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【小题1】They had left the        (行李)at the station.
【小题2】She had to tidy the classroom as         (惩罚)for being late.
【小题3】The first step in the           (步骤)for making a kite is to build the frame.
【小题4】Old people are usually more        (保守的)than young people .
【小题5】He drove his car with        (谨慎).
【小题6】A         (稳定的)government is essential to economic growth.
【小题7】He whipped out a        (手帕)to bind up his finger.
【小题8】She replied without          (犹豫).
【小题9】           (删除)his name from the list.
【小题10】The morning’s work was constantly,           (打断)by phone call.




科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年湖北省孝感高中高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】“They didn’t take measures in time”, the expert said firmly and angrily, “otherwise the explosions ________________.” (happen)
【小题2】Soon after getting off his horse, the captain appeared at the second storey windows, _______________ nothing but trees. (see)
下马不久,上尉就出现在二楼的窗口了, 从那里除了树木他什么也没看到。
【小题3】Rosalyn loves sports. She is proud ________________ competitions and to have broken a record by running 800 meters this year. (participate)
【小题4】____________________ should be no reason for treating one’s neighbors as strangers. (occupy)
【小题5】He went on a bus tour with a group of people, ________________ before. (travel)
【小题6】My son has been away from home for about 2 weeks. I’m looking forward to ___________. (hear)
【小题7】I think that only in this way ______________ the knowledge and skills needed for my job. (acquire) 我认为只有通过这种方式我才能获得工作所需要的知识与技能。
【小题8】 _______________ that China produces one third of the world’s cigarettes. (astonish)
【小题9】Even though Tony had been so clever, he would have to be rebuilt— you cannot have _________
with machines.(fall)
【小题10】It’s time for me to quit smoking, for I do hope to live as __________________as my grandfather has. (healthy)


科目:高中英语 来源:2011陕西师大附中西工大附中高三第六次适应性训练英语试卷 题型:填空题

【小题1】.  They are used to being _____(分成) into groups in their English class.
【小题2】.  China is a developing country, _____(属于) to the Third World.
【小题3】.  My good friend will be sent _____(国外) for further study of chemistry.
【小题4】.  He desires to _____(收到) a present now. 
【小题5】.  Tomorrow’s football match had to be_____(取消)because of the bad weather.
【小题6】.  All my classmates want to be  _____(志愿者) of the EXPO in Xi’an. 
【小题7】.  He is thinking of taking a part in _____(政治).
【小题8】. They tried in _____(徒劳)to persuade her to go. 
【小题9】.  Answers are given on the _____(对面的) page.  
【小题10】.  All the rooms were _____(舒适地) furnished.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届甘肃省甘谷一中高三第二次检测考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】They've had to put their wedding off until______ (九月).  
【小题2】 I ________(决心) to carry on with my work then.
【小题3】I’m very __________(熟悉) with computer programs .    
【小题4】She always________(设计) objects very skillfully.
【小题5】I’d like to know what is the ________(长度)of the bridge.
【小题6】We shouldn’t spit into the dirt in _____(公共) places.
【小题7】He _______(继任) his father as the manager of the company.
【小题8】Our country was __________(成立) in 1949.
【小题9】If you raise that plan, I will firmly _____(支持) you.
【小题10】I would ___________(感激)it if you can help me a lot with my work.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届河北省衡水中学高三第二次模拟考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】They entered their child at a _________ (私立) school.
【小题2】At the beginning of the new term, all the students _________(服从)the rules of the school.
【小题3】I feel the new dress is _________(不舒适) tight across the shoulders.
【小题4】He was waiting for his brother's return with _________(焦虑).
【小题5】With the _________(鼓励)of the teacher, I worked harder and harder.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届河南省信阳高中高三第五次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

    Industrial pollution is not only a problem for the countries of Europe and North America but also an extremely serious problem in some developing countries.【小题1】They want to introduce industries, and so they put few controls on the industries which cause pollution.
    Cubatao, an industrial town of 85 000 people in Brazil, is an example of the connection between industrial development and pollution. In 1954, Cubatao had no industry.【小题2】 The people of the town are suffering from the poisonous matter in their environment.【小题3】Birth shortcomings are extremely common. Among children and adults, lung problems are sometimes twelve times more common in Cubatao than in other places.
   【小题4】However,  these laws are not strict enough. It is cheaper for companies to take no notice of the laws and pay the fines(罚款) than to buy the expensive equipment that will reduce the pollution. It is clear, therefore, that economic growth is more important to the government than to the health of the workers.
   However, the responsibility does not completely lie with the Brazilian government. 【小题5】A number of the factories in the town are owned by large companies from France, Italy, and the U. S. They are doing things in Brazil that they would not be able to do at home. If they caused the same amount of pollution at home, they would be severely punished or even put out of business.

A.So the bad effects can be clearly seen.
B.It is true that Brazil has laws against pollution,
C.For these countries, economic growth is a very important aim.
D.The pollution in Cubatao is caused by the changes of the companiess.
E.The government should play an important role in controlling pollution.
F.Today it has more than twenty large factories, which produce many pollutants(污染物).
G.The example of Cubatao shows that international companies are not acting in a responsible way either.

