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I've smoked cigarettes for years, but now I'm going to ____ them as the doctor advised.

A. lay off                      B. lay in                        C. lay into                            D. lay on


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省严州中学2010届高三考前仿真测试英语试题 题型:阅读理解

No Mobile Means You’re Not in Touch
My household now has four mobile phones: one for me; one each for my eldest children, the twin boys; and one for my 15-year-old daughter. Only my 12-year-old son does not (yet) have his own mobile. In other words, we’re now in line with national figures, which show that Australia has 19 million mobile phones for a population of just over 20 million people. Among 15-to 17-year-olds, nearly nine out of 10.
The reality is that a mobile phone is the coolest thing of all for a teenager to own. It’s even more important than a television, a DVD player or access to the internet. If you don’t have a mobile you are, quite literally, out of touch.
Of course, there are good and bad sides to mobiles. In my global media world, I’ve lived with a mobile switched on 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for the past ten years. At the same time, here in Perth, I started a movement on talkback radio called CAMPIR (Campaign Against Mobile Phones in Restaurants). Nothing annoys me more than people who feel that an incoming mobile call is more important than the company they are with at a restaurant or even at their dining table at home, but I believe that in the long term, we will have a revolt against the intrusion of mobiles into our personal lives.
There was a study in New Zealand last year among young teenagers that showed a quarter have used text messaging to end a relationship. Here in Australia, I’ve read of people being fired by text. That’s cold. On the other hand, lots of parents---myself included---feel their children are safer if they have their mobile with them when they are away from home.
I’ve even read that the use of mobiles among kids may mean that they smoke less. Phones are a stronger status symbol than cigarettes among children and also give them something to do with their hands.
Psychologists, though, argue that mobiles are actually a way for kids to bypass their parents. They can communicate constantly with their friends without their parents knowing anything of the conversations. No matter what the future brings, I don’t expect ever to have fewer mobiles in the house. On the contrary, the next challenge is to see if I can get through the rest of this year without having to buy a mobile phone for my youngest child.
1.According to the passage, a mobile phone is the coolest thing for a teenager to possess because _________.
A.In their opinion, the mobile phone is the most fashionable possession
B.A mobile phone is the most useful tool in the life.
C.The teenager keeps in contact with others exactly by using a mobile phone.
D.The Internet is less important than the mobile phone.
2.,Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.In New Zealand most young teenagers have used text messaging to end a relationship.
B.The writer doesn’t think his children can avoid danger if they have their mobile with them .
C.The use of mobiles among kids may contribute to their less smoking.
D.Cigarettes are the strongest status symbol among children.
3.The underlined word “bypass” in the fifth paragraph probably means __________.
A. contact       B. avoid        C. inform        D. oppose
4.  It can be inferred from the passage that __________.
A. The children in the family each have a mobile phone.
B. About 60% of the children aged 15-17 have phones in Australia.
C. The writer is likely to buy a mobile phone for his youngest child this year.
D. The writer doesn’t agree that children should own a mobile phone.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届浙江省杭州四中高三第九次教学质检英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Early this morning, I got up to make a batch of Rice Krispie Treats for my neighbor across the hall. She barely greets me when we see each other, and her sweet little boy, who's now four,  has picked up her mother's manner and will not talk to me, either.
Last Monday, she had called the firefighters when a pan I'd forgotten on the stove caused my flat to fog up while I was out taking a walk. When I came home, the street in front of our apartment house was blocked by a police car, a fire truck and an ambulance! The instant I saw them, I remembered the pan! Luckily, nothing serious had happened, and all my neighbors agreed with the firefighter who said, "It could have happened to anyone." When I thanked the neighbor who had called the firefighters-let's call her Ivy-and apologized for causing the trouble, she just asked if my cats were all right.When I said they were fine, she said, "Well, that's ok then," and turned into her flat.l felt strangely safe, knowing that even though we don't get along, she'd done the right thing and didn't blame me.So, the Rice Krispie Treats.
Last Christmas, my neighbor carelessly let it out that she was holding a grudge (怨恨) towards me because of an incident we'd had four years ago.I had particularly apologized and asked if there was anything I could do to improve our relationship. She would not accept my apology.
It had taken me a lot of courage to apologize and ask that question instead of insisting that we both shared responsibility for what had happened.Her flat-out refusal to make amends(补偿) really shocked and saddened me.After that, I decided I'd just leave her be-a relationship takes two to work.So, you see, I was really scared she was going to refuse my offer again, leaving me standing on her doorstep, facing the closed door and holding my plate of treats. I know some people have a hard time understanding how the possibility of rejection can make an adult so afraid, but that's just the way I felt.
Then, I reminded myself of how loving and good I had felt yesterday when I'd done some random acts of kindness (thanks to helpothers.org), after telling myself: Feet the fear,  and do it anyway! So I put the squares of Rice Krispie Treats on a beautiful plate, opened my apartment  door-and there she was, standing in the hallway.I smiled and said, "Hi," but when she saw me, she turned on her heels and went back inside, even though she seemed to have just stepped out.I went after her, regardless, and quickly said, "I'm sorry, I've got something for you ! I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am that you were paying attention on Monday." When she heard me speaking, she turned around. As I held the plate towards her, explaining these were very sweet American treats, and that she could just try and see whether she and her family would like them, her eyebrows winged up-and she took the plate.l was so happy and excited.We then talked a bit about how she'd become aware of the smoke in my flat, and parted ways.
Back in my place, I did a "happy dance", because I had dared to be kind even though I hadn't been sure at all my kindness would be welcome.I do hope that our relationship will slowly get better; I know I was and still am biased(存有偏见)towards her at times, but even if we don't make amends, I want to be able to be kind without depending on other people's behaviors and reactions .
【小题1】The neighbor held a grudge towards the writer most probably because_____.

A.the writer's cats disturb her neighbor frequently
B.the writer didn't thank her for calling the firefighters
C.the writer never apologized to her for her misbehaviors
D.the writer had an unpleasant experience with the neighbor long ago
【小题2】 From Paragraph 4, we can learn that the author_____.
A.was afraid of being rejected again by her neighbor
B.didn't know how to get along with her neighbor
C.didn't admit it was her fault in the last incident
D.refused to forgive her neighbor's rude behavior
【小题3】 After the writer said "Feel the fear, and do it anyway!", she decided to_____.
A.do an act of kindness
B.leave her neighbor be
C.apologize to her neighbor once more
D.do something to let her neighbor down
【小题4】What can we learn about the writer?
A.She was a professional dancer.
B.She often had quarrels with her neighbor.
C.She had a bias against her neighbor sometimes.
D.She had an unpleasant experience at Christmas this year.
【小题5】 What does the author try to tell us?
A.Don't punish yourself because of other's mistakes.
B.We should be kind to others, regardless of their behavior.
C.We must keep a good relationship with our neighbors.
D.When we make a mistake, we should have the courage to admit it.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011级重庆八中高三(上)第四次月考英语试题 题型:阅读理解

A HOLIDAY jet pilot (飞行员) said that he would land and call the police after a woman refused to stop smoking.
He warned Maureen Harkavy, “Put that cigarette out, or I’ll land the plane and have you arrested.”
Maureen, 47, was so shocked she wrote to the airline’s chairman.But his reply was even ruder.
“You seem to think you have a God-given right to pollute your neighbors’ atmosphere,” wrote John Ferriday of Paramount Airways.
(a)Said Maureen, “I only found out about it when I was checking in.I’m a nervous flyer so I lit a cigarette during the flight.A stewardess (空姐) asked me to put it out, but I said I wanted to carry on as there was no rule against smoking on the plane.” She was just finishing her cigarette when the pilot arrived.
(b) “I’ve never seen such an unpleasant letter.” She said, “I don’t think I’ll ever fly again.” But there was a funny side.Maureen explained, “We were offered duty-free (免税) cigarette from the stewardess on the plane!”
(c) Mr.Ferriday went on: “Believe me, you haven’t.Especially when you travel on my planes.”
Maureen and her husband Michael were moved to Paramount flight just before they left Portugal.But they were not told of the company’s no smoking policy.
(d) “He was loud and rude,” said Maureen.“He said if I lit another cigarette he would land the plane at Bordeaux and hand me to the French police.”
Later, from her home in Mosely, Birmingham, Maureen wrote to the company and received the rude reply.
【小题1】The second half of the story has been in wrong order.(Parts a-d) Choose the rearranged order which you think is right.

A.a, c, b, dB.c, a, b, dC.c, a, d, bD.d, a, b, c
【小题2】The pilot warned Maureen Harkavy ____________________.
A.to throw her cigarette out of the plane, or he would get her off the plane.
B.to stop smoking, or he would bring down the jet and hand her to the police.
C.not to light another cigarette after her first one.
D.to stop smoking, or he would bring her to justice.
【小题3】Maureen Harkavy ______ on the plane.
A.accepted the warning
B.agreed to the warning
C.refused to do what she was told to
D.was so shocked that she wrote to the airline’s chairman
【小题4】In the answer letter to Maureen Harkavy, the airline’s chairman ____ .
A.made an apology to her for his worker’s rudeness
B.made sure that he would solve the problem
C.said that she had the right to smoke on his plane
D.actually completely agreed with what the pilot said


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省2009-2010学年度高一下学期期中考试试卷(英语) 题型:其他题

第二卷 (两部分,共35分)




It was the perfect weather for leaf watching, and my housemate Julie and I meant to spend the weekend with our friends in the North Georgia Mountains.

“Don’t you want to come along?” Julie asked her 15-year-old son, Mark. “Enjoy the leaves by yourselves,” he told her. “I’ll be fine staying home by myself.”

Julie and I drove there in my car after work on Friday. On Saturday morning we hiked along the mountainside and enjoyed the beautiful colors. All of a sudden, I had terrible feeling. “Go home,” a voice seemed to urge me. I couldn’t explain it, but I didn’t want to be there anymore. I just wanted to go home. “Carol, calm down. You’re being silly,” Julie said. But the urge just got stronger.

“I’ve got to leave,” I said. “If you want to stay, you can get a ride back with anyone else tomorrow.”

Julie stood up. “No, I’ll go with you,” she said. We almost didn’t talk during the two-hour trip back. I felt very guilty.

Finally, we reached home. The lights were on in the house, but something was strange. The windows seemed to be fogged up. Julie opened the door and smoke poured out. “Mark!” she shouted. “Mark!” We rushed inside and found him asleep on the sofa. Shaking him awake, Julie grabbed him. I grabbed the source of the smoke—a pillow too close to the fireplace. I then took it outside and threw water on it. Mark had built a fire to keep warm, and some ember(灰烬) had flown out. The whole house could have gone up if we hadn’t gotten there just then!


The Sixth Sense


The sixth sense helped to (76)_______a big fire

Planning to watch leaves

Once the writer and her housemate Julie planned to (77)_______ leaves at weekend with their friends in the North Georgia Mountains.

Julie asked her son Mark, 15, to go (78)______ but he refused and wanted to stay at home.

Watching the (79)______

The (80)______ drove her car there after work on Friday with Julie in it.

On the morning of Saturday, they enjoyed the beautiful colors of the leaves along the mountainside.

(81)______ the sixth sense

●  (82)______, a terrible feeling urged the writer to go home.

●  Julie asked the writer to calm down but she just wanted to go home.

●  Then, they went home together, keeping (83)______.

Preventing a fire

When they got home, they found smoke in their house.

They opened the door and smoke immediately poured out.

They rushed in and found Mark sleeping on the sofa.

They learned Mark had lit a fire to keep warm and some ashes flew out.

Without their timely (84)______, the house would have been (85)______ down.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖北省高考英语总复习练习系列(四) 题型:阅读理解


When Chato's barking didn't stir Jerrica Seals, the recently adopted dog triednibbling on the teenager's leg, to get the girl out of her burning house.

No one was hurt. Fort Myers firefighters responded at about 7 a.m.

Five people lived in the Garcia home. That was neighbor Janice Hamilton's main concern when she looked out of her window Friday and saw the flames. "I just threw my pants on to run outside and make sure  they knew how many people lived there," Hamilton said. "It was scary."

"Seals called me screaming," said Leticia Vega, 36, the sister of Seal's boyfriend, Javier Garcia, 23, who owns the home. "She said the dog woke her up barking, jumped on the bed and bit her on the leg."

It is said that Garcia's brother brought Chato home several weeks ago after the animal wandered onto a Lehigh Acres construction site. Since then, Vega said, Chato had been mostly quiet-until it mattered. "He doesn't usually bark." Vega said. "He's real friendly."

According to deputy fire chief Steve Clyatt, possibly the fire started because of an inadequate extension cord used on a window air conditioner. More than half of the home was burned down. There was extensive smoke and water damage in the remainder of the structure. Estimates for repair costs were unavailable. "I'd say it's unlikely they will recover this, but I've been surprised before," Clyatt said.

61.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. Janice Hamilton Helps Save Neighbors

B. Firefighters Put Out House Fire

C. Dogs Saves Teen Girl From House Fire

D. Family Needs Help Due To House Fire

62.The underlined word "they" in the third paragraph most probably refers to________.

A. other neighbors         B. Hamilton family members

C. Vega and her brother Garcia     D. the firefighters

63.By saying "I'd say it's unlikely they will recover this, but I've been surprised before." in the last paragraph, Clyatt means________.

A. it's a wonder that Seals survived the fire  B. the house was badly damaged

C. such a bad fire was seldom seen      D. Chato is a very clever dog

64.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned?

A. The person who called the firefighters.    B. The possible cause of the accident.

C. The relationship between Seals and Garcia.     D. The owner of the house.


