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Fishy Film Goes Deeper

  Avatar director James Cameron is now taking his camera deep into the ocean.

  On March 25, he did a lone submarine(潜水艇)dive nearly 11 kilometers down to the deepest place in the ocean, the Mariana Trench(马里亚纳海沟)in the western Pacific.

  Compared with the colorful forest of Avatar, the Mariana Trench is dark and icy cold.Cameron became the first person to explore the deepest valley in the ocean since two men made a 20-minute trip there in 1960.

  “I felt like I really had gone to another planet and come back,” Cameron told the Associated Press after returning from his dive.“It's really the sense of isolation(与世隔绝), realizing how tiny you are down in this big, black and unexplored place.”

  The filmmaker has spent the past few years working with his team of engineers to design and build the submarine call Deep-sea Challenger.Unlike ordinary submarines, it is wrapped in cameras and lights so that Cameron can film the ocean from the inside.

  The minute-long video that Cameron took while under the sea has been released by the National Geographic.There are no words in the video, but there is something fascinating about this extremely quiet and remote place.Cameron said he was thankful that he of all people had had the chance to go there.

  “There had to be a moment where I just stopped, and took it in, and said,′This is where I am; I'm at the bottom of the ocean, the deepest place on Earth.What does that mean?” Cameron told reporters.

  The Mariana Trench was once thought to be of little interest to scientists.It was assumed that nothing could live under so much pressure and with so little light.But in recent years scientists have found creatures there like fish and shrimps that can resist the heavy pressure.They are also trying to figure out what role deep-sea trenches play in earthquakes.

  Cameron told the BBC that he does not want this dive to be a one-time thing.He wants to use it as a platform for further ocean exploration.


What is the point of the passage?

[  ]


To inform readers of Cameron's adventure to the Mariana Trench.


To report on the successful launch of the “Deep-sea Challenger”.


To introduce Cameron's latest video filmed in the Mariana Trench.


To draw public attention to the Mariana Trench.


It can be inferred from the passage that when Cameron reached the Mariana Trench, ________.

[  ]


he felt worried and isolated


he was anxious about his safety


he was surprised by what he experienced


he was excited that he had occupied the ocean


How does the “Deep-sea Challenger” differ from ordinary submarines?

[  ]


It is more comfortable than an ordinary submarine.


It is much heavier that an ordinary submarine.


It is specially designed for filming under the sea.


It is the only one allowing people to see the outside.


Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


The role that deep-sea trenches play in earthquakes is still unknown.


Cameron is the first person to have explored the Mariana Trench so far.


Scientists don't think that the Mariana Trench is of much scientific value.


There are no creatures living in the Mariana Trench due to its special conditions.


科目:高中英语 来源:北京市海淀区2011届高三下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  Monday:Here I am, in the middle of nowhere.This camping trip idea is not getting off to a very good start.It's raining and the tent leaks.The hiking seemed to take forever, and I still can't understand how it could all have been up hill!How did I ever let my brother talk me into this?When we get home-if we ever get home-he's going to have to do something great to get back on my good side.Maybe he should sponsor a shopping spree(狂购)at the mall!

  Tuesday:Things are looking up.The sun came out today, so we were able to leave the tents and dry out.We're camped at the edge of a small lake that I couldn't see before because of the rain and fog.The mountains are all around us, and the forest is absolutely beautiful.We spent most of the day dragging out everything out of our backpacks or tents and putting it where the sun could dry it out.Later in the afternoon we tried to catch the fish for dinner, hut the fish were smarter than we were.At night we built a fire and sang songs happily.

  Wednesday:We hiked to the far side of the lake and climbed to the top of a small peak.From there we could see how high the other mountains were and how far the forest spread around us.On the way up we passed through a snowfield!

  Thursday:I caught my first fish!We followed the stream that fed the lake.After about two miles, we came to a section that Carol said looked "fishy".She had a pack rod(竿), which can be carried in a backpack.I asked to cast it, and I caught a fish on my first try.Carol caught a few more.But they were just too pretty to eat for lunch, so we put them back in the stream.

  Friday:I can't believe we are going home already.It will be nice to get a hot shower, sleep in a real bed, and eat junk food, but the trip has been wonderful.We're already talking about another camping adventure next year where we canoe down a river.It's hard to believe, but I think this city girl has a little country blood in her veins.


The writer went on this camping trip because ________.

[  ]


she enjoyed camping


she wanted to go fishing


she was influenced by her brother


lie was tired of staying home


The whole morning of Tuesday, the writer ________.

[  ]


hiked along the lake


dried out her belongings


climbed the mountain


caught the fish for dinner


It can be inferred that Carol had a pack rod with her because ________.

[  ]


she could not afford to buy a regular fishing pole


she needed it to get their main source of food


she thought the writer of the journal might need it


she expected to go fishing while they were hiking


It is likely that the writer will ________.

[  ]


go on another camping trip


invite Carol to go fishing together


make her brother buy her something


convince tier brother to go camping


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省台州中学2009-2010学年度高一下学期第一次统练 题型:阅读理解

Basic Training: Second Saturday Chef’s Series
For the second year , The University of Arkansas System’s Winthrop Rockefeller Institute is offering hands-on cooking workshops to the public. It begins on Saturday ,October 11 and continues the second Saturday of each month through May 2009 .
This year , the series will be held in the Rockefeller Institute’s new culinary (烹饪的) arts classroom – a large room with seats as well as a large cooking area where Executive Chef Steve Jenkins can demonstrate his techniques to the class. Each class begins at 9 am and ends around 4 pm.
Chef Jenkins will present the following courses:
SOUP’S ON – Oct. 11. 2008
IT’S ALLIN THE DOUGH (面团)—Feb .14,2009
SPICE IT UP . HERB—May 9,2009
Space is limited , and reservations are required. To reserve your place at our table , visit www. Wawri.org or call (501) 727-5435. Overnight Lodging (住宿) is available. Cost: $59— $60 per person .
46. If one wants to learn to make Sushi , he / she can attend the course held on___ .
A. Oct. 11,2008   B. Mar. 14, 2009   C. Dec. 13, 2008   D. May 9,2009
47. What can we learn from this passage ?
The cooking work shops last a year
The cooking work shops are held in the evening .
One needs to book in advance to attend the cooking workshops .
The cooking workshops are held on the second Sunday of every month .
48. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage ?
A. Who will give the presentations .   
B. Where the cooking workshops are held .
C. How many seats there are in the classroom .
D. How much one should pay to attend the cooking workshops .


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省期末题 题型:阅读理解

    ◆New! Watch it!?
     Learn the techniques scientists use to study animal behavior in the aquarium (水族馆) and in the wild,
and practice those techniques with our collection. You'll sharpen your observation skills, and learnhow to
create a list of an animal's behavior and how to use that list to collect data. This program is a great
preparation for science projects about animal behavior.?
     Ages: 12-15?
     Session: Sunday, Feb. 10th, 2:00-3:30 pm?
     Fee: $16 members; $24 non-members?
    ◆Sea Time for Baby?
      You can dig in the sand, splash in the water, color a fish, and touch live sea stars as you and your baby explore marine-themed stations in our classroom. Colorful books, puzzles, and penguin feathers will be
available, and we'll snap a picture of the fun and e-mail it to you later.?
     Ages: 6-18 months, with adult?
     Session A: Saturday, Jan. 12th, 11:00 am-12:00 noon?
     Session B: Saturday, Mar. 15th, 10:30 - 11:30 am?
     Fee: $14 members; $22 non-members?
     ◆Pre-K Planet Ocean!
      Why do some animals have fins? How do seals stay warm? Look into the animals here with your
child in these hands-on programs. Role-playing, songs, art activities, and lots of interaction are all included. Choose from two topics -- take one or both. In Session A, Fishy Fun, you'll touch shark teeth and fish
scales, and create a paper fish to take home. In Session B, [WTHX]Mammals[WTBZ] (哺乳动物), you'll experience the softness of sea otter fur, and learn what keeps most marine mammals warm.?
     Ages: 3-4, with adult?
     Session A: Saturday, Mar. 29th?, 2:00 - 3:00 pm?
     Session B: Sunday, Apr. 13th?, 10:30-11:30 am?
     Fee: $16 members; $24 non-members?
     $26 members, $42 non-members for both sessions?
     ◆The Trainer Experience
     How do you tell an 800-pound sea lion what to do? In this interactive workshop, you will learn what
it's like to be a marine mammal trainer, and how targets, and time-outs (休息时间)all contribute to
successful mammal training.?
     Ages: 9-12?
     Session: Sunday, Mar. 9th, 9:30-11:00 am?
     Fee: $16 members; $24 non-members?
1.From the first program, you can learn             .?
A. how to dig in the sand
B. how to make a paper fish?
C. the skill in training mammals
D. the behavior of animals
2.When can you go to play with shark teeth freely??
A. Sunday, Feb. 10th, 2:00-3:30 pm
B. Saturday, Mar. 15th, 10:30-11:30 am?
C. Saturday, Mar 29th, 2:00-3:00 pm
D. Sunday, Apr. 13th, 10:30-11:30 am
3. If you want to have a picture of your activity, you can choose              .?
A. Sea Time for Baby
B. Pre-K Planet Ocean!?
C. The Trainer Experience
D. New! Watch It!
4. If you are a member and your parents will take you to experience "Fishy Fun", you will pay          .
A. $56
B. $94
C. $64
D. $110


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

第三部分:阅读理解 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)



Basic Training: Second Saturday Chef’s Series

For the second year , The University of Arkansas System’s Winthrop Rockefeller Institute is offering hands-on cooking workshops to the public. It begins on Saturday ,October 11 and continues the second Saturday of each month through May 2009 .

   This year , the series will be held in the Rockefeller Institute’s new culinary (烹饪的) arts classroom – a large room with seats as well as a large cooking area where Executive Chef Steve Jenkins can demonstrate his techniques to the class. Each class begins at 9 am and ends around 4 pm.

Chef Jenkins will present the following courses:

   SOUP’S ON – Oct. 11. 2008

   DIP INTO CHOCOLATE – Nov. 8, 2008


   SOMETHING’S FISHY—Jan. 10, 2009

   IT’S ALLIN THE DOUGH (面团)—Feb .14,2009


   COOL AS A CUCUMBER—Apr. 11,2009

   SPICE IT UP . HERB—May 9,2009

   Space is limited , and reservations are required. To reserve your place at our table , visit www. Wawri.org or call (501) 727-5435. Overnight Lodging (住宿) is available. Cost: $59— $60 per person .

46. If one wants to learn to make Sushi , he / she can attend the course held on___ .

  A. Oct. 11,2008   B. Mar. 14, 2009   C. Dec. 13, 2008   D. May 9,2009

47. What can we learn from this passage ?

The cooking work shops last a year

The cooking work shops are held in the evening .

One needs to book in advance to attend the cooking workshops .

The cooking workshops are held on the second Sunday of every month .

48. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage ?

  A. Who will give the presentations .   

  B. Where the cooking workshops are held .

  C. How many seats there are in the classroom .

  D. How much one should pay to attend the cooking workshops .

