when is the properer time, before or after graduation from college? And what should I prepare before I go abroad?

Best wishes.


注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已为你写好。

