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1.Mo Yan,a Chinese writer has won the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature,announced the Swedish Academy in Stockholm on Thursday.The win makes Mo Yan the first Chinese citizen to win the Nobel in its history.Informed of his win today,the author,who was having dinner at home,was"overjoyed and scared".
Born in 1955 to parents who were farmers,Mo Yan--a pen name for Guan Moye,grew up in Gaomi in shandong province in eastern China.At the age of 12,he left school to work,first in agriculture,later in a factory,In 1976 he joined the army and during this time began to study literature and writing.
He published his first book in 1981,but found literary success in 1987 with Hong Gaoliang Jiazu,which was successfully filmed in the stone year,directed by famous Chinese director Zhang Yimou.In his writing,Mo Yan draws on his youthful experiences and on settings in the province of his birth and his works show the life of Chinese people as well as the country's unique culture and folk customs.Mo Yan is known as a prolific (多产的)writer.In addition to his novels,he has published many short stories and essays on various topics.Despite his social criticism,be is seen in his homeland as one of the most famous contemporary authors.Dozens of his works have been translated into English,French,Japanese and many other languages.
The awarding ceremony was held on December 10.Mo Yan won a medal,a personal diploma and a cash award of about $1 million.
56.How did Mo Yan feel when he was told about the news?D
A.Excited and proud
B.Worried and cautious.
C.Uncertain and shocked              
D.Happy and surprised..
57.Mo Yan developed his ability for writing when he wasC.
A.on a farm                        
B.in a factory
C.in the army                       
D.in a school
58.One of Mo Yan's characteristics of writing is that heC.
A.explains difficult matters in simple words
B.focuses on social problems in the country
C.writes about topics he is familiar with
D.describes his characters in a unique way
59.What's the best title for this passage?A
A.Mo Yan Wins Nobel Prize in Literature 
B.An Introduction to Nobel Prize
C.How Mo Yan Gets Nobel Prize       
D.A World Famous Writer,Mo Yan.

分析 本文是一篇新闻报道.文章讲述了莫言获得诺贝尔奖的消息及他的基本情况.

解答 56.D  考查细节理解.根据文章第一段中的Informed of his win today,the author,who was having dinner at home,was"overjoyed and scared".可知,当得知他获得诺贝尔文学奖的时候,他是又高兴又兴奋.此处overjoyed and scared和Happy and surprised是同义句表达.故选D.
57.C 细节理解题  根据In 1976 he joined the army and during this time began to study literature and writing.可知,莫言是在当兵是开始写作,故答案为C
58.C推断题.由第三段第二句"In his writing,Mo Yan draws on his youthful experiences and on settings in the province of  his birth and his works show the life of Chinese people as well as the country's unique culture and folk customs."可知莫言的写作以自己的生活经历为题材,这些题材对于莫言来说是很熟悉的,C项与原文意思表述一致,故正确答案为C.
59.A 文章标题.根据全文内容可知,文章主要报道了莫言获得诺贝尔文学奖的这个消息,介绍他的生平是次要的.故选A.

点评 人物传记类文章中有些是考查考生对作者的主导思想、被描写人物的语气、言语中流露的情绪、性格倾向和作者或文中人物态度、观点等方面的理解题.推理判断题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上做出一定推论和判断,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.There are many American expressions about insects-like bees,for example.Bees are known as very hare workers.They appear to be busy.moving around their homes,or hives.So you might say you were as busy as a bee if you spent your weekend cleaning your house.In fact.you might say your house was a beehive of activity it your whole family was helping you clean.You also might say you made a beeline for something it you went there right away.When we go to see a movie,my friend always makes a beeline for the place where they sell popcorn.
Here is an expression about bees that is not used much any more.but we like it anyway.We think it was first used in the 1920s.If something was tile best of its kind,you might say it is the bee's knees.Now.we admit that we do not know how this expression developed.In fact.we do not even know if bees have knees!
If your friend cannot stop talking about something because she thinks it is important,you might say she has a bee ill her bonnet (女帽).If someone asks you a personal question,you might say"that is none of your beeswax.This means none of your business.
Speaking of personal questions,there is an expression when their children ask,"Where do babies come from?"Parents who discuss sex and reproduction say this is talking about the birds and bees.
Butterflies are beautiful insects,but you would not want to have butterflies in your stomach.That means to be nervous about having to do something,like speaking in front of a crowd.You would also not want to have ants in your trousers.That is,to be unable to sit still.

68.If you make a beeline for something,youB.
A.are as busy as a bee             B.go quickly and directly towards it
C.always go to the same place      D.buy something at a certain place
69.The underlined expression"it is the bee's knees"D.
A.is not used at all now            B.was first used in the 1820s
C.reminds us that bees have knees   D.means"it is very good"
70.If you ask your American friend Jack"How old is your wife?"he may say"A."
A.It is none of your beeswax        B.You have a bee in your bonnet
C.It is the bee's knees             D.you are talking about the birds and bees
71.When you have butterflies in your stomach,youC.
A.are too sick to sit still          B.have ants in your trousers
C.are nervous about something        D.have a stomachache.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.I was doing some Christmas shopping in a toy store and decided to look at Barbie dolls for my nieces.A nicely dressed little girl was excitedly looking through the Barbie dolls as well.As she was looking,a little boy came to the Pokemon toys.He was dressed neatly,but his clothes were obviously old.He was with his father as well,and kept picking up the Pokemon video toys.Each time he picked one up and looked at his father,his father shook his head and said,"No."
The little girl had chosen her Barbie.However,she stopped and was watching them.Rather dejectedly,the boy had to give up the Pokemon toys and choose something else.The little girl put her Barbie back on the shelf,and ran over to the Pokemon toys.She excitedly picked up one and raced towards the checkout.I picked up my purchases and got in line behind them.Then,much to the little girl's delight,the little boy and his father got in line behind me.After the toy was paid for and bagged,the little girl handed it back to the cashier (收银员) and whispered something in her ear.The casher smiled and put the package under the counter.
I paid for my purchases and was rearranging things when the little boy came up to the cashier.The cashier checked his purchases and said,"Congratulations,you are my hundredth customer today,and you win a prize!"With that,she handed the little boy the Pokemon toys,and he could only stare in surprise.It was exactly what he had wanted!
The little girl and her father had been standing at the doorway during all of this.Then they walked out.As I walked back to my car,I heard the father ask his daughter why she had done that.I'll never forget what she said to him."Daddy,didn't Grandparents want me to buy something that would make me happy?"He said,"Of course they did,honey."To which the little girl replied,"Well,I just did!"
I feel very shocked to have witnessed the true spirit of Christmas in that toy store,in the form of a little girl who understands more about the meaning of this festival than most adults I know.

56.The underlined word"dejectedly"in the second paragraph probably meansB.
A.delightedly  B.disappointedly  C.excitedly   D.unexpectedly
57.How did the little boy get the Pokemon toys?D
A.His father bought him the Poknemon toys.
B.Fortunately,he was the hundredth customer and won the Poknemon toys.
C.The cashier felt sympathy for the little boy and gave him the Poknemon toys.
D.The little girl bought the Poknemon toys for him.
58.What did the little girl mean when saying"Daddy,didn't Grandparents want me to buy something that would make me happy?"B
A.Her Grandparents wanted her to be happy.
B.Making the little boy happy made her happy.
C.The Poknemon toys made her happy.
D.Her Grandparents hoped that she could help others.
59.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?C
A.the story happened before Christmas.
B.The little boy had not enough money to buy the Poknemon toys.
C.Although the little girl liked the Poknemon toys very much,she gave them to the boy.
D.The author was deeply moved by the behavior of the little girl.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.When Frida Kahlo's paintings were on show in London,a poet described her paintings as"a ribbon (丝带)around a bomb".Such comments seem to suggest Kahlo had a big influence on the art world of her time.Sadly,she is actually a much bigger nametoday than she was during her time.
Born in 1907 in a village near Mexico City,Kahlo suffered from polio(小儿麻痹症)at the age of seven.Her spine (脊柱)became bent as she grew older.Then,in 1925,her back was broken in several places in a school-bus accident.Throughout the rest of her life,the artist had many operations,but nothing was able to cure the terrible pain in her back.However,the accident had an unexpected side effect.While lying in her bed recovering,Kahlo taught herself to paint.
In 1929,she got married to Diego Rivera,another famous Mexican artist.Rivera's strong influences on Kahlo's style can be seen in her early works,but her later works from the 1940s,known today as her best works,show less influence from her husband.
Unfortunately,her works did not attract much attention in the 1930s and1940s,even in her home country.Her first one-woman show in Mexico was not held until 1953.For more than a decade after her death in 1954,Kahlo's works remained largely unnoticed by the world,but in the 1970s her works began to gain international fame at last.
51.What does the phrase"a much bigger name"in paragraph 1 most nearly mean?A
A.a much more famous person         B.a far more gifted artist
C.a much stronger person            D.a far better artist
52.The terrible pain Kahlo suffered was caused byB.
A.polio                             B.back injuries
C.her bent spin                     D.the operations she had
53.Kahlo's style had become increasingly independent since theA.
A.1940s         B.1930s        C.1950s        D.1970s
54.What is author's attitude toward Kahlo?C
A.Devotion                      B.Worry       
C.Sympathy                      D.Encouragement.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.We insisted that the girl ________ suitable for the job,but the manager insisted that she _______ the job because of her shyness as a receptionist.(  )
A.should be; was offeredB.was not; should be offered
C.was; not be offeredD.should not be; was not offered


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Around twenty years ago I was living in York.Though I had a lot of experience and a Master's degree,I could not find satisfying work.
I was driving a school bus to make ends meet and living with a friend of mine,for I had lost my flat.I had attended five interviews with a company and one day between bus runs they called to say I did not get the job."Why has my life become so hard?"I thought painfully.
As I pulled the bus over to drop off a little girl,she handed me an earring saying I should keep it so that somebody could claim(认领)it.The earring was painted black and said"BE HAPPY".
At first I got angry.Then it hit me-I had been giving all of my attention to what was going wrong with my life rather than what was right!I decided then and there to make a list of fifty things I was happy with.Later,I decided to add more things to the list.That night there was a phone call for me from a lady who was a director at a large hospital.She asked me if I would give a one-day lecture on stress management to 200medical workers.I said yes.
My day there went very well,and before long I got a well-paid job.To this day I know that it was because I changed my way of thinking that I completely changed my life.

46.We can learn from the first two paragraphs that the authorD
A.was content with his personal life
B.was a college student doing a part-time job
C.was grateful for the hard but precious experience
D.felt hopeless in the face of difficulties
47.Why did the author decide to list happy things?C
A.To make Iris passengers happy.
B.To amuse the family members.
C.To remind himself life was full of happiness.
D.To stress that he had great pressure.
48.Which statement is true about the black earring?A
A.The author got angry because he was unhappy.
B.The little girl gave him the earring as a gift.
C.The earring was returned to its owner very soon.
D.The lady who called him was the owner of the earring.
49.Which of the following best expresses the idea of the text?A
A.Life is like a mirror,when you smile into it,it will smile back.
B.Where there's a will,there's a way.
C.He laughs best who laughs last.
D.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
50.Where can you most probably find the text?B
A.In a tourist guidebook.     B.On a personal blog.
C.In an official report.      D.In a science fiction.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.The whole class           searching for the missing boy when the heavy rain poured down(  )
A.wasB.wereC.had beenD.would be


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Mr.Brown was going away for a week.Before he left,he said to his son,"if anyone asks for me,you can tell him that your father has been out for doing something,and will be back in a week,then be sure to ask him to sit down for a cup of tea."
"OK,Dad,"said his son.But he was afraid his son couldn't remember this,he wrote these words down on a piece of paper and gave it to him.His son put it into his small pocket,took it out and looked at it every now and then.
Four days passed,but no one came to see his father.The boy thought that there was no man to come and that the piece of paper was of no more use for him,so he   burnt it that evening.
The next afternoon,someone knocked at the door.The boy opened it.A man was standing at the door and said,"Where is your father?"The boy put his hand into his pocket at once and looked for the piece of paper.He could not find it.He suddenly remembered he had burnt it,so he shouted,"No more."
The man was very surprised.He asked,"No more?I met your father last week.When did it happen?"
"Burnt yesterday evening."

58.Mr.Brown told his son thatB.
A.he would be away from home for four days
B.he would be back in seven days
C.he would be back in a month
D.he liked a cup of tea
59.Mr.Brown wrote the words down onC.
A.the wall           B.the door    
C.a piece of paper   D.his son's pocket
60.The man was very surprised becauseD.
A.he couldn't find that piece of paper
B.the child didn't ask him to sit down
C.the child gave him a cup of tea
D.he thought the child's father was dead
61.What was burnt?A.
A.The piece of paper    B.Mr.Smith     
C.The visitor           D.The boy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.One evening I went out and left my 17-year-old son in charge of his 8-year-old brother and 4-year-old sister.On this occasion,the work was made less troublesome by the presence of his girlfriend.I left with complete confidence that the older children would do a wonderful job of babysitting the younger children.Later,I discovered that complete confidence was the last thing I should have left home with.
I had decided to return home earlier than planned so that my son and his girlfriend could go out.I called home with this happy news.But instead of hearing his cheerful,grateful voice on the other end of the line,all I heard was the sound of a telephone ringing.
It was,I should point out,after 10 p.m.,when the two younger children should have been in bed,and when the two older children should have been answering the phone."I'll give him a lesson,"I said.I decided they must be outside.Why they might be outside at 10:30 on a winter night I had no idea,but it was the only explanation I could come up with.
Finally,in desperation,I called his girlfriend's house.After what seemed like countless rings,his girlfriend answered."Yes,"she said brightly,"He's right here."
He came on the phone.I was not my usual calm,rational(理智的)self.After all,one of the rules of survival for modern parents is that you can't trust modern teenagers."Where are the children?"I said.He said they were with him.They had done nothing wrong.My son had taken the younger children over to his girlfriend's house just for ice cream and cake.This was too good to be believed.Well,it turns out that I shouldn't have believed it.It was only part of the truth.
The following Saturday evening we were at my parents'home,celebrating my birthday.My oldest son gave me the children's gifts.Mounted and framed were a series of lovely color photographs of my children,dressed in their best clothes,and wearing their most wonderful expressions.They are pictures to treasure a lifetime,all taken by the father of my son's girlfriend.
61.The author went out and left her eldest son in charge of the younger children becauseA.
A.she knew that her eldest son was a good baby-sitter
B.she thought it no hard work to take care of the younger ones
C.she believed he could do well with his girlfriend's help
D.she could not find a baby-sitter on that winter night
62.When the author called home that evening,she found thatD.
A.two younger children had already been in bed
B.the children were preparing a birthday gift for her
C.her son was quarrelling with his girlfriend
D.there was no one answering the telephone
63.What can you learn from the underlined sentence in the fifth paragraph?A
A.The author didn't believe what her son had told her.
B.The author had complete confidence in her son.
C.The author believed her son was telling the truth.
D.The author was moved by what her children had done.
64.What might the children do that evening?C
A.They had a birthday party.                 
B.They framed some photographs.
C.They had their pictures taken.                 
D.They made some beautiful clothes.
65.What does the author intend to tell us by the story?D
A.Modern teenagers are not worth trusting.   
B.It is no easy job to look after young children.
C.It's no good to have a girlfriend at an early age.    
D.Her children have a caring and tender heart.

