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     Tom Whittaker, born in England in 1949, is an amazing example of a Can Do person. The young man
came to the United States in 1975, where he studied for a Master's in Arts. Although studying took up
much of his time, he traveled throughout the US and Canada climbing many different types of rock walls.
Thus, he made friends with many people with the same interest.
     However, on Thanksgiving Day in 1979, a car driven by a drunk driver lost control and suddenly
turned into his lane(车道), striking the head of his vehicle. The injuries to both of his legs and feet resulted
in the removal of one of his kneecaps(膝盖骨), and the amputation(截去)of his right foot.
      It wasn't easy, but after some time, with great effort and strong will, Tom rebuilt his hope for life. The
report of his story moved the whole nation of America. Eventually he earned another master's degree and
founded the Cooperative Wilderness Handicapped Outdoor Group. This program's success sent Tom
around the world to spread his message that "it is not the falling down, but the getting back up that matters". He became a professor in Adventure Education at Prescott College in Arizona, where he taught the
top outdoor leadership program in the nation.
     After 25 years of experience as a mountaineer, on May 27, 1998, Tom achieved his greatest
accomplishment so far:reaching the peak of Mt. Everest. Tom was actually the first person with a disability to ever climb and stand on the peak of Mt. Everest. He realized that reaching the peak of Mt. Everest
could do nothing to change his disability, but it could do a lot to change attitudes. Tom Whittaker wanted
people to realize that disability is as much an attitude as it is a condition.

1. For what did Tom Whittaker go to the US?

A. To improve his climbing skills.
B. To take his master's degree.
C. To become a professional mountaineer.
D. To meet other mountaineers in the US.

2. What led to the accident that caused Tom Whittaker's disability?

A. That his car was out of control.
B. That he was driving on a wrong lane.
C. That a drunk driver ran his car into Tom's.
D. That he got drunk on Thanksgiving Day.

3. When did Tom become a mountaineer?

A. Shortly before he reached the peak of Mt. Everest.
B. Two years before he went to the US.
C. Shortly after he arrived in the US.
D. After he recovered from the car accident.

4. Which of the following events made Tom first widely noticed by the American public?

A. Teaching outdoor leadership program at college.
B. Climbing Mt. Everest in spite of his disability.
C. Founding the Cooperative Wilderness Handicapped Outdoor Group.
D. His determination to fight against his disability.

科目:高中英语 来源:名师伴读高中英语二年级上 题型:050


    Tom: I'm interested in gestures.

    Ellen: Are you? Gestures differ from country to country.

    Tom: Yes. Listening about gestures is a lot of fun.

    Ellen: I've noticed that Japanese women often cover their mouths when they laugh.

    Tom: They think it's impolite to show their teeth.

    Ellen: I once talked to some students from India. They moved their heads up and down when they meant “No”, and from side to side for “Yes”. That looked strange to us.

    Tom: Is that right? I thought nodding meant “Yes”in all parts of the world.

    Ellen: No, not in some parts of India. But those students said their gestures were so natural to them they couldn't change them.

    Tom: This is one of the most popular comics(滑稽剧) in my country. Do people in American comics jump his way when they are surprised?

    Ellen: Yes, they do. Comics always use big gestures, you know. (Ellen shows Tom a picture of a man.)

    Tom: I've often seen this picture. He is shrugging his shoulders(耸肩), isn't he?

    Ellen: Yes, he is. It means I don't care or I give up. How do you gesture with your hand when you mean “Come here” in Japan?

    Tom: We hold out our hand with the palm(手掌) down, and move it up and down.

    Ellen: That looks like “Sit down”, “Be quiet”, or “Get away” to us. When we mean “Come here”, hold out our hands with the palms upward, and move our fingers toward our bodies.

1.The main idea of this dialogue is ________.

[  ]

A.Americans, Japanese and Indians have different languages of gestures

B.Americans, Japanese and Indians have one and the same language of gestures

C.American, Japanese have one and the same language of gestures

D.Indians and Chinese have one and the same language of gestures

2.Which of the following statements is true?

[  ]

A.Americans nod their heads to mean “No”.

B.Americans shrug their shoulders to show they are interested.

C.American women cover their mouths when they laugh.

D.Japanese women often cover their mouths when they laugh.

3.Which of the following best describes the writer's attitude(看法)?

[  ]

A.The language of Indian students' gestures is unlike the American one.

B.The language of Indian students' gestures is quite like the American one.

C.The language of Chinese students' gestures is quite like the American one.

D.The language of Japanese gestures has something to do with that of Chinese gestures.

4.In some parts of India, nodding means ________

[  ]

A.“Yes, I agree.”

B.“No, I don't agree.”

C.“Yes, I do.”

D.“No, I do.”


科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:050


Tom was very proud of his dog Blackie. Whenever he got the chance. he would ask his dog to please his friends with some tricks (技法).

    One day Tom went to visit his friend Jack who was sick at home with a bad cold. “How are you feeling?” asked Tom. “Worse than yesterday,” answered Jack, “I have a terrible cough, and there is not a drop of medicine in the house.” “Don't worry, Jack. I'll send Blackie to the drugstore (药房) for some medicine. He'll be back in a minute, before you know it.” Tom put a five-dollar note in Blackie's mouth and the dog ran down the street. “And keep the change.” Tom shouted after him.

    “Oh, Tom, don't be silly. You know that dog won't be back with any medicine,” said Jack. “Oh yes, he will.” answered Tom. Half an hour later, however, Blackie had not returned. Tom was feeling worried and felt angry at his friend's little smile.

    “Something has happened to him, I'm sure,” said Tom,” “He obeyed me as a rule.” Just then Jack saw Blackie at a distance. He hurried to open the door and let him in. Jack was shocked to see a bottle of medicine in the dog's mouth.

    “Good boy.” said Tom. “But what took you so long?” Blackie ran over to the window. barking () and wagging () his tail. Tom looked out of the door and saw a bone outside.

1What was Jack's trouble?

    A. He had got a bad cold and a terrible cough.

    B. There was no medicine in the house.

    C. He began to feel bad that morning.

    D. Both A and B.

2Jack felt ________ when Blackie was late.

    A. bad

    B. surprised

    C. happy

    D. amused

3The reason why Blackie came back so late was that ________.

    A. he forgot the way back

    B. he was delayed by the traffic

    C. the drug store was too far

    D. he did something for himself

4Why did Blackie barked at the bone on the ground?

    A. Because he was very excited to see it.

    B. Because he wanted to express his thanks to his master for it

    C. Because he wanted to tell his master the reason of his delay

    D. Because he wanted to have it.

5What did the story mainly imply?

    A. Tom liked to show off his dog.

    B. Dogs are made to obey their master's orders

    C. Dogs are always dogs, however clever as human beings.

    D. Dogs are as clever as human beings.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:051


Tom was very proud of his dog Blackie. Whenever he got the chance. he would ask his dog to please his friends with some tricks (技法).

    One day Tom went to visit his friend Jack who was sick at home with a bad cold. “How are you feeling?” asked Tom. “Worse than yesterday,” answered Jack, “I have a terrible cough, and there is not a drop of medicine in the house.” “Don't worry, Jack. I'll send Blackie to the drugstore (药房) for some medicine. He'll be back in a minute, before you know it.” Tom put a five-dollar note in Blackie's mouth and the dog ran down the street. “And keep the change.” Tom shouted after him.

    “Oh, Tom, don't be silly. You know that dog won't be back with any medicine,” said Jack. “Oh yes, he will.” answered Tom. Half an hour later, however, Blackie had not returned. Tom was feeling worried and felt angry at his friend's little smile.

    “Something has happened to him, I'm sure,” said Tom,” “He obeyed me as a rule.” Just then Jack saw Blackie at a distance. He hurried to open the door and let him in. Jack was shocked to see a bottle of medicine in the dog's mouth.

    “Good boy.” said Tom. “But what took you so long?” Blackie ran over to the window. barking () and wagging () his tail. Tom looked out of the door and saw a bone outside.

1What was Jack's trouble?

    A. He had got a bad cold and a terrible cough.

    B. There was no medicine in the house.

    C. He began to feel bad that morning.

    D. Both A and B.

2Jack felt ________ when Blackie was late.

    A. bad

    B. surprised

    C. happy

    D. amused

3The reason why Blackie came back so late was that ________.

    A. he forgot the way back

    B. he was delayed by the traffic

    C. the drug store was too far

    D. he did something for himself

4Why did Blackie barked at the bone on the ground?

    A. Because he was very excited to see it.

    B. Because he wanted to express his thanks to his master for it

    C. Because he wanted to tell his master the reason of his delay

    D. Because he wanted to have it.

5What did the story mainly imply?

    A. Tom liked to show off his dog.

    B. Dogs are made to obey their master's orders

    C. Dogs are always dogs, however clever as human beings.

    D. Dogs are as clever as human beings.



科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for Paris bus. The bus for Paris would not leave until five
to twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting in the station. Some were standing in line(排队), others were
walking around. There was a group of schoolgirls. Their teacher was trying to keep them in line. Tom
looked around but there was no place for him to sit.
    He walked into the station cafe(咖啡馆). he looked up at the clock there. It was only twenty to
twelve. He found a seat and sat down before a large mirror(镜子) on the wall. Just then, Mike, one of
Tom's workmates came in and sat with Tom.
    "What time is your bus " asked Mike.
     "There's plenty of time yet," answered Tom.
     "Well, I'll get you some more tea then," said Mike.
     They talked while drinking. Then Tom looked at the clock again. "Oh! It's going backward(倒行)!"
he cried. "A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and now it's half past eleven."
     "You're looking at the clock in the mirror." said Mike. Tom was so sad(难过). The next bus was not
to leave for another hour. Since then Tom has never liked mirrors.

1. Tom went into the station cafe because______________ .

A. Mike asked him to have a cup of tea    
B. it was quite early and he could find a seat there
C. he didn't like to stay with the schoolgirls
D. he wanted to have a drink with his workmate there

2. What time was it in fact when Tom looked at the clock in the mirror? 

A. Half past twelve  
B. Twenty to twelve    
C. Half past eleven    
D. Half past one

3. From the story we know that when we look at a clock in a mirror, we will find___________ .

A. the time is right    
B .it's going slower    
C. it's going backward  
D. it's going faster

4. Which of the following is true?

A. Tom arrived in Paris on time          
B. The next bus would leave in half an hour
C. After that Tom didn't like clocks any longer
D. Tom looked at the clock in the mirror only once

5. Which of the following is the title(题目) of the story? 

A. The Mirror of the Station        
B. Not A Careful Man
C. Missing A Bus                
D. The Clock In The Mirror


科目:高中英语 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

     Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for a Paris bus. The bus for Paris would not leave until five
to twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting in the station. Some were standing in line, and others were
walking around. There was a group of schoolgirls. Their teacher was trying to keep them in line. Tom
looked around, but there was no place for him to sit.
     He walked into the station cafe. He looked up at the clock there. It was only twenty to twelve. He
found a seat and sat down before a large mirror on the wall. Just then, Mike, one of Tom's workmates
came in and sat with Tom.
     "What time is your bus?" asked Mike.
     "There's plenty of time yet," answered Tom.
     "Well, I'll get you some more tea then," said Mike.
     They talked while drinking. Then Tom looked at the clock again. "Oh! It's going backward!" he cried. "A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and now it's half past eleven."
     "You're looking at the clock in the mirror." said Mike. Tom was so sad. The next bus was not to leave
for another hour. Since then Tom has never liked mirrors. 
1. Tom went into the station cafe because_____.
A. Mike asked him to have a cup of tea
B. it was quite early and he could find a seat there
C. he didn't like to stay with the schoolgirls
D. he wanted to have a drink with his workmate there
2. What time was it in fact when Tom looked at the clock in the mirror?
A. Half past twelve.
B. Twenty to twelve.
C. Half past eleven.
D. Half past one.
3. From the story we know that when we look at a clock in a mirror, we will find _____.
A. the time is right
B. it's going slower
C. it's going backward
D. it's going faster
4. Which of the following is true?
A. Tom arrived in Paris on time.
B. The next bus would leave in half an hour.
C. After that Tom didn't like clocks any longer.
D. Tom looked at the clock in the mirror only once

