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Their loving ____ was discovered by their parents.





科目:高中英语 来源:2006年北京市丰台区一模练习英语试卷 题型:050



  During the Spring Festival holidays, pets’ beauty salons were inundated by pets and their loving owners. The tendency to treat pets as a family member is spreading in big cities in China, and daily care services for pets have the potential (潜力,潜能)to become profitable earners following endorsement (认可,支持)by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security as one of nine “new careers(职业)”last December.

Li Xin, a pet stylist at Beijing Pet Hospital, told Beijing Star Daily that regular health care for pets was necessary, including combing, bathing, cleaning the ears, and trimming the nails and hair.

  “It needs great care and patience for every step. Care needs to be taken when trimming a puppy’s nails, for example. After the basic health requirements comes the individual styling, which depends on the character of the pets and on the weather. ”

Generally, it takes one or two hours to give a full service to a small pet and four to five hours for a bigger one, according to Ling Fengjun, president, of Beijing Pet Hospital.

  China Small Animal Protect Association recently released statistics showing that there were 420,000 registered pets in Beijing, over 200 pet hospitals and clinics, but only 90,000 vets (兽医), and nursing staff working in China.

For newcomers, the starting monthly salary is around two thousand Yuan. After working for two to three years, those with a Bachelor’s degree can earn between 3,000and 8,000, while an experienced one might make 10,000.

Ling said, “With more focus to regulate the industry by issuing (颁发)qualification certificates, the market for pet beauty and health has huge development potential. ”


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

[  ]


Every pet needs daily care services.


Pet dogs need more care than any other animal.


Beijing is in great need of vets and nursing staff.


Pets’ beauty salons will be too busy to deal with any pet.


We can learn from the article that ________.

[  ]


a pet stylist should be skillful and creative


a pet beauty salon is always crowded on holidays


dog owners have to be patient in a pet hospital


an experienced vet earns more money than a pet stylist a month


Which is the best title for the article?

[  ]


Pet Health and Beauty


Pet Care a Growth Industry


Great Need in Pet Stylists


Social Care for Pets


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届甘肃省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Their loving ____ was discovered by their parents.

A.business          B.affairs            C.events            D.incidents



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

Their loving ____ was discovered by their parents.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.


科目:高中英语 来源:0114 期中题 题型:阅读理解

     To celebrities, what question is frequently asked besides their loving affairs? It's plastic surgery. And
many perfect-looking pop stars keep denying they have changed their facial appearance. Some even get
angry at any claims that they've been under the knife.
     So it was a bit shocking when Chinese singer Heng Yue boldly announced last month she would have
plastic surgery, becoming the first celebrity to do so in the mainland.
     Heng, with a broad range and penetrating (有穿透力的) voice, had been invited to sing the theme song
for Chen Kaige's film The Promise and TV drama such as Ma Dashuai and Liu Laogen. But the popularity
of the songs shaded her. Her look just wasn't very charming.
     On March 24, Heng, who declined to reveal her age, endured2 18 operations on her face. It was a
comprehensive 8-hour plastic surgery job including nose reshaping and eye operations, said to cost around
650,000 yuan.
     "I am so fond of singing," said Heng, "I'm hoping to go further in my career as a singer. However, I've
found my plain looks are making me less competitive."
      Heng said that many TV shows were interested in her singing, but rejected her, saying that she looked
just so so. So the chance went to someone who looked more attractive or charming on camera.
     Certainly, Heng's not the only star to go seeking perfection. Tian Yungcheng, a doctor specializing in
plastic surgery, said that Heng was just one of about 200 stars he had operated on.
     "Whenever we turn on the TV, mose of the celebrity faces on stage, I believe, have had operation." Tian
     "Pop stars are reluctant to tell anyone about their surgery since they're under the pressure from the public
who find it hard to accept fake beauty. But I don't see it as wrong if a person just wants to be perfect or have
a more pleasant look for others to appreciate." Tian said.
1.What does the underlined sentence"they've been under the knife" (in Para. 1) mean?
A. They have been wounded with a knife.
B. They have had operations on their faces.
C. They have been threatened by people.
D. They have been the victims of the operations.
2. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Heng Yue?
A. She has a gift for music.
B. She keeps her age as a secret.
C. She used to have an unattractive face.
D. She was the first pop star to have plastic surgery.
3. We can infer that _____.
A. Tian Yungcheng is well-known in celebrity circles
B. most people support the beauty industry
C. Tian Yungcheng is an attractive doctor
D. people have little trouble in accepting fake beauty
4. Why did Heng Yue have plastic surgery?
A. She wanted to be a pop star.
B. She wanted to marry an attractive man.
C. She wanted to be an actress.
D. She wanted to be more competitive.
5. Why do some stars get angry when asked about plastic surgery?
A. Because they don't want to show off their beauty and wealth.
B. Because they can't accept their fake beauty and status in their career.
C. Because it's hard to explain to their fans.
D. Because they may suffer the pressure from people if they tell the truth.

