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15.Are you a bookworm?Is your head stuck in a book for long?If so,that's a good thing.There are many benefits to reading.Getting into a good novel improves our literacy(读写能力).But who or what encourages us to pick up a book and start reading?
    Of course,when we are young,our parents and teachers inspire us by introducing us to  characters that we love-or love to hate.And there are the authors-the people who invent and write about these characters.Good writing can really catch our imagination.
    One modern-day children's author is J.K.Rowling,who's known for her books about the wizard,Harry Potter.Last year she was named as a‘literacy hero'for her part in improving people's love of reading.The UK's National Literacy Trust awarded her the title for"turning a generation of children into readers."
    The Trust also honoured schoolchildren,a librarian and teachers for their effort in trying to get people to read.The actor,Henry Winkler,who has dyslexia(阅读障碍),Was also named for the books he has written about a boy with learning difficulties.
    Reading books is more than an enjoyable pastime;it can also help people in difficult circumstances.The author Pat Winslow worked as a writer in prisons and found reading and discussing stories helped prisoners reflect on their patterns of behaviour.She says"Very often we would have discussions about the moral compass of a character,what was the motivation of
somebody,why did they behave that way?"
    Today I like to read factual books such as biographies,where you get an insight into the lives of important and well-known people.I also enjoy looking at travel books and learning about journeys and new destinations.It's a good substitute if you can't visit in person.
    But the main benefit of reading is the improvement it brings to our literacy.The more we do it,the better we get and who knows-one day you may become the next Tolstoy,Jackie  Collins or even William Shakespeare.

46.How does the author introduce the topic of this text?A
A.By asking questions.   
B.By giving examples.
C.By offering suggestions.
D.By doing experiments.
47.What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?D
A.How teachers help US learn about characters.
B.Why parents love telling stories in our childhood.
C.What kinds of writings are suitable for teens to read.
D.Who or what encourages US to be interested in reading.
48.Why was the author J.K.Rowling called a‘literacy hero'?B
A.For her struggle against unfortunate life.
B.For her inspiring children to love reading.
C.For her experience of learning difficulties.
D.For her well-known books of Harry Potter.
49.Reading and discussing stories with prisonersD.
A.help them enjoy their pastime
B.1ead them to be prison writers
C.guide them to gain new knowledge
D.instruct them to start to a new life
50.For what purpose does the author like to read factual books?B
A.Because they are more interesting.
B.Because they supply inspirations for life.
C.Because they help people save a lot of money.
D.Because they completely take the place of personal travel.

分析 你说书虫吗?你会很长时间埋头于书籍中吗?如果是如此,这是件好事,有好多关于阅读的益处,下面就读读这篇文章,了解一下吧.

46.答案A   推理判断题  根据文章第一段开头的两个疑问句可推知,本文是通过提问的方式导入话题的.故选A
47.答案 D 推理判断题.根据文章第一段最后一句"But who or what encourages us to pick up a book and start reading?"是过渡句,起到承上启下的作用,且由第二段大意可知,第二段主要讲的是什么样的人或事会激励我们去读书.故选D.
 48.答案 B  细节理解题.根据文章第三段第二句"Last year she was named as a‘literacy hero'for her part in improving people's love of reading."可知,J.K.Rowling因为在促进人们阅读方面的贡献而被授予此殊荣.故选B.
49.答案  D  推理判断题.根据文章第五段第二句"The author Pat Winslow worked as a writer in prisons and found reading and discussing stories helped prisoners reflect on their patterns of behaviour."可推知,读书和讨论故事有利于犯人自我反省,从而开始崭新的生活.故选D.
50.答案  B 细节理解题.根据文章倒数第二段第一句"Today I like to read factual books such as biographies,where you get an insight into the lives of important and wellknown people."并结合对最后一段的整体理解可推知,读纪实类读物给人以激励和启迪.故选B.

点评 1、要想做好科普英语阅读理解题,同学们就要注意平时多读科普知识类文章,学习科普知识,积累常见的科普词汇,从根本上提高科普英语的阅读能力.
2、要熟悉科普类文章的结构特点.科普类文章一般由标题(Head line),导语(Introduction),背景(Back ground),主体(Main body)和结尾(End)五部分构成.标题是文章中心思想高度而又精辟的概括,但根据历年的高考情况来看,这类阅读理解材料一般不给标题,而要同学们选择标题.导语一般位于整篇文章的首段.背景交待一个事实的起因.主体则对导语概括的事实进行详细叙述,这一部分命题往往最多,因此,阅读时,同学们要把这部分作为重点.结尾往往也是中心思想的概括,并与导语相呼应,命题者常在此要设计一道推理判断题.  


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Queen Elizabeth II is not only the queen of the United Kingdom,but she is also the queen of other 16 countries,including Australia,New Zealand,Canada and Jamaica.Her face is seen on stamps and coins all around the world.
         Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor was born in London on April 21st 1926.Her parents were George,the Duke of York,and Elizabeth,the daughter of the Earl and Count-ness of Strathmore.As a child,Princess Elizabeth lived with her parents and younger sister in London and Windsor.Every summer,she traveled to Scotland to visit her mother's parents.She was interested in all sorts of sports,but her favorites were horse riding and swimming.She was also fond of acting,art and music.
         As princess Elizabeth grew older,she started to play a part in British public life.When she was 14,she broadcast a radio message to all the children of Britain and the Common-wealth(共和国).Two years later,she carried out her first public engagement,and started to go on official tours shortly after that.After a tour to South Africa in 1946,she married Philip Mountbatten.The couple had four children:Prince Charles,born in 1948,Princess Anne,born in 1950,Prince Andrew,born in 1960 and Prince Edward,born in 1964.
         After her father died,Princess Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth II in a ceremony held in London in 1953.As a queen,she has many duties,and leads a very busy life.She travels throughout the world,meeting the leaders of other countries,and attends a large number of official functions.She also holds a meeting every week with the British Prime Minister.Every year,on Christmas Day,she broadcast a message to the people of British and the Commonwealth,talking about her hopes for the future.
         Queen Elizabeth has been on the throne for more than 40 years and has become one of the most famous women in the world.Lots of people in British believe that she tries hard to understand her people and be a good queen.More than her title,this quality has earned her much love and respect.
46.Queen Elizabeth IIA
A.is queen of 17 different countries.
B.is queen of Australia and the USA
C.is queen of 16 different countries
D.is only queen of the United Kingdom.
47.As she grew older,Princess ElizabethD.
A.stopped playing a part in British public life.
B.broadcast several radio message
C.went on many tours to South Africa
D.started to take part in British public life.
48.Queen Elizabeth's four children are calledB.
A.Prince Andrew,Prince Philip,Prince Charles and Princess Anne
B.Prince Edward,Princess Anne,Prince Andrew and Prince Charles
C.Princess Elizabeth,Prince Charles,Prince Andrew and Prince Edward
D.Prince Charles,Prince Philip,Prince Edward and Princess Elizabeth
49.Today,Queen ElizabethD
A.does not lead a very busy life
B.holds a meeting every fortnight with the British Prime Minister
C.rarely leaves the UK
D.is always busy carrying out her royal duties.
50.Which of the following statements is TRUE?C
A.Princess Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth II in 1960.
B.She talks about her hopes for the future every day.
C.She has been on the throne for more than forty years.D.Lots of people in Britain depreciate her.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6._______many people are excited about GM food,these technologies frighten others.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.I like the English songs and they        many times on the radio.(  )
A.have been taughtB.have taught
C.had been taughtD.had taught


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.The security industry exists to provide and ensure safety of the population.Teams of developers are constantly working on new devices to better protect not only the people but also their properties.Regular existing technologies such as GPS trackers are also being improved and used in innovative ways to prevent various criminal activities.
Named after Natalia Estemirova,a human rights activist who was kidnapped from her home and murdered within 24 hours,the Natalia Project is a bracelet (手镯)handed out by the Civil Rights Defenders in hopes of preventing similar tragedies in the future.After all,a majority of human rights activists are situated in constant danger as they fight for freedom and equality.The chunky bracelet was able to produce satisfactory results.Once triggered(触发),the bracelets will issue a real-time GPS location of the victim to the Civil Rights Defenders'headquarters.Nearby contacts will also be alerted so immediate action can be taken to rescue the victim.What's most unique about this bracelet is that it will also send an alert to social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook to notify the public of the attack being placed on the victim.
These bracelets will first be distributed to a small group as funding is still a problem.The first five bracelets were distributed by the human rights organization on Defender's Day in Stockholm,Sweden,on Apr.5,2013."We would like all human rights defenders at risk to have this alarm,but it costs a lot both for the alarm itself and to build an organization to respond to the alarms and to train the wearers of the alarm.Building a security program around each individual,matched to the specific needs of that person is a complex process.Needless to say,it takes a lot of time and effort to get an alarm up and running to ensure maximum protection for 365 days a year."
Though the Civil Rights Defenders is an independent non-governmental expert organization,they do receive the support for their hard work through the Swedish Development Cooperation Agency.The potential for this bracelet to prevent kidnapping of regular children and citizens,if made available to the public,will also be endless.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TWELVE WORDS)
78.What happened to Natalia Estemirova?She was kidnapped and murdered within 24 hours.
79.The Natalia Project aims to ensurethe security/safety of human rights activists.
80.How does the bracelet enable the Civil Rights Defenders'headquarters to take action?By issuing a real-time GPS location of the victim
81.Besides the alarm itself,the cost of the project also includesbuilding an organization to respond to the alarm and training the wearers..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.I'm afraid we have to accept the fact that criminals are getting younger all the time,but unfortunately the crimes are becoming more serious.I only wish we didn't have to admit this but,in doing so,we must first ask ourselves what's wrong with our society,or else our children clearly couldn't care less about law and order.
The days of the sneak thief who stole a couple of apples or a packet of sweets from a chain store are actually over.I had a chance to say this to a young offender the other day,"Sweets from a chain store?"He said,"You must be joking.That's what kids do."I may add that he was aged 11.In other words,today's young criminals would find it laughable to risk being caught for petty theft of this description.They've got enough money in their pockets to buy the sweets they want,anyway.I think it's all too easy to put the blame on anyone but ourselves.
Faced as they are with a society that frequently gives them up on the grounds of color,race or low learning ability,these children turn to crime as a means of showing off their self-respect.Nurtured on films and TV glamorizing (美化) the role of the criminal,they are quick to copy these anti-heroes.It is a matter of increasing concern to the police and government that the Children and Young Persons Act,1969,is becoming improper to deal with the rise in young criminals.Because the emphasis has been placed on the cause and gentle treatment of their crimes,rather than on old-fashioned methods of punishment,the children themselves know well that there is very little that can be done to prevent them continuing to steal,damage and in some case even cause the death of those they choose to terrorize (恐吓).I don't like the look of this situation any more than you do.In our own interests and in those of our children and grandchildren,we cannot continue to take the"it's nothing to do with me"attitude we have used for so long.We must unite in a common demand for harder and stricter methods against these young criminals.
66.By raising the question"Sweets from the chain store?",the writer was asking the boy whetherC
A.he wanted some sweets from a chain store
B.stealing sweets from a chain store was illegal
C.he was caught while stealing from a chain store
D.the days of stealing sweets from a chain store were over
67.Psychologically speaking,the reason why some youngsters commit crimes is thatB
A.they want to take revenge on society
B.they think it a way of showing their self-respect
C.they are good at imitating the criminals in the films
D.they don't know what they are doing is against the law
68.In dealing with young criminals,the writer is obviously in favor ofA.
A.severe punishment once used in the past
B.showing great concern about our children
C.more patient methods in educating young criminals
D.treating every young criminal as our own child
69.In the writer's opinion,who should be blamed most?D
A.TV and films.B.Young criminals.C.Police.D.Society.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Hi guys!I'm Lucy the Ladybird and while I'm very much of a lady,I'm not actually a bird but a glowing red beetle(甲虫) with decorative black spots.
    I'm a friendly little bug,to be honest,and simply like to be close with my pals as long as they handle me very gently.I don't bite humans but I do sink my teeth into mean beasts like aphids (蚜虫) which,unlike me,are very harmful to all the plants.I milk the aphids just like people do with cows and I milk them dry of all the sap (汁) they have got from your poor plants.I'm a real gardeners'friend and love helping out around the place by pollinating flowers,tidying up plants'fallen leaves and helping to turn them into nice rich fertilizer to feed everything both above and below the soil,and naturally,being so attractive to look at,we are perfect living garden decorations.
   One thing I can not tolerate is all that poisonous pollution from vehicles,garbage burning and other un-environmentally friendly acts that occur in the cities every single minute of the day and night.Pollution of any kind really chokes me to death,so these days,I only live in clean countryside areas,particularly cool ones where it rains and everything grows fresh and green from spring right through to autumn.In winter,when the weather is too cold for me to bear,then I find a nice place to sleep until the snow has gone and I can come back out to play.
   Oh!I almost forgot to tell you that although I am not a bird I do have wings and can fly for short distances.So if you pick me up and let me run up and down your hands and arms,then please don't frighten me by screaming if I suddenly secede to take off!
21.What threatens Lucy the Ladybird most?C
A.Heavy rains.B.Cold weather.C.Air pollution.D.Aphids.
22.From the second paragraph we can learn that Lucy thinksD.
A.ladybirds are the best living things in the garden
B.ladybirds are the most honest living things in the garden
C.the garden is a perfect place for ladybirds to live in
D.ladybirds add beauty to the garden naturally
23.What do we know about the ladybird?A
A.It belongs to the insect family
B.It does harm to all growing plants.
C.It lives on the liquid of plants
D.It can fly a long distance.
24.How many aspects about the ladybirds are talked about in the passage?C
a.its appearance      b.its influence on plants
c.its habitat         d.its food         e.the origin of its name 
A.2          B.3                C.4                D.5.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.When students arrive on campus with their parents,both parties often assume that the college will function in loco parentis(处在父母位置),watching over its young charges,providing assistance when needed.Colleges and universities present themselves as supportive learning communities-as extended families,in a way.And indeed,for many students they become a home away from home.Ideally,the college nurtures(养育)its students,guiding them toward adulthood.
Lifelong friendships are formed,teachers become guides,and the academic experience is enriched by social interaction.For some students,however,the picture is less beautiful.For a significant number,the challenges can become overwhelming(压力过大).
In reality,administrators at American colleges and universities are often forced to focus as much on the new generation of students.Public institutions in particular are often faced with tough choices about which student support services to fund.Private colleges are feeling the pinch(棘手)as well.Although tuition and fees can increase as much as 6.6percent in a single year,as they did in 2007,the high cost of doing business at public and private institutions means that students are not necessarily receiving more support in return for increased tuition and fees.To compound the problem,students may be reluctant to seek help even when they desperately need it.
Just as colleges are sometimes ill equipped to respond to the challenges being posed by today's students,students themselves are sometimes ill equipped to respond to the challenges posed by college life.Although they arrive on campus with high expectations,some students struggle with shyness or perfectionism,learning disabilities or eating disorders•Still others experience failed relationships; some suffer from acute loneliness,or mental illness.
Unfortunately,higher education is sometimes more of an information delivery system than a
responsive,collaborative(合作的)process.We have created cities of youth in which students can pass through unnoticed,their voices rarely heard,and their faces rarely seen.As class size grows in response to budget cuts,it becomes even less likely that troubled students,or even severely disturbed,will be noticed.When they are not,the results can be tragic.
As a teacher of creative writing who has worked with many overwhelmed students,I have found that there are ways to communicate more effectively.Most students have stories they want to share,and students in trouble can be desperate to find someone who will listen to them.Parents,as their children's primary listeners,have a key role to play.Some young people are unable to find their own way out of the dark,and a meaningful dialogue can become a light for them to see by.That is not to say that writing can be used to identify mental illness; rather,I think some of the approaches writing teachers use to enter into a reflective dialogue with students can be adopted by parents and students who want to learn more about each other.Having witnessed what can happen when a student communicates with himself,I believe this kind of responsive,one-on-one communication is more important than ever.Students in creative writing classes may have no idea that they have revealed so much about themselves because,for them,writing is like speaking inside the pages of a journal.In fact,all of us who write reveal more than we imagine.This is one of the reasons why writing,even more than speaking,can provide us with important insights into ourselves and others.
Many of us don't know our students as well as we should,yet it can be easier than we imagine to begin these necessary dialogues.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.Han Meimei's job is great ______salary,but it has its shortcomings.(  )
A.in need ofB.in terms ofC.in favor ofD.in praise of

