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【2】到目前为止她已经成为一名著名的演员,但是她对自己目前的状况仍不是很满意。(content / satisfied)


【3】他们很有可能由于文化差异而误解彼此。(be likely to)







【1】It hit / struck/ occurred to them how difficult it was for the student to solve the problem.

【2】Up to now, she has become a famous actress, but she is still not content/ satisfied with her own present situation.

【3】They are likely to misunderstand each other because of their different cultures.

【4】I’m not particular about my clothes; I don’t mind what I wear.

【5】Mary regretted that she hadn’t focused her mind on her study.



【1】It hit / struck/ occurred to them how difficult it was for the student to solve the problem. 考查句型。句型It hit / struck/ occurred to表示突然想到,solve the problem解决问题,注意使用过去时

【2】Up to now, she has become a famous actress, but she is still not content/ satisfied with her own present situation.考查形容词短语。短语Up to now直到现在,be content/ satisfied with对..满意,注意时态

【3】They are likely to misunderstand each other because of their different cultures.考查短语。短语are likely to很可能,misunderstand误解,because of 由于,还有许多其他表示由于的词可用于替代,如due to等

【4】I’m not particular about my clothes; I don’t mind what I wear.考查形容词短语。短语be particular with对...挑剔,mind介意

【5】Mary regretted that she hadn’t focused her mind on her study.考查句型。句型regret that表示后悔做某事,focus on专注于


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(, 并在其下面写出该加的词。


修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


In our daily life, we unavoidably come across many challenge now and then. I meet a big challenge when I was in high school. I was shocked to find which the physics teacher taught was totally beyond his understanding and I lost my confidence completely. Think I lacked a gift at physics, I stopped making efforts and my grades were poor. Fortunate, my teacher didn’t give me up. Instead of, she helped me analyze my problem and I realized I needed face challenges bravely. I regained my confidence, adjusted my approaches but worked hard. I improved my physics before long.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Dear Tom,

How time flies! We will have to say goodbye after a week, but I will never forget the beautiful days when we spent together. In my memory, you are such kind a person that you will always offer me help wherever I get into trouble. You are the most considerate person who know exactly what I need in our class.

Do you still remember that night twenty years ago? When I suddenly fell ill, you carried me to nearest hospital. Moreover, you attended to me careful while I was staying in hospital. Later, you managed to help me with my lesson. Without your help, I can not have passed the exam. Though we are parting soon, but I will keep the favors you’ve ever done me in mind.

Best regards



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


【1】It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as _________(流利) as a native speaker.

【2】She appeared to be angry. ________(实际上), she was pleased.

【3】In some places there are many laws against ________(cruel) to animals.

【4】You may be ________(admit) to Beijing University next year if you make full efforts.

【5】He was just unable to satisfy his daughters _______(curious).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 语法填空


Rachel Simmons, 22, from Boston, rescued her father by miraculously 【1】 (lift) an SUV from his leg.

Adam Simmons was repairing his daughter’s brakes when the jacks (千斤顶) keeping the car overhead 2 (fall) down and one of the axles landed on his leg. Mr. Simmons’ daughter Rachel heard her father’s yelps of pain from inside the house and ran to his rescue.

Rachel saw that the car 3 weighs around 2,600 kg was crushing her father’s leg and in order to free 4 , she lifted the vehicle with her bare hands.

Rachel said she didn’t know 5 she managed to lift the large vehicle from her father’s leg, “I ran out 6 the house and I saw him under my car. So I just went and lifted 7 wheel arch to set him free,” she said.

Doctors arrived at the scene and Adam 8 (rush) to hospital where X-rays were taken. He made a lucky escape and came away with just a few cuts and bruises.

Adam says his daughter is his “here” and that it was still 9 (clear) how Rachel managed to muster the strength to lift a Jeep.

She added that she was glad her dad wasn’t 【10 (bad) harmed and that she was happy she only had a sore back.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 限制游客数量以保护古刹;2. 建立网站,供人们网上欣赏;3. 另选其他地点建立工厂。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总数。

Dear Editor,

Im a student. I’ve been proud of Gucha, an old temple in my village.




I’m looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Long ago,there was a mother and a son living in a house.She worked hard every day,1they were always poor.

One day,her son stole his friend’s bag.“Mom,what do you think of this bag?”His mother praised her son instead of scolding him.The next time,he stole2overcoat.She praised him again.A few years3(late),he grew up to be a young man.He stole jewelry and brought them to his mother.This time,she did not scold her son.Then,he started4 (steal) more expensive things.

One day,the police caught him.Before he5(put) in prison,he begged the police to meet his mother.They took him6his mother.As soon as he saw his mother,he suddenly bit her ear.“Ouch!What is the matter with you?”She finally scolded him.Her son answered.“If you had given me a scolding like that when I stole the first bag,I could not 7a thief.”8(look) at her son heading to prison,“If only I9turn back time,I would scold him severely.”She said10(regret).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


While the rest of the world is waking up as the weather turns warm, our bodies may not respond the same way. Many of us may share the same feeling of inexplicable drowsiness as we embrace spring, and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has a term for it: chunkun, "spring sleepiness".


1. Don't sleep more, exercise more

Eight hours of sleep is usually enough for adults. Getting longer sleep may reduce activity in the cerebral cortex, making people sleepier. _____2___. Aerobic exercise, such as jogging, swimming and rope skipping, are recommended.


A cup of coffee or tea that contains a good amount of caffeine is good for the health, and is important to keep us alert for important occasions, such as crucial meeting. However, too much coffee may cause an accelerated heartbeat, anxiety and other symptoms that may be linked to heart problems.

3. Splash cold water on your face

If a cup of coffee doesn't keep you awake long enough, try splashing cold water on your face, which is always refreshing.

4. Get some fresh air

________4______. Bad air flow will lead to insufficient oxygen, which will affect the brain's performance.

5. Drink enough water

Try to always have a bottle of water next to you, as it can help to eliminate accumulated toxins and help to fight spring fatigue. _____5__________.

If none of the above tips work for you, you should be fine by the end of April.

A. Fight back with caffeine but do not overdose

B. Find the natural scent that awakes you

C. Make sure that air flows properly in your office and bedroom.

D. You can also add slices of lemon to make it vitamin-rich.

E. Also go outdoors to get close to nature.

F. Although spring sleepiness is not an illness, the following tips might be essential for those who really need to stay awake.

G. Instead, a slight increase of the level of your physical activity will make us feel awake and energetic.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


注意:1 词数120左右

2 文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

表格一 (网购最吸引用户的方面) 表格二 (网购用户最担心的方面)















Recently, a survey about online shopping has been conducted on the Internet. ___________________________________________________






