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  Scientist Florence Wambugu works with farmers in Kenya, a country in East Africa. She helps them grow bigger and better crops. Wambugu is especially interested in finding simple ways to produce more food.

In the past ten years,Wambugu has spent much of her time studying sweet potatoes, which are an important food in her part of Kenya. A virus kept attacking the plants. It stopped the sweet potatoes from growing well. Because of the virus,some farmers lost three quarters of their crops.

Wambugu went to war against the virus. Her search for a way to save the sweet potatoes led to a lab in St. Louis, Missouri.

  The lab mainly works on genes, the chemical " computer programs" found in the cells of living things. Genes tell a plant to produce pink flowers or an animal to grow black hair. Now scientists have found ways to move genes from one living thing to another. That process is called genetic engineering.

  Wambugu spent three years in the lab. As a result, she created a sweet potato plant that could fight off the virus. Wambugu tested her research in Kenya, and her plants produced won?derful sweet potatoes.

  That's just the beginning, Wambugu believes. Genetically modified foods, she thinks,could help farmers in poor countries grow badly-needed crops,thus,fewer people will go hun?gry-

(   ) 1 . The text is written mainly to        .

   A.tell us sweet potatoes are in danger of being attacked by virus

   B.introduce Wambugu's contribution to genetic engineering

   C.introduce a new way of killing plant viruses

   D.tell how hard Wambugu worked in her lab for three years

(   ) 2. What caused Wambugu to set up a lab in St. Louis, Missouri?

   A.Her wish to save sweet potatoes inKenya.

   B.Her great interest in genetic engineering.

   C.her love for sweet potatoes.

   D.Her interest in plant life.

(   ) 3. The fourth paragraph mainly explains what        is.

   A. a crop virus   B. chemical technology

   C.  a computer program   D. genetic engineering

(   ) 4. What is Wambugu's attitude toward "genetic engineering"?

   A.It will help more hungry people.

   B.It should be carefully used.

   C.It has more disadvantages than advantages.

   D.It is a too expensive technology at present.

(   ) 5. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

  A.Florence Wambugu often helps farmers with their work.

   B.Florence Wambugu has studied sweet potatoes for 10 years.

   C.Genes can be moved from one thing to another.

   D.Florence Wambugu has succeeded in creating a genetically modified sweet pota?toes.

 1 ~ 5 BADAA     


1. B意图揣摩题。科学家Wambugu利用基因工程潜心研究抗番薯病毒的方法,使番薯产量增加,从而使非洲挨饿的人数减少。她为基因工程做出了贡献。





题目来源:2015高中英语丢分题每周一练高一下 > Unit 2 Working the land


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

请用英语写一则售房广告刊登在China Daily上。要点见下表:






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apartment n.公寓;express way高速公路;furnish vt.布置(家具) ;parking lot停车场


一) 写作定性


二) 难点突破


to the east of,next to/beside/close to,as well/too, provide/supply, one kilometer away from,with plenty of,." shopping mall, hot water supply


标题(title) :用短语或祈使句使广告内容一目了然。

Real beauty,real health!(一个化妆品广告标题)

Add a little varietal to your life.(一个葡萄酒广告标题)

产品推介(product recommendation) :用被动语态突出推介的产品。

Wines from through the West are personally tasted and hand selected by the editors and

wine experts and Sunset Magazine.

吸引顾客(attracting the customers) 用状语从句或疑问句增添广告的感染力。

If you enjoy exceptional wine and take pleasure in sampling new vintages,the Sunset Wine

Club is for you!

Do( n't) you want to blacken your hair?


Sth. lies in/ is located in.............. 位于...

There is/are/stand/lie...in/on/at sp.在....... 有某/物

With both high and low buildings in different designs, people can have…因有....  ,人们 可有……

For more information, please call...欲求更多信息,请拨打....

To learn more,visit us at ... 了解更多,请在.... 访问我们。

Why not do sth. right now?为何不马上..... ?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Some people say/It is said that the city of Xiamen is the most beautiful city in China,                  . (surround)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 In 1977 ,a dead author of detective stories saved the life of a 19-month-old baby in a most unusual way. The author was Agatha Christie, one of the most successful writers of detective stories in the world.

  In June 1977, a baby girl became seriously ill in Qatar,near Saudi Arabia. Doctors were unable to 1      the cause of her illness,so she 2     to London and admitted to Hammersmith Hospital, where specialist help was 3      . She was then only half-conscious(半昏迷) and on the " Dangerously 111" list. A team of doctors hurried to 4      the baby only to discover that they, 5      ,were puzzled by the very unusual symptoms. While they were discussing the baby's case,a nurse asked to 6      to them.

"Excuse me”,said nurse Marsha Maitland, " 7      I think the baby is 8      from thallium poisoning.”

"9      makes you think that?" Dr. Brown asked.  " Thallium poisoning is extremely 10        .”

"A few days ago,I was reading a novel called A Pale Horse 11      Agatha Christie”, Nurse Maitland explained. "In the book,somebody uses thallium poison, and 12      the symptoms are 13      . They are exactly the same as the baby's.”

"You're very observant and you may be right," another doctor said. "We'll 14      some tests and find out 15      it's thallium or not."

The 16      showed that the baby had 17      been poisoned by thallium,a rare metal used in making optical(光学的) glass. 18      they knew the cause of illness, the doctors were able to give the correct treatment. The baby soon 19      and was sent back to Qatar. Inquiries(调查) showed that the poison 20      from an insecticide(杀虫剂) used in Qatar. 

(   ) 1.A. describe   B. diagnose   C. discover   D. discuss

(   ) 2.A. flew   B. sent   C. went   D. was flown

(   ) 3.A. inexpensive   B. important   C. available   D. impossible

(   ) 4.A. examine   B. see   C. look after   D. cure

(   ) 5.A. too   B. either   C. often   D. never

(   ) 6.A. refer   B. turn   C. speak   D. belong

(   ) 7.A. and   B. so   C. as   D. but

(   ) 8.A. coming   B. suffering   C. tired   D. dying

(   ) 9.A. Who   B. How   C. What   D. Which

(   ) 10.A. rare   B. serious   C. clear   D. dangerous

(   ) 11.A. in   B. on   C. by   D. about

(   ) 12.A. all   B. some of   C. one of   D. both

(   ) 13.A. drawn   B. broadcast   C. announced   D. described

(   ) 14.A. make up   B. carry out   C. get through   D. deal with

(   ) 15.A. that   B. how   C. what   D. whether

(   ) 16.A. words   B. tests   C. examination   D. book

(   ) 17.A. indeed   B. actually   C. probably   D. never

(   ) 18.A. As long as   B. As for as   C. Once   D. If

(   ) 19.A. died   B. got injured   C. recovered   D. got ill

(   ) 20.A. must come   B. should come   C. might have come   D. have come


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4.Your training will        . (equip)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 "Father, don't like to go to school," said Harry Williams one morning. "I wish you would let me stay at home. Charles Parker's father doesn't make him go to school."

Mr Williams 1       his little boy by the hand,and said 2       to him, "Come,my son. I want to show you 3       in the garden."

  Harry walked into the garden with his 4       ,who led him along until they came to a bed in which peas(豌豆) were growing. Not a weed(杂草) was to be 5       about their roots.

"See how beautifully these peas are 6       , my son," said Mr. Williams. "How clean and healthy the vines(藤) look. We shall have a good 7       Now let me show you the vines in Mr. Parker's garden.”

Mr. Williams then 8       Harry to look at Mr. Parker's pea vines.

After a few moments,Mr. Williams asked, " Well,my son,what do you 9       Mr. Parker's pea vines?"

"Oh, Father!" replied the little boy. "I never saw such 10       looking peas in my life! The weeds are nearly as 11       as the peas themselves. There won't be half a crop!" " 12       are they so much worse than ours,Harry?"

"Because they have been left to grow as they 13       I suppose Mr. Parker just planted them,and never took any care of them 14       ."

"Yes. A garden will soon be overrun with weeds 15       it is not taken good care of," Mr. Williams 16         ,"and so it is with the human garden. Children's minds are like garden beds. They must be 17       cared for. I send you to school in order that the garden of your 18       may have good seeds(种子) and 19 plentifully. Now which would you 20      ,to stay at home or go to school?"

"I would rather go to school," said Harry. 

(   ) 1.A. grabbed   B. pulled   C. punished   D. took

(   ) 2.A. loudly   B. secretly   C. kindly   D. politely

(   ) 3.A. anything   B. something   C. everything   D. nothing

(   ) 4.A. mother   B. brother   C. sister   D. father

(   ) 5.A. made   B. changed   C. seen   D. planted

(   ) 6.A. growing   B. moving   C. shaking   D. dancing

(   ) 7.A. result   B. harvest   C. match   D. present

(   ) 8.A. forced   B. ordered   C. followed   D. led

(   ) 9.A. think of   B. look at   C. hear of   D. deal with

(   ) 10. A. ugly   B. fine   C. dirty   D. poor

(   ) 11. A. deep   B. long   C. high   D. wide

(   ) 12. A. When   B. Why   C. Where   D. How

(   ) 13. A. pleased   B. stayed   C. left   D. belonged

(   ) 14. A. ahead   B. outside   C. forward   D. afterward

(   ) 15. A. as   B. or   C. if   D. so

(   ) 16. A. required   B. answered   C. explained   D. announced

(   ) 17. A. carefully   B. correctly   C. gently   D. slightly

(   ) 18. A. school   B. mind   C. family   D. dream

(   ) 19. A. produce   B. develop   C. decrease   D. drop

(   ) 20. A. find   B. support   C. know   D. prefer


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  "It's my own fault.”Carl Fenter pulled his jacket closer against the abnormal bite of cold morning wind. "The rest of the family is home,where it's 1       "

Just another one of his 2        ideas―a big tamale(玉米粉蒸肉) feast after tonight's Christ?mas Eve service at the church―and look where it landed him:waiting in a line 50 people deep.

Who would have guessed that the tamale in every shop in the city would be sold out the day before Christmas? But they 3        ,as Carl knew. He had been driving all over El Paso that morning. 4        to bring home tamales,Carl tried one last shop,an old favorite out in Canutillo.

When he arrived, a fresh batch(—炉) was 5        off the steamer in 45 minutes. 6        his place at the end of the snaking line of tamale seekers, he watched the woman in front of him 7        her jacket to cover her shivering youngster. It wasn't long before she, too, 8        in the biting wind. After only a moment's 9        ,Carl took off his own jacket and offered it to the 10        mother.

Together,they 11        when the line slowly moved forward at last,and smiling people exited the shop carrying steamy bags. 12        ,Carl got inside the door and 13        his way clos?er to the counter,the woman now first in line. "Sorry folks," the clerk announced,"that's the last of the tamales. "" 14        !" Carl groaned(抱怨) with everyone else 15        behind him.

" 16        ,"stressed the man at the counter, " we'll have a final batch ready 17        ,oh,about two hours.”

Defeated, Carl backed away, but the young mother grabbed his arm.

"You're leaving?"

"I 18        ”,Carl glanced at his watch. "I promised to put up luminarias(传统圣诞灯) at my church.”

'Til get your order of tamales and bring them to your house.” Carl's brow furrowed, "I couldn't ask you to do that.”

"But it's 19        I can do. You lent me your coat.”Her smile overrode(推翻) his objec?tions. "Just give me your address.”She and her little girl settled in for the long wait.

And at 20        noon on Christmas Eve,they delivered four dozen fragrant tamales―along with Carl's brown jacket―to his home.

(   ) 1.A. harmonious   B. warm   C. happy   D. pleasant

(   ) 2.A. brilliant   B. bad   C. stupid   D. common

(   ) 3.A. were   B. did   C. could   D. had

(   ) 4.A. Decided   B. Determined   C. Wanted   D. Expected

(   ) 5.A. ready   B. prepared   C. soon   D. due

(   ) 6.A. Looking   B. Getting   C. Taking   D. Finding

(   ) 7.A. move   B. reject   C. abandon   D. remove

(   ) 8.A. waved   B. froze   C. shook   D. shocked

(   ) 9.A. assumption   B. appreciation   C. hesitation   D. attention

(   ) 10.A. grateful   B. respectful   C. hopeless   D. shameful

(   ) 11.A. cheered   B. congratulated   C. shouted   D. screamed

(   ) 12.A. Immediately   B. Hopefully   C. Lastly   D. Finally

(   ) 13.A. shouldered   B. forced   C. felt   D. inched

(   ) 14.A. No problem   B. No way   C. No doubt   D. No wonder

(   ) 15.A. lined up   B. held up   C. looked up   D. waited up

(   ) 16.A. So   B. But   C. Then   D. Besides

(   ) 17.A. before   B. for   C. in   D. after

(   ) 18.A. plan to   B. intend to   C. have to   D. ought to

(   ) 19.A. the least   B. the most   C. the last   D. the best

(   ) 20.A. just   B. exactly   C. accurately   D. right


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Your body,which has close relations with the food you eat,is the most important thing you own,so it needs proper treatment and proper nourishment (营养)  .The old saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away. ” is not so sil?ly as some people think. The body needs fruit and vegetables because they contain vitamin   C.

   Many people take extra (额外的) vitamins in pill form (丸剂) ,believing that these will make them healthy. But a good diet is made up of nourishing food and this gives all the vitamins you need. The body doesn’t need or use extra vi?tamins,so why waste money on them?

In the modern western world,many people are too busy to bother about eating properly. They throw anything into their stomachs,eating hurriedly and carelessly. The list of illnesses caused or made worse by bad eating habits is frightening.

1. The underlined words really mean that         .

   A. all kinds of food you eat can be made into your body

   B. your body is made up of the food you eat

   C. what you eat has a great effect on your health

   D. the more you eat,the better you will feel

2. The old saying referred to in the passage tells us that         .

   A. the apple is the best among all kinds of fruit

   B. apples can take the place of doctors

   C. eating apples regularly does lots of good to our health

   D. an apple is a sure cure for illness

3. In the second paragraph,the writer tries to let us know         .

   A. our bodies need food,or we can’t live

   B. often eating apples is a good habit

   C. taking extra vitamin pills is completely useless

   D. a good diet is of great importance to our health

4. In the modern western countries,       .

   A. people don’t pay much attention to their eating

   B. lots of people’s illnesses are caused or made worse by bad eating habits

   C. people throw everything into their stomachs without chewing

   D. people are only too busy to cook meals for themselves

5. From the passage we can draw a conclusion that if we want to keep healthy,we should        .

   A. only eat an apple a day

   B. eat properly

   C. take as many vitamin pills as possible

   D. throw something into our stomachs slowly and carefully


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4.Don't        outside in the rain, (leave)


