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Our room is ________.(我们的房间里到处都是书。)


crowded with books


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省尤溪一中2009-2010学年高一上学期半期考试试题(英语) 题型:填空题

73. All of my friends like eating             (在户外) in summer.
74. He soon ___________ (恢复)his health after he came to the south.
75. He looks old, but a            he is only twenty years old.
76. Tom tried to p           his father to give up smoking, but he failed.
77. As is known to all, the news from CCTV is the most            (可信赖的).
78. The old man’s leg was i           in the traffic accident.
79. When the old man was in danger, the policeman came to r          her.
80. Give Mary my             (祝贺) and tell her I’ll come soon.
81. An earthquake left the whole city in____________(废墟).
82. The People’s Republic of China was f __________on October 1st,1949.
83. Mandela offered guidance to poor blacks on their (法律的) ________problems.
84. The young man was s           to death for killing the president.
85. When she heard the sad story , she b__________ into tears
86.. She had changed so much that I could hardly r___________ her when she came into my office.
They _____very ______  ______ his health now.
Then I told her I ______  _______  ______ help.
Nobody seems to understand ,so I have to _____ _____ Professor Wang for help.
Lei Lei always _________ his life ________ helping others.
I _______  ________  ________ you here last night.
The bad weather ________  ________ our difficulty that day.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届重庆市高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Selling cigarettes to teens is considered i_________ in many countries.

2.I r________ Tom at the sight of him in the street though we haven’t seen each other for years.

3.People often judge you by the first i___________ you make.

4.I would a___________ it if you carry the box for me.

5.He is proud that his son has been a___________ to Oxford University.

6.We __________(交换) our addresses when we met for the first time.

7.Doctors are aiming to _______________(集中) more on prevention than cure.

8.Do you like a live show or a ______________(录制的) show ?

9.That did great harm to the health of those _________ (上瘾的) to drugs

10.He was so lucky that he ________ (幸存) the traffic accident.



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖北省荆州市部分县市高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

单词拼写  根据所给单词的首字母或汉语提示, 完成下列句子(将完整的英语单词写在答题卡上对应的题号上) ( 5分)

1.It will be a long time for him to r       from the bad cold.

2.The policeman asked me to show him my i       card.

3.The new coat just cost her $22, it is really a good         (便宜货).

4.To our r                , the missing child returned home ten days later, tired but healthy.

5.You’d better __________(附加) the labels(标签) to the luggage so that it won’t be mixed.



科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省09-10学年度高一下学期模快练习(三) 题型:单词拼写


1.At the museum, visitors are requested not to touch the e_______________.

2.The government yesterday ____(宣布) to the media that they would create some new jobs.

3.The IT i___________ is playing an important role in the development of economy.

4.Though caught in a snowstorm, the pilot g _________ the plane to a safe landing.

5.Three fourths of the earth’s s ________ is covered with water, our earth is an ocean planet.

6.I feel really happy to be e _________ in this famous university to teach advanced English.

7.He was too ____________ (没经验) for the job. He worked here no more than three days .

8.Many young soldiers helped to r ___________ people from the fire of the hotel. One of them was killed and some were injured.

9.Some students in our class are worried about their p _______ and want many people to like them.

10.He suddenly experienced a f ____ of shame when his name was mentioned at the meeting.

11.My computer c ______ suddenly last night and all of my documents I was working on got lost.

12.The child was t __________ at the piano his parents sent to him on his birthday.

13.This machine is used to ___________ (监测) a patient’s pulse.

14.The decision was c ________ by all the members.

15.He seems to be honest and trusted, but in r ________ he often tells lies.

16.He has an e __________ talent for music.

17.I think that we have many o __________ of meeting interesting people on the train when traveling.

18.Matter has three states . For example, water is ___________(液体).

19.A number of parents have v _______ concern about their children’s safety.

20.She d ________ a talk on philosophy during her visit to her mother school.



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省期中题 题型:填空题

1. Everyone in the class is expected to p_________(参加) in the discussion.
2. Mary comes to the r_________ (偏僻的,遥远的) village once a week.
3. Because of the war, his family had to f_______(逃离) to another country.
4. In 1846, the United States d__________(宣告) war on Mexico.
5. Life can be compared to a journey with an unknown d ___________. (目的地)
6. He made a _________ (donate) of $5,000 to the Children's Hospital.
7. I take _________(安慰) from the fact that his friends are there to help him.
8. A ___________(显然),they've run out of their money for this month.
9. Our country is a________ (丰富的) in natural resources.
10. He is a v__________ (自愿的) worker at the hospital.
11. Our country is governed by our ______________. (govern)
12. A great many graduates a________ _______(申请) this job in the company last year.
13. I often _______ ________ (收到……的信) my sister,who works in New York.
14. An idea o________ ____ me yesterday. (想到)
15. You should a______ yourself ____ the new surroundings when studying abroad. (适应)
16. It is possible that we can finish the task a________  ____ (提前)time.
17. She______ _______ ______  (渴望die) go abroad for further study.
18. People express their feelings_____ _______ _______(通过mean) music.
19. He was said to ______ ______ _______ ______ (对…..有天赋)singing when he was young.
20. ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______(就他而言), he was satisfied with your answer.

