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An astronaut hasattemptedto leave the stationary spaceship and then return to it.

分析 attempted to

解答 答案:attempted to.
分析句子的意思及结果可知,本句考查短语 attempt to do表示试图做某事;根据助动词has可知,时态为现在完成时;故答案为attempted to.

点评 翻译题在解题时首先要确定好句子的时态,然后要把握好短语表达,最后要注意句子结构.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5._____ strong opposition of the Chinese side,the Japanese government announced on September 10the"purchase"of the Diaoyu Islands.(  )
A.Owing toB.With regard toC.In response ofD.Regardless of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.[1]If you don't have good nutrition(营养),you're missing a key weapon against colds.Basics include vegetables and nuts.The following are five surprising foods that can improve immunity(免疫力).
[2]Yogurt.Yogurt,a milk product,contains probiotics(益生菌).These probiotics change the immune system and help reduce the severity of colds.Choose the yogurt that contains live and active probiotics to make sure you're getting the benefits of the yogurt.
[3]Green tea.A cup of green tea can help cure a sore throat and lift spirits.Green tea can help prevent damage in the body.It may also fight against colds.
[4]Garlic(大蒜).Garlic has received widespread attention for its possibility of disease-prevention and immune-improving functions.In a study,researchers found that people who       regularly were two-thirds less likely to catch a cold.The best way to get garlic's benefits is eating it without cooking.
[5]Orange-fleshed (有橙色的果肉的) vegetables.Pumpkins,sweet potatoes,and other orange-fleshed vegetables are high in beta carotene (胡萝卜素),which the body uses to make Vitamin A.A diet low in beta carotene can reduce immunity,so eating vegetables is a great way to ensure your body has the nutrients it  needs.Vitamin A is also important in keeping skin healthy.
[6]Oysters(牡蛎).Oysters are definitely not the first thing that comes to mind when a cold or other illness attacks you,but they are a great source of zinc (Zn).Zinc is important in the development of white blood cells.It's best to get zinc from a balanced diet.In a addition to oysters,beef and chicken are good sources.

76.What does the text mainly talk about?( no more than 8words)
Five surprising foods that improve immunity
77.What kind of yogurt should people choose according to the second paragraph?( no more than 8words)
The kind containing live and active probiotics./The kind that contains live and probiotics.
78.List two benefits of green tea.(no more than 10words)
(1)Curing a sore throat
(2)Lifting spirits
79.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4with proper words.( no more than 4words)
ate garlic
80.What does the underlined word"it"in Paragraph 5probably refer to?( no more than 2words)
Your body.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.[1]How often does your child automatically pick up a book,a magazine,a newspaper,or other printed materials simply for the pleasure of reading?Experts have begun to realize that a young person's interest in independent reading seems to be important to long-term success.However,not all children will naturally love reading.That's where you as a parent      .
[2]First,understand that independent reading is not guided or shared reading.You may be present in the room with your son or daughter,but you will not be engaged in reading the book for your child.Instead,the child should pick up a book on his or her own,whether or not he or she can read all the words.
[3]Not only does this kind of independent reading increase a child's imagination,focus,comprehension and vocabulary,but it also allows him or her to build interest in a subject.For example,if he or she finds the Roman Empire fascinating,independently reading about that time period could broaden his or her understanding of society.
[4]One of the best ways to raise a youngster's interest in independent reading is to become an independent reader yourself.Turn off the TV and open the newspaper.Take time at the end of the day as a family to enjoy some free reading moments.The more you do it yourself,the more likely your child will be to accept it as a proper,regular thing to do.You can also begin building your child's personal"library".That way,he or she will have many choices of books to peruse during independent reading.
[5]Remember that reading achievement is linked to a love of independent reading.So the next time your child picks up a book,allow him or her to have some private moments.You'll never regret your decision to embrace independent reading.

76.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 1with proper words.( no more than 6words)
should do your part
77.What are the benefits of independent reading?( no more than 20words)
It increases a child's imagination,focus,comprehension and vocabulary,and allows the child to build interest in a subject.
78.What do the underlined words"that time period"in Paragraph 3probably refer to?( no more than 6words)
Time of the Roman Empire.
79.What is the main idea of Paragraph 4?(no more than 10words)
Ways to increase children's interest in independent reading.
80.What should a parent do when his/her child picks up a book on his/her own?(no more than 15words)
Allow the child to have some private moments and read alone..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.---What a successful Spring Festival party!Who said you couldn't make it?
---___________.(  )
A.Strike when the iron is hot
B.Actions speak louder than words
C.Practice makes perfect
D.All roads lead to Rome


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

familiar    puzzle     rather     attractive     totally

employ   broadcast   harmful     within      explore
52.This news programme isbroadcast on the hour erery day.
53.They get along well with each other though their characters aretotally different.
54.Computers have been put into rodkets toexplorethe space.
55.Wordpuzzles including crosswords and finding-a-word are often seen in magazines.
56.They decided to take the trainrather than take the plane all the way.
57.Don't read in the sun.It'sharmful to your eyes.
58.Last year,the companyemployed5000workers.
59.I have stayed there for several years so I amfamiliarwith their local customs.
60.We are always advised never to leave medicineswithin children's reach.
61.The West Lake was soattractive that they decided to stay another two days in Hangzhou.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Elbert and I first met at 3:45 pm on March 20'2008.Although I would like to say that it was love at first sight,his sharp eyesight showed he was a bit uncertain of me.However,over the next three weeks,I realized that we had a lot in common particularly food,napping(午睡)and walking.'The first time I realized we were starting to bond(联系)was when I sang to him and he fell asleep with his chin on my knee.At the age of72,I had been a father three times,a grandfather five times  and now I'm the owner of Elbert.a guide dog.
In a very short time,Elbert learned to guide me to the market,drugstore,hair cutters and restaurants.Now he sits quietly at Disney Hall concerts and naps softly at the opera He has become a regular visitor at the Music Center.Without him by my side,1would find it difficult to study music.
Elbert's great contributions to my mobility(行为)reflect the kind and caring way he was trained  He has done more than guiding me through traffic.He is a good friend He is a music critic(评论家).After my practicing Ain's Misbehaving for the 14th time,Elbert will move to the piano and press his chin down on my right leg as if to say,Please,don't play it again!"
On a daily basis,would make many comments on"that beautiful wonderful and devoted dog''. The other night at a restaurant,two ladies passed Elbert and said,"Excellent!"I replied"Thank you The dog isn't bad,either"
Elbert has turned me from a shy person into an outgoing one.Most of all,Elbert has become a part of our family,loved by my children and grandchildren
61.What did Elbert's sharp eyes show when he saw the author for the first time?(no more than 10words)
62.Why did Elbert become a regular visitor at the Music Center?(no more than 15word)Because the author would find it easy to study music with Elbert beside him.
63.What did the author call Elbert every day?(no more than7words)That beautiful,wonderful and devoted dog.
64.Who do you think the underlined word"Excellent"refer to?(no more than2words)Elbert
65.In the author's opinion  what is the most important about Elbert?(no more than 10word)Elbert has become a lovely member of his family..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.My name is Clara.I still remember that chilly December day,sitting in science class.I had finished a worksheet early and picked up a TIME for Kids magazine.A piece of news caught my eye:NASA (美国宇航局) was holding an essay contest to name its Mars rover (火星探测器).Before I even knew anything else about it,a single word flooded my 11-year-old mind,Curiosity.
I couldn't wait for the bell to ring so I could get started on my essay.That afternoon,I raced home,sat down at the computer,and typed until my fingers ached."Curiosity is an everlasting flame that burns in everyone's mind…"
Five months later,my mom received a phone call,and immediately,a wide smile spread across her face.
On August 5,2012,at 10:31pm,the rover named Curiosity touched down safely on the surface of Mars,and I was honored to have a front-row seat in NASA.
Curiosity is such an important part of who I am.I have always been fascinated by the stars,the planets,the sky and the universe.I remember as a little girl,my grandmother and I would sit together in the backyard for hours.She would tell me stories and point out the stars.Grandma lived in China,thousands of miles away from my home in Kansas,but the stars kept us together even when we were apart.They were always there,yet there was so much I didn't know about them.That's what I love so much about space.
People often ask me why we go to faraway places like Mars.My answer is simple because we're curious.We human beings do not just hole up in one place.We are constantly wondering and trying to find out what's over the hill and beyond the horizon.
66.How did the author get the news about the essay contest?(within 7words)By reading a TIME for Kids magazine./From a TIME for Kids magazine.
67.In which year was the author born according to the passage?(within 2words)In 2000.
68.Why did author have a front-row seat in NASA?(within 10words)Because she won the essay contest held by NASA./Because she named the Mars rover"Curiosity".
69.What does the author remember about the time spent with Grandma?(within 15words)She sat together with grandma listening to her stories about stars./Her grandma told her stories about stars./They sat together talking about stars.
70.What does the underlined phrase"hole up"in the last paragraph probably mean?(1word)stay/remain/live.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8."The Chinese Dream"is a hot topic of this year.Many Chinese young people are inspired by the Chinese Dream.Everyone has their own dreams.They give us courage and confidence to keep us going through difficulties.Here are some advice on how to realize our beautiful dreams.
  Never giving up is the key to make our dreams come true.We may fail from time to time,but we can learn from failure,correct our mistakes and try again until we achieve our goals.Our life is like a long journey which is not all roses. It sometimes has wind and rain.We believe rainbows will appear after storms.
  Cooperation is also necessary.Everyone likes a person who is good at cooperating with others.Besides,in our society most problems can't be solved by one person alone.Cooperation is becoming one of the most important ways for people living in the developing society.
  At the same time,we should learn to examine our abilities because it helps us know our advantages and disadvantages as well as get a full control of ourselves.Then we may be confident enough to face challenges.
  Follow the suggestions above,and our dreams are sure to come true.
25:The underlined word"It"in the second paragraph refers toB
A.never giving up our dreams  
B.our life
C.a long journey              
D.learning from failure
26:Which is the best title for this passage?D
A.The Chinese Dream     
B.Cooperation is Necessary
C.Examine Our Abilities   
D.Advice on How to Realize Our Beautiful Dreams.
27.The underlined word"cooperation"meansD
A.operation  B.confidence    C.courage  D.collaboration
28.Which of the following is true?D.
A.Confidence is the key to make our dream come true.
B.We can solve all the problems by ourselves.
C.Hard work isn't necessary to achieve our goals.
D.We should be brave to face challenges.

