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----How useful do you think the Internet is as a_____ of information?
----I think it is fairly useful, but a lot of the information you find online is false.



科目:高中英语 来源:山东省潍坊市2009届高三一模考试(英语) 题型:050


  On an-airplane, a spacecraft or a man-made satellite, there is usually an installad device called the“biack box”Made of a special kind of material.it would remain unbroken, even if the entire craft were blown to pieces.The box records some important data,which provide clues as to what changes had occurred before the real thing came along and help to discover the causes of the disaster.

  The black box.Therefore, becomes the last piece of evidence left.More often,it reveal a Schocking fact that many aircrafts met their disasters only beeanse of a simple but fatal mistake Some hadn't been supplied with sufficient fuel; others crashed due to a bird flying in their paths.In many cases.the pilot had been tired.In 1986, the famous US space siadttle Challenger exploded soon after launch, because a screw on it was a bit loose!

  An idea thus occurs to me:if a human being was equipped with a similar device,tracking all the subtle inner Changes that had taken place over time, the results could astonish the world Newspapers carry no few sueh stories from day to day-cases of graft or bribe-taking(行贿或受贿), how-innocent maIl was robbed and killed,and so on.A fatal error,committed by a criminal at a particuiar point in his life, may have arisen from a small quarrei or out of envy.The number of those who were bom evil and deliberately sent themselvas to the“gallows(绞架)”is in fact extremely small.The disappointment towards the last moment of their life is no different from a struggl against an aircraft crash!

  Behave properl in small matters and take best care of the soul-this, I'insist,is the message from that mysterious box planted deep inside human souls


The underlianed phrese“a similar device”in Paragraph 3 refers to ________

[  ]


the mysterious box inside human souls.


the causes of the disasters;


The fatal mistake of space shuttles.


the function of the black box.


The underlined phrase“a similar device”in Paragraph 3refers to ________

[  ]


a useful device


a black box


an installed device


an important instrument


According to the text,which ofthe following is NOT true?

[  ]


Most ofus were bom kind, but those evil by nature are not in small numbers.


Many crashes should have been avoided ifpilots had been careful.


Some small errors can even cause a long-lasting regret.


Even ifthe plane blows up, the black box can still function.


The best title for the text is ________

[  ]


The Black Box


The Black Box and Disasters


The Black Box ofthe Soul


The Black Box and Humans


The purpose of the author is to ________

[  ]


warn us of our safety


tell us to treat others kindly


how us his concerns


remind us of taking good care of our soul


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



上将该项涂黑。    ,

     On an—airplane,a spacecraft or a man-made satellite,there is usually an installad device called the“biack box ”Made of a special kind of material.it would remain unbroken,even if the entire craft were blown to pieces.The box records some important data,which provide clues as to what changes had occurred before the real thing came along and help to discover the causes of the


    The black box.Therefore, becomes the last piece of evidence left.More often,it reveal a Schocking fact that many aircrafts met their disasters only beeanse of a simple but fatal mistake

Some hadn’t been supplied with sufficient fuel;others crashed due to a bird flying in their paths.In many cases。the pilot had been tired.In 1986,the famous US space siadttle Challenger exploded

soon after launch, because a screw on it was a bit loose!

An idea thus occurs to me:if a human being was equipped with a similar device,tracking all

the subtle inner Changes that had taken place over time,the results could astonish the world

Newspapers carry no few sueh stories from day to day-cases of graft or bribe-taking(行贿或受贿),how—innocent maIl was robbed and killed,and so on.A fatal error,committed by a criminal at a particuiar point in his life,may have arisen from a small quarrei or out of envy.The number of those who were bom evil and deliberately sent themselvas to the“gallows(绞架)”is in fact extremely small.The disappointment towards the last moment of their life is no different from a  struggl against an aircraft crash!  

    Behave properl in small matters and take best care of the soul---this,I’insist,is the message

from that mysterious box planted deep inside human souls

56.The underlianed phrese”a similar device” in Paragraph 3 refers to       

    A ;the mysterious box inside human souls.   B.the causes of the disasters;

    C. The fatal mistake of space shuttles.         D.the function of the black box.

57.The underlined phrase“a similar device”in Paragraph 3refers to       

    A:a useful device                         B.a black box

    C. an installed device                       D.an important instrument

 58.According to the text,which ofthe following is NOT true?

    A Most ofus were bom kind,but those evil by nature are not in small numbers.

    B.Many crashes should have been avoided ifpilots had been careful.

    C.Some small errors can even cause a long-lasting regret.

    D.~’Even ifthe plane blows up,the black box can still function·.

59.The best title for the text is         

    A.The Black Box                          B.The Black Box and Disasters

    C. The Black Box ofthe Soul                D.The Black Box and Humans

 60.The purpose of the author is to         

    A. warn us of our safety                  B.tell us to treat others kindly

    C. how us his concerns                   D.remind us of taking good care of our soul


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

21.—Do you mean you won't sign up for the summer course?

—________ I just don't have enough money for it at the moment.

A.It depends.         B.It's up to you.

C.Not really.   D.What's your idea?

22.I stood there facing the beauty of nature and felt ________ sort of excited—all feelings floated in ________ mind.

A.a; the    B.the; the   C.不填;不填   D.不填; the

23.—Hello, Joe, where are you now?

—Hello, I'm on the bus. I ________ be home in about fifteen minutes.

A.ought   B.need   C.would   D.should

24.Patiently the crazy fans of space exploration ________ for two hours, and they will wait till China's space heroes arrive.

A.were waiting B.waited

C.had waited D.have been waiting

25.Recently I bought an MP5, ________ was very reasonable.

A.which price B.the price of which

C.its price D.the price of that

26.Young professionals and recent graduates have struggled to find work in a sliding economy, ________ one area—Silicon Valley—has been relatively unaffected.

A.so B.but C.and D.for

27.China plans to spend more than 150 billion yuan in the northern Shanxi province, which ________ one?third of China's coal output, by 2015.

A.accounts for B.answers for C.provides for D.calls for

28.A robot dog is said to have been developed, which can do whatever its master ________.

A.tells it   B.tells it to   C.tells to do   D.tells it to do

29.I told him to remember not to make ________ that he knows well he may not achieve.

A.promises B.purposes C.choices D.changes

30.The online community is so large that users can hide their real identities, ________ it hard to trace behavior to a real person.

A.making B.to make C.made D.being made

31.He told the story by describing how US?China trade ________ both countries since the establishment of formal relations.

A.benefited  B.have benefited C.had benefited D.was benefited

32.—Dear Carl, ah,...well, do you mind lending me your new car?

—No, ________ you don't drink before driving.

A.as soon as B.as far as C.as long as D.as much as

33.—John, where are the cookies? Don't tell me you ate them all!

—Yes, I did. I couldn't ________ it. They were so good.

A.get  B.find C.help D.make

34.China had 3.68 million km of roads by the end of last year, more than three times ________ it had in 1978.

A.that B.what C.one D.those

35.Now students pay much attention to abilities, ________ like before when they only noticed language points and grammar.

A.more than   B.other than   C.rather than   D.less than



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

     On an―airplane,a spacecraft or a man-made satellite,there is usually an installed device called the “black box ”Made of a special kind of material.it would remain unbroken,even if the entire craft were blown to pieces.The box records some important data,which provide clues as to what changes had occurred before the real thing came along and help to discover the causes of the


    The black box.Therefore, becomes the last piece of evidence left.More often,it reveal a Schocking fact that many aircrafts met their disasters only because of a simple but fatal mistake

Some hadn’t been supplied with sufficient fuel;others crashed due to a bird flying in their paths.In many cases。the pilot had been tired.In 1986,the famous US space siadttle Challenger exploded soon after launch, because a screw on it was a bit loose!

An idea thus occurs to me:if a human being was equipped with a similar device, tracking all the subtle inner Changes that had taken place over time,the results could astonish the world Newspapers carry no few such stories from day to day-cases of graft or bribe-taking(行贿或受贿),how―innocent mail was robbed and killed, and so on.A fatal error, committed by a criminal at a particular point in his life,may have arisen from a small quarrel or out of envy.The number of those who were boom evil and deliberately sent themselves to the” gallows(绞架)”is in fact extremely small.The disappointment towards the last moment of their life is no different from a  struggle against an aircraft crash!  

    Behave properly in small matters and take best care of the soul---this,I insist, is the message from that mysterious box planted deep inside human souls


56.The underlianed phrese”a similar device” in Paragraph 3 refers to       

    A .the mysterious box inside human souls.   B.the causes of the disasters;

    C.The fatal mistake of space shuttles.           D.the function of the black box.

57.The underlined phrase” a similar device” in Paragraph 3refers to       

    A. a useful device                          B.a black box

    C. an installed device                       D.an important instrument

 58.According to the text, which often following is NOT true?

    A Most of us were boom kind,but those evil by nature are not in small numbers.

    B.Many crashes should have been avoided if pilots had been careful.

    C.Some small errors can even cause a long-lasting regret.

    D.Even if the plane blows up,the black box can still function?.

59.The best title for the text is         

    A.The Black Box                                  B.The Black Box and Disasters

    C. The Black Box of the Soul                D.The Black Box and Humans

 60.The purpose of the author is to         

    A. warn us of our safety                  B.tell us to treat others kindly

    C. how us his concerns                   D.remind us of taking good care of our soul



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In the United States, sport scholarships are awarded to athletes of excellent performance in order to enable them to finance their studies at colleges. The athlete participates fully in training with the college team and represents the university in various competitions. For example, track and field runner Tyson Gay made his name at the University of Arkansas and women’s basketball player Sue Bird was a star at the University of Connecticut.

US athletes get to the Games in a variety of ways. Renee Hykel, a member of US Rowing, began rowing while attending St. Josephs University. Since graduating she has earned a master’s degree and is now attending law school. Todd Wells of US Cycling worked in the computer industry before his love of biking took over. And Jason Parker, US Shooting, was in the US Army before joining the team.

Their goal seems to be success not only in a sport but also in life. Many of them know their carreers will be short lived and it is important to be prepared for the rest of their lives. For example, US swimmer Michael Phelps has said he would like to have a career in either sports marketing, which is his major (专业)at the University of Michigan, or in some technical field. “One of my big goals is to improve knowledge of the sport. I want to be able to take it to a new level and hopefully, in the US, get in with sports like basketball or football,” he said.

While the chance to represent their country in the Olympics is priceless, it becomes even more valuable when they can continue contributing(贡献)long after the Games have ended.

1.The underlined word “finance” in the first paragraph can be replaced by      .

  A.pick up   B.pay for   C.return to  D.prepare for

2.According to the passage,       .

  A.Renee Hykel began rowing while he studied in a law school.

  B.Jason Parker joined the army because he was good at shooting

  C. Todd Wells worked in the computer industry before he took up cycling

  D.field runner Tyson Gay was a star at the University of Connecticut

3.From the passage we know that Michael Phelps      .

  A.is studying sports marketing in the University of Michigan

  B.wants to have a career either in basketball or in football

  C.is helping a US company make hi-tech swimming suits

  D.is the greatest swimmer in the history of the United States

4.The passage aims to tell us        .

  A.US athletes earn their living by changing jobs frequently

  B.it’s hard for US athletes to choose the right career after the Games

  C.how US athletes get to the Games and their goals in life

  D.how US athletes receive education in famous universities


