精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
Dear Xiaohua,
It is four days since Mother accepted the operation.She is feeling much more better.The doctors told me the operation was successful,but because her old age she had to stay in hospital for other two weeks.The doctors also say it was quite necessary for her to do so.We expect to get a full report in two and three days.Please tell the good news to rest of the family as fast as possible.You needn't come here.I'm able to look after Mother by himself.You'd better send flowers to Mother.She will feel happily.

分析 这是写给小华的一封信;信中主要写了以下内容:让小华转告家里人妈妈的手术很成功;并向其转告了医生的话;并告诉他不用来医院了,只要给妈妈寄些鲜花来,妈妈就会很高兴的.

解答 Dear Xiaohua,
It is four days since Mother accepted the operation.She is feeling much
more better.The doctors told me the operation was successful,but because
∧her old age she had to stay in hospital for other two weeks.The doctors 
also say it was quite necessary for her to do so.We expect to get a full report 
in two and three days.Please tell the good news to∧rest of the family as fast as 
possible.You needn't to come here.I'm able to look after Mother by myself.
You'd better send flowers to Mother.She will feel happily
1.accepted改为received     考查动词词义辨析  动词 receive指(客观上)收到,并不涉及收受者是否接受;动词accept表示主观上接受;由于此处指的是客观上接受了手术,故用receive.
2.去掉more    考查形容词的比较级   由于well的比较级是better,而more本身是many/much的比较级,不能用来修饰比较级;故去掉more.
3.在because后加of     考查固定短语"because of"意为:因为,由于;其后应接单个的单词或短语;而because其后接句子;由于此处because之后为短语her old age,故在because后加of.  
4.other改为another   考查形容词   分析句意可知,此处指的应是:由于她年纪大,所以她不得不在医院再待两个星期;此处指"再一,又一"的意思;故用another.
5.say改为said   考查时态   根据上文可知,这是医生在小会的妈妈做完手术后说的话,应使用一般过去时;故用said.
6.and改为or     考查固定短语  two or three 意为:两三个,几个;此处指的是:在两三天之内;故用or.
7.在rest前加the    考查固定短语    the rest of 意为:其余的;剩下的;这里指家里其余的人;故在rest前加the.  
8.fast改为soon    考查固定短语    as soon as possible:及早,尽快;故用soon.
9.去掉to     考查情态动词    此处need用在了否定句中,意为:需要,所以在本句中它是一个情态动词;故去掉to.    
10.happily改为happy   考查形容词   此处用在连系动词feel之后,应使用形容词形式;故用happy.

点评 短文改错是集语法知识与语言技能为一体的综合性试题,主要考查学生对词汇、语法和语篇三要素的把握能力.错误类型一般有:缺词、多词和错词.常见的错误有:1 词法错误,主要包括动词、名词、冠词、形容词、副词、代词和介词等词类误用、同义词混淆使用、固定搭配等方面.解答此类试题时,需要正确分析句子成分,熟练掌握各词类的用法以及掌握一些固定搭配等.2 常见句法错误.通常表现为简单句、复合句以及疑问句、祈使句、感叹句和强调句等错误.解答此类试题时,需要掌握各类句子的句式结构及意义用法.3 应在理解文章大意的前提下,进行作答.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.On hearing the bell,he ______ the books lying open on the desk,rushed out and ______ into the school cafeteria.(  )
A.leaving; disappearingB.left; disappeared
C.left; disappearingD.leaving; disappeared


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.Since your purpose of going to school is to obtain knowledge,why do you waste so much time playing?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

5.Liu Qian finished writing the composition in such a short time surprised us all.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

12.I got up early,but I shouldn't have done so,because I had no work to do that morning.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.I was always told that the three"P"s,patience,positive thinking and perseverance (毅力),were a sure path(41)tosuccess.But this advice does not always work as planned.My high school maths exam is one example.The exam,(42)whichwas originally to be held in our classroom,(43)was changed(change) to the library at the last minute.This,(44)however,didn't bother me because maths had always been my strongest subject.I patiently walked to the library,took my seat and did some deep breathing to help relax(45)myself.But my mood quickly changed when I saw(46)thefirst qu estion.I had no idea how to do it.I tried to stay positive and persevered(47)until/tillI finally found the solution.With the problem(48)solved(solve),I felt proud of my achievement.(49)Unfortunately(fortunate),I then noticed that I had just 10 minutes left(50)to complete(complete) the rest!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.When you meet people for the first time it's always nice to make eye contact and smile.It's a simplecourtesy and leads to a relaxed conversation.If you tend to be a shy person,this may be somewhat difficult for you.You may tend to look down or away when greeting someone.This can break the conversation right away.
In his book,How to connect in business in 90 seconds or less,Nicholas Boothman offers a really simple solution to the problem.When you meet or greet someone for the first time,just make a mental note of their eye color.This simple technique is amazingly effective.If you are looking for their eye color you'll make eye contact for a second or two.
I have found this works well one by one and is also effective in small groups.It really helps build rapport(密切关系)when giving a speech or presentation as it lets the audience member know that you are paying attention to them.
I speak quite often to groups of 10~20 people in Toastmasters.When I use this technique to make eye contact as I scan the room,I pause just long enough to build rapport with each audience member.
When you first try this you may find yourself saying blue,green,brown,etc in your mind,but you'll find it soon becomes natural and is an easy habit to develop.It's a simple exercise but you'll notice the difference right away.
Try it in you r next small group speech or presentation.Instead of an impersonal gaze over the room,
if you make eye contact,you'll find that you'll build almost instant rapport with your audience.They will pay better attention to what you are saying and it may keep them awake.

32.What is the best title for the passage?C
A.How to connect in business                  
B.Smile and eye.
C.Look me in the eye.
D.How to give a speech.
33.The underlined word"courtesy"in the first paragraph probably meansA.
A.polite behavior        B.bad behavior        C.means       D.way 
34.The underlined word"it"in the fifth paragraph refers toA.
A.speech          B.keeping awake        C.rapport     D.looking for eye color
35.If you make eye contact,you will findB.
A.your audience will pay little attention to what you said 
B.your audience will build instant rapport with you 
C.your audience will be awake and active
D.your audience will admire you for your courage.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Register(注册) in person
Register by phone
Register by mail
1781N.Winchester ST.
Call 264  8833
Use form given
Basic Photography
This is an eight-hour course for beginners who want to learn how to use a 35mm camera.The teacher will cover such areas as kinds of film,light,and lenses(镜头).Bring your own 35mm camera to the class.
Course Charge:﹩150
Jan.10,12,17,19,Tues.& Thurs.6-8p.m.
Marianne Adams is a professional photographer whose photographs appear in many magazines.
Understanding Computers
This twelve-hour course is for people who don't know very much about computers,but who need to learn about them.You will learn what computers are,what they can and can't do,and how to use them.
Course Charge:﹩75
Equipment Charge:﹩10
Joseph Saimders is a professor of computer science at New Urban University.He has over twelve years of experience in the computer field.
Stop Smoking
Do you want to stop smoking?Have you already tried to stop and failed?Now it is the time to stop smoking using the latest methods.You can stop smoking,and this twelve-hour course will help you do it.
Course Charge:﹩30
Dr.John Goode is a practicing psychologist(心理学家)who has helped hundreds of people stop smoking.
This course on weekdays is for those who want to type as well as those who want to improve their typing.You are tested in the first class and practice at one of eight different skill levels.This allows you to learn at your own speed.Each program lasts 20hours.Bring your own paper.
Course Charge:﹩125
Materials Charge:﹩25
Two hours each evening for two weeks.
This course is taught by a number of business education teachers who have successfully taught typing courses before.

62.The word"professional"in this advertisement most probably means"D"
A.spiritual B.journalistC.professorD.experienced
63.The shortest course isA.
A.Basic Photography
B.Understanding Computers
C.Stop Smoking
64.A course which can do something good for your health will costB.
65.There are typing coursesB.
A.on Saturdays and Sundays
B.from Monday to Friday
C.from Monday to Saturday
D.on each day in the week.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.It was the first time ________I ________face to face with the president.(  )
A.when; had communicatedB.that; communicated
C.when; communicatedD.that; had communicated

